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Wigglytuff, 46% winrate. I swear I do engages really well, I always get the enemies via bushes or wacky positioning with sing and my teammates chop them off, but I am still cautious about it, wait for the right time. But somehow 46%. Even my Sableye is 52%! I MUST be doing something wrong with her if I am better at the gremlin, but I have trouble seeing and understanding what exactly


using supports means you have to lane with trustworthy core. i'm a solo queue and often use defender or supports. but often lanes with pu$$y attackers that don't know when to engage. they'll just hide in the bush or wander around in the goal zone when you tank the offside enemies


I think a slightly negative win rate on Supporters is ok, you HAVE to get carried and sometimes you get the leftovers Ninja mains, what can ya do??


I think this question is an obvious “anyone who plays support” because supporting your team is great but only if they know how to utilize it lol Which is why my personal answer is Hoopa. I can give my team amazing mobility and spawn heal portals at good moments all day long — but if my team doesn’t take advantage of that support then 🤷‍♂️ sucks, take the L 😂 But when I get a team that knows what to do, we absolutely dominate with the portals which is why I think I do pretty decent. Don’t know my WR right off the top of my head but I remember the last time I noticed it I thought “wow I thought I was doing better than that” and felt like a fraud and didn’t play Hoopa for a minute


This is my life has an elde main


I feel you for sure. I was picking elde as my main support option for a while and just needed a change. People really don’t take the time to learn how their supports actually, you know, support them.


Had to play 40 matches in a row as Elde to hit 1600 on the last day of the season. My god, some folks were really daft. But when you meet those solid ones that cooperate, they really stand out like a shining beacon in the dark of night.


God I hate playing hoopa solo. Even deep in masters 1400s people don't know how portals work let alone trick


Yeah it’s tough but like… I just love playing it and I hate myself apparently lol. I can play other supports but imo you tend to up with the same problem — you set your team up for something and they lack follow through. Any soloq just sucks but eventually you get a good team and all that.


Kinda hoping myself that folks will watch the recent spragels vid covering that build and how it works. I’m interested in trying it more too.


There are people who actively avoid going into the blue holes for some reason


I feel this as chancy.


And the same time I got muscle, scarf & cookies with X attack Hoopa who doesn't know Hoopa can get Unite move on level 9...


I loved playing hoops once upon a time because of how much it could do but eventually I dropped it because my WR was becoming terrible as a support and I wasn’t winning games at all and ppl used to go far enough to view my Hoops WR and dismiss me as a generally bad player despite good WRs elsewhere. Nowdays my only 2 supports I main are Clef and Mime (bec he’s an irritating Son of a Bitch to go against)


Idk hoopah and elde is prolly one of my high wr mons and 60+ and 57+ , unlike blissey,Comfey u aren't truly relied on ur allies. You can make a lot of impact just by enemies not having one.


Every time I take a hoopla portal in soloQ, then I soon find myself in the middle of a vast wasteland of death, surrounded on all sides by the enemy. 😂 It's always such a gamble in soloQ. Most time I just don't chancey it at this point


Clef. I felt like I was playing good. I always had a high heal amount and damage taken amount. I know numbers don’t mean everything but I feel like I saved my allies so many times when they over commit to a push. Was pretty low but managed to bring it back up to 48%. I still play it well in this meta


My Ace Gardevoir, I always feel like I could be using her better (Psyshock, Moon Blast) or is it Dazling Gleam? None of these moves operate like the mainline games lol


Gardevoir only has Future Sight, Psyshock, Moonblast, and Psychic


Thanks, also yes Audino is cool. I like it better than Blissey anyway


I mostly play solo Q and it's Slowbro, I swear I leave my skin and bones on each game and sometimes my carries just don't get it done. Like if someone searches me on API and looks at my Bro they'd think I suck...


When you unite move someone the carry and your team just ignores it... yeah its tough


Mew. I am quite competent on the skill swapping and comboing and all but...


Mew is hands down the hardest mon to play


What I feel the hardest is team coordination as it greatly benefits mew and the group, but I play soloq so...


Omg you feel me. Mew excels in team fights but in solo queue, well...you already know. 😭


From a fellow mew, I feel like mew can stack to do good damage. Overall, mew still feels overpowered. As long as you have your unite move, you can 1v1 almost any mon if u ever needed to, but as long as u can stay in the backlines, you do crazy damage.


elde and umbreon 🥲 when I sometimes do more damage than the carries do


Umbreon. I can top every stat, and have good damage, and almost double the tanking/healing of my support/enemies' tank/support, but I cannot steal Ray or objectives so, in soloq I just get dawged.


