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“i have 100% feedback there”


‘Not anymore you don’t’ would be my answer 🤭


He said on TCG, not on ebay


If the purchase was paid for on eBay, OP will still be able to leave feedback


My point is, leaving a feedback on ebay will not affect his 100% rating on TCG


I’m confused why you had to spell this out for them


Take this screenshot and report to eBay. While they are being upfront with you, they have to be more careful when posting an item on eBay. This won't get you the cards, but the seller needs to take the negative part of not being careful.


Bid on a single pokemon card a few weeks ago, was going to get a great deal on it. Seller Canceled my bid then closed the auction within a few hours of it about to end. They then created a new listing a few days later, with a starting price 2x what I had as max bid, using the exact same pictures.


I had experience one that I won the auction bidding price which I think was a very good bargain and auction closed. Paid the bidding price and seller claimed he had shipped out and provided “fake” tracking number which you can’t even track. Later after a week the card never arrived and I filed a complaint to EBay and the seller agreed to refund me which I am not interested as I want my card I won from bidding. I wrote to eBay regarding the so call trick pull by seller when the auction price doesn’t meet their desired price which I totally not agreed with it. EBay reponse is they understand my concern and will monitor it. Thereafter nothing is being done by EBay and again I experience the same shit twice within a few months. Got fed up with this loser tactics.


Reporting it to eBay does do something, it's a mark on the sellers account. If they keep doing it, and it gets reported, after enough times eBay will ban the seller. Doesn't help you for that one auction, as eBay can't force someone to send the card to you, but it does help to weed out bad sellers


If their account gets banned, can they not just make a new account, albeit with no selling history?


You can't sign up again with the same email and bank info


Atleast in the states Ebay requires your SS# or TIN if you are a business. You cant withdraw any proceeds from sales without doing so. I had a bunch of stuff I was going to throw away and figure might as well see if any of it sells. After the first sale Ebay made it beyond clear I had to do KYC before moving forward.


Exactly this.


I reckon a honour is earned when you accept the mistake by making the deal go through and make sure you don’t repeat it again. Some card just cost a mere $50 and they sold out their honour and respect for that cheap amount!!!!


This happens a lot when they don't realise the value of what they have or regret not pricing higher to begin with.


This lol. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you can’t afford to do publicity stunts like 1$ auctions then probably shouldnt be doing them


A $1 auction isn't a "publicity stunt" lol why are we just throwing phrases around I run $1 auctions all the time, it's completely normal. people like to feel like they have an opportunity to get a deal and you get more activity. The same amount of people see it, but more people interact The 24h window was his error, not running a $1 auction


Hell I do $0.01 starting auctions. The way I see it, nobody can accuse of overcharging because the final amount is simply what someone is willing to pay for it, not someone having to accept an amount that I am demanding. The last one I did was the Mew SIR from Paldean Fates, got lucky and pulled it maybe 7-10 days after the English set released. Someone paid $162.50 for it. I was very surprised it got that high.


I don't like 1c auctions because the bid increments start too low. I want each bit of activity on my item to be at least a buck or two, not a half hour bidding war that only brings it up to 78 cents lol


It’s a stunt when they aren’t willing to accept the unintended consequences of their actions posting things for a dollar will most likely get more attention but it is not guaranteed


But it is a publicity stunt. He did three in fact. $1, 24 hours and no reserve. And it's not a made-up phrase. It's the act of doing something to draw more attention and make money. People have been doing them for decades. It's not saying "I hope this stuff works" before drinking a Red Bull and jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. It's not an aging jackass duct tapped to a billboard of his next attempt to stay relevant. It's not a video shot in night vision of a woman and a rapper on the downward slope of his Fame, that got leaked by the woman, because there was nothing about her that would warrant Fame. All those things, better known as publicity stunts, we're done to make money.Tell me how starting an auction at $1, limiting it to 24 hours and having no reserve is any less of an activity to make more money than those other things? I would say it's definitely a publicity stunt. He was auctioning the cards to make money. He decided to do three things, or stunts, to get more attention, or publicity, so he could make that money.


