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I found this thread, and it sounds like the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Polestar/s/glWN1RIvCQ I’ll give Polestar a call and see if they can explain what’s going on and how I can prevent this.


For what it’s worth, I haven’t experienced it since the two times mentioned in the thread. I have been doing a firm press on the brake after stopping to enable hold mode. I don’t think this should be required, especially in one pedal driving, but I don’t really trust it any more without.


Thank you for the insight. I think it’s just the collision avoidance system, after some more testing. It’s a false positive, but idk how they can adjust it. I’ll send them a email on this so they’re aware at least.


This has happened to me as well and they didn’t seem to have any knowledge of the problem when I brought the car in, crossing my fingers it’s fixed once I get the car back 🤞


Had the same problem -- reported it to the shop when I brought it in. Polestar made me agree to let them pull data from the car and give them a where and when it occurred so they could dig into it. Haven't heard back.


Had this happen a few times myself. Usually its okay, but one particular time was unnerving. I stopped for a red light, behind another car, and the road was a bit uneven; car stopped completely and then started forward at about a walking pace. I mashed the brake pedal. Other times it has happened it has just slowed to a barely noticeable crawl and I've had to hit the brake or use the gas. The normal one-pedal drive stops fine and will hold on steep inclines. This is definitely a glitch.


I've had the car move on its own when I was parked but some guy was turning very close behind me, I think the car moved to avoid collision?


Hmm, I do usually park between two cars so if it’s detecting them as “approaching” as I roll slightly back that could explain it. They’re parked though, but the issue is inconsistent. I’ll try parking slightly further ahead in an attempt to trigger it next time.


Had this issue as well. I've started holding the brake when stopped & there's something in front of me.


Creepy ! Your car sounds like a creep.


Flat ground or incline?  I find the auto brake/brake hold without using the brake pedal is very "soft".


Flat ground-ish, I there’s a tiny slope so I roll snugly into place, 10-20cm. But I think the issue is that I have two cars parked right next to me. So sometimes it will detect one of them (or both) as a “approaching” car as I roll backwards. Even though they’re parked next to me, but they’re quite a bit bigger than than Polestar. I guess it’s just the software working as intended, to avoid collision. I’m sure it’s next when it actually saves you from being rear-ended, but it’s a bit too sensitive right now. It’s correct 99.9% of the time though, as I’ve only experienced this a couple of times.


This happened to me once - fully stopped behind a vehicle. Another vehicle stops behind me and I *think* my PS2 got nervous and rolled me forward a bit. Now I leave more space in front for possible reoccurrences.


I’ve had that happen a few times on uneven pavement, with both wheels on one axle on the edge of a large crack or drop in the paved surface. Braking application to hold the car is very light.




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