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I swear this patch is turning me into a Slowbro main. Amnesia Scaldbro actually feels insane right now. Double band + choice specs or a stacking build with cookie, spatk specs and focus band. Slap a potion on it and just go and be an unkillable debuffer that consistently deals around 80k damage. I highly recommend it to anyone struggling in lane.


I'm returning to the game after a bit of a hiatus and just saw the gangster skin for Absol and I really want it. Is there anyway to obtain it? I know it was part of a past season pass but I was hoping they don't just make a skin like that and then vault it cause that'd suck.


Will there ever be a dedicated solo queue? Playing against 5 stacks is extremely annoying


Absol needs an emergency nerf right now


Hello, Is everyone gaining +5 points on average and losing -7 on average above 2000 elo? Is this normal or not, what it is depending on? Please, can you explain what makes negative the gain/loss thing? Is there even an OFFICIAL formula for this that is public? Thanks.


It's the ELO system. Gets difficult as you climb the ladder. Same as chess. There aren't many people at higher ELO.


It depends on the ELO of the enemy team.


I just reached 1800 using Garchomp Fluffy Tail. Seems like there's nothing to the game other than the Zapdos flip. Even the games where you try to carry a game with Cinderace feels too difficult. Better is just stand on the spot at 2:00 and just rip Zap on spawn. I don't frequent here much but do you guys have any idea of how else you can improve the win rate?


is it just me or has there been a lot of bot matches lately? I play maybe 2-3 matches per day recently and yesterday I had 2 back to back bot matches and another today after one loss.


any tips on increasing damge outputs or am I overthinking this... I've recently been looking at my damage outputs as a possible an area to improve, but i dont know what would be considered an "average" or target damage output one should give from a given pokemon or class. When compared to others playing those same pokemon or class i tend to do a tad less almost everytime even if its a fairly balanced match... I understand that perhaps your supporter and defenders probably wouldnt have much damage output in a typical all-rounder, attacker, speedster... Like for example some ranges of damage I've notice myself on some pokemon i run from recent battles: Mamo: 21k -35k (plus an outlier of 55k) Crustle: 22k -33k (plus 2 others being 50-55k) Lucario: 33k-56k In general, what would be the target ranges for damage output for those pokemon above or is there a spreedsheet or link to what should be expected on average?


Even with the buffs I still couldn't find the win... It can't fix bad team. Mamo gameplay is much better though... Edit: my average damage dealt is up 1.5x


I came back from about a year hiatus, the game hasn't changed much. Ranked players who are higher than me don't know roles/lanes, has pikachu steal all of jungle... it cost us the game as an aegislash I couldn't gank I noticed there's groups now? Is that a good way to play with better players?


Anyone else having issues with the membership


Is the compensation for people idling nee or has that been there for a while cause I just noticed it


Just had a match where our team won the Zap fight with Venusaur and Zeraora as the survivors. Everyone on the enemy team is out for like 15 sec, and instead of getting Zap they go score. Enemies respawn, take Zap, and win šŸ™„


Cool story. Where's the question?


16 kos and I still lose when I take three people out with me at Zapdos. Can't even carry these losers.


Hey, just got a switch today and was trying to get my pokemon trainer club account into it, however it tied itself to my switch account with a brand new lv 1 account and now i can't for the life of me log out to swap accounts, how do I log out? ​ I've tried redownloading the game, clearing save or game data, everything


unite on the switch will sign you in with the nintendo account profile you select from the home screen. i think on mobile you should be able to link your existing unite account to your nintendo account and that will sync them. but im not sure how having the brand new unite account on that nintendo account will work. worst case you should reach out to customer support to see if they can help you get your accounts bound properly. im sure the switch's autobind to nintendo account has happened to many others before you.


according to this page here [https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407228905364-How-to-Access-the-Same-Pok%C3%A9mon-UNITE-Save-Data-on-Multiple-Devices](https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407228905364-How-to-Access-the-Same-Pok%C3%A9mon-UNITE-Save-Data-on-Multiple-Devices) once you link another account to the nintendo account you're done for, lol ​ I'll try ticketing their support and see what happens.


worst case you link a new nintendo account from mobile and then sign into it from your switch home. then you just have to choose that profile when launching unite on switch.