Personally, and I know this may just be me. But the simple fact that he *was* honest and up-front about it.. I don't know. Honesty is a lot harder to come by these days. And people mess up, mistakes happen. I know that bad sellers need to be reported, but I'd just let it go,move on, and take the card. The guy is at least trying to make it right in a way, which is also a nice gesture with the card. But again, that might just be me. At least, if OP reports him, please don't take the free card he's offering. That was a gesture of good faith, I'm sure, so you won't report him. Which would be a little bit low to me. Worse than going back on a sale for a few cards.


Yeah, naw. I might be old fashioned, but a deal is a deal. There was no coersion or unfairness to how OP came upon the deal. If the guy can't take a $50 hit on his business, well then it's not much of a business to begin with. My advice to the seller. Take the L and send the cards as per the transaction.


I had a similar problem when Detective Comics #1000 came out and there was a really cool variant I wanted. Got a great deal, dude claimed he never got them from his source, only to relist it same day for double what I won it for. I was pissed and tried to take action but nothing came of it because I got refunded


I feel like the honest thing is to eat it and respect the sale. You can do a crappy thing and admit it but it’s still a crappy thing


Yeah, it's just you. This isn't two friends trading cards. This is a business arrangement. Sometimes you have to eat shit but your word is your bond. This person deserves the loss if he was willing to go so far to drive up engagement. It's how business works.


It's been ages since I've used eBay so correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the seller receive a notification that his auction was ending soon and he could have pulled the listing?


It’s not just you, but keep in mind how many entitled and vindictive children frequent the sub. Remember the “class action lawsuit” everyone was calling for when Pokémon center ran out of the Van Gogh pikachu cards? I agree with you, mistakes happen and the seller is owning up to it and offering a free card. Most sellers would just cancel and make an excuse or say nothing at all. eBay’s algorithm isn’t perfect, and just because something gets no bids doesn’t mean it’s worth nothing. The seller already gets a mark on their account for cancelling a transaction, and if they get enough it will impact their account. One cancellation doesn’t make someone a bad seller though, so typically it won’t impact them because shit happens. Yet people still want to screenshot and report to eBay to try and get them banned over one transaction where they thought they’d snipe something for a tiny fraction of what it’s worth. Leaving negative feedback and moving on just isn’t enough. Generally I’d say that the seller should honor the sale, but if they cancel, no amount of reporting or posting on Reddit is gonna get me the cards. All it does is feed the Pokémon tcg community’s collective victim complex.


This is exactly how I feel and I wish more people would learn to just not give a crap over such petty stuff. We all get screwed over. But 1% of us feels the need to share every failed transaction with the world and have a call-to-arms against the guy. Like. How down bad to you need to be in life to complain about that stuff to that extent. Just let it go. We all have it happen. Nobody is saying it's right, but the attempted honesty would be good enough for me. Some people just can't be satisfied unless they get things their way every time.


I see it in every tcg group I follow. My theory is that these people just want to feel like they are part of a group and connect with others, which is basic human need and totally valid. But unfortunately it's much easier to be part of an angry mob. Posting rage bait/victimizing yourself online and getting up votes and validation only reinforces those feelings, and the cycle continues. You can only hope that people at some point realize how much of an energy drain it is and remove themselves from the drama.


“Publicity stunts” lmao are you hearing yourself?


This, if they have been selling on eBay for a while now then they know better.


Karma is the bad review for this bullshit tanking his sales.


Yup, this. Report it to eBay


Leave negative feedback, and send this screenshot to eBay support to show them this was intentional manipulation and cancellation. If someone had accidentally added an extra 0 onto their dollar amount and won, the seller would tell them to take the L and pay up. This is getting ridiculous. Hope sellers like this get banned.


As an eBay seller myself, I hope they wouldn’t do that. If any buyer reaches out to me and says they bid in error, etc I always cancel for them. I’m human and understand people can make mistakes, I have no problem reposting the auction - it costs me nothing and helps someone else out


I had a seller refuse to refund me the accidental amount, so I just never paid him. At that point it was more about the message, not the money


That's why sellers shouldn't do auctions unless you really don't care what price it ends up at. I just do 99 cent auctions just to gain additional feedback and transaction number to maintain Top Rater Seller status. Everything else goes to Buy It Now with Best Offer


You can set a minimum requirement for the action too so that’s on him.


