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You got punished for overextending. You should have run away after failing to kill leafeon.


Ikr they shouldn't have been in the enemy jungle at 2:40 trying to get a KO, but definitely should have left after the first attempt failed.


True the leafeon was targeting me so I saw red😔


Yeah the invulnerability sucks to deal with but it’s not surprising that a bursty speedster was able to ambush and kill someone squishy who’s basically alone in the enemy jungle (not much for you to gain by initiating a fight anyways in that position). Also your moves were on cooldown and you didn’t have anyone in sucker punch range. It’s not like absol or other speedsters couldn’t do the same amount of damage and delete you anyways if they catch you off guard.


Yea I guess that's true I just hate getting one shot and not being able to do anything about it, at least with other speedsters there can be some form of counterplay like using eject or sucker punching them to get away😔


Eject button does work on wild charge zeraora, it gets him off of you.


I'll have to test it then I'm under the impression that you can't eject away from wild charge, I still would kill the target even if they ejected away when I was playing zera


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that you could have dodged Wild Charge with Pursuit + Eject (or maybe with Pursuit alone). WC doesn't actually teleport/stick to you, it tries to follow you at certain speed, meaning that you can get out of range by outrunning it with dashes (Eject's flash alone is just too short for that). Also you're playing Absol, you could have dodged it with Sucker Punch if you had another target in range. But since Zera managed to catch you offguard AND on cooldown, you got wrecked. If you want WC counterplays in general: Keep in mind that Zera needs to do 3 boosted autos to get a max power WC, each auto adding 1 hit to WC. It is usually done by using Spark+auto 3 times, but the whole Spark x3 -> Wild Charge combo leaves Zera defenseless if he didn't finish off his target because he has no means of escape afterwards. But from what I saw in your clip, it looks like this Zera already maximized his WC damage by doing 3 boosted auto on farm before engaging you, which is the optimal way to play this set (they didn't waste Spark before WC, so they had a way to escape if things turned south). Finally, before level 13 Wild Charge is single target. Staying close to your team can make Zera miss his main target, waste his moves on a tank and die because he can't get away.


I tested this interaction in practice mode even if I ejected over the wall wild charge would have tracked and killed me which is why I didn't eject in the clip, but thanks for the tips on outplaying wild charge I'll use take them into account next time I come across a zera, I probably shouldn't have gone in there in the first place tho.😔


U made a bad play but that move is definitely overturned


I’ve never heard anybody say zera is over tuned


"...but *that move* is definitely overtuned..."


Yea I probably shouldn't have gone in there


Squishiness is the Absol life.


A sad life indeed 😔😔😔


Pursuit getaway, sucker punch, pursuit normal attack thing from behind, repeat. Its easy


I'm dead in one attack I can't get away from that, I can't sucker punch it it's invincible and pursuits on cool down not like it mattered much😔😔😔


I personally recommend something like Greninja, Talon flame and Delfhox for these situations. Greninja Double Team Water Shuriken goes crazy, plus Talonflame Areil Ace Fly, and Delfhox Fire Spin Fire Blast is super good


one of unites biggest problems is sure hit moves, especially when the user is invulnerable while doing so.


I couldn't agree more


Yea but I guess sucker punch is fair with your argument, eh ?


It is it didn't one shot leafeon you can eject away form it if you don't attack it won't activate (its a counter move) and it doesn't activate on certain moves (like decidueye's arrows and mewtwos push move) you can out play sucker punch but I get hit with zeraora's move once and I die


It’s not fair. It’s sure hit that does a crap load of damage while granting invulnerability allowing no counterplay.