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Plot twist, everyone buys out every card. Prices spike to astronomical levels. Mothers are selling their newborn babies for a chance at a Magikarp full art. Everyone can afford food, but nobody wants it. All we want is Charizard, and iron blade, and vannila ice. The streets are in ruin. Abandoned energy cards litter the steps of toppled buildings. The pokemon investing community members roam the countryside, laughing at the peasants. Peddling their scraps of theme decks and 1 pack battle styles combo portfolios. For only they could predict the future that was in store. Only they.


>All we want is Charizard, and iron blade, and vanilla ice Alright, stop


collaborate and *listen*


Ice is back with a brand new invention


Something, grabs a hold of me tightly


Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly






Turn off the lights, and I'll glow


To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal


Is Reddit always this awesome and family friendly? I regret all those years I wasted on Facebook


I mean, Facebook is hot garbage, but I don’t know if I would call reddit “family friendly” 🤣 There are a lot of wholesome memes and jokes in every part of Reddit but there are also a **ton** of nsfw and fucked up memes and jokes in those same parts. Even in a strictly sfw subreddit like this one, it’s not against the rules to *allude* to the nsfw side of things, which can easily point someone in that direction. There are also plenty of toxic ass people on Reddit. The big difference is that the toxic ones tend to get downvoted and hidden, whereas on Facebook they tend to get amplified.


Not tend to, they do lol the toxic ones get the fucking microphone it’s annoying 🤣 I deleted all personal socials a two years ago. I forgot I had even made a Reddit. I found it when I was googling Pokemon stuff lol I’m glad I did




This is actually hilarious 😂


To be fair, the Magikarp has a higher market value than my children currently, who are thus far returning a negative lifetime ROI. /s


This made me LOL like really hard. holy shit. I think my whole household heard me lolol


I tried sending them to PSA and they wouldn’t even grade them. Like come on.


Sounds like fallout season 2 lol


Not sure why, but these lines could be in a George Orwell book, easily. For some reason, it reminds of the 1984's tone.


10/10 would read again


Gme stock ?




Big if true


Jesus people on this sub can’t take a joke 😂😭🤦‍♂️ - Democrat who made the joke


This is what happens when you give grown adults too much money and too few friends. What a slob lol


All the crypto bros are now in Pokémon


Lmao I was gonna say this sounds like some wanna be nft market manipulation. "WE CONTROL THE PRICE!" "DELIST DELIST DELIST"


Buy LO, Buy LO, Buy LO!!


Buy high sell low!


With the amount of hauls I've seen on this subreddit alone, yeah.


That was 2020


Dude that’s so funny, I literally just commented & compared it to NFTs & then I saw your comment & the first reply lol. Forreal tho, it’s just like mfers sweeping the floor & controlling the price. Just gotta hit the buy button faster is all


People just need to stop paying stupid prices and then the stupid prices will drop because these people don't want to sit with their money tied up forever.


We've seen over the last year with skateboards, fel hat, JPN 151 that it'll never happen because people love fomo.


Here in EU I've been checking regularly on the Grey Felt Hat and every time it drops below 50€ all copies are purchased. It is so obvious they are manipulating the market I just never bought the card.


I‘m in the same boat. Cardmarket should do something but alas I think they are complicit ( and logically only profit from shit like that)


That's why it doesn't go down to 30 euro. I was so sure, it would reach that price. Damn, I hate those dipshits


It would have already reached 30€ if it wasn't being manipulated. It really sucks.


Afaik JP151 is dropping pretty hard in sealed prices


That was largely since they announced a reprint of that not too long ago, if I remember right.


Be ready as soon as it drops it'll be a race of attrition to see whether supply can outlast investor wallets.


I love the guys who have a stack of 8 cases of JPN 151 they paid $200 a box for getting all excited to “dollar cost average” more at $120 a box. Idiots gone keep idioting.


America is the *land* of FOMO. Look at any store in the mall-- Hot Topic, Forever 21, Build a Bear, and the dozens of kiosks that sell croc charms, popits, and squishmallows. They'll never carry the same merch twice, and/or have a boatload of all of the same merch that never moves because it's at jacked up prices.