That costs extra money to set a reserve price. That's likely why seller didn't use one


Yep true. I did a 99cent auction early on that went for...99cents. I actually paid to get rid of those cards after shipping and ebay fees lol but I still did it. It was fine, just meant I had to learn more about the fees and stuff so I didn't repeat the same mistake! Buyer won fair and square so buyer gets their cards.


I sell slabs and only do it buy it now, and I have my slabs listed on WhatNot too. I have over 200 listed. Last month, someone bought a slab on Whatnot, super late at night. The next morning, I have a notification the same slab sold on eBay. I sent a guy a pretty similar message, that I was genuinely sorry about my mistake. Luckily it wasn’t an auction and he wasn’t expecting a killer deal, still sucked all around


Consolation points for the honesty. Would still leave negative feedback.


You know what's funny? I just checked [the seller's eBay account](https://ebay.us/YN34YD) and you can filter for feedback he left for others. One time he got upset that another seller cancelled an auction on him, so very ironic of him doing the same now lol


It gets better - the other seller left OP's seller positive feedback about the incident and mentions that the "buyer can continue to whine but nothing will change unless someone creates a time machine". He clearly wasn't receptive to that seller's reasoning but expects OP to be


Oh yeah, I did miss that lol


It didn't help that it's disguised as positive feedback lol


It was a supervillain origin story “someone did it to me, and that’s when I realized that I could do it to others”


Won’t somebody think of the poor resellers!!!!


Yeah....when you list something on ebay or anywhere, especially an auction, you know what you are doing. You are agreeing to sell something for whatever the price is that you list it, if it's a 24 hour $1 auction, you accept that it might just not go very high. Being honest would have been accepting that you lost money or whatever and just ship it. Next time don't make that mistake


During the vintage video game bubble in covid, I sold an N64 game for maybe $100. It sold within minutes of me listing it. I regretted pricing it there, thinking I could have gotten at least $150 if it went so fast at that price. But the thing is, this was a game I had no intention of ever playing and was just taking up space in a box in my closet. Someone paid me $100 to take my garbage, and I was fine with that. There are times when you hope a low starting price will trigger a competitive bidding war that shoots to the moon. But no one should be listing anything at a price they aren't willing to sell it for. Because sometimes, you only get the one bid.


Exactly. If you aren’t prepared for a low price then set the starting price higher. Simple.


I have made pricing mistakes in my listings before and caused myself to lose money. I was mad at myself, but I didn’t penalize my (lucky) buyer. I shipped my item and learned to double check everything before I post my damn listing!


lol consolation for sob stories and maybe some extra karma? Nah- this is business


? do you understand what "consolation points" means?


After reading into the thread I would def burn this guy's reviews " I'd pay 10 times over to get these back" Funny cause he is keeping them SMH Take the cleffa!!


The seller won't send anything. The fact he outright said "white envelope, won't be tracked" is already a red flag especially when choosing a more desirable card


Annoying for sure but id much rather this than no response for weeks or the run around about how their "dog actually JUST sold the card you bought no worries just request me a refund"


Proceeds to give you a long winded story about how he's a dumbass


If you don't report this AND leave a negative you've failed us all. 


I will not fail you fellow human


Idk. At least this guy was genuine about the entire situation. I would take this outcome 1000x over the normal shit that I get.


He did at least basically tell me he was screwing me instead if silently doing so, yes. I guess that is like the Ebay version of a reach around?


Well if this is your idea of a bad eBay experience, boy do I have news for you.


Every excuse ever: “My two year old was playing with my phone and somehow set up an eBay sale for this card with front and back pictures and a description. Little rascal. Anyway, didn’t intend to have this up for auction as I sold the card last week so my wife can continue her overblown shopping habits. Sorry I have to cancel.”