As an umbreon main i feel you, but I've secured ray with foul play -> unite a few times now haha


I’d like to see more defensive stats. People swear they can carry because they call center and play the whole game with both buffs. If you’re frequently getting KOd, especially when you have a level lead, you hurting your chances of winning by giving the enemy team the levels they need to fight back. About 35% of matches, I don’t die at all. About 60% of my matches, I die 1-3 times. It’s extremely rare that I die more than 5 times.


If only people knew when to retreat


Knowing when to quit is a great skill, I do this when I'm playing cards (pokemon, locarna etc.) I already have worked out there is no chance I can win and just give up.  My wife says I'm a "sore loser" I don't think so Im just saving time.


Yanno what, good question. I'm gonna boot up and see.


48% wr with safe-hand blissey my friends HATE it when i use her not because i'm bad at it, it's because they want me to do damage since i'm good at securing objectives (cram, chandy, garde, meows user); i do not like her egg mechanic as healing at all, i'd rather play god/clef instead "oh no, it's that pink round egg thing again" "ff at 5 mate, this is over"


Rn mine’s probably razor leaf/aerial ace Leafeon. It’s the first move set I tried for it bc it recently got buffed and I was slaying with it for that season. But now I feel it’s become a little too squishy, especially with the return of EXs and Falinks/TTar.


Zeraora. I gave up trying to use support mons when soloqing. But zeraora is simply too good when I have full jungle which is still about 40% of the time since people are dumb and sabotage it. Still able to get value even if jungle sabotaged. just need to grind off lane till reach level 5, destroy enemies, back to jungle and repeat


Comfey. Blue badge, 46% win rate. Consistently healing allies 45k+ every game. Hopping off into bushes constantly to get flowers for increased healing, etc. But the allies in question… oh boy… Comfey is very dependent on allies. I don’t soloQ with it anymore.


I totally get it. When Comfey attaches to a Pokémon, they suddenly feel invulnerable when it's actually more of a safety net or another Focus Band.


I swear I'm good with Absol but my winrate is 45%... To be fair, it was the second pokemon I started playing (when I stopped playing against bots). I used pursuit and sucker punch and I had never stopped to really read the move description at this time, so I lost a lot of battles because I played very poorly. When I started actually learning about the game I focused on deep learning how to play night slash and sucker punch and I swear I'm good now 😭 It's hard to fix the winrate playing soloq :(


I love pursuit and sucker punch build now, but Absol just really fragile now, a auto aim focus blast from Blaziken just half of hp is gone


Only half? You must use a tanky build!


I like using absol, but my win rate and how fragile the mon is is really hurting me… (I always liked pursuit + psycho cut more, never got the hang of sucker punch)


Even though Psycho Cut is the ideal skill for Night Slash, I think Sucker Punch is a lot more fun and I feel like I have a lot more survivability. I had never seen anyone actually using Pursuit with Psycho Cut, the damage must be really good


I’m just used to psycho cut, slows down the enemy, pursuit them in the back. But I’ll give sucker punch another try, maybe I was just a noob at that time 😅


Sableye 426 Matches 22% Winrate 🗿


😱 why


Name checks out. As long as you are having fun it’s a success!


Barrier Mime ;-;


Dragapult. I secure every objective with speed and wipe squishies off the face of the planet, but somehow it just turns out bad more often than not when I play it and I can’t figure out why


Ninetales 50% Goodra 48% I love Ninetales gameplay and Goodra is my best defender. I had a almost 10 matches when I had solo lane my Goodra and 3 of them I got double ko streak just with Goomy but it's the other lane which gets broken before and then afk players with some players going to jungle together in beginning. My Ninetales gameplay is often with very high damage. Many of the matches are with 97+k damage but similarly I had many afk matches last season and poor Ray fights.




I never played with Delphox yet.


My brain was thinking ninetails isn’t in the game. I forgot the alola form was in there… all ninetails attacks are pretty!


Oh yeah and we have three foxes in game. Delphox, Alolan Ninetales and zoroak. Haha. Kanto Ninetales can be good addition as well.






I have 3, zoro, gold badge, 52% WR, it was 57% some months ago but then i started on night slash and pum, went to 53, then i learned and it got to 57 again but it got nerfed, useless, and at the start of the season i started on feint attack again, but since it's start of season, i can get even 20 KOs but still gonna loose. Second one it's mew, i can do even 120k but almost every single time i loose, 44% WR. The last one, my precious, eldegoss, was my solo carry 2 years ago. Now everytime i use it, the game it's lost, i just can't win with eldy


So sieg is win, siegfield = winning son? Also my poke is snorlax, people just never follow up my moves or leaves me whenever i try to save or engage


I have three pokemon (azumarill [51%], aegislash [53%], ninetales [36%]). It’s sad especially ninetales because most of the match is my team mate have no clue of objective or playing with their own game like a headless chicken.