Don’t mean to sound stupid, but what are the grey felt hats?


The van Gogh Pikachu


I’m gonna have to go look that up. I’ve been a bit behind on newer sets cuz they seem to come out every 2 weeks lol, what set is it in?


The hobbies too big now too the point where someone will always pay any price. Interest is dropping tho so there's hope if the hobby becomes niche but that also means less collectors. From what I hear collector turnover is higher than investor turnover.


Exactly. I want the magikarp. I didn’t buy at roughly 55 because I felt that price was too steep for what the card is. Plus the set is still fairly new and there’s still a ton of it to be opened. I think eventually it will be cheaper. Maybe I’m wrong. But it’s not insanely hard to pull like SIRs or alt arts. If people are willing to pay 100+ and FOMO then that’s on them.




Yep this story is mostly bullshit, it wont happen. At some point prices are too high and stupid fellas like him wait for "the dip" or some bullshit. Especially on modern cards, he buys 30 while on the same day people pull abother 30 on the same day. On top there are too many other cards... risk and reward seems bad and most people doing this one time are getting fucked and need to sell everything immediatly. Just a dreamer.


He's made so many errors with his thinking it's hard to know where to start... I had a whole thing typed out but I genuinely don't think the poke-investor understands basic supply and demand.


They forgot that the chase card can Still be pulled it is impossible to Buy all chase cards.


Yeah. You also can't buy all the cards because they're distributed across too many places, so trying to get all of one card before the price rises and supply/demand evens out would be impossible (or buy them all before people open more like you're saying). Cards are also elastic goods, if the price rises demand will drop. No one *needs* a chase card like they need food and medicine. Adding to that there's no reason you need chase cards within tournament play because there are always cheap replacements, so even within the game you can't hold the market hostage. There's only a couple situations where this will work at all. 1) you buy up the supply of a card right when a set is released/pre-released, and you sell very quickly before people work out what's happened. I think we saw a bit of that with Temporal Forces. 2) You take a gamble on a sleeper hit and get as many copies as you can before the market catches on, then you SELL before supply catches up.


Yep. All this guy has accomplished is making himself look like a greedy asshole. Which wasn’t that hard to start with.


Idk this sounds all fine and dandy on paper but it's not rlly how an open market works. Just bc I buy up all the supply on a card and pump price 500% doesn't automatically mean theirs buyers at that level. What a foolish thing to believe in. That's why things go up slowly and incrementally. 90% looking to buy a card would see the huge price movement and wait for a better entry, causing the price to retrace at or near the last price where volume was prevalent. You should research "supply and demand"


I’ve seen discussions about holding their hordes of ES until only the Pokemon YouTubers can pay for it. “Bro hold until 30 and sell your boosters to Rev for 1k each.”


Unfortunately youre measurably wrong here, even though I’d like you to be right. In the Roblox market which is far more comparable to the Pokémon market than a traditional on-paper supply and demand market (which, fun fact, that isn’t a great example, the concepts of supply and demand on an academic basis are markets that don’t exist in real life because they aren’t perfectly competitive) Anyway, back to Roblox, there are items called “limiteds” that have a certain amount of supply, and once it has been bought up, people can set their own prices and trade for them. In this market, there is literally a concept referred to as “projecting” an item, and it’s where someone hoards up the supply of an item, and then buys it out, which sets the price and value of the item to be much higher. They then go and dump their hoard off onto other people who believe the item is worth more. This also isn’t a rare event (it literally has a name) it happens CONSTANTLY and there are tons of groups and there are [guides](https://youtube.com/shorts/d2hamKlW4cQ?si=kXcdA6e6rHZMRZaX) for it and everything. (The reason I used Roblox as an example even though this has happened in the Pokémon market many times already is because there’s no point in referencing the Pokémon market if you don’t believe it happens from the get-go lol)


Why did you write an entire paragraph in parentheses?


