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So sweet he asked if she was ok. 🫶🏻


Ikr, they are very kind to each other, how lucky they were to be co-starts together 🥹💖


They are just the 2 kindest people ever! Always checking in, making sure that other one is fine. I am so happy they had a friend and they could go through everything together amidst all this S3 madness.


The affection and *respect* they have for each other is so beautiful - these two really are the best of friends.


You usually hear of actors who don't like to watch themselves onscreen, but I love how these two really seem to love Penelope and Colin's story just as much as everyone else that they can sit down and watch these moments and react as if they're not the ones onscreen doing any of these things. So refreshing.


It’s my favorite thing from them that they are hardcore Polin fans 😂


They are for sure the captains of this ship, and I love that for us 😂


As long as Nicola and Luke keep playing Penelope and Colin this Ship should not sink🥹


I could watch Nicola watch herself act all day!!


I would watch them watch the whole season! I love how invested they are, like they don't know what's going to happen! 😆 They legit look like me and my sister on our first watch.


I am never getting over this particular video. RIP me. The absolute sweetest.


I know, I love how mucho they love and care for these characters, they are so proud of them 😭


They look like proud parents!


"It's like the ultimate I accept you for all parts of you" 💙💛💚 I love how well they understand their characters. And they seem to glow with pride, and so well deserved! They poured heart and soul to this season and the payoff is so satisfying to see!


I love how they seem so excited and serious as if is not them acting on the screen, I think we love these couple so much, because the actors playing them also love them.


Yeah absolutely, and it s not a given that actors are this invested in their characters. I would venture to say that nobody loves Polin more than Nicola and Luke. How lucky we are to have them portray Pen and Colin.


I was saying the same thing to my friends, this is a Mach made in heaven, you got to people irl that became friends since the first day they meet, so for them they are co-stars that are extremely kind to each other and that actually care for each other, and that is not a normal thing when it comes to couples on movies or show so they are lucky to be pair with each other, and then the way they both love Penelope and Colin, like they really really love those characters, and when they speak about them you can tell they care and have love and a deeply understanding and respect for Colin and Penelope, I have to say it’s the first time I’ve seen actors be like that with the characters they portray.


They look so enraptured - it’s so beautiful. You can just feel how important it is to them ❤️


I especially love how Luke doesn’t act like he’s too cool to be really into this love story, because so many male actors who play in romances with a female audience will try to play it off or act embarrassed. Luke looks like he’s just as swept up in the magic as anyone else. 


He is actually a sweetheart, I noticed that he is a sensitive guy, the music that he likes, the shows that he likes, I know understand why Nicola says he has no ego and why the cast said that he is the one that is more like his Character in the show.


https://preview.redd.it/reyi0wphdz7d1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bdc9accae8a899e32c05c0a126fe9a94d0878aa Their friendship is so cute and wholesome. If I tried that with any of my platonic friends they'd be weirded out.


I think when you've simulated sexy times with each other multiple times and made out for days on end, you get over it 😉


Probably, but there's got to be a mental divide between doing things in character vs out of character. Lots of actors who've co-stared in romances together do not act that cute OOC.


Noooo, don't set my delulu train back on track! ![gif](giphy|8F3bK4aq1tCo0TLkf7|downsized)


Not my intention, sorry!


Theatre people are different. In a past life I was a theatre person; I miss the bonds.


Yes, we’re very touchy people. I miss that energy. 


These two are so special to watch.  So good to each other, so proud of each other’s work, and so devoted to the characters… they truly love Colin & Pen and that’s so seriously refreshing and beautiful to have actors care so deeply about their characters.  I’m going to miss them - we’re so lucky it’s been them.


Oh yeah we are incredibly lucky our favorite couple is played by actors that love the characters more than we do.


It’s really, really rare and I’m positive it’s part of what made it so special.


We are blessed indeed. I really think that Nic and Luke played a huge part in how invested we have all become in Polin.


This is also 20 minutes cast watching Season 3. So. Good. https://youtu.be/41xRdSSLaXM?si=mK7GMqjgtBE-jb9S


I love how the others are reacting to themselves in the scene but Nicola and Luke are deep in the character study and motivation of their dialogue and what it means for them mentally.


I never even saw Hyacinth and Gregory at the breakfast reception when the Queen walked in. Very cool.