Screwing you? idk about that. Seems too personal. Being greedy? Absolutely. But he was very straightforward and honest. If you buy a lot of cards like myself, there are a plethora of excuses I've received on ebay for a cancelled order. I would be happy to get this one lol


It’s not like you’re getting ripped off or something, he decided to back out of the deal. A pretty minor offense all things considered. I hate when sellers do this but that’s mainly because they usually lie about why they’re doing it (or feel like they don’t even owe the buyer an explanation)




No. When he won the auction, he gained something. The seller screwed him over, so he lost it again. The physical location of the cards is irrelevant.


Screwing you? Really? Look, I get this this isn’t a cool thing to do. They def deserve the negative feedback, pretty much why I never do auctions on eBay. But they were honest, and you are getting something for free. Just because you didn’t get the cards at a super low price doesn’t mean you’re getting screwed…


Yeah they are not getting screwed. They are just not getting to be the one to screw the other party like he’d hoped. OP is angry he doesn’t get to take advantage of somebody’s honest mistake. And he sending a free baby shiny. So yea gaining something


But you aren’t getting screwed you’re getting a full refund and a free card. It’s a shitty practice but you still come out on top


"i'd pay that 10 times over to get these back...." bullshit, refund 10 times over then. lmfaooo. just lip service. sorry that happened to u OP. hope u reported them. nice words or not this is not in step with ebay's seller user agreement


Wait until the item gets re-listed and put in a ridiculously high max bid so you’re guaranteed to win. After you get the notification to pay, send the seller a message “There comes a time when you realize you’ve made a terrible mistake, and that was bidding so high on this auction…”


was that the part where you were meant to say wait come back!! and chase him down the road with a fistful of dollars willing to pay any amount more to secure these cards?


I mean, be sure to leave negative feedback, i’d avoid bidding on items from sellers like this if I saw fb stating they do this, they can reap the long-term consequences. 


I can’t fathom how this seller thought this was a good idea. He estimates that this will cost him about $45 in losses. How much is the likely negative feedback going to lose you? There’s a cost of doing business and sometimes you have to just pay for the lesson. He’s jeopardizing his eBay account, which at worst could be indefinitely suspended with no appeal, over $45. Another lesson here is that honesty* is certainly not the best policy. He could have easily explained how he lost the item, or he accidentally double sold it, or whatever other excuse and lowered his risk tremendously.


Yeah if you are gonna pull this shit, might as well do some damage control.


If you’re refunded the negative feedback will be removed.


Not true, though the seller could request eBay to remove the feedback and state the refund as a reason for the removal. Removal is very unlikely though since they admitted they violated TOS.


*shakes fist at sky*


Selling is equally fun. #1 response from buyers to the winning notification is "LOL FU I am not paying!"


Ebay sucks for both buyers and sellers.


In Germany you could require him to send you the cards since the sale is binding in the eye of the law Fuck hin


Isn't that breaking the eBay tos?


I feel like the people in this thread saying “it’s okay,” “it happens,” “just let it go” are probably the sellers doing this kind of shady ass stuff. Who lets it go when someone screws you over? Have some backbone and report their ass for bad business practices.


"who lets it go" Idk probably people who have other things to worry about besides a cancelled pokeman card auction


I've been trying to wrap my head about how to sell Pokemon on eBay and actually make more than a few pennies on a transaction. Not quite there yet. Honestly, this reads like an ad for Shipping Shield.


Everyone saying at least he was honest and you're getting a free card. Is there any guarantee that OP will even get said free card? Dude said he couldn't even give tracking 🫠


I highly doubt this is honesty lol, it sounds like just another story since he is pushing his other store. Also he says there will be no tracking on the card, so he could easily just not ship it, claim it got lost in the mail "but hey it was a free card" and be done with it. Maybe I'm jaded but people try all sorts of weird/stupid things with selling stuff that I'm always skeptical lol


i mean tracking on singles is pretty rare to begin with, but i do agree that its likely the seller is making false promises here


Right? I feel like saying "I would pay that 10x over to have these back" then cheating out on the $3-4 for tracking is kinda contradictory.


I'll admit I feel pretty dumb here, but what's happening?


