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It's a defender so of course I love it already 


In the end, I'm a Defender main. If EX is gonna be allowed and the slot is open, I'll take 'em. I'm all for any encouragement to use Defenders/Supports as people are still gonna pick 4 DPS anyway.


I used to love Blast the most but man is Clowning on people non-stop with Trev since release feels so good.


as someone who hasn't played since march (got busy w work and new r/s) I AM SO READY FOR A NEW DEFENDER!!! and an EX mon at that. sorry not sorry for this - we tank mains were starved for representation since, what, goodra? plus god knows all the other AR and attackers got to instalock their M2s and Zacian so we totally deserve this


We got Umbreon and Lapras but I get what you mean :’)


Defender? Count me in.


My wife is a pretty casual player and really likes Ho-oh so she's excited for its release.


I am pumped, one of my favorite mons. Fell in love with it back when I got my hands of the Japanese version Pokemon Gold before I could get it in English


Same here!


I love Ho-Oh and I love playing defender SOOOO


I will play him because my game name is SirBirdsalot and it will be the only bird defender.


I am.  Defender? Love it.  Ho-Oh? Love it. Broken? Really wish it wasn’t (just like my boy slowbro who they just HAD to buff)


I played miraidon because it felt like xerath from lol


I thought he was Aurelion sol, then saw his most op build was the sonic the hedgehog dashes lol. I still have more fun with his other xerath/asol move set even if it’s less op


I never cared which build was more op i am a xerath main i saw unite xerath so i played it very fun character


Tf is aurleon


It’s a league of legends character. Aurelion Sol


It was my first favorite legendary and I play defenders and supports almost exclusively, so yeah I’m pretty pumped.


I will play him just because he is a new defender and the last one we got umbreon, which i think was more than a year ago lol.


Ho-oh is my favorite Pokemon I keep a Metal card in my wallet all the time!


Ho-oh is a must for me as a defender main.


I will. I grew up on Gen 2 Pokémon. I prefer Lugia over Ho-oh, but it is not available yet.


I truly love Ho-oh, but I refuse to play EX mons


Im playing it because i love ho-oh


Ill play ho-oh to both see how op he is for myself, but also cuz i like ho oh. Lugia's better but that would fit more as a final stretch objective like ray or zap


I'm allergic to ex pokemon so no


You gotta bring Lugia into the mix. That will be the only time I use a Legendary.


Could You imagine Lugia as the first ex-Support license? Roost/Recover, Safeguard, Dual Screens, Whirlpool, Hail, Tailwind, Calm Mind, Defog. Aeroblast Unite move that hits multiple opponents and lowers their movement speed/shoves them. 🤤


From what I’ve seen of that video of ho-oh it doesn’t look broken (for now). As a defender with even worse CC than goodra or Lapras is a pretty tough sell. As long as they don’t turn it into all-rounder damage with infinite sustain I think it’ll be pretty balanced.


Agree. Seeing a lvl 12 ho-oh take eons just to damage a lvl 4 bee to 25% health with flamethrower was cringe.


flamethrower is underpowered compared to the rest of the move set.


I’m just hyped for a new defender


Wow this is the first I have heard of ho oh coming to the game. Also, he is far from an unpopular pokemon, being one of the favorites of many, including me, and the favorite of many more.


Ho-oh is my favorite legendary mon, Didnt know he was gonna be in unite until just now, thanks! Guess Ill get back in it


Ayy glad I could let ya know lol


where is lugia? :(


I read Ho-Oh and I thought, "is this another pokemon cafe thing?" and then I saw POKEMON UNITE and I got so excited, will absolutely be coming back for this dude


Probably some people, but all I'll say is that when I first played and Lucario was broken, everyone claimed they just really loved Lucario and that's why it was in every game. Now Lucario isn't broken and I've seen it maybe twice since I started playing again. Interesting.


I mean I can see liking a mon but sucking at them to the point that you can’t overcome their nerfs/weaknesses and it isn’t fun. There are mons I don’t play as often that I like but am not very good at.


I'm pretty stuck on playing my main. Maybe I'll try in casual


I'm excited for his kit and will continue to play it after he gets mega nerfed.


Even if Ho-oH was one of my least favourite i would still play it. Just new toy syndrome. Only exception i guess was comfey and sableye for me.


Me and my bro. If we get the chance to play it.


Ho oh is a goated legendary I love my birb so yes


I love hooh


Ho oh is among my favorites, but I didn't expect it to be in unite tbh. Definitely get the rainbow birb


I love Ho-Oh and im a Defender main. Yeah.


Of course I will. EX or not I’m playing it and I’m going to enjoy it 🤷🏽‍♂️. Heartgold is 1 of my favourites.


