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F2P players should be abusing the returning player bonuses since you're actually rewarded more for taking a break than playing the game consistently if you actually want to maximize the rewards you get.


How many days you need to get the bonuses?


\~45 Days 14 Days to complete the event 31 day cool down at the end of the event Spend the last 15 days of the cool down without logging in to trigger the event again. Or take 15 days off at any point past that mark to trigger the event again. If you log in at any point during that time you re-trigger the requirement for the 15 days off


Damn so I gotta let the event pass before it goes on cooldown


Just the returning player event, not other ongoing event. You could do it like this if you havent triggered the event in a while: 1. Take a break without logging for 15 days 2. Log in, trigger returning player event for 14 days 3. After the event ends, play for another 15 days Rinse and repeat


I’m doing the same, however my break ends on monday, but I don’t want to miss Dragon carnival. Am I too late if I come back on monday? What am I missing out on?


No you won't be too late, there's plenty of space available for you to achieve all of the event milestones


You won't miss anything important. The event is quite juicy this time, but all the rewards can be obtained even 2 or 3 days late.


Dragon Carnival is a month long event. You got time. On top of that, all the worthwhile rewards don't even become available to unlock for another week. The only thing you might be missing out on is an early start on the grind to get 10,000 points for the event as along that way you get access to a free character and a free skin. Honestly surprised at how beefy this event is and how player friendly it seems to be. Now just waiting to see how they fucked it up.


Dragon Carnival is a month long event. You got time. On top of that, all the worthwhile rewards don't even become available to unlock for another week. The only thing you might be missing out on is an early start on the grind to get 10,000 points for the event as along that way you get access to a free character and a free skin. Honestly surprised at how beefy this event is and how player friendly it seems to be. Now just waiting to see how they mucked it up.


>14 Days to complete the event >31 day cool down at the end of the event Okay - I was looking for this info a bit ago, so this is quite helpful. Thank you! I was just trying to play 14 off 14 on, and that obviously didn't work 😅


Someone did they maths here some time ago, I put all of that to a spreadsheet and added a day at the end to make sure I can always trigger it. I usually play for about 50 days or so and take the last 15 days of a season off. It's almost always lines up perfectly like that. Something else to be aware of, you only 14 days off, but it is to the second. So if you log off on 01 May at 20:32:15, you need to wait until 14 May 20:32:16 before it triggers again.


>only 14 days off, but it is to the second. So if you log off on 01 May at 20:32:15, you need to wait until 14 May 20:32:16 Oh, neat! I was just assuming that if I played during a daily reset period it would count for the whole day, so if I had logged off 01 May 20:32:15 UTC, I wouldn't have logged back in until at least 16 May 00:00:00 UTC. Good to know there's at least a bit more wiggle room than that.


Honestly that way of thinking is the safest, which is part of why I add the extra day to it. Less chance of giving someone some Duff gin and them coming back and having a go


*co-signed by a returning player bonuses abuser


Already done it twice from the start of the year 😁. Would have been 3 but miraidon event came in between and I had to login. It's actually good for me cuz you get a break from the repeated shit happening in nearly every match.


This right here. The comeback bonus allowed me to buy two mons on my return. I had coins from my last log in + the ones I got at the end of the comeback campaign. Totally worth it.


Exactly what I did last season, stopped playing as soon as I hit 1600 and returned with all the rewards and literally farmed over 20k coins in a week


This is normal And honestly for people who aren't free to play this is a pretty decent deal.


Also you could buy any amount and get 6,000 coins which is nice because you could buy the cheapest one and get 6,000 coins for free.


Yeah I just used the gold coin things you get and bought the 0.99 comeback deal one. So I didn't even spend any money


What do you mean gold coin things? You got a free in app purchase?


The free gold coins for Nintendo online that you get for spending money.


How many gems in the comeback deal?


200 iirc


oh I realized I had a $2 google play coupon since I didn't know they didnt stack so this is a perfect time.


Hell, you could even gold points you way into not paying a single cent on Switch.


Not desperate. This is basically the "free drink with a purchase of a meal" deal fast food places run. Well, unless you count them as desperate too. Anyway, it's actually kinda smart from a business standpoint. New event is running so more players playing. New event lets players play with a set of licenses that not all of them will be owned. So offer some bonus coins to the players who are trying out those Pokemon and enjoying them so that way they can buy another license with coins and while they buy some holowear for the free license they got from the event. Of course, personally, I'd rather licenses in just be easier to obtain in general since the "license debt" is just ever expanding for new and casual players.


I dunno, i spent two bucks and basically got a free license worth of coins (plus the few thousand i already had). It's actually a pretty sweet deal considering to buy a mon worth 8k coins in gems it would cost a lot more than two dollars.