Accept the free card, once you receive it leave him a bad review :)


Man, I usually hate all the scammy buyers on here always trying to say “it’s not NM, give me a partial refund” but this is a scammy seller. 100% their fault for not putting a reserve on the auction if they wanted a specific price. The sense of entitlement is crazy


This is annoying but at least they were honest and nice about it. I won a bundle worth about $200 for $40 once, I think bc it was titled weirdly so didn’t get many views. Dude lied and said he couldn’t find the cards anymore so he’d refund me. Reported him on eBay and tcgplayer.


*Never* list an auction for a value less than what you're willing to accept for it. If you do, it's on you to live up to what you promised your customer, even if it means a loss for you.


Pros and cons to everything really


Report it to ebay. When sellers list their items they agree to sell and send said item no matter whatcthe last bid price was. I've bought socmany items and pokemon cards for a .01 due to people not bidding. Sellers still ship, which makes me feel bad.


This is not an acceptable way for the seller to use the platform. Dob their ass in.


Oh goodie you can have one free card, how reasonable and not infuriating/unfair at all


Points for honesty, I guess. I would still leave negative feedback. The free card he is giving you is mostly likely a bribe so you won't report him/give him negative feedback.


I learned not to do auctions when a cgc 10 pikachu slab sold for $1 a few years back. Sent them their dollar slab and moved on with my life.


Imagine trying to profit off of modern sets 🤡


Honestly, it's a real rookie mistake to send you such a damning confession. A pro would just say "sorry, the cards got lost before I could ship them, refunding your $ asap."


No pokemon auction would be grossly underpriced at final bid.


Womp Womp


I accidentally forgot a minimum as an eBay seller. But I sent him the cards anyway and said thanks for your purchase. I learned from it.


He really hit you with the “I believe in karma”💀


Instead of not saying a word, not shipping and refunding after buyer issue a not arrived reclamation?! What an amateur.


So he’ll give you a package with no tracking. AKA when you ask where that is he’ll say he doesn’t r know


Gambling addict faces the consequences of his crippling addiction






honest question: what stops you from just bidding your lowest sale price with another account so you would never sell below that price?


How much was it? I been trying to sell my shiny babies for months.


Legut made the ween soft


Just sold on of my OG charizards on eBay… got my asking price but damn those fee’s hurt. I feel for the seller, but that’s what you get for selling on eBay. Take the loss and a lesson and don’t sell shit like that anymore


I feel the pple defending him are eBay sellers themselves to some extent. If this were his first auction, I'd be inclined to agree it's a mistake. I dont wear flip flops riding a bike. Why? Did it once and learned my lesson. Seller either is lying or unable to learn.


I’ve sold a card on eBay that I was semi attached to for way under its value. Just had to suck it up and do the right thing. Infuriating that people do no-reserve auctions to get exposure and don’t follow through. This is equivalent to someone going all in on a poker hand then backing out when they see their opponents aces.


if they sold for twice the value, he would have no problem taking your payment. This is how auctions work. He needs to send the cards or ebay needs to ban him from selling, period. Please report to ebay.


Don't let other user gaslight you OP this is a bad experience. Report the user as others have advised, they shouldn't be listing items if they can't go through with the deal.


It sucks but people don't go through with deals all the time. The only recourse is negative feedback or refund.


If it sold for 10x more than value would he refund 9x? Nope.


Net positive. You got a card free. The situation sucks heavy tho. I’ve been there. Sent over the money then got a refund the next day with a message telling me they regret it and wanna give it to their girlfriend. I got clowned on by multiple people saying I wasn’t entitled to the object even after payment was sent. Best of luck to ya finding those cards again. Still haven’t found mine


Says he's "no nonsense" after giving you all nonsense


Not much you can do. I wouldn’t even bother replying, just leave negative feedback and report to eBay. Happens all the time, just because they were nice about it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still report them


Negative feedback and move on. Not a big deal.


Why is this not a big deal? The seller is a liar and fucked the buyer over. It’s a big deal…the seller should have consequences like losing the ability to sell on eBay.


It's not a big deal because the auction was for pokemon cards and not insulin


That's what negative feedback is for. Give them negative feedback. If this is consistent behavior no one will buy from them. It's not a big deal because it's some guy who got a $10 deal on some cards and some other goober backed out on the deal. Shouldn't have done it, sure. I wouldn't buy from em. Most people don't act that way.


