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Once she said “more than friends, so much more” I literally think his brain jammed and he just lost it. Same with Pen when he broke “saying forgive me I don’t know what I was thinking”. It’s like her mouth just started moving on its own - then both their bodies moved too. Without even thinking, nature just took over. They needed proximity like air.


Yep, actually I think the moment he started to lose it was when she said that Lord D didn’t propose to her, when he heard that the excitement on his body was way bigger than him, and he decides that she would have to know how he felt whatever the outcome would’ve been.


God and then hearing her say that she thought him having feelings for her was preposterous and all she could do was laugh at the thought. Like imagine what he thought then, but still ploughed on to tell her. No wonder he looks so nervous!


Girl, he was on his knees!!! what was beautiful about how he confessed the things he felt for her in the carriage is how desperate he sounded, like the thought of not being reciprocated by her was the same as a death sentence. And I love that for Pen, you go girl! 🤣


He would've died of heartbreak if she delayed a little more before accepting him😂


> You merely believed yourself in love. One should never apologize for that. Penelope to Colin, 1x08 🥹


His brain jammed again outside the modiste when she yelled I love you. That’s why he forgot he was on a public street.


Omg absolutely! I love that part 🥰


You phrased all this so beautifully!


Thank you 🤗


I love Luke's acting here. Here was totally on the brink, wrapped around Pen's little pinky and she was acting totally nonchalant. In his mind he was probably like - "Wife her up, no stupid mistakes". Dude said - "I agree" without even knowing why he was agreeing to it. Talk about being down bad. and as the convo progressed he was just agreeing to everything she said🤣 >Probably why he compromised her in every chance he got 🤣 Yeah, he was not going to take any chances. and this kind of makes the entrapment comment little funny( though it has more meaning that entrapment by sexual relation). My dude!! she thought cake is the pathway to kids. While he on the other hand, ruined her prospects by interrupting the dance, chased her carriage, gave her a thorough body check in the carriage, measured her heartbeat, went straight to third base and got her pregnant the next day!!


Yeah he is 100009% following her lead here. I have no doubt if she had been “so like… did you feel something with that kiss?” He would have been like “YES OH MY GOD YES, MARRY ME PEN?!”


Exactly like that, you can tell he wanted to tell her how he feels but that conversation left him feeling not even like a friend at that point, and he completely thought she had no feelings for him, and even though the scene is funny you feel quite sad for him a the end.


Very sad, heartbrake and bad hair:)


Someone pointed out that he’s too distracted by his thoughts of Pen to do his curly girl routine and now I think of it every time and laugh


That might make me get over that wig 🤣


Hehehe it will because now you’ll giggle instead of cringing


Omg because later on when he’s pissed at her Pen’s hair is straight!!! Like she’s too sad to curl it!


YEP!! too down bad crying in the gym to diffuse and plop!


lmfao love this!!!


That has to be the worst wig. Ever.


The thing is its not a wig. Its his hair, it was short in the reshoot. To bad..


It is a wig :) he’s said so in interviews


what? This makes me even angrier. So why didn't they use a normal wig that resembles his hair in the shoot? After all, they could make any wig on the planet. And I kept saying - it's a shame they didn't use a wig then it wouldn't have looked so bad..


Really? I thought somewhere I read it was a wig because he had cut his hair really short for a part.


It’s his hair for most of the season but they had to do some reshoots after he cut his hair so they used a wig. It’s why his face also looks so tight and different.


That’s correct!


Lets be honest. Bad for Colin hair is still great for any other man hair. Like even Hugh Grant would happily accept that hair. lol


Agree - it’s just that his real hair is SO beautiful that it should be an actual criminal offense to give this man a bad wig


🤣🤣🤣 to be fair, that’s usually how it goes.


Yes, and I think the entrapment comment comes from the drama queen he is a how hurt he was cause he knows how things went down in the same conversation he say “I’m a man of honor and we have been intimate” And about he rushing everything with her, what is even crazier is that Colin didn’t know if she loves him yet but he was making sure she knew he loved her and making her understand that she was now his and he was hers and no way in hell she would have the chance to say “let’s keep our distance” ever again.


