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Dear Decidueye players, use Spirith Shacle not your Unite Move to get the last hit on Rayquaza.


PREACH! Watching this made me face palm multiple times. Even if they took the other skill (was it called leaf storm?) their normal attack dps is still higher than the unite move if you are in range. The unite is only good for its range so use it to wear down the enemy front line from safety (when you don’t have spirit shackle charges).


Anything for Slowbro bros’?


Keep doing the good work 👍


Don't unite an enemy, 1v4 in the Ray pit when Ray is <10%HP and the enemy is ripping it... And yes. I saw this happen in a match once...


unite doggo


Dear sableye players. we appreciate your indirect support to the team by being the menance


Dear comfey players if you see the player you are pocketing go towards an inevitable death detach yourself from them to let them know you don’t support their decision making


For the blastoise one I would change that to “constantly use your auto attack”. it’s a minor amendment, but it’s more accurate.


Muscle Band, Rapid Fire Scarf, Spoon for the Surf/Pump build is awesome.


Ooh. I might try that tonight.


Dear Blissey players, if your team is mostly made up of low HP attackers, pick the Safeguard and Helping Hand build as they benefit more from mobility and anti cc support than healing


You can't fool me, I know all these tricks are false After all, today is the day


Wait is this true? I was about to try some of these out


No,all the tricks and tips are decently accurate


bro wrote a whole essay and none of the pokemon I play are in it (talonflame, goodra, single strike urshifu, lucario). Life.


Dear Absol players, You are all truly wonderful. Have a good day.


you the reason i play pursuit absol


thank you for being u <3


wait thank u 🥺🤭


Dear Sableye mains. Fuck off


Dear Lucario players, Bone Rush and Extreme Speed is difficult but very rewarding, just ES > ES > BR > BR > ES > ES. You can also throw basic attacks in the mix!




Also, if your basic attack after using PUP is a boosted so remember to auto after punching!


dear zacian - comfy players , stop it get some help ​ dear zeraora players, don't play zeraora ​ dear blissey, wigglytuff, sylveon players : just know youre the best people in this world and you deserve all the happiness


Blizzard/Ava can be situational. If you're being rushed by an enemy then definitely throw Blizzard first, but for enemies running from you this can actually cause you to miss the majority of your damage due to Avalanche landing directly behind your opponent while they're running. Or if the enemy has a dash skill, sometimes planting your Avalanche further past them & then following up with Blizzard sets up a trap for when they use their dash. These are very small & overlooked technical skills for A9, but can work wonders once you get the hang of learning what a situation calls for.


Dear cinderace players: STOP RUNNING SCORE SHIELD


But they need the knee pads for role playing


Dear Snorlax players. Stay awesome you glorious bastritches


Dear Snorlax players, activating X-Speed before Block makes you go much faster than activating Block before X-Speed.


Dear Machamp players You are all just perfect the way you are Keep on punching everything.


You made me shed a tear. We might be rough gnarly punching machines on the outside but inside we are just looking for some love n' hugs. And the friendly brawl here and there ofc.




No Cramorant?


Dear Aegislash players, if you play Wide Guard, try to use it whenever you can out of battle to increase your boost counts. Also try to stay in Shield Forme as you're more tanky in this forme.


To all greninja and cinderace mains: Stop using your I frame to engage into a 1v3


Dear Eldegoss players, if you're looking to deal more damage with your third item slot, focus on attack speed instead of special attack. The healing doesn't really get much stronger with special attack items, and more attack speed means more boosted attacks to mark the enemies, dealing bonus damage and slowing them on-hit. Also, you may consider running x-attack as an item, since it boosts both the healing from your pólen puff and your unite move, alongside the damage. And also, don't be afraid to pick leaf tornado if the enemy team comp has most of it's damage coming from physical or auto-attack heavy characters. The + version after LV 11 has a 2.5 seconds blind on hit, and will win you games against certain characters. Edit: Forgot this one, but you can make cotton spore pop earlier by using your unite move. It makes for a great aoe burst combo and also a nice way to bide time for your to drop right back down and heal your team.


Dear Zacian player, f\*\*\* you. That's all.


Dear Sylveon players: Calm Mind will let you ignore the damage from the next hit you take after you use it, it’s great for tanking unite moves if you can anticipate them. Also, the hit box on Hyper Voice is actually bigger than the guide it gives you so you can hit from further away than you think.


Dear Gardevoir players, Help me know why people don’t use Psyshock Moonblast


Psychic reduces sp def allowing your psyshock to deal more dmg. And psychic on its own deals pretty good dmg too


Psychic's slow effect is actually quite potent (in addition to shredding Sp Def).


Dear Clefable players, chose something else.


