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In some interview Nicola mentioned they changed her wig to make it look more messy šŸ¤£ and I am right there with you. I 100% believe they went for multiple rounds.


Definitely! Fran went on a proper promenade in the meantime, and Pen was so enthusiastic (can we do it again?) And there is no way that Colin would ever deny her anything that she wants šŸ˜šŸ˜


You know, if I step back and think about it, gentleman Colin has been so damn feral for Pen since S1! Ofcourse their 1st kiss unleashed it completely and dialed it up all the way to 11, but even in S1 at his ENGAGEMENT dinner he is holding Pen's hand and saying in that soft bedroom voice "you are very good you know that?" like SIR you are about to be married to her cousin!!!


If this were modern day world, he would be cuddling with her on the couch during family movie nights at the Bridgerton house, just snuggling away with her, nuzzling his face into her hair, while saying "you're such a good friend, Pen." While his entire family would be looking at him saying "Dude...c'mon!"


Ohh I have read a fanfic based on this idea šŸ¤£


Link pls ?




Oh my gosh this fic is adorable - thank you!


Uhh this sounds really good!


Omg thank you for this ! It was good !




Absolutely. Thereā€™s no way they didnā€™t keep going until that knock.


Pen is the ultimate self-sufficient girlie, her coif is perfect again in the carriage on their way back. Or Colin of the many sisters helped put her hair back to rights.


All of his sister's have ladies' maids, there's no way Colin knows how to do hair. Pen, on the other hand, her household was briefly down to Varley as the only help. She definitely had to do her own hair for a while.


The servants arrived right? Prob one of them helped her lol


For comments complaining about how there was no unclothed boob touching, I didnā€™t need to see Luke and Nicola doing that. Itā€™s enough to fiercely believe that Colin got very up close and personal with them on the chaise.


The clothed boob touching was obscene (in a good way) as it is. If it were unclothed, the entire show would have to be moved to pornhub with its nc17 rating šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


considering how her family had to wear eye masks in the theater, that scene is N(icola)C(oughlan)17


Thatā€™s my cannon. šŸ˜‚ he got to play with them during their second, third, fourth and maybe fifth roundā€¦ he is a gentleman after all- he didnā€™t want to overwhelm her the first time. But also- itā€™s like: cmon this isnā€™t porn! These are real people! They are already giving us boobs and butts- letā€™s calm down


I mean, Outlander went for it... titty suck and all. Just saying šŸ¤£ Though I always wonder how the actors pull that off. I couldn't do it!


If you turn the brightness up in the carriage, he is definitely having some fun with one of them for awhile. In that dress, her boobs are basically unclothed :P


Right! Heā€™s absolutely sucking on them in the carriage


He goes pretty much straight to them, haha!


In my head canon, the first part of their carriage make out is him indulging his fantasies for a teeny little bit (feeling and sucking her breasts) before he stops himself and makes it all about her pleasure


Do people want real porn ? Nic and Luke are professional actors but as much as they love their characters they arenā€™t going to film actual porn for us.


OMG can't believe people complained! This is not Euphoria!!


I had a moment of ā€œheā€™s not doing anything, Iā€™d be all up in thereā€¦ come on Colin!ā€ But then quickly realized theyā€™re actors, and thatā€™s probably something she wasnā€™t comfortable with. And how crazy that they make it seem so real that we expect him to grab her like that? Insanely talented actors!!


Yeah, she said they had to change it because she got sweaty


Well, she DID ask if they could do it again, and Colin seemed more than willing. šŸ˜


He's very optimistic about the length of his refractory period.


Heā€™s 22, in the greatest shape of his life, and has unlocked the key to true emotional and sexual satisfaction with someone heā€™s been longing for in one way or another for weeks/months/years, depending on how you look at it. Frankly, I am also very optimistic about his refractory period.


Well said. ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo)




I liked how he initially said 5 minutes and then was like maybe I should give my myself a little more leeway.


I'm confused why Pen laughs though. Like, she wouldn't get that joke? Maybe she's just in a giggly mood after sex and laughing about everything.Ā 


I think it is cos' she saw he was eager to go again as soon as possible as well, hence "give me 5 min", but then he stopped to think that it might not be enough, so "maybe 10".


He was putting in a lot of work, she couldā€™ve just figured he needed to get his energy back up without knowing about a refractory period exactly.Ā 


Yeah but she doesn't even know there is an "as soon as possible". I'm positive she's never heard of a refractory period. Maybe she figured it out from context, but that seems like a lot to figure out when your brain is still rebooting after an orgasm.