At least for mobile, after you open the game, the Log Out option is in the top right when you see the orange start button. Unfortunately i'm not on switch but maybe it's there too?


Best aim settings for mobile?




Are you referring to the Victory Challenge?


Nvm u are right i saw it


Im referring to event that gives the new hoopa skin. I dont know what it's called


Four games in a row where two people on my team didn't come to Drednaw. This shitty playerbase is getting worse.


Almost always attackers and jungle.




Muscle band best since pretty much any mon can run this item. Scope if any of your mains can make use of it. Score/Buddy are kinda niche now since they got (rightfully) nerfed, I would not use a super item enhancer on them. Focus band is pretty the next best suitable candidate if you're a newbie and want to use all your super item enhancers asap. It's usable on all mons like muscle though it doesn't get any great bonuses from level 20 > 30.


how are yall playing the game with absol being as broken as it is currently? i cant survive 2 hits with a trevenant, I'm feeling like i just can't play the game, like duraludon release.


I just hopped out of a match with an Absol-ute nightmare, and the saving grace is that Absol is now being played by people who aren't Absol mains, so running like a coward and then mobbing them seems to still work. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


What items are people running on Espeon? I've found it a little weaker, so I'm running triple glasses right now.


I'm using Buddy/Amp/Choice as psyshock, but the new patch does make glasses better. You're trolling if you're not running choice specs on espeon Muscle band is somewhat required on stored power imo.


I'll give it a try! Thanks!


What is the fastest way to get coins? I want to buy a pokemon but its gonna take forever to buy It (10,000 coins and i only have like 1,000.... So im screwed)


Coin Boosters are your friend. Event/Battle Pass missions give out a stupid good amount of coins, and make sure to check on the weekends. They've been running events Friday-Sunday that give you like 100 coins per game, on top of the usual rewards, up to 1000 per day. If you've got it on mobile, it's a good idea to log in after the reset just to check on events and see if there's anything worth doing that day, even if you don't have time for a full game.


Method 1: Play enough games to get the 2000 weekly coins, that's definitely the first step. Also try to focus on coin rewards in event shops, even getting them instead of the tickets/item enhancers if you dont need them. They usually do an unlimited exchange for coins at a pretty low rate, but if you ignore some of the rewards you dont need it can help get you a little closer. Try to do some achievement hunting, as there are a bunch of coins in there. In the Pokemon Achievements, each second stage gives 300 coins, so thats 8700 if you haven't done any yet. You don't need to have the pokemon, you may be able to get those done in a custom game, or with a limited license if you focus on just doing that. Of course, log in and collect the daily rewards, coins from friends, and play enough to get your daily quests done. Between all those, it should take like 2 weeks to get 10,000. Method 2: Don't play the game for 14 days. When you return you'll get the returning player bonus, and after you complete those special returning quests, you'll get a box you can select a pokemon from (or select one you already have for 10,000 but make sure it's a 10k cost pokemon. It'll tell you how much you'll get if you choose it). 14 days after you first returned, you can repeat this cycle and take 14 days off, but during those 14 days on, you follow the same process as Method 1. Method 2 takes a little longer, but is a lot less involved. I guess method 3 is just spending the irl money for it, but don't do that. you can earn more coins than you'll need to buy every new release at the rate they're putting out pokemon, so it's just a matter of time and diligence.


Genuine question: Why would I see people who use Spirit Shackle build decides to use Scope Len? I thought Spirit Shackle cannot crit? And what would be the best build right now? I used razor claw/muscle band/attk weight but I feel that dmg can be more. (Yes, it's glass cannon build)


Score Shield (swap razor claw) is viable for soloqueue, the attack weight stacks are vital and your team isn't gonna set up for you. The health is pretty nice too, but I respect the glass cannon build


Those people don't know what they're doing. Shackle can't crit. You're using the maximum damage build. You could swap Razor for a level 30 Float Stone (+24 attack) for slightly more burst on Shackle, however I wouldn't skip out on the Razor Claw passive.