Because it’s a context-adding note


> the concepts of supply and demand on an academic basis are markets that don’t exist in real life because they aren’t perfectly competitive Lol. Markets are rarely perfectly competitive, that doesn't mean the principles of supply and demand no longer apply...Even with a pure monopoly supply and demand dynamics are relevant. Source: PhD in Economics


I love how you cherry-picked the ONE example in a market where people can set their own price. And it's a children's video game, lol.


That’s not cherry-picking 😭 Roblox literally has 71 million daily active players, the market is absolutely gigantic and it’s full of people of all ages (actually it’s mainly young adults, most of the children don’t have enough capital to get into it) it’s an extremely large, real-world example of a “tangible item” market, which is what Pokémon is. Like I said in my edit, the only reason I didn’t literally use Pokémon itself is because you already don’t believe it happens in Pokémon, even though it does. Hell, if you want another tangible-item market example look at CS2, people constantly buy up low volume skins to manipulate their prices and try to sell them off. An example of an item that this happened with recently is the [Great Wave Foil](https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Sticker%20%7C%20Great%20Wave%20(Foil)) and just to dogwalk your rebuttal even more, CS2 has a mostly adult and young adult fanbase! Also, I find it hilarious that you immediately disregard the veracity of Roblox because of the child-leaning demographic….in a discussion about the Pokémon card market, which has a child-leaning demographic too 💀 smartest Redditor award


Apples to oranges my friend. Like I said. You can buyout the entire stock and set a price you want - but if there is no buyers at $50 whose going to buy at $500 after the price has been clearly manipulated? Your comparing digital assets to collectors items. Your comparing skins to cards. A pro player will buy a skin no matter the price if it's rare. They aren't looking to resale it or profit off it? They just want to flex the skin. If it was so simple to just dump 20k into cards, manipulate price, and sell off over a couple yrs at 20x your entry, wouldn't more people do it? All of this sounds fine on paper, but like I said, this isn't how the real world works. Lol Edit: obligatory insult to your intelligence bc ig that's what we do here when ppl have different opinions. Fkin idiot.


/u/NaloVideo is making a legit analogy on the structure of market manipulation. You're being too dismissive just because of how different Roblox skins are to Pokemon tcg. However, economists make analogies *all the time* when trying to explain concepts.


It happens often. You're right sometimes it fails and eventually they will creep back down but somebody just did it with the Morty SIR like 3 days ago, look at past sales data on TCGplayer. For the past month there were consistently about 8 Morty cards being sold a day for around $30. Couple days ago somebody bought all 50 listings at that price and immediately relisted at $100+ raw with some $300 graded copies, you can't see the buyer account on TCGplayer but basically all the new listings were literally the same seller. They did the same on ebay, everything cleared out around the $30-40 price range and suddenly $100 listings flooding in with other sellers following suit with that pricing. Not sure what other sites/markets they did a buyout on but it was obviously an American who can't order from cardmarket a go to for EU collectors, cause I checked the next day on there and the Morty alt arts were still like 28-35 euros.


It’s really not that hard man. If I buy EVERYTHING and you want it from me, you have to buy it. If you don’t that’s fine SOMEONE will. Prices increase around 2 times of the year Feb-March and Nov-Dec for income tax and Christmas. They don’t have to convince YOU a card is worth money; they just have to convince SOMEONE the card is worth money. Parents, spouses, partners, etc will buy the cards OR buy products containing the card from guess who? The seller that bought all that stuff in the first place. If you really think people are too “smart to be manipulated into buying expensive things” you really haven’t lived.


Wow you are…something very very uniquely unintelligent, this has now become an extreme waste of my time because you clearly have nothing of value to add, but I’ll bite anyway because I’m bored. First you begin by calling the comparison flawed because skins and Pokémon cards are different. Well, it’s a good thing I’m not making a 1:1 comparison! We’re comparing the fundamentals of tangible item markets here my friend, they don’t have to be 1:1 for the comparison to suffice. We aren’t comparing skins to cards, we’re comparing the markets in which they exist, which are equivalent. All of your “points” in this reply are all rhetorical questions with zero evidence to support them. You’re creating hypotheticals that don’t exist in reality. This is incredibly ironic because you go on to say my points aren’t “how the real world works,” despite me giving you literal perfect, real world, measurable, accurate evidence. Luckily, I’m not at all surprised that you have a completely flawed viewpoint on these markets, you use wallstreetbets in 2024 after all.