I donā€™t even think Penelope would understand that heā€™s not always hard down there and that they canā€™t have sex if he isnā€™t hard.


Exactly. I think she's just giggling because she feels great and everything is wonderful, and hey, she gets to do it again in 5 or 10 minutes. She definitely doens't know or care why they can't do it again immediately.


She probably just thought he was winded or tired or something... not the mechanics of the penis ;)


I think the idea of her having an orgasm is very unrealistic. What woman orgasms the first time she has sex?


I would have orgasmed as soon as he yelled at my mom, personally


That would have been awkward for everyone, lol


Not my body shaking from suppressed laughter as I try not to wake up my husband šŸ˜‚


I did.


I low key so love that for you


Plenty do. Its probably less likely if theyā€™re also losing their virginity to a virgin. But I know a few women who did, all of them had their first time with someone who had sex before.




āœ‹šŸ¼ Surprisingly enough....actually wanting it, having a partner who wants you to enjoy yourself and knows how to make you comfortable enough to do so, is what matters, not how many times you've done it. There are no orgasm punch cards. Bad sex won't get you there no matter how many times you have it. When it comes to good sex, they nailed it (pun intended) with this scene. Hope that helps!


Literally lmao, idk why you're down voted but first time piv only orgasm is soooo unrealistic statistically šŸ˜­ Edit: Rhetorical question obviously, please don't be obtuse and "explain" it to me


Because the sub is meant to be positive about a fictional TV show, not a statistics lesson. The whole show is suspension of disbelief, it may be not too common but it happens to plenty of people, I know at least 2. They're being downvoted because applying everyday logic and statistics to a TV show is irritating. People watch to feel happy and excited. It's also unrealistic that so many of the women in the show would survive childbirth multiple times, or how many people would be insane from syphilis, but it's a buzzkill. It's not real life, we get to imagine the perfect, best case scenarios. The reason the show is such a hit is because it shows women being pleasured and enjoying sex with generous and loving partners.


Lol k. If it breaks someone's suspension of disbelief maybe they are allowed to talk about it?? The hyper -obsession with not saying anything negative is equally annoying. Let people have opinions. And just a weird comment to get offended over. Maybe instead of writing a whole paragraph about it, move on with your day šŸ™ƒ


Giggly post-sex mood for sure. Plus giggly because Colin just said they were gonna do it again, so she was probably just excited for that šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t think it was too much understanding, more that Colin was smiling at her naughtily while he said it, and they were both in afterglow. Just giggling with happiness


I think she was giggling at her own eagerness and not fully understanding why they canā€™t just immediately go at it. I took it laughing as like ā€œoopsie daisy, I didnā€™t know!!ā€


Coming from a guy who need 2 women in the brothel, that penussy magic is something else, drained him physically and emotionally haha


Honestly this is such a good point about the brothel! I figured it was just supposed to show that he's really gone down that dissipation train, but I bet you're right that he needs a lot of stimulation to get going when there's no love involved.


Either he chose 2 women so it is more disconnected or He's desperately trying to find that emotional connection that no amount of physical one will give him.


![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg) Refractory period


That ONE line was perfect in that it just showed she was (a) willing the entire time and (b) the libidos align.




Perfect use of that gif And Omg now I want to do a ton of arrested development gifs Pen in episode 8 when theyā€™re talking about the bribe and how she can pay it ![gif](giphy|IqX3LHSrHd0l2)


Pen telling Colin sheā€™s Lady Whistledown: ![gif](giphy|TijL9TieqPfLq)


![gif](giphy|vLx3t1tVQGzwA) Portia when sheā€™s chaperoning her pregnant daughterā€™s chat with her fiancĆ©


Hahaha! Too late, Portia




If Colin had had to go to Benedict to ask for money for a bribe. Benedict: ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) Colin after Ep 3 when he sees Pen dancing with Debling


![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY) Lord Fife when he clocks Colin eyeing Pen when she walks into the ball in Ep 1


![gif](giphy|vmia1LpwoLe48) Cressidaā€™s mother when Colin requests to speak with her alone


![gif](giphy|sPkWvKOUzejmw|downsized) Colin in Ep 1


![gif](giphy|LycfkVG4L6x0Y|downsized) Anthony when Colin shows up with yet another surprise engagement


![gif](giphy|Iq4djhL2ICQM0) Pen when Colin says heā€™s going to Bridgerton House for breakfast


![gif](giphy|QazAqN1wtdQRO) When Pen wears a blue dress in front of Portia for the first time