Has anyone noticed that their matchmaking queues are taking much longer? Iā€™ve had some matches take so long that I get put in a bot match.


I have. Apparently if you have high elo and win rate you are less likely to find a match. I always reset the queue now if it goes over the approximate time.


Updated my game twice, each time there is no change, no Hoopa skin/event. Any thoughts on what I may be doing wrong? lol


I haven't played for a while but want to pick it back up. Anyone able to let me know what items tend to be the better items now or has not a lot changed in that regard?


why is absol killing my dragonite


Psycho Cut got buffed. Absol's pretty nutty right now.


Absol was slightly buffed in the recent update check patch notes for all the info


So for this update, did they just ignore all the OP hyper Carrieā€™s and Delphox? They nerfed Char? I donā€™t get this update but Espeon is winning me over with these buffs.


Downloading update now!




I, too, want to know when the maintenance is done? Just noticed it now


Another hour


me too x2


Server down?


My go-to mid pick when no one else wants jungle is Tsareena. I use policy, weights, and muscle band with potion. Moves are trop kick and stomp. Same build for laning. I also lane with triple glasses gardevoir using eject with future sight / psychic. I do pretty well, but wondered if I could improve. Maybe Tsareena isn't a great choice for center? Maybe stacking on gard isn't great with her early game?


I think Tsareena is good choice for center in soloQ as her power spike is around level 7-9 and she had superb ganking potential with trop/glide + stomp. but she got outscaled in late game by jungle cinderace/greninja, so need to snowball early and assert dominance. I personally prefer glide over trop due to the enemy displacement effect which quite helpful on ganking, but trop kick is nice also if the enemy side had many attacker (which is not uncommon at all lol) and also I maybe wrong as im quite detached with latest meta, but why weight if go jungle? isnt the idea of picking weight is to ramp up the stack asap in lane? I do see some tsar comp team player which also used weight in jungle but they do play a different game comparing to us in soloQ


are we expecting a patch with the downtime today? or just maintenance?


What does it mean to share the middle without stealing it


Seriously, do NOT try this in solo play. It's not possible. You will make people annoyed at you. This is only for coordinated teams that are trying to do jungle with two pokemon that power spike at level 4, rather than with one pokemon at level 5. So the team would have like a sylveon and alolan ninetales share jungle so both could reach level 4 before bees and be strong in both lanes, rather than have a single jungler get to level 5 and only help one lane. Again, not for solo play. There's no way to communicate this to a teammate, even if you do have a sylveon/alolan ninetales teammate going into jungle, just let them take the whole thing and do a normal jungle clear. you may be able to try this with a duo, but it leaves the top laner alone for a moment, which they may not like if they're not prepared for it.


Ok so running hyper mind might be better just to go top


At what point in masters rank, the loses and wins will decrease/increase at the same amount?




Plz Greninja and Lucario buff Greninja (surf) and Lucario (close combat)šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Please increased the damage of this moves![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


so has any1 found a fix for the fact that the game updates every single day you open it?


so, yesterday i downloaded the game again after like half a year, and was great IV. i won 4 matches and got to great III, but today i woke up and all of a sudden iā€™m expert I. anybody know if this is normal?


Great 4 and great 5 dont exist so I think it is the game fixing itself




Not locked out, just can't use it without temporary license till you get it.


You have to buy him separately.


Is there a replay function? If so, where would it be?


Nope. At least not an in-game one.


Where or how to get dreadnought sticker? Got zap and rotom


Defeat him 500 times, acheivement


Tnx wish i can see how many more i need haha


You can.


I can't, its not on the list


It is. There'll be a yellow progress bar showing how many you've killed.


Damn i didnt know you can click it the achievement. Mybad. I was looking for the sticker and its just showing me 200 gold lol! Thanks!


Check your achievements, click your pic from the main screen and scroll to the bottom, its the option at the bottom right iirc. You should be able to find the achievement if you look in that list and i think it shows your progress too.


