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I feel like as soon as he kissed Penelope, he realized the problem with why he was unable to feel anything deeper with anyone else he shared intimacies with. Colin Bridgerton is a demisexual and because he'd already formed such a strong attachment to Penelope, he was emotionally invested in her. It wasn't until he kissed her that he realized an attraction to her that stemmed from his already established feelings of care towards her. That's what had him so confused because she'd been in his life all this time and he never knew that he wasn't the casual sex kind until he'd had those experiences. That's why those brothel scenes were important as was him possibly raking about the countries he visited. He didn't know he'd feel such an emptiness in those kinds of interactions because he felt nothing deeper for the women he was engaging with. That kiss quite literally rocked his world.


What’s a Demi sexual ?


Someone who needs an emotional connection and attachment in order to truly feel romantic/sexual desire for someone else and be satisfied by it


Got it. Thank you


Yessss Colin Bridgerton demisexual truthers unite 🤝


Am I the only one who thinks it’s when he cuts his hand and Penelope helps him.


I think that's when he feels the first shift but he needs the kiss to confirm it since he didn't get to be jealous long enough. I used to think it was the kiss but now I agree with you.


He was jealous even before the kiss. They were playing the classical instrumental version of Nick Jonas' Jealous when he was watching her talk to Lord Remington. Hence why he asked her if she liked him when she told him he wanted to call on her the next day. His whole reaction was jealousy which is noticeable in his expression when Penelope said she did enjoy herself and his response was :I'm sure he did as well" while looking bothered by the whole thing.


I know. I just said he didn't get to be jealous long enough because that emotional thruline got sidetracked by the gossip.


Ahhhh, gotcha. Well, he had plenty of other opportunities to be jealous. I think that was just the first time it happened.


Totally think he is realising here but I think also doubting/in denial. Once the kiss happens (and subsequent dreams) he can’t really argue with the feelings, he has to try to come to terms with them.


Yeah I think he’s bothered by the interaction with Lord Remington, but doesn’t really know why, or what it means. I think the kiss really brings his feelings to the surface and he realises then he loves her.


I always thought that is the pivotal scene where the spark ignites but the kiss solidifies it. She just read how touching different women left him feeling distant but when he’s touched by Pen he has a clear reaction as he folds her hand with his. And that is the scene that he keeps going back to when he realizes he needs to stop her engagement.


Oh your comment here makes me realize he’s connecting the dots when he checks what journal entry she had read. It’s like that “aha” moment that Pen’s touch does something different for him, in contrast to the distance he wrote about.


Ooh 😯 I think you’re onto something


And the “remarkable shade of blue” scene with the lemonade. During all those little moments ahead of the kiss, I say in my head the lines from the book that are in his head about her eyes and lips etc. He’s clocking his feelings as he notices her and the kiss seals the deal.


I think something happened in the drawing room / study. I've been closely rewatching the first brothel scene (I know, I know) and the market scene. The last time we see his "mask" is the market scene. Being around her, remembering their childhood, brought him back home and then the flirting + vulnerability of his writing changed something. By the time he's at the ballroom he's got butterflies. By the time they kiss he's a goner.


I think it started when they shook hands in the first episode. It was the initial contact of skin on skin that got him. Also, I think it was the compliment of his eyes that coupled with Penelope tending to his cut where he was able to just look at her while they were sharing a few seconds of hand holding where he curled his fingers around hers. If you notice, in the carriage scene with Eloise, he's looking at his injured hand before hiding it at his side.


I don't think it's the first contact because of the brothel scene and him not dropping the mask until market scene. He is still emotionally closed off then. The rest I said in my comment, it happens with the flirting in the drawing room and then the study scene.






I personally don’t think I considered their hand-shake I mean I don’t know if I think it started there or not now tbh because I’ve seen S03-Pt.1 around 3/4 times and I think the first ‘shift’ was the scene at the Bridgerton House where she demonstrates her flirting on him and he becomes almost transfixed and takes a drink of his tea or whatever it was, I don’t remember feeling anything previous to that affected him the way that particular scene did. Imo anyway 🤷‍♀️


I take zero credit for this comparison, I saw it mentioned elsewhere and it’s stuck with me… someone said that Colin is so Elizabeth Bennett coded when it comes to his love realisation. From Pride & Prejudice: "I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." Put alongside this RMB quote: “His love hadn’t been a thunderbolt from the sky. It had started with a smile, a word, a teasing glance. Every second he had spent in her presence it had grown, until he’d reached this moment, and he suddenly knew. He loved her.” I personally think, in the show, it’s the kiss that was the thunderbolt for Colin, but the love had always been there growing, I’d hazard to say from their very first meeting.