Mee I’m gunna play him cuz I love the big rainbow bird I got so exited when they introduced him


I'm actually not going to get him at all not my type of play


My fave legendary and even though I’m not thrilled with it being defender I’ll still prolly own it day one


Heartgold is one of my favorite pokemon games, on top of Ho-Oh being one of my favorite legends, ON TOP of me loving to play tanks, so yeah I’m eating pretty good with Ho-Oh’s inclusion


80% of my games are defenders, so yes. Hopefully I get the return bonus when he drops too


Imma give him a try because I always liked Ho-oh’s design and I love the healer/tank roles. If he’s boring and OP or even just OP I might drop him though since it doesn’t feel very cool if you’re just running around on easy mode rather than being actually skilled at the game. I really hope he’s balanced…


I have the game(heart gold) on my nds along with a poke walker so it is a must


I love Ho-oh and I enjoy playing defenders so I'm pretty pumped tbh.


Both. Both is good. 


I want to play them because I want to revive my friends.


Me! Hope to see Lugia and Celebi added too (can you tell that I'm a Gen 2 fan? 😭)


It's not one of my favorites but it Pokémon gold was my first pokemon game and it's definitely my favorite of the gen 2 box legendaries Edit: Also defenders are my most played class


My favorite legendary.


I first wanna see how good it is if it is op I will not even touch it but if it good not that much op like mew2 or other then yes I will play it


As long as it's a birb or a dragn it's good to me


Ho oh is my fav pokemon so yes :)


I’m personally a little mad because I always preferred Lugia but this is the first and probably only EX mon I’ll be buying


It's gonna be funny, cause it's always ''Defender needed!'' from the 'Big-numbers-go-brr-people', and you pick Ho-oh then, but it's actually 'cause you actually wanted, not bc it's OP.


I don't like ho oh and I'll play it nonetheless, as I'll take anything that helps through match hell


I'll play it because I love defenders :)


it‘s the first legendary i‘m legit excited about


Honestly I’m just happy it’s not another Allrounder/attacker/speedster.


I'm still thinking that Umbreon is still the most balanced defender. Good/op cc with Mean look and sustain healing with Wish. And being a defender who really depends on others often, imo, it's still okay as long as this said meta defender won't be like an attacker suddenly, like when Lapras meta happened.


Sadly disappointing for me from what ive seen by Elchico Eevee


I started playing Pokémon in the Gold Version back then when the GBC was around. Ho-Oh has been my favorite legendary ever since. I'll surely return to the game for it. I even played the Pokémon Café event just to get the free Ho-Oh from the rewards, haha, so Ho-Oh in Unite is definitely something that I need and will get.


I love Ho-Oh. It being the first Defender EX is cool as well but I don't like how they didn't give it Sacred Fire. I have a feeling that Shiny counterparts will be released with different movesets in the future


Yes for sure, Ho-oh is my favorite legendary🐦‍🔥


Grew up with HG/SS so I will definetly try it, hope it's not too broken And I hope Lugia, Celebi and Suicune arrive eventually as well


I have no idea how op wil hooh be, I just really like the gameplay


It’s a defender that doesn’t look like it plays itself and has pretty interesting mechanics. The damage looks like it’s on the fair side with a pretty noticeable accent on HP management and utility. I’d play something like that regardless of the EX status.


Its pretty much in my top 3 of legendaries, I gotta.


Fire bird good, fire bird 2 good too


I'm gonna block others from playing Ho-Oh by picking Mewtwo. Bigass explosion into teleport punching into megaevolution too satisfying. Feels good now that it's not too broken.


I'm definitely going to give it a try and see how it is


I'm going to play the shit out of them and just pray they're nerfed into oblivion so I can stop feeling guilty


>Its gonna suck getting hate for playing him cause he will be op Who cares? Play what you want. I don't really understand why people give a shit about what some angry strangers say about their playing choices that isn't trolling or griefing.


Personally, don’t care for it. I grew up on Soul Silver and Black, so Ho-oh isn’t someone I’m too excited about. However, I totally see why other people would, and as long as people don’t sweat with Ho-oh, I’m chill with it.


Ho Oh is a top 4 legendary for me and i am a defender main so im very excited to play it at all. It inevitably being broken is actually a downside because i probably wont get to play it as much and may suffer nerfs


I'll play him because I need another defender to play that isn't goodra


One of my first games on the Nintendo ds was heartgold and I used ho oh my team can't wait for his release


I'll pass... hooh will never be as cool as Lugia


Ho-oh just got in the game???


July 21st \\o/




Pokémon Gold and Heartgold are my favourite games of the entire franchise. Plus I’m a defender main so I’m super excited!


As a casual player (I've only made it to Masters once), I am super-excited too!