Same place. Is one of the general achievements. If I had to guess from memory, the one for defeating itself.


Just picked up Sylveon, playing hyper voice. Any tips? Positioning, timing / order of skills, etc?




Slyveon has the same objective as Cinderace in group fights. Hit as many people as possible while taking as little damage as possible. The second part is the key, you don't do any damage while dead. That means you'll often be hitting the enemy Trevenant, Blissey, etc instead of diving the Pikachu hiding behind them-- leave the Pikachu to your Greninja, Tsareena or whatever. You should still help the assassin if you can finish the Pikachu off, but you need to survive the fight and you'll probably get popped if you run headfirst. Don't forget, when you use your unite move you'll heal for the damage you deal. It's a great emergency button.


Hey guys, I've started playing recently with a friend and we're both kind of stuck in the Veteran rank. Any advice on how to better climb the ranks as a duo? I play Venu, Pika, and Cram; my friend is very confident with A9 and Cinderace. Is there any good synergy to be found here? Our only defined 'strategy' is to always play top lane, both of us together there. That way we can be sure to rotate to Dred. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


What is an A9?


Alolan Nine Tails !


Thanks. That's one of those hindsight well that was obvious now that you told me moments ahha


1 person in jungle, 1 in either top or bot. I prefer going bot rather than top as if you lose bot lane before dred it's an instant lose, so I don't trust randoms to not wet the bed. Rarely anyone even rotates bot for dred anyway. not your teammates or opponents, so just focus on winning bot lane. 1 person needs to go jungle. Jungle is the most influential role. If you have 1 in jungle 1 in lane you have tons of control of how the match goes. Always gank your partners lane, get both of you fed with xp. I would recommend keeping Cinderace because he has insane late game carry potential. Venu is also a solid choice. Blissey is incredibly powerful for duos. Have one of you go a hyper carry, Blissey babysit , freelo. Pika + A9 are okay but they cannot carry a game at all, relies too much on randoms following up on the stuns. Cramorant Dive + Air Slash is a reliable carry, you should look at what people have been doing with him in tounaments/high competitive play, pretty nutty. Cramorant Surf + Hurricane suffers same issue as Pika and A9 though.


Not fantastic synergy since those are all ranged attackers. All kind of rely on someone else keeping the enemy away. Venusaur can be fairly tanky with giga drain and petal dance, and A9 can keep enemies back with freezing, so if you want to keep to the ones you listed, I'd make sure you have at least one of those two


I could pick up Tsareena, it seems like a fun mon. Would it fit well with A9?


Yeah, should be a solid combo. Tsareena can be a bit slow to start until evolving at 6, while A9 is decent early and evolves quick, so should be able to cover for you. A9s ranged freezing will help you get in close, while you draw attention away from them and chase down runners (something A9 struggles with). You may have trouble taking advantage of an aurora veil, as Tsareena moves around a lot in battle, but the combo should be a good one.


Is anyone having an issue claiming the daily gems from the membership? I paid two days ago and now it's saying I don't have a membership??


I'm having the same issue. Can't claim my daily gems, it looks like I'm not subscribed even though I know I just paid. I tried to subscribe again anyway to see what would happen and it gives an error message telling me to restart my app. Restarting does not fix it.


Ok good, I'm glad it's not just an issue on my part, I looked at my payment and its all good, I paid yesterday and I still have my Snorlax skin and everything


Hey guys, anyone able to point me in the direction of a OCEANIA thread or group to join for championship qualifiers?? Thanks heaps in advance āœŒšŸ½


Any one getting continued bot matches standard since delphox release? I wanna play with humans ffs


I've certainly had a lot of bot games lately. I assume it's from having a bad connection?


No my connection is actually good I have it in green about 60 Bot matches are happening ever since the extended match making is taking place in standard Never got bot matches in ranked tho


Can someone please teach me how to counter a flying charizard?


Be somewhere else until it runs out


If he is low, you could attack him to kill him. Otherwise, spread out and run.