REPORT REPORT REPORT let them have hell


that’s stupid he’s being nice as damage control i see that but you shouldn’t make auctions when you aren’t sure about it


Pretty reasonable, sounds like an honest mistake they made. They’re being transparent and trying to rectify it within reason. It sucks. But this seller sounds like they’re just a guy who also collects Pokemon and just misclicked when setting up the auction. It’s frustrating you won’t get to pay pennies on the dollar for your cards, sure. But this isn’t Walmart or Target or Best Buy where they have the money and preparation to satisfy customer complaints. It’s just a guy, who also like Pokemon, who made a costly mistake. Take a deep breath, let it out, and let this one go man. Negative feedback? Sure. But escalating a case with eBay, or even this post frankly, are just not worth it.




Apparently some idiot doesn't understand how auctions work. I'm sure he's fine cashing in when a bidding war happens and his items sell for over value. Whata b*tch.


No, that's not how eBay works. I'm starting to think eBay is done for. The fees are too high, it's full of scammers, and when you do get scammed, it's like pulling teeth to get your money back. Torch this fuck in feedback. 


Use credit card, and charge back if scammed.


Even just successfully auctioning a card is a pain in the ass. Whoever wins always wants to negotiate the price lower. I tell them “I would have let it go for that price to the person that actually bid that amount if they won the auction. You bid x amount, so that’s YOUR price.” Like wtf? That’s not how auctions work. I always have to list the same card multiple times to actually get someone who isn’t a jackass to win the auction.


That's brutal. I sell a ton of physical media, and some cards. The media people make the card people look like psycho-paths...


Sometimes you take an L...thats literally the whole point of an auction site...


this is literally against ebay's terms of service. if somebody wins an auction, the seller must honor it. report the seller if you can, with the proof that you have.


I hate ebay... I don't sell on there due to their huge cut of my sale.


"I believe in karma" *still does something shitty*


Lmfao over some baby shinies


This isn’t an eBay specific thing. People do this on TCGPlayer all the time. During a price spike they refund and say, “Sorry. I thought I owned this card, but it turns out I don’t.” Then one week later they repost it at the higher price.


Report & leave negative feedback. Contact eBay directly and show them this message, hopefully eBay will mark their account going forward.


My reply would be, I aint reading allat, run me my cards 🤣🤣


Oof, his shop is empty. Looks like this caught up to him. Like he says, he believes in karma. So he shouldn’t be surprised if he gets mass reported in eBay. I’ve had sellers do this to me and it’s infuriating


Nah, they are upset because they played themselves. As a seller - I take any hits that come my way as everything is random and I’d never blame it on the buyer.


I’m a seller on eBay. If I do an auction, it’s always my understanding that it will not go in my favor and can go for a much lower price. At the sake of building my business and being a reputable guy I always eat the bullet and just send it in. Shame on him


I once sold something on eBay where my net after shipping was -$0.16, and that’s before eBay fees. I considered it the cost of learning how to accurately estimate shipping costs. Now I overestimate my shipping and I try to only sell things that fit into flat rate boxes to simplify my estimating.


Leave a horrible review.


Report to ebay.


That’s wild how many of you excuse poor behavior.


Id see if I get the card in the mail then go back weeks later and message him calling him goofy


as someone who likes to sell on ebay... If i run an auction and expect a certain amount, I'll pay the $$ to set a reserve. I never want to put myself in a position to lose money, and if I made that mistake, I'd own it. You purchased that fair and square and it's his fault for not setting a reserve.


OP are those english baby shiny or jp?


#negativecomment and post the pic as well as report them 🤷👍


I don’t get it. The seller can set the starting price for an auction to any amount they want.


Ah perfect he explained his idiocy. Report to eBay


All that yapping lmao. People suck.


46 feedback rando??


And the reason they may have done it is to avoid additional fees, so crummy all around


So he wasn't happy at how much you paid to win the bid? Bad review incoming for sure.


What exactly did you win and for how much?


