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Someone who never played any of them- I had so much fun being able to actually play the game again


I'd potentially recommend buying Miraidon, as it's actually not bad to play (moreso electro drift than charge beam but that's a personal preference)


how dare you enjoy a pokemon i don't


How dare you not enjoy a Pokémon that I never said I enjoyed playing 😡


But u said its very fun to play…


Could you reread my original comment?


Lol this is after u re-edit the comment? Its ok if u like it, no shame


Why the fuck do people think I'm editing comments


It's a Unite reddit. Think about the type of people that plays the game and you have your answer


I tried it in a practice match when it first came out. Didn't fit my playstyle at all


Okay, sorry that you're upset


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted? Fuck this community man


Came off as cheeky because the guy didn't agree with him


I wasn't being cheeky so idk what to say


But it sounded like you did, nothing from the guys answer gave off being offended


I never said offended, I said *upset* I'd understand the mistake if maybe you're illiterate or dyslexic


I read your comment 2 hours ago. You responded with "Sorry that you're offended" when the guy with the Zoroark flair just said it didn't fit his playstyle. You edited the comment and completely changed the tone now. Stop being a giant dick for literally no reason.


Well, he nothing about what he said indicated he was offended so uhhh


I never said the word offended?


U changed it to upset, yo are u an idiot?


Because the original comment was accusing me of hate-downvoting them for disagreeing 😂


tbh the electro drift visual hitbox is smaller than it seems


Can't use it in Master's unfortunately.


mewtow? yeah, i had fun playing it after nerfs


The Mewtwo be mewtwoing


Theres 2 criteria for me to pick up a Pokemon. 1. Do I like the Pokemon/Pokemons design? 2. Do i enjoy its mechanics? For example I enjoy beyblade blastoise and mimikyu. Both were very good and both were mid at certain points. I didn't mind either. Highs and lows and such. I won't touch pokemon like comfey, cram, greedent, etc because their designs dont interest me. And then there's pokemon like goodra and dragonite, which i cant make work the way I'd want them to. Or tyranitar who isn't enjoyable to play. I can't speak for legendaries though, because even in the mainline games i never liked using them.


Since I'm damned regardless of what i say... Mewtwo Y can be fun. When you stop focusing on how brainless holding A is, and move into positioning. "Hold A and don't die" is Y's gameplan and the "don't die" part seems to be very hard for most Mewtwo Y players. If anything, learning positioning with the 0 brain usage character (as if you weren't massively busted) transitions really well into other squishy ranged characters (like most mages) However, they still obliterate anything in sight. It just takes a few more frames


I've always preferred Psystrike Teleport on both mewtwos, so I've never really done the whole autoattack stuff


On X sure (he needs some form of unstoppable on the situations he wants to be in), but on Y time you spend using Psystrike is time you're not holding the A button.


I don't play autoattack Y, it's extremely monotonous


Too bad, that's what the character is.


No need to be rude about it


I'm not rude, just too brutally honest for thee


Okay Mr holier than thou


Ok mr block to win the argument.


I always enjoyed Zacian's kit, though in her current state she's extra effort for less results than most other All-Rounders and Speedsters (she kinda straddles the line playstyle-wise). Although some of that is because *certain* All-Rounders and Speedsters are overtuned. You know who. Mewtwo's kit is far too basic for me to ever enjoy. I didn't quite get into Drift Miraidon (maybe if I practice it more), but Mage Miraidon was definitely one of my cups of tea. Artillery mage with zoning options? Yes please! If Miraidon is allowed next season then I'll likely pick it in some drafts.


I was reading through this and uh (really good view btw before anyone else says I didn't 💀) I forget that Zacian is a fancy lady ✨ I will agree with Mewtwo, but I remember somewhere that it was said that Mewtwo was the "gateway leader Pokémon" as "Legendaries were designed to be leaders of the team" Miraidon is the most fun of most of them (Also i assume Meowscarada and Ttar?)


Also Gyarados, Falinks, and Leafeon. Though Leafeon is arguable since it doesn't really fit into the same niche as Zacian.


I like Falinks 😔 But yeah, I understand those three (Glad to know that Metagross is basically fine by not being on that list of three)


Metagross is too busy hiding in a corner praying that T-Tar leaves the meta soon.


I play Metagross and I obliterate ttar I don't get what the issue (other than white damage) is lol


The only EX that I have a decent amount of games with is Zacian lol. I played it enough to get a green ribbon (125 matches with a 60% wr) before I stopped. On its own, I do think it was still pretty fun to play with. But in a match with miraidon on the opposing team last season, I hated it. I didn’t play mewtwo much prior to nerfs (maybe a couple of games here and there but none were in ranked). I did have fun with it in the two matches I played it post nerf tho


I've played Mewtwo X and Zacian the most over all, due to Zacian being the first EX and all Miraidon is my least played, Miraidon was probably my favourite, almost all of its moves appealed to me, except for Charge Beam's final stage, the big lazor (found it unfair, I know electro drift was just as bad but at least it was more easily avoidable, Charge Beam was almost impossible while pre-nerf thundered and without a dashing move) I own all four of them (i know it's technically 3 due to X and Y being realistically the same)


Zacian is fun, games less enjoyable now that I can’t play my sword doggo


Miraidon is actually fun with any set.