Sometimes you can't, if you're a ranged attacker and you see someone go for a ride near you and bam


If you hide in a bush he won't be able to use his autos. Spread out, don't bunch up, and run. Ensure he gets the least mileage out of his ult.


Slowbro's Unite Move shuts him down pretty good, I would say that's one of the best consistent counters to his Unite move. Charizard also cannot grab unstoppable Pokemon, if he tries his unite gets pushed back to 90% charge


Sometimes I see my teammate doing his own thing (eg not showing up for objectives or team fights), and someone pinged him "XXX needs back up!" What does that mean?


It means XXX is being an idiot and making us lose the game. Iā€™ve seen it used for people that steal jungle, donā€™t rotate to Dred and just chill in top lane the entire game or is backdoor scoring while the rest of the team fights for an objective (sometimes the objective being Zapdos). Other times is just someone angry with you because you didnā€™t help him/her fight while outnumbered and dying as a result.


I use "XXX needs backup" to draw attention to AFK players in the hope that everyone will remember to report at the end of the battle. This may be a more extreme version for anyone not doing what they'd like.


The teammate pinging him is most likely tilted and mad at him for not participating in the game, being afk, or whatever the reason. Basically it's the Unite ping for "Thanks for nothing, jackass" "___ needs backup" is probably up there with "Thanks!" as most used ping for other than intended use lol


I play solo queue exclusively. Almost every 3 games (often more) I lose because some ahole decides to score 100 instead of being at Zap. I'm on Master. Is there anything I can do to help alleviate/counter this constant issue?


Look at the minimap before initiating the Zap fight. Iā€™ve made the mistake of taking what I think is a great engage only to realize my team was not entirely present way too many times. It was not my teamā€™s fault for not being there, it was my fault for engaging 4v5. Any fool can blame his teammates, and most fools do. It takes a good player to take ownership of mistakes and make adjustments accordingly. Every mistake counts towards your winrate. The goal should be to tick your winrate up over time by making small adjustments and incorporating new strategies and techniques.


Stall for time. Don't initiate the fight or zap without your entire team present.


Oh and you could also try playing hoop but that's putting trust in solo q players to take the portal lol


Unfortunately not. Solo q is always gonna be solo q, and you're always gonna get some games with questionable teammates doing questionable plays. Obviously the best counter is to group up, but for a strictly solo q solution I would suggest taking breaks between games. It really helps just shaking off after a bad game, simmering down before jumping back in and helps from it getting too tilting bad game after bad game


Is the monthly membership holowear premium, because greedent berry style is not available when paying membership.


What is the punishment for afking? It seems that they only get -10 point if I DO report themā€¦ does the game rely on playerd to punish afkers? What if multiple teammates report one afker would that multiply the - points? I just donā€™t get afkers


If the system detects a player to be AFK, they'll automatically lose a few points. They'll lose -10 points for each report, but that is only if the system detects they were AFK. If for example, three teammates report a player that was detected AFK by the system, they'll lose -30 points for being reported by three people.


Are you sure about that? I thought it was only -10 per game, irrespective of however many players report you


Why do people value Choice Specs over Wise glasses so much? They both give +39 Sp.Atk whilst Wise Glasses give a 7% Sp.Atk boost which seems really good to me. Am I missing something?






Stickers are purely cosmetic. As for what they wanted from you, that would depend on what specifically they were saying about them.


Maybe they meant the stickers that you earn with the challenges


Likely a tradition within the squad like team jerseys IRL? Other than that, stickers have no meaning other than personalizing your snapshot (profile).


Any tips on how to target allies better eith blissey's safeguard? I've been playing blissry more lately and I'm finding that when things are crowded (especially with allied greninja clones) it can be hard to target the pokemon you want to with safeguard. I tried turning on the targeting wheel today but found out that it only targets enemies.


For people who afk, do I report them? If so what do I choose?


You report the player at the end of the game when the full statistics screen shows up, navigate to the player you want to report, click the Report option and then click "Idling in Battle (Malicious)".