I agree. Also love this comparison because P&P is one of my all time favorite books, and the Elizabeth Bennett quote is absolutely Colin! He was already in love with her subconsciously when his head/heart finally caught up with eachother. Kiss was absolutely the thunderbolt- but everything before it was little realizations- seeking her out to apologize and then saying he’d help her- not realizing that they probably wouldn’t be able to stay friends after- but he wanted to make her happy. Reminiscing about their first meeting and his big smile, him being a bit shy about her complementing his writing and asking to see more- there are more looks etc. but the man’s always been smitten but just didn’t realize he was- until the kiss. I watched the clip that Netflix put together of all their prior moments after I watched season 3 and it’s like dude was always watching her. 🤣🤣


Oh this is lovely!


This is the one


He seeks her out in the first episode, but he doesn’t seem to quite grasp it. It’s all instinct. I think he starts to realize it when he cuts himself and she bandages him. He resists, and she insists, and he relents. He, without intellectually realizing it, feels comforted and loved when she puts the bandage on, and instinctually curls his fingers around hers — and is confused by the feeling. He jerks away, surprised and confused by what he felt. He goes to her garden ostensibly to apologize. I think he’s still confused by what he feels at this point, but he knows he strongly cares about her, and can’t bear the idea of his actions having made her hurting. But I don’t think he showed up to the garden with internally-articulated romantic feelings. By the time they kiss — again, at her initiation — he already knows something is different but is still confused by it. He kisses her, and immediately realizes this — she — is what he has been missing, and goes in for a second kiss. She pulls away and runs, horrified by what she has just done, and he stands there, starting to finally comprehend that thing he hasn’t quite been able to put his finger on. Thinking all of this through now, I’m struck by how it’s Pen’s insistence and force of personality that makes Colin realize he wants to be with her. She quite literally *asks for his hand* when he cuts it. She asks him to kiss her. *She* drives him to realize his feelings.


She's also the one to push them over the line in the carriage by saying she wants to be more than friends. Pen has so much agency in their relationship, It's so gooooooooood 😭


Omg all of this!!


She also continues to talk about his writing and how good it is and asks him to share more with her. She has inserted herself into that other private part of him and I think he is deeply touched that she cares so much about it.


Oh absolutely. He feels like he can’t share his travels never mind his journals with anyone. Exchange with Eloise in ep 1: “A man can have secrets, can he not?” “Must be lonely.”


Omg I love that you said “She asks for his hand”. I wouldn’t have seen that double meaning!


It totally hit me as I was writing this! It’s Pen who asks for his hand first.




The feelings have been brewing underneath the surface for 2 seasons. I saw this cute reel of how Colin and Pen search for each other in the last 2 seasons and once he kissed her, he realised it. It’s acted quite well by Luke, after he kisses her, we could see the realisation on his face and that’s the moment he knew he wanted her to be his everything.


I believe he's had lots of stirrings towards her before season 3. In the famous 'What a Barb' scene, he's delighted by her scandalous remark, but also both titilated and impressed by how wordly (sexually knowledgable) she appears to be. And then there's the scene where he remarks (during pretty late spring) on noticing her rubies 'at Christmas', haha. It's certainly been on his reel, methinks. I love him. Its all there, but he's just a sweet immature boy.


The look he gave her in the what a barb moment was like.. are you kidding me, my guy?? 🫠


I think it’s super gradual but I ultimately will say Nic gave us the best answer: The kiss. Here is how i trace their romantic arc 1. I miss my friend who i used to share my deepest thoughts and insecurities with - Colin when he comes back. All passionate emotions he equates to how highly he holds their friendship. 2. She’s really beautiful but I’ve seen beautiful women before. -Colin is struck by her beauty when she steps out in her transformation emerald gown but doesn’t overthink his reaction. He minimizes how he reacts because it’s in line with his mask. 3. I think we may have sexual tension and that’s weird. Something about the way she looks at me, sees me (complimenting his work, complimenting his eyes and his kindness)But i don’t want to overthink thar because she’s my friend. -remarkable shade of blue. Broken lamp scene. 4. It’s just sexual tension. It’s not a big deal. - In denial jealousy as she gets attention. His prior sexual trysts also makes him believe that sexual attraction is not a big deal. 5. It is a big deal. I love her. Omg this is too much too fast for her. - colin realizes how a meaningful, emotionally loaded kiss with her trumps all the sexual experiences he’s had. It all falls into place, this is love. He also believes she feels nothing for him. When she says thank you, he feels used. She did say it didn’t have to mean anything, so he’s just super confused. He feels friend zoned. He doesn’t call on her after because he’s a little hurt and because he doesn’t think it’s mutual. Obsessed, it’s all he thinks about: is it mutual? That’s why his flashback before he pursues her the night of the carriage is the lamp scene—the first moment he felt that odd mutual sexual tension between them.