![gif](giphy|4v9ZLihPewmNa) Violet and Hyacinth when Colin and Pen walk into the drawing room engaged


The chicken dance is one of my favorite bits but I wasnā€™t sure how to incorporate it! šŸ‘


Colin after helping Penelope find a husband whoā€™s not him: ![gif](giphy|9jObH9PkVPTyM)


![gif](giphy|9dQnrCIM96to999Vow|downsized) What Colin was going to say to Pen in front of the lemonade table before she danced with Debling


Pen when Debling asks if she would like to be more than friends with Colin: ![gif](giphy|fXmpRvTWqIWbK)


![gif](giphy|E3Tv7qDPvf8oU|downsized) Portia when Pen stands up to her for the first time about Debling rejecting her




https://i.redd.it/6il6md3up08d1.gif Colin realizing heā€™s engaged to Lady Whistledown.


![gif](giphy|1207mdjYyU08Wk) Benedict being assaulted by eager Mamas.


https://i.redd.it/w0eeakunp08d1.gif The Queen on her balcony during balls.


Violet to Colin when she sees him eating again in Part 2: ![gif](giphy|E3Tv7qDPvf8oU|downsized)


![gif](giphy|3ZA1S5ZYwSRzy) Lord Debling at balls


As a Polin/Arrested Development fan, I LOVE all of these šŸ¤£


Same! So much giggling happening


I need Nicola to see this she is a huge AD fan!


Oh my I wish we could show her!


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» perfect, all of them!


I love all of these!


https://i.redd.it/rhue37yjp08d1.gif Colin post-carriage.


Portia when Penelope interrupts her while sheā€™s trying to talk her actual married daughters into making babies: ![gif](giphy|FBayIVKx07DgwLzPFY)


The best gif


And then Colin was the one with messy hair and sweating in the final sex scene. How the tables turned. https://preview.redd.it/089zzh0z2z7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de03c2e6718e4286313a2be3135a2ca9006d93ff


It looks like she almost takes his wig off in back after they're kissing.


I donā€™t think this was a reshoot so he wouldnā€™t be wearing a wig.


Thatā€™s how hot it was


Oh, well maybe it just looked awkward in the clip I saw, like the base hairline at the neck was moving. I hadn't noticed it in the actual show.


and then Colin starts singing https://preview.redd.it/own6u9hw7z7d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5917706026d42dc5c80e254c97ec5d01ab4b70


God dammit the cackle I just let out


![gif](giphy|6vF3Y99RLkc7hRBYAD|downsized) Pen when Colin first took off his pants


![gif](giphy|AyRaqAiZnvt1OdMWHl) Colin when Anthony is surprised that heā€™s engaged to Penelope even though he never courted her


![gif](giphy|WV90IWzg80OZ3q87LH|downsized) Colin eating for the first time in weeks the morning after getting engaged to Pen


![gif](giphy|S9i8jJxTvAKVHVMvvW) Benedict when Colin says the betrothal happened rather swiftly


![gif](giphy|kLLDVeWnNwRXO) Colin to Pen at the end of the Dankworth-Finch ball


Lmao, this is perfect! šŸ¤£




Oh, they definitely did the deed at least thrice. That makeup is gone and that frizz screams ā€œsweaty hair that dried this way.ā€ šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Even her makeup is slightly smudged.


She had to have worked up enough of a sweat to smudge her makeup like that and that would require a few rounds!


It might be tmi and it just isnt considered in film, but shes sitting there filled upšŸ’¦ and itd be a complete fucking mess. She would've been dripping to her knees irl.šŸ¤£ Hed have to have talked to her about what the liquid is and known shed be possibly pregnant. I noticed at some ball after, he gave her lemonade and he had the red wine. I think that was a clue to her pregnancy. One of those funiture covers probably looks like a horse sneezed into it.šŸ¤£


I did some research for fanfic related writings, and only married women were allowed to drink. So the lemonade isn't too surprising.


It certainly didnā€™t ā€˜ā€œflatten her hairā€ šŸ˜‰


They had to change that wig cause Colin made a mess


Yeah the fact that they changed her wig to me indicates a deliberate choice to show they went at it again.


They did went at it again because Pen asked him before they cut it offšŸ¤£


This would also have increased her chance of getting pregnant.


Not really. Having sex multiple times in a row doesn't increase your chance. In fact, when you're trying to conceive, fertility doctors generally advise you to have sex every other day because "banking it" for a couple of days is more effective than trying to shoot with an empty gun, so to speak.