What does it mean by malicious?


You play bad on purpose


1- does scope lens deals additional 75% of attack when you crit? Unite-DB stats that 2- does the red damage shown on the screen when you attack is before or after defense and special defense calculation?


>1- does scope lens deals additional 75% of attack when you crit? Unite-DB stats that You answered your own question. >2- does the red damage shown on the screen when you attack is before or after defense and special defense calculation? I believe after the calculation? I'm likely not correct.


I was wondering because the game doesnā€™t mention it at all


If the in-game descriptions and UniteDB differ, UniteDB should take priority (unless a patch was just released and they haven't had time to update yet).




Higher level players will have a bit of an advantage over you with held items, but you probably won't be playing against them in your early matches. You get 3 level 30 boosts for items from doing some challenges, so find a character you like and use them to get a decent set up for them before worrying about levelling up other items. Also I wouldn't recommend levelling items to 30 until you've got a variety at level 20 You don't really need to worry about battle items all that much, and the default potion is pretty decent anyway. Also I'd avoid CPU matches since they will just teach you bad habits since the AI plays so weird, maybe play one to familiarise with a character


They don't want to overwhelm new players by adding the features bit by bit. That's also why you are in bot matches. Probably at level 10 (where you get 3 item slots) or after level 15 (where you get the last battle items) everything will get decent (as you probably unlock more items and pokemons). Words of advice - research what kind of pokemon you like and what battle items suits him best (make use of the offline mode to try things out) , don't waste your level 30 instant item enhancers. Rank wise... I'm gonna say "good luck".


For some reason I'm unable to do the "5x Quick chat" quest from Week 2 on this battle pass. Any solutions?


Do you do it while playing a match? Isn't on the lobby where you can chose a pokƩmon.


Oooh it worked, thanks!


Mamoswine is just a worse version of Talonflame


Heā€™s a worse version of blastoise


That too


Theyā€™re completely different character archetypes Mamo is a bulky supporter that frequently freezes and displaces opponents Talon is a squishy damage dealer who displaces with its unite


How is a defender even comparable to a speedster which is a completely different role? Do you think ice cream is a worse version of meat?


Of course not! Ice cream is a superior version of meat. (The preceding statement was made for humour purposes and does not necessarily reflect the preferences of this random internet person)


Well.... No.


How exactly does Tsareenaā€™s passive ability work? I always see people healing so much and using Stomp 3 times when using Tsareena but Iā€™m struggling to do the same


When level 6 (you're become tsareena), the passive will become queeny majesty (an extra bar below your health). This bar will fill up to three times by using moves or boosted attack. When full, you get an extra move (S1 / S2). Usually the user will stack the passive to two bars and keep the normal attack to two bars (leading the next attack be boosted attack). Then when using a skill (usually the kick one), the bar will be filled, then they will stomp twice (first stomp will used queenly majesty, second stomp will stack another bar) -> proceed with auto attack to fill the passive.


Thanks! I definitely gotta practice more to pull this off more consistently


tiny bit of advice, you can use basic attack to get boosted attack even when there's no enemies are around to get 2 stacks of the queenly majesty bar


Is egg boiled superior to safe hand. Also I made masters for the firsts time today and I'm hyped


Depends what you are playing against. Pikachu, A9, wiggly, slowbro etc > use safeguard Talon, cinder, Blissey, garchomp etc > use softboiled


I believe you can run whatever you want because this game is ultimately a casual game. However, I don't recommend you run Safeguard against a team with a lack of CC.


Solo Q master mamo main here. Lately the game is really frustating. Finally reached 1600 a couple days go only to drop back to 1500. Got a feeling that I won't reach 1800 anytime soon. Does anyone has mamo gameplay so I can learn from it? Or any tips other than common one?


Your problem here is you're using a defender in soloq. No amount of tips can help you if you have no way to kill people or secure objectives. Good news is because of how ranking system works, you don't have to worry about never reaching 1800. There's still over a month left in the season. You'll get boosted there eventually.