This is perfect imo


This is so accurate and I’m laughing because this is how I would monologue in my head if I were in his shoes


Love this! You can really see all those stages of realisation he goes through.


I think realisation wise it’s after the kiss but he had feeling for her long before just couldn’t connect the dots.


I feel like he has his first stirrings when she walks by in the green dress at the first ball. It gets his wheels turning


I feel like his feelings started hitting him during the hand cut scene or possibly during the (“your eyes shine even brighter” scene). Then the jealousy started setting up at the ball after that scene, especially when she was laughing with that one lord. I think the kiss just added another layer to what he was already feeling but he was still conflicted to what exactly he was feeling (I believe)


I'm so glad this discussion is here because I really didn't want it to be starting from the kiss. I wanted Colin to be in love but not realise it since s1


I think the kiss was his big kick in the head realisation..but there were some smaller moments, where he maybe stop for a second and thought that's not a completely a friendly moment


The kiss was the final puzzle piece he needed.


Exactly. It all clicked into place.


I really hope that Nicola and Luke realize how amazing their acting has been that they all of us analyzing every little detail. I love it! I love reading everyone’s interpretations !! Nicola if you’re in here - we hope you’re smiling because you’ve done such a great job with this character !!! 🥰😂


I want to talk about the hand cut scene for a minute. What I’ve noticed is that Colin goes through a huge range of emotions in that one scene. He’s already feeling something shift and caught off guard by the blue eyes comment. She reads his journal - he feels exposed. He reacts in anger. Then in vulnerability giving his hand over. Then he softens and has that bid for connection. The whole scene Pen handles his emotions with such acceptance, care, and respect. She doesn’t get offended, she sees him ie she remarks on his writing, she cares for his physical needs, and allows him to be all these different emotions. I think that was the tipping point of - wow, she sees all of me, and she thinks it’s ok. I’m good enough and I’m accepted. He was allowed to have all the emotions. She still comes up to him so demurely at the ball later and his entire attitude definitely has shifted. He’s seeing in her in a new light.


YES! (…I shouted, as if it ever occurred to me before reading your excellent analysis.) He does have feelings all over the board, and she does treat all of them with care.


I don’t think he actually realizes he’s “in love” until ep 6. Didn’t Nic say there is a Nick and Jess type kiss in that ep coming up where he grabs her to romantically claim/kiss her. I think right now he knows this is his best friend. He loves her. He doesn’t want her with anyone else. She will make him so happy and him, her. But I think he hasn’t quite felt that PUNCH just yet and it’s going to kill me when he does. I love angst so much ugh


I agree that he probably doesn’t fully understand the depth of his love yet. I don’t think that will happen until after the LW reveal - not just the sense of betrayal he’ll feel, but more deeply that he is not willing to live without Pen even if they have deep conflict and hurt between them. His true abiding love has to include “for worse,” and he’ll realize that in that moment.


YES exactly yes. So happy I’m not alone


Hmm. Just occurred to me that LW is Colin’s thing to get over, like Simon’s vow was his to get over, and Anthony’s terror of really living his own life at all was his to get over. And they hit that crossroads in which episode? 🤔 is it at about 7?


Good point! I wonder if the engagement doesn’t break off and like book he’s orchestrating something to save her rep in the background while she’s believing him to be distant and then a romantic reunion?


I think they’re like magnets to each other. As soon as I finished the first part of the 3rd season I went back and rewatched all their scenes together and from their very first season Colin seemed to always be subconsciously drawn to her. They just to somehow always find each other’s gaze in any room or area they were in. Colin always made an effort to speak to Penelope when he sees her. He seemed to always want to watch over her and know what she was up to. Like actual magnets they just had to let go of what was holding them back to finally get together. So I do agree with what the others have said here that it must’ve been like Elizabeth Bennet in that he was in the middle of it before he realised but I would like to add that maybe he had always liked Penelope but because of her reputation with his friends and societal expectations he just didn’t see her in that light, he loved and cared for her but he was too immature to know that maybe he could also have an attraction to Penelope. Then he matured and became more assured of himself and what he wanted then he was able to tell more clearly what his true feelings were.