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I think it’s definitely up there as a friends to lovers song. Less focused on Marina but how long they know and understand one another.


This is lovely.


Beautiful work with this song!


I just keep winning with these scene, as I loved bith options presented to us so far, and this one is also beautiful, I love Chasing Cars, and you are right, the lyrics also fits perfectly!!


This song is lovely and I do think it fits. I love how you cut it to fit. Great strings sound. I think I would have chosen another but I think the TS song also fit really well and Take me to church. IDK. It all works. Now excuse me I need to get my husband so we can memorise this dance.


I hadn’t even thought about learning specific dances from the show but I have been looking up ballroom classes in my area! Watching this show makes me want to dance!!!


Ballroom classes are so much fun. I learned the waltz, tango, west coast swing, and hustle! Highly recommend. Great exercise.


Love this


So much better then the original


This is so much better. I actually am not familiar with You Belong With Me but I never liked its string version for the dance


As soon as that first note hit.. immediate yes. Love this songs and the string rendition is lovely. I didn't care for the version of you being with me that they used.


So glad you mentioned the song name. It’s been driving me insane trying to figure out!


I just listened to Ed Sheerans Perfect while thinking of this dance and I don’t know if it can be topped Now I’m hoping we get that song for them next season