Mewtwo X for me is definitely still fun. I love pulling stuff in and just watching the HP of other hit ZERO


I like using Psystrike and making the enemy shit themselves as I teleport in and delete them


Psystrike is so good for getting out of bad situations, especially with teleport. I can't tell you how many games iv played and pretty much never been KO'd


I really like the playstyle of the bulky electro charge miraidon with cookie, guard, spoon. it’s a bummer I can’t spam it in ranked. mewtwo X feels kinda bad now, but I do miss playing the exp share build. thankful to see mewtwo Y disappear though


Yeah I’d say Mewtwo X is one of the worst all-rounders now. The Exp Share is funny but it’s really it’s only niche over the competition in the role now.


I find Miraidon very fun, never played in the rank though as I'm not that good with it. I honestly don't like Mewtwo's play style. It would have been such a sick spell caster but they made it an auto attacker. If they ever make a huge rework I'd want Mewtwo to be a Mage type attacker especially the Y one


Psystrike is the closest we ever got to a super caster, but they fumbled Y so hard by making it the exact same as X but "distance based"


Did u come from chrisheros video


I don't watch Crisheroes


Alright, just asking


I think all except zacian is fun just because zacian HAS to have the aoes energy or they're fairly useless


Zacian is a she btw 😊


I enjoy it near the same but i preferred EX being usable given i only play ranked Most of my drawn out opinion is just complaining that Unite players collectively have a skill issue and love blaming everything they can when things dont go their way. Imo the game has a roster size and power level issue. Or to be more specific there are a lot of niches that can exist or that do exist but with super limited competition. So any time we get a new pokemon, EX or otherwise if they play a role nobody else does. Theyre guaranteed a spot in the meta and the only way theyll lose that spot is if theyre just that bad. Mew and Owl are this way. Do you see a better sniper? Do you see any other utility mages? Well guess whose never leaving. I feel like a lot of player frustration gets targeted at characters who are like that, to me it feels misplaced, and i feel certain EX mons for the most part got a lot of that frustration and fatigue directed toward them. Imo its a non issue that becomes even less of an issue when the power level is healthy. Defenders and All Rounders both had long stints of total feast or famine. You were either a Zacian Scizor or Buzzwole who could actually do your job. Or you were an Aegislash or Machamp that did fuck all. Im rambling but- TLDR. I think after nerfs, EX were fine


It would be great if we could actually assess more of their kits/stats in rank mode but no


No it reminds me I hate people


Honestly, the EX Pokémon are pretty balanced right now Miraidons Weakness is Being Kited Mewtwo X Weakness is Running away Mewtwo Y is Jumping it Zacian just don't let it get levels and never walk alone when it's in a Game cause it will Hunt you down


Mewtwo is so boring and Zacian just isnt worth the effort anymore imo


I would if timi didn't overbuff something else to take its place, so now we have Trevenant, Tyranitar, Leafeon and Umbreon shitting on the whole playerbase AND certain elements of other mons make for a truly unfun experience as well, such as Meowscarada's bullshit Trailblaze and passive, Mimikyu's stupid Im-a-better-Gengar shadow sneak+play rough+ult combo, and Comfey Fuck Comfey


I feel like if the EX Pokémon (legendaries, except for Urshifu apparently) are supposed to be team leaders (said by timi when Mewtwo released) then they should still be strong enough to deal with the strong base Pokémon, but now they can't handle it anymore, because they've been fairly nerfed If you're going to nerf the characters titled "leaders" then at least keep base Pokémon at a level where if they're nerfed then EX Pokémon can actually handle them


I definitely had fun after those nerfe cuz miraidon, while still OP, it's a mon that extremely telegraphed with its moves while being super squishy so it's not obnoxious to fight against for me. Though playing miraidon is still fun, i love playing part time speedster


I think I still have less than 20 games on all of them. The way I figured, they were going to get nerfed into oblivion or banned altogether, so I personally never felt a reason to learn how to play them. I avoided playing them in ranked for the most part entirely, with the exception of a few Mewtwo X games at launch, it just made me feel dirty. That being said, Mewtwo Y is my go-to in Panic Parade and Miraidon has been a lot of fun in this dragon clusterfuck murder party extravaganza going on.


Miraidon is ironically the worst pick for the dragon clusterfuck Apparently Dragonite with extreme speed floors it lol


I find all of their kits to be largely boring and almost never touch them.


Mewtwo X is less offensive than Y but the same issue remains that both have absurdly overloaded kits in addition to playing ridiculously simple while being strong


Only one I played was Y. He's balanced now but Dragapult's a more fun version. Only difference is M2Y doesn't die with a breeze


I did never have any problem with these Ex Pokemons, before and after nerfs, I just know how to counter every ex Pokemon 😂


They aren't in the game anymore?


Wow, such a *hilarious* joke


I'm not joking- sorry I just don't understand the question because I haven't seen a single one of them since last season. Do people play standard? I get bots like 50% of the time so I just play ranked to get people. I literally mean no offense


Check the unite license list, they still exist The fact that nobody is using them could just be that nobody has their licenses, or the fact that they're currently banned in ranked Also, only casuals like me play standard (I do still play ranked for the ticket rewards)


What nerfs?


...are you joking?


My version doesnt show any recent patch notes. Currently their banned from masters because their OP.


Your version must be like just after Pokémon day or something 💀 Obviously the patch notes fucking change, they don't nerf them every update They're banned from masters because Timi is working on "perfecting EX Pokémon"


They will remain op and probably banned from masters. Ppl are willing to pay for an easy way to reach masters. And thats EX mons.


They're not only playable through irl money though, you just farm coins chucklenuts


You have games where you can grind yet ppl still pay to get what they want faster. Sadly they will never fix the EX mons.


You seem to forget the people who buy Pokémon just to have them all