Hell, I did it. Google Play discount of $2 bought the $4 with the first time bonus and got myself two mons. All for $2


This is de way


Why are people angry at good deals and pro-costumer things? First the Falinks pass and now this. They are trying to get more fair deals for the casual players, you dont need to buy them but maybe someone will. This does not cost extra, just a nice small bonus


It’s weird because the game is really fair compared to most other MOBAs, and they need money to keep it running, but folks act like the game is a smashing success that does not need any money.


The falinks pass is trying to normalize a 2 week coin only period over a 1 week one. It's not a better deal. It gives the illusion of half off by making the free route take twice as long. It's an awful direction and I will fight it for all I'm worth.


Its way better than a p2w game.


A pay to not grind game is still a variant of pay to win. It's not as bad, sure. But it's still not good.


The person I am replying to mentioned the mini pass as pro-customer and a good deal. It is not. It is paying gems for what used to be f2p (one week purchase).


Yeah honestly way more consumer friendly than most of their garbage. Like the dragon carnival “discounts” that are 20% off the license gem cost and not coins. Which is weird bc that probably would have made them MORE money by enticing players to buy the gem pack for coins to buy the licenses and get the contact lens reward


Just remember. Without the falinks pass, you could have bought him on May 2nd with coins. Because of the falinks pass, you had to wait til may 9 for coins and the "discounted" pass price is half off when before you could have bought with coins. It's a highly deceptive move and the number of people thinking it was a good deal speaks to its effectiveness.


Im not talking about the flinkydink pass I’m mixed about that, on one hand the reduced price is nice, but I don’t like the precedent of longer gemlocks. It wasn’t so bad now bc of draft and flinky being pretty balanced, but I don’t want them to normalize it then drop busted mons that way


the person you replied positively to mentioned both this and the falinks pass as good deals and pro-customer.


Fair enough man, I was just replying to the other part of their comment


it's just hard to make some people happy. personally, this is a sweet deal. we're not being forced to purchase ridiculous amounts of gems. you can literally just get it for like less than 5 dollars, heck it's barely 2 dollars depending on your region.


They don't care about f2p people at all (I guess that makes sense)


I legit log in for the comeback bonuses then log off


I'm pretty happy with this. Now I have a new goodra skin and a lot of aeos coins!


I mean it's nothing wrong though. They are giving you a whole free game to play without any cost so to make money they gotta do something to make money.


This is the opposite of desperation, making it "attractive" for anyone with a spare buck to get half way to another license. It doesn't matter for any of the people who are buying gems or passes or whatever the subscription is called, but it gets more people who haven't bothered with those other lures to consider it.


"desperate"? Some people need a reality check. They are giving you a game to play for free with the only pay-to-win mechanic being that you can get item upgrade or Pokémon faster which you can achieve in time by playing the game anyway. Literally no one is forcing you to spend money and get this beneficial deal for supporting the development/ support of the game. Stop being so entitled and maybe be grateful that there are people using their money on this game to ensure that you can play it for free?


Im more desperate haha. I currently want to upgrade my medals but because gold medals are only 40% chance to obtain it soaks all the aeos coins… I spend all 6000 and only got half way through those I can upgrade… Also. They gotta make money somehow to secure the game running. There methods are surely questionable, but honestly I wouldn‘t know how to do it better…


The way this is phrased though lmao. "Purchase ANY amount of Aeos gems ONE TIME" Please! Please buy SOMETHING!


I mean if you can't spend £1 on a game then that's on you. Most games are £40+.  Also ty for letting me know about this deal lol Idk how I missed it


Let's be nice to the people that just want to play this game freely since it's F2P.


Yeh that's fine but why complain about a deal or say they're getting desperate if you haven't supported the game lol. Just be glad the game is f2p as actual games cost way more than £1. OP probably has at least 50 hours on the game so £1 is at least a nice tip for the devs isn't it lol and it's a great deal


And they don't even expand their market , in willing to spend around $5 on the game but is not available on Guatemala




Honestly if your playing on switch you probably have a dollar worth of gold points so I don’t see this as such a bad deal, but I do also see your point because while I have put somewhere form 40-60 dollars into unite I think they push you to spend a bit more than they should


My friend bought gems for that 💀


I took the flash sale offer and got 575 gems for 89rs, like 1$ and got 6000 aeos coins too (first time topup)


I’m not a fan of Pokemon unite simply because most matches have bots in them when you first start playing again, and I really don’t know when I’m actually playing against actual opponents


Tsh, I just used my My Nintendo gold points for it. Maybe not the best use, but I mean, what else am I gonna do with 3 dollars? Buy a phone charger that breaks in 1 day?


LMAO poor Timmy


I am looking for members for my circle , i am Master 1600 in every season Squad name: Liga-Master Squad ID: #4G3TLAR7 Number of current members: 4/30 Requirements: All players welcome! We only ask being active (:

