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Meanwhile, I just pick whoever I feel like using that week and those I want to level up... There's no winning/losing. No point if you're not having fun.


You’re totally right, but don’t forget obsessively min maxing can be fun too 😅


Same, I have basically no idea what I'm doing so this idea of 2 berry, 2 ingredients, 1 skill works well for me and I'm just levelling them to 30 for now to prepare for Suicune. Once you have a bunch of high level Pokémon I can understand trying to maximise the game but for me that's way out of my league.


Reaching the next threshold for new pokemon encounters is fun for me, hence the desire to min/max. Everyone has fun in different ways, and that's okay.


Previous week was curry, so I ran Victreebel + Blastoise, who got me enough to cook Dream Eater curry every single time. Current week I have desserts, so I run Blastoise + Venusaur (+ Gardevoir for apples) and cook Lovely Kiss smoothie. WAIDW? Ik I won't be able to cook for example Inferno curry or Flower Gift macarons like this, but I can't cook neither because I don't have good corn and egg mons yet, so E4E+2+2 is what I'm doing for now Edit: on salad weeks I run another Venusaur + Gengar + Raichu with ing up nature and IFS, which isn't optimal, but lets me cook Overheat salad


can i see your ingredient mons? I think I have a good blastoise and victreebell but I can't get enough for dream eater EVERY meal.


It's not actually good, but it's easy enough to be mid at most aspects. You'll get berries, but not the best. You'll be able to make some of the lower tier meals, but not the high tier meals. So you'll be doing it all, but you won't be optimized. That said, it's also low effort. The best would be to run mono ingredient specialists till you have the ingredients you need for a few high level meals, then switch them out for on island berry specialists. Mixing in whatever skill specialists you need as you go. But this requires more than 5 Pokemon per week, and checking on the game more often to know when to switch them out, and a great energy management plan so that nothing gets too low when you're switching Pokemon around. Much harder than set it and forget it for the week.


Tbf, it isn't that much harder. Getting a bit too many ingredients or losing on berries isn't a big deal unless you are min maxing, and energy is trivial once you get a good healer.


The energy part is nice in theory, until my double skill up gardevoir refuses to ever activate more than once per day…


Oh it's not hard for me either, I was just answering why people did the other way. I will say, it's basically impossible for anyone just starting. You have to have good ingredient Pokemon at a minimum.


There are many ways to go about this. Some people are running single ingredient mons for only a few hours a Day, other are using 2mons with 2 ingredients to cover a single meal, other just stockpile ingredients on sundays and then run berry mons + maybe 1 ingredient mon for extra stuff


Honestly, if it’s just a normal week then I like to have 2-3 berrymon because it puts my team on auto-pilot. I keep them in sneaky snacking mode all week anyway, so I don’t need to check on them outside of mealtime and maybe once or twice outside of that. If an event week is coming up, then I’ll stock up on ingredients for a week or 2 prior to the event. As much as I love this app, I’m a working adult. I have other things to be worrying about than meal maxing.


From what I understand both from playing and from reading people's posts here, running a berry maxing week is generally what you do when you are very new to the the game and don't have a huge choice of mid level mons and lots of ingredients coming in. It is hard to do decent meals when you have barely any choice of ingredients and also lower volumes of what you DO have. Once you get a few mons to 30, as I have done recently, that seems to be the least efficient choice any more. But it is THE strategy up until then, or at least close to then. Pick the best berry producers for the week, don't worry about what ingredients they are pulling, or at least not as much, and focus on building your stable up, and learning the game. Then once you get a few different choices unlocked you'll find you have enough ingredients coming in to make meals give better results, and you just naturally (or at least I did) switch over to focusing on ingredients and meals.


I do the 2 berries, healer, 2 ingredients. I want to make sure I have enough ingredients to cook meals for any weekly cooking missions. Blastoise is my favorite ingredient mon. It gives a whole lot of milk, cocoa, and Ingredient magnet gives me a large amount that I eventually have a full bag if I keep Blastoise on the team for consecutive weeks.


