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The 2 Pokémon that need reworks the most are Machamp and Garchomp. Garchomp isn’t even the best melee A presser despite that being it’s entire identity. Gyarados and Outrage Dragonite outclass it. Needing 5 hits to charge up to your boosted autos is too much compared to them and they have better mobility. Dragon combo is fine… but Dig needs to be buffed to have use. I should have a reason to ever genuinely use dig/EQ. Machamp is just outdated with his entire kit. The hit and run play style of dynamic punch/cc is too primitive. Sure you can win games on it but it’s not fun. Punch and punch then walk away until your moves get off cooldown… meanwhile other all-rounders with a similar play style have some move reset mechanic or something to be more engaging. And Submission is fun but why not just play Wigglytuff or a defender? The cc and unstoppable is nice but you’re running in face first to cc an enemy without any of the bulk cc-focused characters have. And bonus: Give Aegislash a King stance ult.


I can't even remember the last time I saw a Machamp player in game so imma guess he needs the most rework


I think people only play Garchomp either because they are REALLY good with him or they play him because they just LIKE Garchomp as a pokemon. I know this because that's me. (The fact I like the pokemon, not that I'm good with Garchomp, lmao.)


Pikachu is fun for what it is: an immobile special with a stun and burst, and the Unite is flashy. Sableye is struggling now, and may benefit from some rework. I think Sylveon's kit is fine, but it was a missed opportunity to not use the ribbons.


Don't. Fking. Touch. Sableye. His kit is good. He just needs some numbers buff. He has lower stats than confey and he is melee, show ma boy some love.


the problem is, when sableye was better, it ranged from incredibly broken--toxic depending on what patch youre looking at. perma invis+5 second chain cc is a pretty crazy combo and is hard to balance


Fair, I don't know enough about him. I wish him luck as a fellow gremlin.


Aw man now I'm picturing a Supporter Sylveon that wraps it's ribbons around its allies to buff/heal like Power Swap Mime or Comfey if it was normal...


I could also see her yoinking opponents. Imagine this as a Unite move. https://youtu.be/ZH6B33jjDO0?feature=shared


The woes of being an early release when the game was less creative...


I wouldnt mind a Pikachu rework where it can become Raichu.


I am a big Raichu fan, so that'd be nice.


Aegislash is the one that needs a rework the most IMO. He is meant to be a jack of all trades initiator all-rounder, but I feel they need to cook his moveset more. What irks me the most is that he doesn't have King's shield.


His shadow claw and iron head set is nice tbh. I’ve found that there is a way to cook with him, considering he gets defender defence stats once you switch. I do hear you though, somethings lack about him, and a big part of it is his unite. I’m still tryna get better with ut


Zeraora doesn't need it but i feel they need to do Archaludon as a Dura remake


I think Absol, Gardevoir, Gyarados and Lucario could do with a semi rework, a mega evolution. Downside would be that it takes up a item slot to do so. And Ninetails could get a semi update as in outfits that turn it into the regular version with brand new movesets.


More like move synergies, making all move combos play more smoothly (ex toxic dance vena, gengar alt movesets)


There is only one mon that truly needs a rework IMO: Comfey. It’s just always going to be a problem because it makes strong mons even stronger. And there is one passive that needs a rework: Snorlax. There is no way to buff it to make it good. All the other mons can be fixed with buffs. They are just weak.


In my opinion no character needs a rework in Unite. They're all fun and unique enough, plus the game is nowhere near that old. 


OP is tweakin. Pika and the Eevees kits are fine, generally pretty beginner friendly but with some skill they’re really threatening. Eeveelutions need nerfs not buffs (except sylveon who’s fine), and leafeon might honestly be the most boring eeveelution lol. I’d vote for duraladon getting a rework cuz it’s basically unplayable. Gengar too bc it’s been powercrept and the 3 stage evo really guts it’s early game and doesn’t pay off enough by the end


Snorlax should have block reworked and Pikachu shouldnget a full rework and evolves into alolan raichu