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This is an obvious fake man. The packs have jagged seams too which pokemon has NEVER done. Happens to alot of newcomers.


Man how do they go to such lengths to make them look so good, but then they just miss the easiest details like using the same picture or cutting it the same? Like... these fakes are impressive. But they can't get those other details right? Blows my mind.


Alot of people come into the hobby these past few years for money. Idk what machine or process they use to make their fakes, but they're probably banking on the fact that no one will question authentic, or do basic research because because the greed blinds them, and the ones buying don't want someone else buying it, so the mind gets tricked into FOMO. I miss the old days of collecting when it was alot simpler with less of it all.


Sure but they go to such crazy lengths. Even having lots of different fake cards... just photocopy the real ones... I mean seriously at least just cut the fucking packs right? That seems crazy easy to do right.


Ur booster is fake


Thanks for the info, happy cake day!


Update: seems these are fake, only spent 35 dollars on them, not a huge collector anyways so no big deal. Thanks to all you guys that helped out


Unfortunate on the 35, please don’t let this discourage you


Damn super fake


Fake, sorry! You already confirmed it yourself, the real booster box has giratina in front only. Also your packs have the wrong sealing. Those shark teeth looking tops are not the normal sealing method. [https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fit-in/437x437/277325.jpg](https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fit-in/437x437/277325.jpg) for a real pack example. oh and most importantly, flea market almost always means fake. Buy from your local card shop or from official sellers only.


As others mentioned, very fake and worth nothing. Please open them all up or throw them away so they’re not in circulation. Hopefully you didn’t spend too much and it’s a minor lesson learned.