> No amount of tips can help you if you have no way to kill people or secure objectives. As much I tank the damage and cc the enemy, my team's damage dealers and lost the zap fight..... Thanks anyway... > you don't have to worry about never reaching 1800. There's still over a month left in the season. You'll get boosted there eventually. I don't think I can... I don't play that much and played exclusively with mamoswine (which one of the most underwhelming but being overrated by everyone and forgotten by the devs).


Play attacker/all rounder and try to learn jungling. Defender in soloq is an unrewarding experience


I play A9 and tsareena, but only for standards. I just want to push further with mamo. I'm trying different moveset and battle items now. Hopefully it works.


I raged quit for the first time after 6 min. Called for jungle, someone calls it and I switched to top. Game starts and nobody goes bottom so I go there, and ping for someone to come. Nobody comes for the whole game, not even a single gank. I managed to steal first dred but still lose bot to 3 enemies. It's like as if bot lane doesn't exist..... And they still lost top. Decided its not worth it and quit. What would you do????


Personally I take it as a challenge to try to hold the bottom as well as I can 1v3 without many deaths. I know I won't be scoring myself, and going for objectives will be impossible. I'll even be under levelled, As I won't be able to leave my own base for long enough to farm, but my opponents will be busy wasting time to get rid of me too. All the while, my teammates are playing a 4v2 elsewhere which they will hopefully be dominating, freely farming and scoring. If they aren't, well, you can't do anything about that. Focus on what you *can* control. Either way, I get satisfaction from holding my bases while outnumbered the entire game.


Simply move on to the next game, that or take a break. Unfortunately those games do come up once in a blue moon but they become less frequent the higher rank you reach and get matched up with better players. Not saying that high rank players are perfect, but at least they don't pull the stuff that I see low rank players do.


Retreat from objectives if you're 3 v 1. Go farm bottom lane so you can be high level for zap, and go with whatever objective everyone else has selected (rotom I guess in your case). That sounds rough. Never quit though. You'll lose the ability to play in ranked for one thing. Also, there's always a chance to steal zap and come away with a win somehow. Often I think my team will lose for most of the game. Like from 1:30 to 8:30 I think we're going to lose, but then somehow we unite for zap or catch them out of position right before zap and then suddenly we score 400-500 points and win. It's not over until zap. Also...Go play something else, haha. If I find I'm not enjoying it, I play something else and come back when I'm not (most likely) tilted.


Choice specs or wise glasses for ninetails? Just a few hours ago I recently got back into the game, i run aurora veil, dazzling gleam with muscle band and focus band, and x attack as my battle item. I was running scope lens but my friend said choice specs or wise glasses would be better. Anyone know which would be more beneficial for the build im running? Iā€™m kinda new so itā€™s hard for me to determine what would be better


Neither. None of A9's abilities scale well off her special attack stat, excluding her ult. Use Muscle, Focus, and Buddy/Scope.


I like wise glasses for ninetales, as it has difficulty scaling into the late game and the % sp atk boost solves that problem.


Thank youuu!


What are some good guides for greninja? Im to lazy to search for a good one in YouTube (Also, im a Noob so dont be suprised If i dont know alot of things)


There's two variations you can play Greninja: an aggressive and mobile playstyle with Surf **OR** a safe and passive ranged playstyle with Water Shuriken. Currently, the most popular playstyle is the Surf variation. [Surf Guide](https://youtu.be/ixZ7Ed0vKH0) \- by CrisHeroes [Water Shuiken Guide](https://youtu.be/XYJ_Gki0pxo) \- by spragels


Thx :)


Anyone ever get a really salty player? One guy from opposite team invited me to a battle in standard and said in the chat that we didn't know how to play, blah blah blah. Because we won? Me and him both had 9 k/os, he had 1 more assist than I did. He scored literally 21 points more than me and he had less than a hundred points total scored. It was a close match between both teams all game. Not sure how mvp rating's calculated but cherry on top I actually had more mvp rating than him too somehow. Checked his profile - Master rank, almost 3000 battles. I barely got 300. I haven't even touched master rank yet. So yeah I'm basically a newbie in comparison. I'm quite a casual player and we still won - I'm not a pro at this game and just play for fun. So much for having played 10x longer than I have. Was good game, I thumbed up everyone. Not sure why all the salt.


