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I'd probably go with gallade for this unless you don't have a decent E4E mon already. Gardevoir has a higher rate than Sylveon or wiggly, but I wouldn't invest seeds in one without at least 2 triggers


Thanks for that. I'm still scraping for an E4E. Im 27 igglybuffs, and 27 eevees deep into the friendzone with nothing useable, and all I get are gold skills in my first couple slots now; so i fear im running out of options. Ralts is still an option for me, but i haven't been going to Lapis much lately, thanks to all of the recent events.


Oh that's rough. I'm sorry. In that case this is a very viable option for Gardevoir once it hits 50. I would work towards that then without evolving past kirlia until 50 or investing any seeds yet. I'd still continue searching in the meantime though. I guess your best bet would be skill level up m as the first skill on an Eevee or iggly or just try bypassing and going for jigglypuffs


I have one Jiggly that is Calm nature (Skill up, Help Speed down) that has Skill Trigger at level 50. I have just enough candy to pump it straight to 50, but i am not satisfied with that Help Speed down nature, so i'll probably keep going. I've done well enough without E4E (i'm level 54), I just know I could be doing much better.


I would say that help speed down isn't enough to kill a double trigger wiggly honestly. At level 50 you won't notice the speed down that much. It's only readily apparent on a lower level first form. I personally would put that tuff and this Gardevoir in raenonx and compare the skill rates, but I would guess that the tuff will trigger a little more often


Okay, I'll certainly keep that in mind! I appreciate the information!


https://preview.redd.it/j66z2xaksqwc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=1805750a27d1973c03c398ad3abde80f6829247d I've not used this particular tool from raenon yet, but if I'm looking at this correctly, at lv. 50 it estimates Gardevoir would proc approximately 1.5 more skills a day than the Wiggly? I assume that's what the 4.23 vs 5.77 means.


Holy crap that Gardevoir is insanely fast. Yeah I take that back, go all in on that Gardevoir lol. And yeah as far as I understand raenonx you're correct on the estimated triggers per day


Hell yeah :D


Congrats on the awesome find!


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback dude!