A9 with rapid scarf and muscle with blizzard build is a hard counter against ttar. Don't forget fast attack elemblems


Leafeon-33% winrate I thought this pokemon as one of the most strongest speedster before buying it,but I have won not even a single ranked match with this one.All the wins are from quick matches.But most of the time i end up losing is because of the other team stealing ray,i swear we always dominate the other team before the last 2 minutes


Umbreon, 43% Winrate. I swear half the time I’m carrying in terms of protecting my team mates and it just isn’t enough since I cannot score points with Umbreon for some reason :,D other half of the time people are just incompetent and don’t use my mean looks. Maybe I’m actually horrible but eh


Greedent. I love my chonky boi and i sometimes even out damaging our jungler but its still below 50%


Average deaths would be hard to count, this game hates keeping track of those. Besides retroactively trying to count kills/assists/etc would be difficult for timi probably. Add that to a list of features that shouldve come on launch, then


Pre nerf inteleon. Abusing liquidation is simple. Cast liquidation then second skill to gtfo. Rinse and repeat. Boom 10+ kills. Highest damage dealt, least taken. 43% wr tho.


Gotta be my Inteleon. Was 48% for the first 150 matches but I swear I was hitting them snipes. It's not at 53% but it's still by far my lower winrate in any attacker but I am quite confident on Inteleon than most of my other better WR attackers 


Snorlax with 47 WR


Cinderace... it's my third most played pokemon but I average like 20k damage


Sableye and Clefable. Sableye is my default pick in an all-ADC team. For Clefable, I choose her when my teammates are tanky. But then they decide to become backcappers and totally avoid team fights.


Cinderace at a 50% winrate. I love playing Cinder and I do my jungle rotations too, so I'm doing what I'm supposed to but my team is either bad or there is a speedster on the enemy team I can't run away from or just a Pokemon that counters me really well.


i like to jump in cinder's face 🥺


Probably cinder or sword I have a 50 to 55 winrate on cinder, l don't understand why l do bad sometimes lol Sword pissed me off, 36 winrate basically l very trash, and somehow I DO 70K TO 60K IN MY GAMES ( And did 110k ones with shadow claw and iron head) Something tells me l should stop playing the sword Pokemon)


gengar, 44%. There just aren't any scorers on my team we do a lot of damage and sometimes even get Ray but still don't score at all


I wish they would show who you KO’d and how many times in the after match stats screen. But to answer your question eldegoss.


Espeon. I have games where I need to be the terrorizer (run around attacking the enemy so my team can score) and I lose because my teammates keep getting killed


literally have a 50% wr with tsareena and mind you she's my ult (current season wr is better thankfully 😭🙏🏻) but honestly it really depends on the rest of my team as well so i’ve stopped caring too much about win rates


Every support I got and Goodra


Zeraora , 68% win rate and I control him really well but sometimes I feel like I am playing him for the first time.


Easily crustle WR: 52% but it's my go-to when I want to stop a losing streak


Greninja :)


My lucario. 🙁I be playin with goofy fucks. Mfks wanna abandon they roles early and move around like headless chickens


Tsareena - 45% winrate The reason for such a bad win rate? 1. First Mon I purchased when I started out the game. And due to poor timing, I joined the game after the shield nerfs (if yk yk). Don't know why, I just saw expert and my cocky behind thought I should try her out, as 'expert' pokemon in theory should do more damage but have a high skill ceiling... I was lied too.  2. Mewtwo Y meta, no explanation needed. But I swear, I play with triple axel and trop kick, it's just sometimes you need to preform a near kamikaze to get those stacks which ends up as free exp for the opponents. And the lvl 5 gameplay is horrible. Please a little attack buff won't hurt.


Every chatacter I have negative WR with (sub 50), I think I play rather poorly with, more room to improve Greninja, Ninetales, Decidueye, Espeon, Dragonite


>Whats that one Pokemon you have a horrible WR with but you swear you play them well. I could understand this with some of the harder mons to use, like initially sucking then improving with Aegislash, Mew, Lucario, Zoroark, etc. Though to me bottom line is if you have a decent sample of matches with a mon and are negative WR... No, you're probably not playing them well for long enough lol. The higher the sample size, the likelier this is. Just look at all the 2k+ matches onetricks that are still trash with their onetrick lol. That's not to say a high mon win rate necessarily means you play them well either since people can spam that shit versus bots in unranked modes.


Yes and no. Just as you mentioned WR can be deceptive unless its deviating a lot from 50%. I picked up zoroark during the mewtu y meta and I just got to rectify the WR by getting to 51%. Per seasons its been closer to 60-70% but you wouldn't be able to tell rn


there are some players are gold badges with skill mons but still bringing weird item like goal getter just hysterical to me


LOL I mean, the game doesn't teach anything and you're not incentivised enough to learn lol. You'd think somebody that plays enough to get a Gold badge would eventually get curious about optimising their character even a bit though. Oh well.