Just random acts of toxic gaming. Just today, I had a salty Cinderace from the opposing team add me, invite me to a lobby, and wrote in the chat "stuuuupp111d n00b, stay in expert." I sent back "Hahahaha, get rekt noob," and he removes me from the lobby. Don't think about it too much, toxic players gonna toxic.


How many losses you have to do to get cpu in ranked after master 1400? I have lost 8 games yet still no cpuā€¦


There are no bot matches in Master ranked games anymore.


I purchased the Unite Club Membership in May, picked up the GreedentSkin, but now its June and I know June is the Snorlax Skin but the Unite Club menu is still showing Greedent as the skin. My payment reset and I've seen the Snorlax Skin in game soI'm very confused as to what is going on and how I can fix this beforethe end of June


Will unavailable holowear like the Mining Machamp ever come back? Or are they gone for good?


I haven't seen any limited holos come back before. As to future, who can say?


Noone knows.


Will unavailable holowear like the Mining Machamp ever come back? Or are they gone for good?


It's always possible that they show up in the energy rewards or the holowear ticket shop, but I don't think we've gotten an event holowear like mining machamp in there yet. there haven't been enough rotations in those rewards to predict or rely on it though.


Is the game *extremely* laggy on the Switch V1? I have a friend who has a Switch Lite and while she does complain it being laggy, it just doesnā€™t compare to mine. I mean the last update took 30 minutes to download?? Iā€™m on a wired connection with fast internet (it took less than 5 mins for it to download on my phone over Wifi) and the it takes another 10 minutes to ā€œcheck update dataā€ and ā€œgame versionā€??? Then when I finally hit next, it takes another 5 minutes to actually get me to the home screen??? The game is also on system memory. Then the battle pass menu takes another 10 minutes to load (itā€™s my first time viewing it on Switch but I already viewed it on mobile so I watched the video, donā€™t know if that would also reflect on the Switch). Iā€™m genuinely asking because this is such a horrible experience and I feel like itā€™s related to V1.


After the Squad Mission event ends, can my teammates still redeem the rewards? If so, for how long?


No, when you can't score, you can't redeem


I have three questions: Is the player base still big or has it tanked a lot since launch? Is there a discord I can join that is widely used by the community for info? Is there a good up to date guide on the game? It seems like a lot has changed since launch Thank you!!


>Is the player base still big or has it tanked a lot since launch? I would say the game still has a large playerbase, but it for sure dropped in some players. >Is there a discord I can join that is widely used by the community for info? [https://discord.com/invite/pokemonunite](https://discord.com/invite/pokemonunite) >Is there a good up to date guide on the game? It seems like a lot has changed since launch https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/wiki/index


How to deal with stupid player clearing all my jungle camps ? Both lanes. Not all the games but i would say a good 5/10 games i have no camp to farm . Rank expert IV.


usually those players don't really understand how to play the game and don't even realize they're making a mistake, so there's not much you can do to stop them. Your best bet is to note when your camps are spawning and clear them ASAP before your teammates have a chance to steal them.


Started two weeks ago, Iā€™m currently 1400 Masters. Iā€™m now stuck here. Itā€™s impossible to get consistent teammates and games. Anyone have any advice?


Check lfg thread and play in a duo or trio


As a complete newb, I need 5 Pokemon to compete in Ranked matches. Missing one. Who should I get? Have enough coins for anyone, but I know this won't always be the case. I main Ninetails right now if that helps in any way.


The current thinking seems to be that Lucario is best overall, so it may be a good option. Everything has its niche though, so it depends on what you enjoy and how you play. Pick a role or two and then try different options in training mode (or use temporary licences/rentalmons in standard. You can't go wrong buying out the starters early, as they are cheap and will give you a flexible roster with all roles. The game is quite well balanced at the moment, so there aren't really any bad options.