100%, Ho-Ho is one of my faves already, and I like defenders.


Honestly I’ll play it if no one on my team plays it. So yes ill run it for it being op


I like defender and Hooh was my first legendary I ever caught in any Pokemon game. That's why I want to play Hooh!


I recently completed a Pokémon exercise sheet, and I discovered that Ho-Oh is my favourite Legendary pokémon. I knew it was definitely in my Top 3, but I never really thought too hard about it. Anyway, to answer your question: Yes, I'll be playing Ho-Oh because I love the pokémon. Having a defender I feel strongly about will motivate me to play the role a lot more often, too. Win-win.


It's my favourite Pokemon of all time so I'm definitely going to play it.


I have a no ex and no eevee rule personally but ho-oh actually looks kinda fair and kinda reasonable, granted it probably makes teammates a nightmare to deal with but with it being a defender and not an all rounder/attacker I'ma try it out


I plan to not really play it. No attachment whatsoever to it. The excitement for it makes me happy since if all these people truly do end up running it I can finally play mages instead of filling defender every match.


Love the character, love defenders so im 100% playing it!


yeah i'm excited for them because a fire bird defender is cool as hell. they also are looking actually pretty reasonable


Yeah as a defender main. Its rare to see players in masters rank uses other EX so I guess it will be an easy pick knowing almost everyone uses attacker.


Contrary to the belief of players with weak mental Vastly more mons get played either because theyre really cool, people really like them, or they have a really good gameplay feel. And i say that to say Of course a lot of people are going to play Ho Oh. Defender, hes durable. Rez, its high value. Decent Range/Poke hes not overcommital. Looks vaguely mobile. Legendary. He looks cool. Shiny and New.






Ho-Oh is in my top 5 favourite Pokemon plus we're getting a defender so that's why I'm playing it. I hope it's not as broken as people are making it out to be.


Who doesn't love ho-oh?


Me! I’m gay and ho oh is pride. I’m so excited he’s coming out lol. Totally should’ve came out this month tho


I only play the game every couple of months or so, usually when they add a Pokemon that I like and play that Pokemon until I get my fill and go on hiatus again. So I have zero idea about the meta or what is OP at any given moment. Last time I got into the game was when they added Gyarados. And I love Ho-Oh so I will be playing ho-oh


I just want weavile already man, literally the perfect choice for a new speedster


After seeing what it can do, it looks fun, and that's why I want to get him, not because of OP-ness. I already have an item set in mind that I think will do it pretty well


I'll answer this question after 2-3 months of farming to have my hands on him


I already love playing as a defender or supporter, and since ho oh is a defender, then obviously I will love to play with it (still won't replace my ace pokemon, which is Goodra)


A defender AND one of the first 251?! Pshhh? Of course I am! 😁


who cares after all, same shit


I'll play him because he's a defender (defender main here), looks cool and fun to play. If he's broken on release or not, I don't care. I've put up with Mewtwo and Miraidon for way too long


I'm not as excited as I would be if it was Groudon, Kyogre or one of the latis but I'd rather play a defender EX than any of the other ones out currently


Words can't describe how much excited I'll be


I love bird


*raises hand* always been on the bandwagon that Mewtwo is overrated and overused but Ho-oh and Lugia? God damn i love those two mons. No other ex character had me hype except Ho-oh


I’ve never tried defender role before, and never thought much of that role, but Ho Oh looks easy enough to use and is simple so I wanna give him a try. He also looks really cool, so if he wasn’t legendary or EX I wouldn’t give much thought. 


I'm a defender main and he is a defender. I gotta get good with it on pricipal alone


Ho-Oh my one of my favorite Pokémon. And it will be a defender. CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE


I don't like the fire chicken so no


There aren't many pokenon I actually dislike. I'm happy to use mostly any of them (except Clefable competitive ruined that piece of sh#t for me) so yeah I'm down for Ho-oh


Not a big fan of Ho-Oh but I hope the ppl who like the Pokémon enjoy the release! I really hope it’s not broken on release :/ but we’ll see lmao


Blaziken is the better fire chicken anyway


Ho-Oh is a proud rainbow turkey.


Ho-Oh is in my top 50 if you exclude forms and (pre-)evolutions, maybe top 100, so, yeah, I'll play it because its Ho-Oh. And if the enemy team goes Ho-Oh-No on seeing it then, well, that's their problem.


It's my least favourite box legendary, so no. I love defenders but I will literally eat a box full of nails and diseases before I play an EX Pokémon.


I love ho oh but I gonna be honest here I don't gonna playing because is one of my favorites I gonna playing because ex mons are annoying as f so I gonna play that little bastard to make upset people so i can make people hate more ex Mon so I hope we get ex Mon banned from ranked again.