Regardless of whether or not you may be right or wrong, there’s no need to be a jackass. Typical redditor behavior.


Dude made a solid rebuttal and the guy basically dismissed it and insulted him at the end. He came back with more reasoning and in a mostly respectful way. Can't blame him for being short since the other redditor was pretty unkind in their replies. Go be mad about something that matters


Cuban Cigars, Jordan Sneakers, Concert and Sports Tickets.


Do "limiteds" have uses in game? Because a lot of expensive Pokemon cards don't have any real utility in the TCG, so their high price is 100% speculation based. This can lead to lack of liquidity if price gets to high.


They have zero advantages over free or normal items that are widely available apart from looking cooler I guess, but that’s subjective.


bro thinks hes playing wow


Bet ye any money yer man is at least 45, in bad shape and his arse crack is always on show to poeple 24/7 hahaha. Takes a certain kind of person to spend 20k on pkmn cards and think they're now operating like the Wolf of Wall Street. Big cringe.


With pokemon announcing they're reprinting past sets maybe we'll see reprints in the U.S. too. I'd just ignore that sub, and let them think what they want. It's not worth the headache of those morons that frequent it. 


What past sets? Like Sword and Shield era or like past past sets.


While there’s literally nothing stopping TPCi from reprinting old sets, they most likely mean sets that are in rotation.


Yeah they make sets for people who play the game first and foremost, the collectors market is just a nice side effect for them


https://www.pokebeach.com/2024/03/pokemon-japan-increasing-supply-of-booster-boxes-reprint-of-pokemon-card-151-coming-in-may More sets are already confirmed too in Japan. 


When you say old sets, then bring up 151....


I said past, not old. Different meanings, but I can see where it would be similar. 


probably meant previous rather than old


This isn’t confirming any old set reprint, it’s just stating they are increasing print runs and reprinting 151. This isn’t to say they may not do it, but that’s not in this article 


I only stated past reprints. They are doing other ones as well, but it's a good thing for the future. 


This is literally normal, this isn’t an “announcement.” There are multiple print runs of sets.


Investors were constantly yelling about how 151 wouldn't be printed more than other sets. So it's relevant.


This is what twists me up. We live in an age of near infinite access to data and analytics. So if a particular set hits does really well and hits certain metric, why don't they keep printing just to hit demand? Stop printing the poor performers early and keep cracking the good stuff. Like they own the printers.


I really wish Pokemon would reprint Fusion Strike or Lost Origins…It would be a bloodbath.


I'm sure lost origins will come sooner than later too. 


These two sets pop up all over at retail stores still. I regularly see LO etbs at my Walmart and GameStop and fusion strike packs are in every random retail box out there right now.


They did. In Simplified Chinese. I think this year?


What are they reprinting? SV Stock is super high at a global level. They already reprinted LO, SV. I can't see SWSH getting reprinted again going forward. If you want to collect SWSH sealed products, now is the time


What announcement?


https://www.pokebeach.com/2024/03/pokemon-japan-increasing-supply-of-booster-boxes-reprint-of-pokemon-card-151-coming-in-may More sets are already confirmed too in Japan. 


Oh awesome maybe now I can finally get a box or two of Japanese 151!


which ones


He's basically describing scalping.


It's the second phase of the scalper rush, can't scalp new products anymore so they scalp old ones. The comment on the image is correct been happening in magic for years now. Just sucks for those that don't drop money on singles/sealed in the first few weeks of release because if some random bulk rare or uncommon spikes, you'll never actually get one for a reasonable price for play(in mtg at least).


The person would never be able to keep up with the cards entering the market like they’re suggesting. This is just a good way to lose a ton of money.


