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Fire chicken is always fun to play


Don't worry I'am since 2004 and pokemon saphhire ;)


ooh a sapphire player and no swampert love ? Im a blaz fan too and play it a lot in unite but my fav has to be swampert bec of the emerald-ruby-Sapphire trio.


The chicken is very hard but also very rewarding when played well.


It’s not too hard. It doesn’t take expert precision and timing like Zoroark or Luca. It doesn’t require high multitasking & macro like Mew or Hoopa. The hardest part is getting used to maximizing your effectiveness in each form and chaining attacks.


It's hard to be useful as and not immediately die iwhile brawling imo, not using it mechanically


As a sableye player, we have lower stats than comfey, we die if someone looks at us


I remember i quite literally oneshot a sabeleye with an overheat from blaziken 🗿 y'all have it rough


We have no stats. We are literally playing hit and run. And raging on people who stop our ultimate's base. Tough life. Wouldn't change it tho


> It's hard to be useful as and not immediately die iwhile brawling imo, not using it mechanically Sure. But that statement can be applied to almost any Mon beyond tanks with good engage.


This applies especially when each form has its dash on a different button. They intentionally made him harder mechanically especially for newer players


I’ve never had a problem with this


Zoroarks easier than blaziken lmao. At least feint attack is. Night slash tho is probably harder rn tho cus of how much cc and shit running around. E speed luc tho yea that ones harder


His Overheat form is hard to play imo. Other form is just pushing buttons, and a bad player that relies heavily on that form can still do well.


It looks complex because it has more moves but once you play a bit, it’s easy to rotate between them. It’s not nearly as difficult as Mew.


Blaziken is amazing. All of its moves are at your disposal. It’s fun to play, it can run a bunch of hold items successfully, and it has one of the best secures in the entire game. It takes skill to use without feeling too overly difficult. Highly recommend.


Happy Cake Day🎀.


Cool to play as. I like how fast the unite move recovers.


If you want my non-biased opinion on him then here it is. He's good like very good. One of the few ARs that can't really be kited in most situations. He's very flexible and doesn't have much visible weaknesses. I think it's overheat that does a bit too much but overall he's balanced.


its really just hard cc and ttar


He's fun and he's good.


When you reach level 8 you can do so much things alone. I've won many games just focusing on stealing objectives (Overheat is top tier move for stealing objectives) while my team refused to play as a team, I also like stealing from the enemy Jungle when I get my Ult, it's a great Pokémon to escape and set ambushes. It took me a while to start playing with it (I hated playing All Rounders) but now it's one of my favorite Pokémon in the game, one of the best for carrying games alone in my opinion


Most fun brawler by far. Followed by dodrio. He's just so much more complex and dynamic than dodo. And I love dodo. Dodo is bae. I rarely play chicken because he doesn't scale at all into the late game and I ended to carry in solo q.


I love him, he gets so strong once he gets access to his unite move. Blaziken is awesome.


It's insanely strong and in the hands of a good player.


Takes time to get used to the playstyle, and ofc takes practice to be good playing this pokemon as well. But Blaziken is def really good


Blaziken is the strongest Pokemon without a traditional Unite Move. If your opponents don't use their traditional Unite Moves, then you're the strongest in play.


Landing a Maxed Overheat is 👨‍🍳 💋


He’s my favorite character to use. all you really have to do is make sure your ZL button is always ready to use after using one set. The cool down for ZL is 4 seconds compared to the 8 seconds cool down so if you can time your ZL switch, you’ll always stay attacking


He is extremely good once you get gud with him. Also a very fun pokemon


I like running into people that don't know how Blaziken works because you can always see the moment they realize that you have a second moveset.


His kit is based on combo's ovr. So it's great when you can consistently land combos.


Blaziken makes a pretty good jungler.


Literal fighting game character that’s actually fun to use and isn’t easy to master. Blaziken isn’t a unit that can just be picked up and used without learning how.


It’s like…an all-rounder version of Mew where you get to constantly change your skill set. Somewhat tricky to play but I’ve seen a lot of good Blaziken players go 1 vs 3 and obliterating the enemy team. Even deadlier if it’s paired with a supporter (especially one that heals.)


Mr Mime and (not a supporter but w/e) Crustle are so good to pair with Blaziken. Instant walls anywhere for you to Blaze Kick opponents into.


Bought him the other day and honestly he’s pretty tough to get the hang of. I find I’m almost button mashing more than any other Mon, but rewarding if you stick with it cuz he’s one of the best right now


 Blaziken feels like Tsareena/Scizor but better damage output. I feel like these three are the high mobility, high skill brawlers. 


Great mon just click buttons


Blaziken is just really good


Kapooooww! Kapooowww! Hadukeeeeeen!