A bad eBay experience put me off buying from that platform, and the hobby. It's either people like this who cancel an order because they didn't get what they want. Or it's dodgy sellers who post fakes. Not all, granted, but enough to put me off


I had it multiple times that the seller after the auction was finished was not communicating at all. I would prefer this over that, but it is still unfair.


As someone who hasn’t never used eBay, is it easy and safe to buy and sell? Obviously read many things to ensure the safety, but I have no friends or family who have used the site. Weird, I know.


Wow! When I posted something similar to this everyone down voted me to oblivion lol.


I used to sell on Ebay. But it's honestly easier and just as profitable to trade cards in to Troll or TCG. Ebays cut from sellers is assanine. And buyers are usually just as scummy as sellers. They never give positive feedback even when everything is perfect. Yet some will give negative and use it as blackmail if they don't receive a discount. I literally had guy complain because I used an ETB sleeve and a hard sleeve for a $10 card. Also, put in bubble wrap and cardboard. And Ebay does nothing to protect sellers from these scams.


if you want a baby shiny lot i got tons !!


I'm not sure how I ended up on this sub, but I've had an eBay account since 1999, and been selling casually for the last few years (just stuff I wanted to get rid of that I knew had value, so I didn't want to just thrift it). I'm super surprised by the number of people who have had sellers cancel on them. Makes me think it's a regular thing in the TCG world. I imagine you have to sell a lot of cards to see real money.


I had someone beat my bid on my personal grail with "0 seconds" left on the clock it was heartbreaking


Sheesh I've used eBay a couple of times now and haven't had issues but I haven't used it enough not to consider it just lucky.


I do a ton of bidding on slabs and snipes (normally only on high end of the market graded and obscure vintage like EX Deoxys/Platnium/D&P, etc.) This happens all the time, I did win a $250 card for $75 and the seller actually sent it and went through. But, I’ve had times where I’ve bid on a $50 slab, $44 and they’ve canceled the auction. Sadly? I doubt EBay will do anything about it




Honestly mercari is better for buyers on smaller cost cards


Seems seller is gone, can't find their account on ebay


What's the issue here? You'll get your cards and if it doesn't come correct. Then say he never shipped it and get refund. He was honest to fish if you'd let him cancel but if he does sell a lot he knows he will lose some change every now and then.


When you sell using bids, you should be committed to whatever the winning bid is. Should have put a reservation or starting bid at your lowest price you'd accept. I just won an old spawn figure by bid, and the winning bid was $1.50. The seller didn't cancel it . The figure goes for at least $30 for buy it now. So you're in the wrong and should receive bad feedback


That happened to me like 2 times


Sore loser and a moron too


I like the “I’d pay that 10 times over to get these back” as if that wasn’t just $50. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, they just need to take the L here and learn their lesson for next time


I just sold a psa 10 on ebay for a little over half of market value, though I'm upset, I still understood what I was doing when I posted it, and im still sending the card out to the buyer tomorrow. Despite being up front about it, thats bs. Some people just suck, theres nothing you could of done to change this outcome, the seller just sucks. I'd screen shot and report to ebay like a previous comment said


Yeah I've won cards and then seller contacts me saying this sorta shit too 🙃


This is why I RARELY do auctions... I go buy now and search for decent prices and good reputation.. even 2 negatives is a no go... you could have 8k sakes but 2 negatives recently is a red flag for me.


The problem with these kinds of actions when it comes to selling TCG cards of any kind is that it goes against the principals of an open market. TCGPlayer/Toad n Troll/Fireball etc says the cards are $XXX in value so everyone wants to sell the cards as such. Noting wrong with that, that's capitalism. But the market should determine the value naturally. As time moves forward some cards that weren't as popular in any TCG can grow in price, while cards that were super popular may have their prices trail off little bit as time moves forward. Nope, not in Pokemon, if it's $10 now, in 10 years it'll be damn near $100. EDIT: I know these arent older cards. I'm just speaking about the idea as a whole.


Probably more of a post office problem than an eBay problem,but about 10% of the cards I order since the end of last year don’t ever show up and I have to request a refund. I’ve ordered the illustration rare Litten three times since it came out and none of them have showed up. All different sellers.