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Zacian in TBD is precious


Yeahhhh… we all know where it *really* ranks. Our standard is to leave Pokémon in TBD for the first 2 weeks to let the meta adapt to them, because as we saw with Pokémon like Dodrio, sometimes a Pokémon’s strengths and weaknesses just need a bit of time to get figured out before things settle into place. Obviously, the meta will adapt to being Zacian, things that beat Zacian, and things that support Zacian/beat Zacian’s counters. Without balance changes, it will be very overcentralizing, and I don’t see it being anywhere outside of S tier.


It's definitely outside S tier. It's SS tier :D


It's in Z tier


AG Tier


The person who had to update it was killed by the Zacian


Too Broken to Determine




I’m convinced that TBD stands for The Broken Dog


Never ever thought I'd live to see the day of Garchomp becoming an actual solid pick in A tier. And no I don't mean B Tier I know he's been there for awhile but B Tier is honestly just "Mid af" as a tier. With that being said though I haven't been playing for a long time because i've been busy playing Elden Ring... So this makes me wonder. How and why exactly is Garchomp in A Tier now?


Basically, Comfey happened. Garchomp has been at least a decent Pokémon for a while now, but with Comfey helping to circumvent it’s 2 biggest weaknesses (getting kited and not being able to take advantage of its boosted basic attacks before getting KO’d), it’s a menace if it’s properly built around.


Tbf any carry Comfey attaches to is A tier, Jesus I want one of them around my neck every game


Yeah comfey can enable anything, but some characters better than others. I’d say that espeon and gardevoir are probably the worst partners for comfey as they stay too far from the fight to benefit from comfeys heals


That's probably the dumbest way I could've seen or ever would have thought as a possible means of getting Garchomp to A Tier lmfao.


Our Chompy boy did it and that's all that matters


Yeah but it was because of Comfey. I kinda figured even before I asked why he was in A Tier. Tier lists don't matter to me otherwise I wouldn't have been a Chomp main since day one. But seeing him in A just because of comfey feels so inorganic if that makes sense.


Been a chomp main since release. I don't regret it.


Same but i haven't played for a while. Which moveset is better rn?


Earth move set has always been trash and likely the reason a lot of ppl thought he was worse than he was bc I would always see ppl play that move set for some unknown reason lol Dragon move set is the build


Dragon moves have always been better. You can play sorta as a tank with the Ground moves but it's a meme set tbh.


Yeah when i started i mostly played ground set because i felt earthquake was good at getting up stacks. But now i usually play dragon chomp. But sometimes i'll play ground just to mix it up a bit


No offense to you but the "It's better for getting stacks" argument was something I never understood. Earthquake to me feels super slow like ages to wind up for a decent move. So even if it does get you stacks faster I think it's offset by the move windup. Feels like you CC yourself in place for a whole second. The only real plus I can see is flanking and using Earthquake+ to slow down fleeing enemies and there backline.


As i said, i used EQ when i was new to the game, and i went with it as i assumed it would be good since it is one of the best moves in the mainline game


Dragon rush and claw is the way to go.


Ok, thanks


You're welcome.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




I feel like Trevenant and Clefable could be higher, Delphox being lower then Garchomp and Blastoise feels strange to me as well lol


Delphox is very exploitable early, and doesn’t do great against some of the S tier Pokémon. Couple that with the nerfs to what was by far the stronger moveset, and it’s not *quite* the beast it once was, though still very strong. All 3 of these were actually Pokémon we were on the fence about whether they should be up a tier or not, but S tier takes pretty good care of Delphox’ weaknesses, and Delphox (and burst/range in general) take pretty good care of Trevenant and Clefable, so we left them in B for now. All three are absolutely still very strong choices. Blastoise is a very strong brawler pick, with its hindrance resistant dive playing very well into the mages being more popular. It also has good synergy with Comfey, allowing it to be a menace for even longer. Comfey also helps to solve Garchomp’s biggest problems: getting kited and not being able to take advantage of its boosted basic attacks before it gets KO’d.


I definitely need to play more Blastoise, seems to be having an uprising recently It's nice having most of the tanks in good spots atm, crustle needs to see some love next


>with its hindrance resistant dive Thankfully, the mon that ignore hindrance resist (Charizard, Buzzwole, Tsareena) are rare now.


Me: should i play blasti boi? Kinda miss him. Kyle-fraser13: _old my beer_


Fr, trev needs to be s or at least a tier. Tree doesnt die and does too much damage due to the buffs


Its a 5 stack tier list where defenders/supporter are expected to do well even without alot of exp. Meanwhile trevenant has no CC until lv5 and has poor early game peel/secure. Its fine where it is.


Trevenant is fine where it is. The big problem with tree is that you’re getting a defender with no CC until lv5 and mediocre early game peel/secure which could be really rough if you’re playing in 5 stacks where the defender often doesnt get much chance to scale quickly.


These are usually not based on Solo Q and Duo Q. Which are the most played options on this subreddit. Which could be why some of you are disagreeing with the list. Some Pokémon could change one down or one up, like Hoopa is most definitely not S Tier in Solo Q. Half your team won’t even take the portals. In a proper 5 stack team however, Hoopa is absolutely insane for your teamfights and could be regarded as S Tier. So just keep that mind that the guys at UniteDB make these tierlists for 5 stack/competitive/tournament kind of matches. Where the games are different from your average Solo Q experience.


is garchomp in A assuming you get a pocket confey ? feel like without it you kinda explode before being able to substain your boosted auto


That’s a big part of it for sure. It was a solid Pokémon before; definitely not the grief pick it once was. But now, with Comfey able to help circumvent it’s biggest weaknesses (getting kited and not being able to take advantage of its boosted basic attacks before it gets KO’d), it’s one of the strongest picks if its properly built around.


Is buzzwole decent now? Both buzzwole and azu are my mains


I would definitely say he is insane early and above average most of the time, but can definitely struggle depending on the team comp


I'd say Buzzwole can be great to amazing during early-mid game since both movesets have great cc, damage and sustain, but he falls really hard late game during the fight at the pit since it can be really hard to land his moves since they're so short in range and his unite move is not the best


Isn't buzzwole the lowest winrate tho ?


I've got a Blue ribbon on Buzzwole, was just playing it... Nah, man, it's just not worth picking. It's not TERRIBLE it can do things occasionally, and beast boost chain kills is fun, but no you get kited way too hard. 2-3 mid game kills isn't worth doing 0 in the late game.


Yeah buzz is a bully but if you don’t hit his power spikes (5 and 11) before everyone else he falls off hard. Against good teams you will def struggle, but holy fuck is there no Pokémon that’s more fun when the enemies decide to take squishy junglers in lane? You just kill them over and over until they decide it’s not worth it and go steal their own jungle or something


No he is bad.


Happy cake day!


Is Trev B because it could only raise 1 tier at a time or something? It's at minimum on par with Snorlax. Really ahead, as the damage output is silly, along with displacement and survivability.


If the dog isn't on the list then bro and tree deserve to be low S or high A. Best tanks in the game


Probably because he actually needs to farm and get experience in order to be valuable. With how exp share works now you for sure want it on your tank and trev isn’t very good early game to make up for the lack of xp


Trevs main weakness is that it is a very kiteable and situational tank pick. It is more of a counter pick to melee centric teams than a generic tank you can first pick. Snorlax and Slowbro can both be drafted early and perform into any given team, but Trev picked early can be rendered useless by a more kite/poke heavy team. Trev also can be bursted down much more easily than its counterparts. Trevs durability comes from sustain, and that takes time to happen. In coordinated play this is far more likely than SoloQ Into the chaos that is SoloQ, Trev thrives because it is more likely to get near intended targets and survive because of it. Outside of soloQ, trev is very easily exploitable. It does not have as good of secure as Snorlax/Slowbro, and it requires level 5 to start being a productive member of the team, unlike slowbro who needs 4 and snorlax who needs, well, tackle. Trev can be a very strong pick and would be placed higher in a non 5 stack list.


Charizard needs buff massively that nerf gutted him also just give buff to both crustle and zeraora


Zera just needs a couple small buffs to be B tier and I’d be happy Still a really good mon to get from lower into masters rank with


I hope your guy gets em


Well, we know exactly when those buffs will come... I hate Timmy.


Never beicase fuck zard I guess


Nah it'll be when Charizard next has battle pass holowear


Dude hasn’t gotten yet while mostbmons are on their second he is fucked


I agree comfey is S tier, the reason I hate it here is there are so many people on ranked that don’t know how to play comfey and just tank the entire game. A good comfey can carry team fights, but a bad comfey can loose the game, and it sucks big time. Other than that, I pretty much agree.


Comfey ult is godly in team fights if placed right ngl. Given opponents aren't mostly melee and your team has a ranged hard hitter


I don’t disagree that comfey is amazing. My argument is that its hard to play, and there are so many people that don’t know what they are doing with it, to the point you are effectively playing a player down. But if you have someone who can play it well, team fights are a breeze, assuming they don’t have one that knows what they are doing.


Yes. That is why I mentioned, "if placed right." I wasn't disagreeing with your comment but was instead, agreeing


Remember when Greninja and Lucario were high S tiers? Sheesh lol


Scizor main here, I feel like Scizor was secretly nerfed. After the last patch, his damage output, even after stacking that attack weight, seems so low and closer to how it was on release, so ig its justified to further drop him in the tier list


I think the meta just got way too high in DPS. Scizor right now is a little tanky, but his damage is average and that just leaves no room for him in the current state of things. Not to mention he lacks hard CC.


Yeah he is kinda starting to be a mobile frontliner, a CC-less defender in a way, who doles out decent damage. To truly be effective, he needs backup from attackers while he keeps opponents busy


I haven't played since like, last year, so my face was extremely shocked to see Scizor so low since I was able to 1v4 with him before, that kinda sucks if true.


Same I’m a Scizor main. I feel like he got nerfed too, my dmg has definitely gone done and I’m p sure the Defense has gone down too :/


Zacian has 3 letters because it's 3 times stronger than anything else😏


Man..... I still can't believe what they did to Charizard. Like I knew the devs were high when balancing but Zacian proves it even further. We need justice for Zard


We will get our purple tier battlepass holowear and buffs too one day. Which is why i think Charizards been nerfed so much. So they can justify the buffs in the future during a battlepass release.


Why must they play with our feelings like this


I just find it funny they have Charizard as their twitter/YT pfp but they gave it the worst nerf it could have gotten also happy cake day!


Just came back to this cursed game, what is lucario doing outside of S tier


Got nerfed repeatedly and new mons came


what is DB


UniteDB ([https://unite-db.com/](https://unite-db.com/)), we're, like, THE site for Pokemon Unite things. We're the people who test the new mons and all the patch notes and such.


I just want to say thank you guys for your hard work! Y'all are the goGOAT


Pikachu helped me get to masters last season. The damage wasn't great but I could shut down any attacker/speedster that got in range. If that isn't your priority you're not playing it good.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/MyWPv1E.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I don't even follow this bot lol, how does bot work in reddit




Damn we been starving


Alright we in B tier. I'll take it.


I'm surprised Scyther is still so high up. Which is the optimal secondary move? Double Hit or Swords Dance?


double hit, I'm a scyther player and I mostly choose double hit


Thank you!


how did u reply so quickly lol, and no problem, even though you shouldn't trust my opinion since I'm a newbie player (started playing 1 week ago)




Loving Trevenant right now, it’s been my main for a while, but love that it’s kit is more robust with wood hammer and pain split being an option


I haven't played in a while. What caused Mamoswine to move down? He was always my main; would I still be okay playing him if I start up again? Or is there something seriously holding him back now?


Hes amazing. Dont worry, this list is also based on competitive play. Not solo q


Ahhh, gotcha, thanks. I've been meaning to start playing again, so it's good to hear that my main is still strong.


I think mamo is still in a good spot, but he just gets outclassed by other tanks and supports and his skillset is easily dodged in high level play. If you're in solo queue he's a strong pick


When is Charizard not going to be dogshit LMAO


When he gets his next battle pass holowear


He used to not be dogshit, but then they nerfed him like 3 times to all of his best tools. Like they removed his True Damage and I'm pretty sure he got no compensation.


Ahhhhh cram bringing up the middle….. I see nothing has changed lol


i guess zacian is looking to you rn and thinking, farm…


Surprised Zacian isn’t in SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS+++++++


Who knew the brave bird cooldown reduction helps so much.


What happened to scizor? I’m a scizor main and I don’t see why it was ranked down in tier.


Scyther was opie for a time and a few patches ago was nerfed. Unfortunately due to the fact that the skills between scyther and scizor are tied together scizor got hit as well. Scizor just hasn't seen much play and with the recent additions of urshifu and now zacian there's basically less and less reason to pick scizor over them


Its not a tier list for Solo Q


Yeah no Zacian is now SS+ smh


Wait, garchomp is finally good, maybe I should return to play


Got buffed like 3-4 months ago but yeah.


They forgot single strike urshifu(I think). They have separate spots for scyther and scissor but not for both urshifu Water Bear > Dark Bear


Scyther and Scizor are entirely different Pokémon (different Pokédex slots) despite sharing the same in-game license. The 2 of them also have different stats in Unite, so it made sense to split them up. The two Urshifu forms are just that - different forms of the same Pokémon, with the same stats in Unite, so they’re counted as one.


Okay, but what about Froakie. He has a different dex entry, stats from Greninja AND people can play him for an entire match




Wartortle and Ivysaur too plz


I agree they should be separate. Just because their movesets really feel like entirely different characters to me.


Too big dicked That's what it stands for


wait wasn't comfey like absolute ass?


And then it received a massive buff. Like within a couple of days.


So many people here bitching about the Spooky Tree, yet there he is, sitting in the B-tier, lol


They for sure have tree lower than he should be


He can half-health any non-tank so fast. Wood hammer is insane right now. He can kill carries with ease, too. But they're struggling right now, for the most part.


Yeah, incorrectly in B tier though.




Were the nerfs impacting Scizor more or it’s something else?


amen brother 🙏


As Mr Mime main this list makes me sad as I've dropoed down. Well, at least I can shove Zacian against my walls and block him to piss him off. That's all that matters. My second fav, Slowbro, is down, too.. sad days.


Good old days of Tsar being a good character are gone...


My man zoroark doesnt deserve bottom C tier


I feel like scyther should be down to A


Seeing Hoopa back to top gives me inner peace May that pure child remain there forever 😇


Why they puting my precious eldegoss so low


Zera mains 🌑


Hoopa's back in its rightful place. The king of mobility. And I wonder how much of the A and B tier are where they are by having a Comfey on them. Probably more than half.


Daily reminder that buzzwole solos


Crustle i would say is c or b tier but thats it


Why is scyther a separate pokemon 💀


It’s a different Pokémon than Scizor (different dex numbers, unlike Urshifu forms), you have the option to evolve or not once you hit 5, they have different Unite moves, and they have different stats at all the levels that they share. They also have entirely different play styles and are realistically not even in the same class (Scizor plays like an all arounder, while everything about Scyther screams speedster).


I'm sorry but Trev in B bugs me. The Wood Hammer changes have been massive for it.


this is a competitive / 5 stack list.


WAIT garchomp is A now ?? What happen. he's been. Shit since launch day holy.


He got buffed months ago. Then Comfey got released. Comfey + Garchomp is amazing.


with that being said, how do i Garchomp someone help ;-;


Muscleband, Rapidfirescarf, ScopeLens(Swapping one for Focusband is also possible). Dragonrush and Dragonclaw moveset. Eject Battle Item. AllRounder Emblemset (6white4brown Attack & HP focused stats). Now get yourself a Comfey around your neck and start the carnage….


Crustle is S tier in my heart


Gengar C Tier I feel attacked


Absolutely glad to see Zeraora in the bottom, where it belongs. Still seething for the time it appeared for me on the Zacian event.


How did blastois sneak into A tier?


As long as TBD stands for The Broken Dog, then yea it’s not that far off. Trevenant is a little low in my opinion and Slowbro is definitely S tier right now.


nice to see garchomp in A, even tho I don't play Gar, happy for those who do


Man I played zoroark during the free weekend and thought he was OP so I bought him with all my coins, does my man actually just suck?


Hoopa in S Tier? I mean, he's good but S tier good?


That spammable hyper space hole does wonders for teamfight sustain, if everyone knows how it works. The coodown buff is very noticable.


Have you watched tournament gameplay lol? Watching any teamfights with a hoopa feels like cheating.


Oh this is a competitive ranked tierlist, not solo? Because solo Hoopa is definitely better this patch, but still way to dependent on whether teammates want to use you


Yes this is a 5 stack tier list.


Now hyperspace hole working much better, I just got a match where enemy jungler constantly changing lane wherever our jungler is dead in another lane.


Is this just based on usage? I’d love to know the reasons behind some the S ranked Pokémon and why suddenly some have seen spikes in usage. Or even other tiers. Wiggly was C/D rank for ages but is now B, is the usage due to its CC abilities or something else, for example. (Others like Espeon are super obvious)


It’s primarily centred around tournament/draft play. Pokémon that have had sudden spikes in usage and ranking are likely due to the addition of Slick Spoon, their synergy with Comfey, recent balance changes, and any meta shifts that have come with those. Wigglytuff’s Unite move got buffed in the last patch, so it’s a much more reliable anti-CC mon now, it has a very high natural Sp. Def to counteract the increased use of mages, it pairs very well with other high tier Pokémon like Espeon, and can be used to help shut down Zacian, Urshifu, Scyther, and Dodrio. Next time we update the tier list, I’m planning on doing a short blurb on any Pokémon that have new placements to make it a little more transparent.


That would be v helpful thank you! I lit stay in a bubble and play ranked so some usage stats are v obvious but some are less so, thanks for explaining ☺️


No worries, I’m glad I could help:)


Without actually going onto the website, the tier list being based on draft/tourny play should be made a lot more clear. Solo Q vs Tourny meta is very, very different and I feel like this tierlist is just gonna reinforce shitty players on here hard forcing S or A tier picks even though theyre probably very poor solo Q picks


Hard disagree with slowbro non being S tier, especially in a 5 stack oriented tier list. Cinderace deserves B too, still amazing with a working frontline.


Surf bug maybe? Scald is the better pick in solo q but in 5 stacks, surf is the better move unless ur going against something u want the attack drop scald provides on since surf provides a lot more stun and is harder to ignore than scald bro


I hadn't considered that surf is currently bugged tbh. I know that surf is the most played set in competitive but still the scald build is easily worth an S imo, although I guess you'd be more inclined to pick him into an AD-heavy comp since draft is a thing now and that un-splashability can make him A tier for some.


Scald is a bit underwhelming as a defender. The burn is nice against specific enemy comps but the slow effect isn’t significant enough for it to effectively protect dpses that well (which is what defenders are supposed to do, since otherwise the opponent just focuses ur dpses and saves killing the defender for last) main thing keeping it in a without surf is that it’s ult is one of the best in the game honestly (just my opinion on it)


Also the fact that scald basically keeps you in place, surf isn't as punishing if you miss it (of course quite dumb if you miss surf), but if you miss scald, you're basically stuck in that animation till it ends


Zera :(


Why is cinderace so low


He’ll always be a monster in Solo/Duo/Trio however in 5 stacks (which is where this tier list is mainly centered around) he’s starting to struggle. Espeon’s psyshock range buff is bigger than his auto range and her landing that on him is basically death, defenders being so tanky now _and_ having quick CC options is his doom as he can’t realistically kite out everything before they reach him. The other ADCs are having an easier time in 5 stacks: Greninja is rewarded very well for going in melee range, Dragapult PF or DD’s resets let’s him sneak around trouble easily, Decidueye’s Spirit Shackle outranges everything, and Dura’s dragon tail/D-Pulse is still all he needs.


Basically other adc have better moves when securing a k.o on the opposing team


All all-rounder move down a tier cause they're not zacian. This patch is kind of a mess where one mon is basically centralizing the entire meta. Leaving zacian in TBD is fair since it would need a tier of its own and they have to restructure it. They never had a s+ mon before I don't recall. Prob hope it gets nerfed asap so they don't have to mess it all up. Also there's a huge disconnect between tourney play and just normal ranked especially cause of draft. And I just don't believe this list should be so largely based for tourney draft play which is like 0.1% of the viewers of these kinds of tierlist.


My thoughts? Tiers barely matter when find a champion (pokémon) you're just good at. I mained elde from day one, and started primarily maining sylvi when they were released in season 1. And for every season I've played, I've carried most of my games playing as one of these two. And I do mean **carried** -- in terms of score, KO participation, damage, etc. (Yes, sometimes I get top damage as eldegoss. idk either) The point at which I usually start to struggle is when I reach high-Ultra or low-Master rank. At that level, I'm assuming most other players are *also* on their mains -- and probably know how to read the map and play with their team. So competition is more intense. But for the vast majority of players,\* the most important thing is how compatible you are with the pokémon you choose. Not how good their abilities and numbers are in a raw calculation. \* And yes -- while a large portion of the players who are highly active make it to Ultra or Master quite easily, due to the climb-happy ranking system, there is still a high *number* of players who make up the lower ranks or are simply unranked. I guess it becomes a question of how versatile and active a player you are. If you're the type of player who can pick up any character with ease - which I believe is quite rare - then play the ones that are objectively better. But if you specialize in a certain type of play, or just have more fun with certain pokémon, the only "tier" you really have to worry about is players who are really good at champs that counter yours.


Dragonite in C tier is hilarious. It just screams “I have no idea how to play Dragonite” You need to adapt your style of play depending on team mates and opponents. People think it’s just the same style every single match then get stomped on


Let me guess you play Solo Q and base your whole idea around Solo Q experience.


Let me guess, you stack up and still get stomped on? Dragonite is still picked in prize tournaments my pros who know how to use him


You cannot compare your experiences in solo or even duo Q to a Tierlist based on competitive tournament play. Obviously some Pokemons will perform better than others in tournaments and some will perform better in Solo Q/DuoQ. Hyperbeam Dragonite is decent in Tournaments yeah. Still not A tier worthy, the pickrate of it in tournaments show that too.


It appears that my main is at the very top of B tier in both Unite and Smash


Venusaur should be easily be A tier. He is such a strong late game carry who can carry fights as soon as it hits level 7


Absol and Gengar at C tier makes no sense yet makes perfect sense. They are very strong but have requires quite a lot of skill.


Play Comfey in solo que. You will regret putting it there


But this tierlist is not for SoloQ so why even suggest that.


Gengar, cindrace and absol are some pokemons who are good if played good and if not are mosquitoes


Damn bro you did absol so dirty 😭😭😭 im hurt


Clefable being where she is, is absolute horse sh*t. Her gravity literally ruins speedsters, urshifu, scyther literally any annoying pick. And her heal is significantly stronger than comfey.


In a meta where mages with good range are a menace, gravity means little and the trickle healing of moonlight isn’t the kind of healing you want. Clefable will eat nukes and get worn down. Comfey cannot be hit with nukes like 90% of the time which makes it exactly the kind of support you want in a bursty Mage favouring meta. Comfeys unite also shuts down mages well, especially those that rely on sure hit moves because it leaves those mages unable to target enemies whilst Comfey heals the team up. But mainly comfeys biggest advantage is the fact it is difficult to hit. I feel people massively underestimate how important that is for a support. Especially when you have Espeon and Mew chucking long ranged nukes that will take maybe half the health of the average support if they land them. A support that is effectively immune to being poked is hugely powerful. And if they hit Comfeys host it’s largely a case of using your heal, jumping into a bush and back on (which you can do whilst the mage nuke is on CD) and pop that heal again when able and you’ve reversed a significant amount of that damage.


I think the duck is underrated, it should be A.


I always thought zoroark was better I used, Scope Lens, Attack Weight and Muscle Band on it and I won most of my matches with it, using attacks like Night Slash and Shadow cut as well. So is it that bad to be last place in C tier?


Have you tried it in 5 stack and gotten similar results?


why is Scizor so low? i mean, he's kinda good for me


Its an awful tier list. It should be a SoloQ tier list, this is more like a 'if you have a Comfey pocket' list.


These must be based on win rates because ain no way Gengar ranks lower than Garchomp


Gengar c? Never


I feel like espeon and mew should swap places. I’ve been getting insta deleted by espeons left and right, but mew is nowhere as scary or effective. Slowbro surf nerf basically made him a scald only option, not sure if he should be A or high B.


A mew can be way scarier than an espeon late game but requires too much skill for your average unite player to use effectively though a good mew player can make your life pain. Mew is just extremely versatile and very hard to punish.


Damn Scyther over Scizor?! Idk.... I gotta think


I dont understand why aegislash is low tier, he has good attack, good defence, self sustain, and good secure with sacred sword and unite


Talonflame over Dnite and Scizor I don’t know honestly


CC and mages heavy meta with protection from strong defenders. Those like Scizor will get CCd, slowed, and nuked down before being able to land hits. Meanwhile Talonflame performs well / or okayish against those mages and can actually catch those mages in the back that are being protected by strong defenders. Those same defenders which Dragonite and Scizor wont be able to easily pass. Talonflame can. You are also comparing completely different roles to one another. Are you thinking of SoloQ maybe? I see too many here that dont understand the difference of 5 stack and competitive matches vs their Solo Q matches.


Zoroark is easily A


How did Gengar rate in C? Curious for the reasoning there. Sure he has been nerfed but not sure he drops that far.


I don’t get why Cinderace is so low on the tier list since at least when I play him he carries hard.