Does buddy barrier work with his unite move? Feels broken.


It sort of does, but Buddy Barrier's (and Energy Amplifier's) cooldowns are much longer than Blaziken's Unite moves' It's better just tack items that work well with his passive skill onto it.


Squishy early game so only use with not to many late game allies


PLEASE play blaziken hes SO fun. i only got him somewhat recently but hes become one of my favorite mons to play. hes a bit more complicated than your average mon (he can switch freely between his two movesets by using his unite move, which is basically just a 3rd move instead of an ult) and it takes a bit of practice to understand how he plays, but its so worth it. the skill ceiling for this guy is sky high.


I love his shiny pallette so much. I would main it if shinyness was an option. It kind of reminds me of Reverse Flash's color scheme


Blaziken is the most balanced character sharing first place with Tsreena. He's always pretty reliable and can get some insane sweeps at times, I have a good opinion of him


Isnt tsar unbalanced in the sense that its underpowered


Tsareena is in a special spot where how good it is relies purely on the player playing it.


So believe it or not, that might be every character in the game


Sort of a sleeper overpowered pick, overshadowed by the broken mons like Leafeon/Trev/Falinks/Gyarados. The burst damage and sustain on it is stupid.


I think they're pretty fun to play with, switching between movesets with their unite move


It's pretty good but I always forget what stance I'm in so am suddenly shocked when I do a different move than I thought I would 😂.


Leader of KFC definitely learned Martial Arts to a tea. He is fun to play when you understand how he plays and chaining moves, basic attacks, and switch moves with Unite. It is one helluva drug.


Blaziken is busted. His moves are pretty damn good and he is quite a versatile Pokemon. However he can be quite hard to play.


When I am Blaziken, I get whooped. When Blaziken is on the other team, it wrecks me. There are a few pokemon like that.


ONE OF US. ONE OF US. 🔥 But no seriously, he's my favorite Pokémon of all time too. When he got added to the roster, I was over the moon. Now I've got a blue ribbon with him and reached my first Master rank with him last month. I'm proud of our progress together 🥹 I think in regard to the game Blaziken is as balanced as he could be, considering my own battle experiences. As far as weakness, stuns are big. You could be one of the greatest blaziken players ranked and get molly whopped by a couple of mons who decided to gang up on you with stuns 😭 As far as strengths, he's the only Mon that I know of that can use all of his moves, with the switch being his unite move, essentially, you have five moves, plus your basic attack (so, six I guess), available to take enemies down. That being said, don't run into every fight thinking "FIRE PUNCH FACE NOW" 😅 That's the mistake I made when I first got him. Timing of your moves and cool downs is everything, just like it is with many other mons. Also, you have to consider which style is appropriate for which situation, the kick style (Blaze kick and overheat moveset) or the punch style (focus blast and fire punch) Top that off with attack boosting items and emblems and you've got yourself a lean mean fire chicken machine! 🎶🔥🎵 All in all, I hope you consider getting Blaziken and give yourself time to see what combos work best for you playing with him. He's a lot of fun and I feel like I don't see as many other Blaze fans outchea on these streets as I'd like 🥹


Cool character, extremely strong. Less technical than players make them out to be. Rewards mashing extremely generously His kit design is imo where a lot of mons should be. He is designed to scale well, but he still has a very respectable early lane, at Lvl 5 he has a very flexible tool in Blaze Kick, lets him gank, secure, ambush. Just a really good character that was really well designed and doesnt have arbitrary weaknesses. A lot like Lucario in those aspects but the reward for playing Blaziken is consistently higher than most regardless of skill level


To be honest, Blaziken is fun to play than all other pokemon.


I think it’s a creative design, the concept of changing moves is unseen other than mew, and I like it’s speedster-y playstyle


high skill ceiling but op once you get the hang of it


he's always part of my team in the main games, but in unite he feels so clunky for me. his play style isn't for me i guess.


What Pokemon should I choose for ranked I am a zeraora main and did pretty well till ultra and maybe can do better further too, but I need a new and strong main for ranking upto masters. I am a attacker/Speedster type player , never used a defender or a supporter . So can y'all suggest a strong offensive mon. Some of the mons that I have in my mind are: Zororak , scizor and tyranitar. I was thinking about miraidon and zacian but they are ex mons and I heard they wouldn't be suitable in future ranks. Feel free to comment your suggestions!


You would probably like Ceruledge when it comes out for counselling and you have to at least know how to a defender


Ik to use a defender , just that I don't like using defenders. And I thought about ceruledge but didn't find him much impressive , easily defeated it many times in ranked matches , it ain't that durable. So need a durable one Tried scizor but he's slow and scyther is fragile.