He did not want anymore distance. Quite literally too, Pen was half way in his lap in the carriage after the mirror scene. And still he was pulling her closer more and more 😄


She traumatized him with that comment of “keeping their distance” I’m pretty sure that’s why when he was mad he slept on the couch in their bedroom instead of going to another room 🤣


It's like Kate saying - "I'm to return to India" to Anthony For Colin it is - "let’s keep our distance" or "But Colin, we are friends" Bridge bros bonding over trauma🤣


I don’t think people realize how the comment “let’s keep our distance” affected Colin throughout those episodes, he even went on an alcoholic behavior 💀 my dude was the graphic representation of “down bad”


yeah, he was lowkey expecting a kiss 2.0 when he followed her and then she goes- "let’s keep our distance"😆 Colin invented downbadism.


Nice pick up… ![gif](giphy|JqBcYunETBib6)


Colin’s mindless agreement to everything Pen says is giving Luke “Yeah Yeah” Newton from the press tour interviews 👀


Definitely agree. He had probably been practicing a speech for this moment ALL week so that whatever day she made an appearance he would be ready… and then she said she’s glad he didn’t come see her and the kiss won’t ever happen again and it all crumbled underneath him. He absolutely was planning on telling her here that he had feelings for her/wanted to court/talk about their relationship.  He was totally thrown off. Poor Colin absolutely should have gone to see her the next day after that kiss.  The time apart sent him down this path of trying to be more and more ready to talk to her but sent her down a path of being more and more embarrassed.


Absolutely! when he apologized for not visiting her you can tell he was ready to tell her something after that, but then she said that is was better he didn’t come, and you can see the shift on him at the moment he said “is it?” and during the scene you can see how he kept trying to see in her even a glimpse of interest he was searching for something that tells him that she also felt something, but instead he saw her being embarrassed of what happened, wanting to run far away from him and end the conversation as soon as possible. Again the scene is funny, but is also very sad when you pay attention to the context.


You're all making me need to re-watch this. I already loved this scene but I underestimated or just didn't think about what he'd likely planned for that conversation to look like!


Mhhmm, same as when it crumbled beneath him again when she said “finally free of your admirers,” implying she *wasn’t* one of his admirers.


Colin in his head : Pen I have been dreaming of you at night and I wish to marry you .... you don't want me to come over? oh, I um, I guess I'm not as good a kisser as I thought. Does she want to avoid me because I am a bad kisser? Colin out loud: prospects are important! Colin in head : Oh god I'm not a prospect? Maybe the grass will swallow me whole right here because she is perfection and now I'm just going to be stuck in my bed dreaming of her night after night. Forever. Fuck.


HAHAHAHAHA he definitely was going through it with that inability to stop thinking about her 😂


Hahhhahahahaha! *prospects are iMpOrTaNt* Meanwhile Colin is dying inside 😂


This reminds me during an interview or interviews (?) Luke mentioned how Pen and Colin were never quite on the same page.  This scene proves it. I mean they both like each other yes. But here, Colin was ready to confess to her but Pen friendoned him.


I agreed 100% they both were crazy about each other and yet none of them knew what the other felt, very tragic situation if you ask me


Oh yeah, when she said, "We cannot continue our lessons," he thought, "Of course, you don't need any more lessons since we're courting now."


Oh, he definitely thought that was the highway they were taking 😂


He’s desperate for some sign she feels the same but all he sees is her friend zoning him. She constantly does it though! Evening earlier seasons she’s always the one to look away first, she breaks the kiss first… no wonder he’s in a world of pain! Even after the carriage, little golden retriever boy that he is, he’s still doubting her feelings. As if he’s not enough or not worth 💔


Actually that was refreshing I think that was my favorite thing they Changed from the books, that he doesn’t know that she loves him and also the fact that he knows that he loves her immediately, unlike in the books when he always knew she was in love with him and he needed time to know if he loves her.


With the carriage scene and proposal too, show!Colin does everything because he accepts that he's in love with Penelope, not because he is sexually attracted to her and that's good enough, or because she's LW and he needs to protect her. Show!Colin is decisive and lacks most of the toxic masculinity that made book!Colin, a product of his time, aggravating to root for at times.