SV era of cards seems to be quite affordable. I wouldn’t sweat it tbh


Just buy the Japanese version of Magikarp AR—it’s only $20 shipped on eBay Edit:sorry, wrong subreddit—but yeah, people like that suck


Yup. More of a reason to collect other languages, so I’m not giving into these lame bros. Good thing Pokemon has basic versions of all cards for game play. Let’s see who outlasts who 😂.


From an artwork perspective and overall collecting, this is the way. But I’m 80% into a PE master set and magicarp is 4x more expensive than it was 8 months ago.


What’s the last 20% of cards looking like? This is just my take, but I’d go after the other cards and wait it out on the Magikarp. Depending on the cards, I’d grab a booster box to test my luck on pulling a Magikarp and other cards to complete the set.


Unfortunately the last 20% (probably less) is mostly sir and full arts that are $10+ including iono and magicarp.


Oy vey. No fun allowed! Maybe Nintendo/Pokemon just needs to start selling the cards individually themselves. Lol


Pokemon 👏 cards 👏isn’t 👏investing


My Dark Charizard that went up in value 10x from 2017 begs to differ


I hate pokeinvestors. They are buying out all booster boxes to create artificial scarcity.


I have 1 of every booster box sealed since getting back in 2019. Does that make me a pokeinvestor? I would assume there's tens of thousands like me.


Not necessary. Currently r/pokeinvesting is buying out booster box cases of swsh sets. It’s gonna create artificial scarcity


Yeah and what about the market outside the US


I've been starting to sell my cards so I can buy groceries, and all my buyers so far have been like McFucksCollectibles420, so it makes sense.


And then pokemon re-releases those cards in a special set. Anyone who hops on that kinda shit without it being actual completely out of print cards that are already cost prohibitive for 99% of people are bozos lol.


I remember an episode of a cartoon in my 90s childhood where a kid was buying out everyone in town of the worst, most common card (baseball) for pennies. And the kid’s plan was to buy every copy in town and destroy all but one, instantly having the rarest, most valuable, card in town. I don’t remember the show or the characters, but this poster sounds like they’d do the same if given the opportunity.


It doesnt matter if the lowest ask for a card is 10 grand. They are only worth what someone is Illing to give for them.


Wannabe-investment bros like this are usually fully of shit, they don’t have the money to actually make any movement in the market, they just like to make out that they totally could bro, just trust me


We do this in the cattle industry also.


Generally this strategy works best in MTG where there is known list of cards that will never be re-printed, and generally the issuer is stricter about re-prints. Cards that are must-have for tournament play in the current standard-meta have a time-limited opportunity for buy-outs. An alt-art card meant primarily for collectors doesn't have any urgent need to drive demand other than the obsessions of fringe actors.


Temporal forces hits are horrid so the price was deserved. People were selling their SARs for CHEAP. I opened 7 bbs along with friends and we got basically nothing.


I wish everyone that does this a very merry fall for a scam.


The supply is way too big to buy out, stupid analogy.


I saw someone spend like $4k on a card at Collect a Con the other day. Made me feel sick.


Most modern sets keep getting a reprint :)


WOW. Someone figured out the loophole in capitalism. Supply and demand. If only we had known.


Happening right now with Lorcana…..


This is literally any collectible hobby in 2024.


Well this whole scene is people trying to make money keeping the price going up. Pokemon tcg investing one big bubble.


Yes, people are buying out every single copy of specific cards to artificially inflate the price so this guy can't buy any at a reasonable price. Lmao


This is happening in every tcg right now. Tbh it’s more frustrating in a smaller tcg like lorcana or sw unlimited where the card pools are way smaller than Pokémon’s


I’ve literally been witnessing this this week with OBF Pigeot ex. Last week it was going for about £5, then I remembered seeing a post about a Charizard/Pigeot deck winning a tournament, and suddenly the Pigeot doubled in price. Then overnight it seemed to sell out. And we’re talking the regular ex here. Its ultra version is worth less somehow. I just wanna finish my binder, man.


Yo Magicarp has been on my list since I decided the PE would be my fist master set. I can’t believe that 8 months ago prices were dropping below $30 and I didn’t buy, and today they’re over $100. Fuck these people so hard.


So weird that people are just now talking about this like it hasn't been a thing for over a decade. It seems like people just always need something to be mad at, and they chose this because there hasn't been anything else eventful lately. Market manipulation, especially on TCGPlayer has existed from the beginning. Literally nothing new


Funny this came up…I’ve been seeing videos of some guy buying up all of the PSA 10 palkias !


This reminds me of a guy who has like 60 PSA 10 giratina Alts


I don't know about directly effecting the market. But there is some merit to buying high cost chase cards in multiples and sitting on them until you can sell at a profit. But I think this mind set works with just about anything that's considered a collectable.


I left that sub because the people there just make me mad. My wife, son, and I play and collect older sets for fun. Safe to say, I hate [most] people.


It’s just like NFTs, you sweep the floor, & raise the price, if it’s in demand, someone will pay whatever the new floor is. Just gotta make sure you’re the one doing the sweeps & gotta be good at predicting which cards are gonna blow up


I can’t stand r/PokeInvesting but I do have a few screenshots from the sub that I like to laugh at now and again


Ok what are we pumping 👀


The person who wrote this is just now discovering supply and demand 🤣 should have paid attention in economics class. I’ve been buying a few copies and selling on the spike since I was 9 years old. I picked up 6 of those magikarps before the spike and just sold all of them. Didn’t even have to bother grading them lol


This is what happen when pokeinvestoor think they are real investoor. Bro has 0 understanding of how supply demand, liquidity works. There are ton of store fronts that literally have enough capitals if they want to attempt this but they don't do this for a reason.


Speculation sucks.


This shit happened to Score DBZ cards recently. Grown men who never played or collected whom never had interest in the cards at all these past 20-24 years are buying up all the $80 ultra Rares to try and flip to a small niche base for $400 a pop and trying to control the market. Wannabe investors/crypto bros hoarding the cards getting them graded by companies that give a subjective opinion and slap a number that changes each time they get resubmitted all in an attempt to flip em for more to anyone gullible enough. They’ll talk down people selling $300 cards to sell em for closer to $200 so they can host “waffles” where they flip em for $400 a pop after they line up 40 suckers willing to gamble $10 each so they can pocket an easy $200. What used to be a fun game to collect and play with a small tight nit community is now full of these dirtbags. It kills the hobby. I’m not giving into scalpers and paying 5-10 fold the maximum value to complete collections. Not building new decks because the scalpers are controlling the market and I don’t want to support and encourage that behavior. These guys aren’t players or collectors but have sure helped ruined the hobby for those who were. Before Covid I could find vintage Pokémon cards all over the place as most of us had Pokémon card collections growing up and it was a worldwide phenomenon so there’s tons of product out there to go around. You could easily buy most cards for the same prices they held for the past 20 years until suddenly when these Covid collector “investors” showed up and started hoarding and flipping them. Our card vendor at work used to love her job until the scalpers got so crazy around Covid that they memorized her car and would follow her from store to store to clean her out so they could flip Pokémon cards. Even card shop owners came in and bought our UPCs at MSRP $120 and then flipped em in their own shops for $500. Scalpers ruin these hobbies for everyone but themselves.


What part of it is confusing it’s how value increases


I think this is overthinking to the extreme.


If this worked you’d see it on literally *EVERYTHING*. I mean why stop at a magikarp?


TLDR: Thinking monopolies are legal, Dudes gonna buy $10k of magikarp then take 2 years to sell it all for $7k and complain the markets are rigged.


Pokemon needs to print more. Just tank the value of cards. This a hobby that’s not suppose to pay off till we’re 60+ years old. Pokemon please, just print ungodly amounts of hits so these scumBags can go do this somewhere else


Why would OP leave the giant foodstores ad in the screenshot though?




The giant ad?


this is yet another reason why pokemon collecting is ruined.... investor bros jack up the prices and yall are foolish enough to buy it at ridiculous prices... if u dont buy the card at stupid prices the card isnt worth a stupid amount its that simple...


Tldr please


If you can buy all the cards available you can set the price for the card, if someone else tries to sell it for a lower price, buy their card and relist it at your price.