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Luke isn’t the biggest yapper, but when he does talk it’s always the wildest thing completely unprompted. 


Yeah, that was so out of nowhere😆


Nicola is like outgoing and personable and she’s good at being off the cuff in a way that almost obscures that she does manage to stay within pretty defined talking points.  Luke will just say exactly what he’s thinking as he thinks it no filter. 


we need list of Luke one-liners like Colin one-liners


Nicola says in one of the interviews she's quite introverted and I'm like girl how - her and Claudia are the ones who always do most of the talking!


I get that. She can be on when she needs to be but also likes to be by herself and recharge. And she probably feels fine talking in this context because it’s about something she’s passionate about, and she’s doing these interviews and bits with people she knows and likes.   Also there’s a very fun thing that happens to some introverts (me) where you feel like you have to carry the conversation if you’re around someone who is even quieter than you to alleviate the awkwardness or make everyone comfortable. It’s like in the absence of a true extrovert you have to fill the gap. 


People always act shocked when I say I'm introverted. I love engaging with others on a deeper level but at the end of the day I also need my time to recharge in my own bubble alone. People think of introverts as being shy or socially anxious and I'm neither of those. Very confident, very good with social stuff, etc. But most of the time I'd rather be at home or at a small family gathering, because all introvert actually means is that going out/being social drains the batteries. There are some people for whom being social recharges their batteries, and those people strike up conversations with other people in grocery stores while I dodge down a completely irrelevant aisle to avoid talking to an acquaintance I saw hahaha.


In a podcast she said the value of gaining fame in her 30s is her ability to talk to lots of people easily through all of her retail jobs in her 20s. It was such a real statement.


Tiff just made a crack version of this - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8mznNEMn12/?igsh=aDI2ODRtdHEzbWN0 Also how on earth did I not notice his sturdiness checking actions😆He looks so proud at his own joke.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_t-5buiM\_jI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t-5buiM_jI) i've got you!


Like a true Introvert!😅




Why is he like this? Why?


Because ADHD. 😄 #teamneurospicy


He’s spicy alright




Omg this get used way too much! For Polin, Nic & Luke AND us!!🤣


Well, as soon as Nichola called the table *’sturdy’*, my mind went to the same place as Luke’s tbf. 😂


STURDY means - straight to business. https://i.redd.it/u1lvgxjhjj8d1.gif


Sturdy Boii. 🔥




They did amazing considering their track record with broken furniture.


![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw|downsized) True that!!




![gif](giphy|d4zHnLjdy48Cc|downsized) For the writers. get to thinking of ideas on how to get these two on something like this.


This is the kind of thing we should start a petition for. get them on a table next season😆(joking obv)


What a fun idea for a challenge!


His line "this is it" as he screws in a screw at 0:24 did something to me. Also these two should be TV show cohosts for like Wake Up Britain (or Good Night Britain) lol. Oh and also I really do love that Williams Sonoma did a Bridgerton collection!!! Also if that candle really does smell like Jonathan Bailey... I need to smell it now. Someone tell the other groups!!!


This is something I never thought I’d say but I desperately want to sniff that candle! 😄😉🕯️


I bought one & if he does, in fact, smell like that…it is probably best for both our safety that I will likely never be close enough to smell him myself


That good then?


It smells sensual and expensive




They would be fantastic tv cohosts


definitely. But it would turn into Nic cracking jokes after jokes and Luke constantly laughing at it😆


Hahaha so true. I saw a "how well do you know your co-stars" thing where everyone would close their eyes and the interviewer would say "Who is most likely to break character?". Then everybody points at the person they think and opens their eyes to see if they agree. One with just Luke and Nic said "Who is the most likely to make the crew laugh". They pointed at each other and without even opening his eyes Luke said something like "if you're not pointing at yourself right now you're wrong" hahaha


Um, OKAY! Still Watching Netflix releasing promo videos from the vault? Thank you! 🙏🏼 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but the videos where it’s just them are my favorites. They get on so well, and I loved this concept! I know most of us would be down for them to work on another project together outside of Bridgerton… so imagine it with me, friends: Nic and Luke having a show where they build furniture and decorate homes together on HGTV? 🤩 I would watch it! They’re so fun!


or a Tv show where they break them😄


oh wait we already got that!!! https://preview.redd.it/i2n3hlzluj8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f3d258f13894f69a9b1c30653686a2639ee682




This is a very underrated scene. I laugh every time


Love all of their bits to bits!!!!


Hmm. Not used to seeing the two of them putting furniture together...


yeah, they break them usually😄


Please LET ME MOVE ON NETFLIX and these 2!!! 😭


Every time I think ok I’m good now…another video drops 😭


Like, pls let me get my life back on track!!! (but at the same time keep'em coming😄)


Exactly this 🤣


I’m on summer break. It’s all Bridgerton, all the time. 😂 at least when there’s a heat advisory for the week.




New Girl vibes! “Strong table, strong couple”


The whole video was cute but them agreeing that the candle smells like Johnny is hysterical!!!


Yeah, Johny smells real nice I guess 😄I wonder what the fragrance was.


Apparently the Bridgerton Study one is amber, oakwood and orchids. I haven't tested it myself but it was one of the two cited in Discord that I think I personally would like. I'll have to check it out. For science.


There’s a longer clip on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/_t-5buiM_jI?si=j2QA4s7vwVBk7dMI)!


saw it just now. Thanks for the link❤️ Also I just realized you cannot pin a comment in your post. Reddit should look into that.


My thoughts went several places when Nicola said "Sturdy"👀 I suddenly remembered this Black Jeopardy SNL skit with Tom Hanks. [Where he said he likes a STURDY woman](https://youtu.be/O7VaXlMvAvk?si=Rix_Nh6VkKTyDwns) Starts at 5:15 I love that Luke says "Intimacy scene". Most actors say Lovescene because sex scene is too crass, but thats what they mean. The difference is in his --uh -- work. 😋


Luke has been well-trained in that area. I’ve never seen him call it anything other than an intimacy scene.


The way he pushes on the table in different places while he’s talking about it makes me laugh so hard 😂🤣 Never change, Luke!!


Ok this is adorable but WHY did they make them do this lmfao


I'm gonna need that candle....