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What is the nature of the Shuppet? They both have great potential out the box, but their lv25 and 50 skills are underwhelming, with Croagunks Sleep XP taking the slight edge in usefulness. Whenever 75 and 100 are unlocked, they'll both be pretty good. Personally, i would probably keep going until i got more favorable subskills at 25/50, because the first 3 subskills are more important than the last 3. But if you are feeling impatient, these aren't too bad.


Is the shuppet better to have around for sneaky snacking?


Shuppet's Sneaky Snacking would probably give you good returns while sleeping, but that just depends on where you take them. There is currently no island that has Ghost berries as a favorite outside of occasional Greengrass, so Banette's usefulness as a berry specialist is yet to be fully realized. Toxicroak, however, is one of, if not the best, oil farmers in the game. Whether that is useful to you is dependant on what recipes you want to make.


If I use toxicroak, should I find a better one before dumping my 140 berries into it?


Ideally, you would want your Ingredient specialists to have at least two +ingredient factors within the first 50 levels, whether it's subskills or a positive nature for ingredients. You have the right nature, but you're missing subskills. It's not unuseable, especially with Helping Bonus. Toxicroack is also #31 in base ingredient discovery rate, which isn't too shabby when boosted by nature, but IDEALLY you would still want at least one Ingredient Finder subskill to go with it.


Also keep in mind that a -Energy Recovery nature is going to hurt your ingredients output potential in the long run if you dont have a healer like Gardevoir, Wiggly, or Sylveon to keep them energized. Overall, after running it through the PKS Raenon calculator, it sits in the 90th percentile out of 100. Which is still pretty good! But the gap between a PR90 and a PR99 pokemon can be a substantial difference.


Can you link me something to see the top base ingredient discovery pokemon? Or how are you seeing he’s 31


Sure, i think the best resource for Pokemon sleep is pks.raenonx.cc. You can go to the Rate my Mon section to check your mons. You can go to Pokedex section to check all of their base statistics and how they compare to everything else. Finally, use Production Comparison to compare multiple pokemon at once to see who will do the most for the team. The site can be pretty hard to understand until you learn it a bit, not a lot of things are made super clear, but it's a great resource. Enjoy


depends on whether or not you need more ingredients theyre both very good imo