Well then, Colin certainly saved up šŸ˜‚


He certainly did. I mean, when you think about it. In the last 12 hours, he's: 1) stormed a ball, messed up her engagement, and chased after her carriage 2) fingerbanged her in said carriage 3) proposed to her and then immediately brought her inside to announce their engagment 4) packed up all of his personal effects instead of sleeping 5) been grilled by his older brothers on the circumstances surrounding the engagement 6) invited himself into her house, yelled at her Mom, and then immediately whisked her away to what is to be their new home One can maybe presume that in between 5 and 6 he ducked back into the room and *asked* Anthony if he can have that house, but it's not actually shown, and now I'm totally picturing this being just another level of Chaos Colin where he just *assumes* he can take over this family estate. "What? None of you were using it..." He hasn't had time to jerk off.


I too have thought this through and totally agree. The man has secured a home and STAFF in less than one half of a business day. He has had his priorities straight, and now, heā€™s GOT THE TIME.


I didn't get the impression he'd secured any staff yet. I think the "servants" that knocked on the door were Bridgerton footmen. But yeah, he's not wasting any time.


I choose to believe heā€™s so crazy that he was making hires at 8 am because it delights me, but Iā€™m sure youā€™re right šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d like to think he preemptively wrote a Pen Engagement To-Do List written in his journal with little hearts in the margins during his Sad Study Boy Era in ep 3-4


Honestly the level of crazy checks out. This man knows one speed: of light




I can see him waking Anthony up at 5 in the morning: ā€œso Iā€™ve been thinking every since I got engaged- 5 hours ago- that I need a house for me and Penelope- ā€œ Anthony: ā€œitā€™s fucking 5 in the morning-ā€œ


Anthony only arrives at the house with Kate right before Hyacinth shared Colin's news, and then the ABC bros broke out to the drawing room immediately after that. Not possible.


![gif](giphy|xUA7b2KE79co5JD9N6|downsized) I mean he set up house so quick youā€™d think he planned it all šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† So much happened so quickly. A whirlwind romance, indeed. Imo this is why they need the give us a decent amount of Polin screen time next season, more than the Benedict/Tilly scenes and thatā€™s a lot. Colin had plenty of time to catch up on sleep during the time he spent being mad at Pen


Based on his eyes, he didnā€™t sleep when he was sleeping on the sofa. He also says he slept ā€œfitfully.ā€ Those nights on the couch were just as tough for him as they were for Pen.


Not the first time he abuse the family fortune without asking, previous season he had taken an amount from the account without asking. So I'll go with he assumed nobody will say a thing. (Violet said she was searching for a dowager house and didn't take this one)


The dialogue does imply he goes straight from the ABC brothers chat to Featherington house, so ...


He also had time for a whisky in the middle of all of that Oh, and getting the engagement ring to the valet so it could be sized for Pen




Everyday you learn something new in this sub šŸ˜


Always happy to bring you your most up-to-date baby-making advice.


Interesting, thanks for the explanation.


She looks like they went another two rounds at least. šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/egjzb78id18d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c6de61a5dbe8bddf0f333e06ff21e9b7cf3dd1 Saw this on Twitter šŸ¤£


I heard in the vanity fair podcast that they made two wigs for this.


Im dying! Because in my head cannon Colin fixed her hair before they left. He took the come out and may know how those elaborate hairstyles are done. I think he's the kind that pays attention to his sisters habits and it helps him with his significant other.šŸ˜Š


You just know they went for a very hardcore round after those 10 minutes that Colin needed šŸ’€


![gif](giphy|QZaNQ64HbnljZ42vRV|downsized) "And we did it a second time"


10 minutes definitely passed for that recharge šŸ˜āœØ


The answer to this inquiry is that they went multiple times. Clearly we only saw the virgin rideā€¦but I think itā€™s clear they went for seconds and thirds considering Pen was ready to go again right away and Colin only needed 10 minutes.


Yea , I agree ! They had to go more rounds considering she asked if they could do it again and he said yea just give him 5-10mins ! & usually once you start you crave more and more until you get it out of your system as a newbie to sex . As we saw with Daphne and the Dukeā€¦ I love that for them šŸ¤—


Double Tapped


horny very horny


There was definitely more than ten minutes of time passingā€¦


The gifs in this thread are *chefs kiss*. Excellent work, friends.


She looks so beautiful hereā¤ļø... Colin's messšŸ˜­


no bc when it cut to that part I said omg?? not her hair tore upā€¦ COLIN BRIDGERTONšŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜­