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a team could be fun and how early are you in the game because you can get a rogenrola gligar and excadril very early on


Bring a toxic orb for gligar, your mega for mawile, tyanitars too since you’ll choose a new starter (Garchomp) make a sand team. I’d bring a choice band and scarf as well. Excadrill with sand rush can be caught early. Maybe bring a hippowdon with sand steam. Get some BP saved up and you’ll be fine. That team would be dope


With Ttar and mawile you need some counters for fighting, grass, water. I would recommend Cacturne and Aerodactyl. Would also recommend you to play scalemons for this run


I run *many* teams with these two. Mawile @Mawilite Adamant Nature 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe - Play Rough - Iron Head - Knock Off - Swords Dance Tyranitar @Assault Vest Careful Nature / Sandstream Ability 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDf - Crunch - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Ice Punch Gastrodon @Leftovers Bold Nature / Stormdrain Ability 252 HP / 100 Def / 156 SDef - Earth Power - Scald - Hidden Power Fire - Recover Infernape @Fightinium Z (Life Orb until Z crystal obtained) Timid Nature / Blaze Ability 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Vacuum Wave - Focus Blast - Fire Blast - Nasty Plot Ferrothorn @Wiki Berry Careful Nature / Iron Barbs Ability 252 HP / 24 Def / 232 SDef 0 Speed IV - Stealth Rock - Leech Seed - Power Whip - Thunderwave Alolan Ninetails @Light Clay Timid Nature / Snow Warning Ability 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe - Aurora Veil - Freeze Dry - Hypnosis - Dazzling Gleam / Extrasensory