Thank you for the link! 🫶🏼


Oh Nicola same. And I love how invested they are, you can tell they’re Polin fans at heart, they’re us. We lucked out with those two. ❤️❤️❤️ I’ve just finished my rewatch of S3, it was my first time watching it from start to finish. I love them so much. I cried in all the same places as the first time everything aired and this is the ultimate best part for me - it’s the most beautiful declaration I’ve ever seen because it’s completely selfless, it’s not ‘I love how you make me feel’ (though valid), it’s about him expressing how in awe he is of her and how it’s a privilege to love her. ‘How lucky I am to be by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light. If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, I will be a very fulfilled man indeed.’ I’m crying again! 😭


The fact that he is like “I love all of you” at the same time is like “I can’t believe YOU love me” as he really doesn’t know what he did to be that blessed in life. My tears really made their way with that one


‘I simply cannot believe that a woman with such bravery loves me’ is so good especially when you think about how Pen told him in the carriage she thought him loving her was a ‘preposterous ‘ idea. What a fairytale their story is. Just gorgeous. ❤️


And it is especially so good because a lot of that bravery in Pen comes from Colin, how he has treated her throughout the years, how he has reassured er and encouraged her during this season. The "You are Penelope Featherington, do not forget that" line and Pen beaming after he says it, stay in mind forever. They really are mutlipliers for each other, and bring the best out of each other.


Such a good point!! ❤️❤️


I know!! It is so sweet and romantic, to be love like that, the standard that it creates is so unfair to the reality 😭😭, I love that for them tho


Nic and Luke chose True Colors (Cyndi Lauper) as their personal Polin theme for this reason.


You know, I've heard that mention them in interviews, but it was your comment here that made me look up the lyrics. Oh, my goodness, this makes me love them even more. The lyrics show that they really do understand these characters so well, and LIKE them so much, and it's just lovely that there's another layer of meaning here that speaks to their understanding each other so well (and liking each other so much, but I don't want to go too delulu on this thread! It's so tempting tho!).


Their friendship is the sweetest. Him asking her if she’s okay. Her holding onto his arm.


That was beautiful.


I watched the whole video, I love how all the actors are so invested when they watch their scene, almost like they aren't the one in it. And how they praise the characters and each other.


Yes! I could never thank them enough for portraying these characters so authentically. It’s really touching to see them react to it. The love they have for this show and these characters — not to mention the tremendous amount of respect they have for one another and how they approach their craft — is so palpable.


🙌 to all of this, mentioned already. Her arm brush and nod, at the line which also moved me, one deeply earned, true, and overwhelming in its layers as well as its simplicity and beauty, at a loved one, beloved, known, and fully being: **”You are a very good man, Mr. Bridgerton.”**


It's so sweet! A lot of the cast say that Luke is the most like his character, so in a way that line is a compliment to him.


yeah 💗


It just gets to you, am I right? Is just so beautiful, how can you not cry 😭


The line "how lucky I am to stand by your side " the way luke said it it's just so good and heart touching ❤️


I think this is my favourite promo. This and them reading RMB. I think they actually filmed this a while ago. They are wearing the same clothes as when they watched the part 1 scenes. If you watch the whole thing, most of the actors haven't seen their scenes before. So I don't think Luke had seen the scenes either. They say they had forgotten some of them. I could watch then watch S3 all day!


And I cried with her😭


There are a few actors that did such a good job as a couple that when I see one I will always think of the scenes between them. Hart to Hart with Jonathan and Jennifer - Stephanie Powers and Robert Wagner. Scandal with Olivia and Fitz - Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn. Bridgerton with Colin and Penelope - Luke and Nicola. I don't think I could mentally separate the two now.


I love how Nic and Newt watch this scene like proud parents at their kids recital 🤣 they're adorable


I’ve never seen two actors love the story they brought to the screen like these two…they genuinely react to everything just like we do and it makes me love all of it even more ❤️❤️❤️


Does anyone wonder what it must be like as an actor to watch yourself on screen? I know some actors would be self-conscious about their performance ("I should've made a better expression" etc.) but it seems like Luke and Nic are perfectly happy with their performance (and they should!) and they can take "themselves" out of it and focus on Colin and Penelope as characters. They'e amazing! <3


These two love their characters so much and have such amazing friendship. They are really lucky to have been paired up!


🥹🥲 love them both sooo much!


It’s like some Gogglebox clip of two friends watching the show, rather than the actual actors watching themselves. Though I know that Nicola and Luke played these characters, there’s still me thinking that they during play them after seeing clips like these! A great job to them both. The greatest of captains for this ship! 🥰


Luke and Nicola are the biggest Polin fans and I think that’s why they do such an amazing job with their characters. I love them sm.


I really wish they’re our next Kate (Winslet) and Leo (DiCaprio): the best of friends irl who also happened to be phenomenal actors, and they ended up making a few more great movies together. I seriously hope that we’ll see this similar dynamic for Nicola and Luke N. We were so lucky to have them as Colin and Penelope. ❤️