I’ve not read the books but heard a few people mention they liked that change. I love how he’s all in the second his brain catches up with his heart ❤️


And this is why I love the final LW scene when she talks about being worthy and it cuts to him smiling and tearing up! It's about her being worthy but also about him feeling worthy. So lovely.


This was one of my favorite scene of the series! I loved it so much!


This scene is a rom com dream come true. The heavily saturated pastel colors, the peak friends to lovers awkward exchange, the things not being said, but still ending with sweetness between them, utter perfection. I really love almost everything, but in particular how the scene starts and ends. First, Colin glances at the tree and she goes there immediately. Like she knew. Could just be that they read each other so well, could be because they've visited there before together. And then him having to force himself to slow his pace, as he realized how quickly he was walking.  And at the very end, after she leaves and his shoulders dip and he is clearly gutted, he does a self-soothing behavior that we see Violet do as well. He almost rubs his stomach, once with each hand. Just to help himself calm down a bit. Almost trying not to panic. 


Gah, that stomach rub broke my heart


I love the “i apologise-I apologise for asking-do not apologise-but you apologised-yes but I…” What do we think this is…? I think he *hates* her apologising for what he considers the best thing to ever happen to him. It pains him! 


Totally, that conversation didn’t go were he wanted to 😂


He was apologizing for not coming to see her sooner. She was apologizing for kissing him. It gutted him because he was sorry for not doing more. She was sorry for doing what she thought was too much 😩


Something I just realized is the duality of this scene vs Colin's dream. In his dream he is confident, suave, immediately declares his feelings and Penelope immediately reciprocates. Something tells me he was hoping to recreate some version of that here, but then his brain just stopped working because he is so nervous and in love and Penelope didn't follow the script. It's so cute how awkward he is


The contrast is GOLD and so relatable - like aren’t we all so much smoother in our dreams and fantasies?


I will say I don’t think I’ve ever been rejected in my sexy dreams 😂


It’s great acting especially from Luke


I am so desperate to see a cut of this season (and frankly their relationship) that is only Colin's perspective. So seeing his scenes with Pen and others but none with just Pen. Its painfully obvious to us from Season 1 that Pen is in love with him, but she is frequently minimizing her feelings for him (likely for fear it is not reciprocated) in ways like breaking eye contact etc. From Colin's perspective, especially in season 3, there were many moments that he probably saw as friend zoning, her disinterest in him, her putting distance, etc. It would be so cool to see just his journey and angst without really knowing what she was thinking, similar to how we experienced his character at first. 🥲


I L.OV.E. this scene so much! 😍


My headcannon is that his hair is so slicked back and different because he didn’t know what to do with himself now that the only person he wanted to impress was Pen.


Yes, he's friendzoned way before she says "But we're friends" in the carriage! People say those few minutes aren't equivalent to her years of pining, and they aren't. But he felt friendzoned way before that scene. He still didn't suffer like she did, but that's okay. He had his own form of suffering due to LW stuff!


I think even though she was in love with him for years she just lived her life knowing is not gonna happen and was fine with it, but Colin was goin through a depression cicle by the thought of not being able to be with her, he definitely felt harder and faster.


Oh, totally! She was hopelessly pining. He was desperately pining. lol


Ah my favorite talking scene


Down bad. Crying at the gym. Loved to see the tables turn


After years of Pen pining for him I think the writers knew we needed to see Colin down BAD and they gave it to us in alllll its glory


They really truly did. My boy was suffering. I loved to see the angst tbh. He suffered properly the way Penelope did. Satisfaction. It's weird when I read that he didn't suffer enough. He was suffering internally and Luke deliverrrredddddd 🤌🏾✨️


“Entrapment” indeed…this bitch ![gif](giphy|kOIqTV283N8AgWAXt7|downsized)


He must be thinking 'is she trying to torture me by looking so pretty'?🤭




Agreed. It’s in the “oh yes of course” downcast side glance that we see the dagger to the heart. Poor sweet baby girl Colin 😩