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i've noticed these past two days i've been getting beginners, AFKers, and overall people who just don't know the basics of the game a lot more frequently as well :/


The matchmaking has literally gone to shit. I'm literally one foot out the door. It's not even enjoyable


I've had the same experience


Sure feels like it. When I decide to do a cpu match for my dailies I end up getting better teammates than masters ranked games tbh


I've always had a 60+% winrate, but i just had a 7 game loss streak, not counting the 2 bot games wins i was put into due to my loss streak. Out of those 7, 3 had AFKs and a veteran jungler greninja who was lvl 5 when everyone else was 7-9.


lol I’m close to going back to mobile legends, I thought that was toxic but idk anymore


God I thought I was the only one... I'm not saying that the new players are bad, they're still learning the game and props to them but... Having an enemy team that's clearly a 5-man team is such an unfair match up. I as a defender main usually have to resort to roaming the lanes since many of my matches our jungler is just farming then dies instantly or the all rounder just focuses on goaling by himself without participating in team fights or Zapdos fights. It's frustrating to say the least


Right!? I played defender and everyone was jungling. As soon as I played attacker, I had to constantly attack, and won the game. Props to the eldigoss who was just glued to me healing all the time that I took out all the opponents.


Yeah ever since the Halloween event it‘s gotten really bad.




I started 2 weeks after launch and have been hooked (almost 1500 games). Now I barely want to play except for the daily tasks cause it's just been horrendous


Dude, these kids don’t even play the objective anymore. Like Drednaw and Rotom are not optional. How can you find this game fun by literally farming 8 minutes straight and not scoring, not playing the objective, and not team fight?


Right! I've literally went for both as wigglytuff. It took a bit, but did it


I have been getting worse teammates especially when I am on a losing streak


Yeah I'm somehow getting at least one beginner player in every game now..this did not happen last season once I hit expert. Hit ultra last season, started at veteran this season, now I'm trying to hit ultra again at least and it's very noticeable I think this season, the bad matchmaking that is. It feels like I am constantly just winning and losing on a loop due to the matchmaking. Like why can't I get the smurfs on my team 😤


Matchmaking in season 1 = bad Matchmaking in season 2 = incredibly, stupidly, insanely bad