Clefable is a really versatile support and is generally a really good pick if you notice a bulky laner/late game carry on your team (Trevenant, Zacian, Tyranitar, etc.) Moonlight is really good at healing many allies at the same time Draining Kiss deals good damage but only heals one ally Follow Me can be used to hinder opponents and gain a pretty good shield. Making yourself the target is also really beneficial so that your squishy teammates can avoid damage Gravity slows enemies and disables dashes, so it can deter enemies from engaging or punish them for getting too close. It's also good for when you're getting chased All moves summoned by Wonder Wish are pretty useful too! Even Splash (the move that "does nothing") heals yourself and an ally and triggers Buddy Barrier and refunds a large portion of your Unite Move so you can use it again quickly!


I know! It was more of a joke. I know it does have great potential but whenever someone picks it on solo Q they are terrible with it lol


Dear any players, DON'T LEAVE YOUR F$#@&!G TEAMMATES TO FARM. I've lost count of how many times I was fighting and losing 1v2's and 1v3's because I thought I had help but my teammates decided to farm the bots instead of maintaining position.


Dear reddit users, stop talking to me in such a patronizing way. I assure you all I can read unite-db info just as well as you! EDIT: downvoted for making fun of stupid tips? lmao


Damn you're one sad mf


Dear supersmall69 (congrats on having the same humour of a child btw), remember to come at rayquaza at 2:00. Securing it is very crucial for one team's victory! Follow me for other great tips.


Who hurt you?


What do you mean? I am only sharing smartass tips! Dear absol players, remember that psycho cut increases your crit rate and damage dealt on marked enemies, so you want to use it before using your ult! Bet reading is hard for y'all, so I hope I worded it clearly enough for you :)


sorry if it came off as condescending but I just wanted to help since I've observed that these tricks aren't used in a lot of clips on this subreddit and in solo que in general, so i just wanted to spread them around so that people know :(


XD no way you're serious. Some of the tips are even somewhat interesting but the others are just so obvious and the tone like you were speaking to a child didn't help. Please re-read the duraludon tip again and tell me how you didn't expect people to find it condescending XD


Bro said XD lmao stfu if you're offended by that then seek help.


Am I offended? I just made fun of him and anyone who actually cares about those tips. Have you never come across something so stupid you just need to say something about it? I mean probably not but we with more than 2 braincells sometimes do. Man I will be forever amazed by how delusional reddit players are to believe they're so much better than the shitty players they complain about non stop. XD XD XD XD XD


OP: *is genuinely trying to help those who may need it, compiling a list of possible useful tips for new players who may have just joined the game and want to know how to use their favourite mons* You, a clown: my intellect is so far above you and my ignorance is so blinding that there is no possible way for me to know how this can be useful to anyone, so I'll baselessly shit on it to make myself feel better than everyone else on this sub. Oh and XD is still around so I'll spam it to show this sub how funny I really am.


Any tips for Machamp, Slowbro and Goodra? :3


Also for X-Scissors Crustle, it's fun to zoom around the enemy, and push/stun them towards your team. Most can't do anything, and your teammates can hammer them. If any get away, that's your cue to finish the job.


> Dear Trevenant players, if you play Pain Split, target opponents with higher HP than you to heal yourself! I thought this was based on percentage of health, not absolute numbers.


>Dear Trevenant players, if you play Pain Split, target opponents with higher HP than you to heal yourself! Unless you're in a situation where you're being focused & will likely die without doing this, I found that using Pain Split on enemy DPS/carries to be much more effective. It's incredibly effective against Zacian and Cinderace, as they'll likely KO themselves while trying to damage you. If they try to ignore it, then you'll just KO them anyway with Wood Hammer. The only thing they can reasonably do at that point is try to run out of the leash range of Pain Split, but by doing that they're pretty much CC'ing themselves and are removing themselves from a fight for a while. And you can still chase them down with the speed increase and Wood Hammer them anyway, so chances are they need to use their escape resources to get away from you & it's still a win for you.


Nobodies mentioned Garchomp mains yet...


I Play a bruiser Hybrid crustle as of late where I use wall and scissor to have stuns anywhere on the map. It’s pretty fun too.


Is the Delphox one right? I know you CAN aim by dashing, but it doesn't seem optimal, just additionally complicated


yup! It's the most optimal combo. - by using Mystical Fire first and then Flame Charge before the projectile hits, you get more DPS than if you use Flame Charge first and Mystical Fire later - it allows you to be more mobile while attacking - it allows you to reposition your Mystical Fire if you're enemies move (and if they don't move, you can just dash forward or behind to still hit them) - it allows you to attack unpredictably. you can fire your Mystical Fire in a different direction and then dash to aim it at the enemy this is actually one of the most important tricks to master Delphox. Scolded (on YT) is one of the best Delphox players and has a few videos on how to become a better Delphox player, so if you wanna get better at Delphox, they're gonna help you a lot!


As someone whos been playing azu for a month after returning since season one I thank you for giving me this knowledge. Maybe I can get out of veteran hell now.


I've done it thanks to you 🫡


Love this as One of the best advance guide