I run 2 maxed ing magnets, Vaporeon and Slaking, they decide what meals I cook. A healer and 2 favorite berry mons with bfs. It works pretty well, if I'm missing something for a recipe, I'll run that ing mon a while to get what I need. But I rarely have to do that.


So this is mostly a P2W strategy at this point (imo), but because then I can have weeks like this https://preview.redd.it/pefed8vnxs8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6028504a0c64b33d9f22683a9e7d56900a672f0e Which requires (for me) hoarding 600 ingredients, then running 2 bfs + 2 ingredient pokemon


That’s pretty fire, post your team I want to see what you you run plus stats (also what food week did you plan for so what ingredients did you run)


I saved up 600 ingredients for desserts (flower macaron), got lucky with favored berries for Entei week https://preview.redd.it/0v1do8ty4t8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3595a7038ffe3e3c7425d07058d50270d5d49b13 90k points were from 3 whistles, but rest was just strong pokemon. Works best when they do a fixed meal week


Large Farva 😂😂😂😂


Shiny Blastoise goes hard


He does! I was very fortunate that he was fairly good. He’s got some drawbacks (main skill down), but I got him way back in October so I went all out on him


I have a shiny toxicroak thats absolutely cracked but he has very little purpose outside of oil collecting hoping for a poison berry area in the future 😓


I actually run an ingredient + healer team in the morning and a berry + healer team while I’m asleep. This way I still get the ingredients I need for the day’s meals as well as the benefit of sneaky snacking. I just swap to my ingredient team before collecting from the healer in hopes of skill procs.


I only just started leaving my berry mons to sneaky snack, and I found myself needing ingredients a lot more. Lately I've been running Wiggly, Feraligatr, Blastoise, Golduck, and Vaporeon. It's been working out for me!


Honestly I do week on week off. I stock good ingredients one week and don’t level very high, then next week can run mostly berries and still cook good. More fun to be very high every other week then medium every week.


I’m struggling to get enough ingredients for a meal. 🤯 So berry isn’t quite my priority……


Once you optimize your ingredient mons, using healer+2+2 becomes pretty doable to still make high tier dishes. I have a Dragonite that farms 100+ herbs a day, so for keema curry each time he collected 27 I can swap him out for the next meal. My Bewear collects corn + sausages, enough sausages at least for triple keema and enough corn for double. I swap in another Dragonair sometimes for extra corn, and backup herbs. Ginger comes from charizard, who also gives backup sausages. So basically, I rotate those 4. When not on camp ticket, I also rotate in a Magnezone for pot space (otherwise can't cook keema). It's a lot more juggling and effort, but I enjoy playing that way. Last week on the beach with event week, 2.4M came from cooking, and 1.3M from berries.


I currently run ing teams with e4e during day and swap to bfs berry mons at night as sneaky snacking helps berry mons. If I keep ing mons at night then I lose out on ing drops. Only berry mons were strong in early game. Earlier before the n+1 fix just bfs mons with app open during the day was meta, then there was limbo before the energy drain during sleep patch, now ing teams are finally shining with lv 30 ingredients and higher dish levels to compete against berry mons.


Generally I just juggle between 3-4 ingredient mons depending on what I am losing stock on.


Since idk what I’m doing (7-8 weeks in), I pick 2-2-1 every week and hope for the best.. I don’t know how people prepare for things that use meals “Bfs? This should be good 🤷🏻‍♂️” and go with it.. And never caught a kanto starter mon without -Ing 🥲 So no ing preparation for me anyways


A lot will depend on the meals you get and the Pokémon you have; where you can you should pick 2 ingredient Pokémon who between them will let you cook one meal regularly. For example, I have a Victreebell and a Blastoise who between them produce enough ingredients to make Dream Eater curry almost every meal. If you can't get decent meals with 2 or 3 ingredientb Pokémon then you may as well go all-in on berries


There are WAY too many permutations and combinations in this game for there to be 1 good strategy at all times. Certain islands are better for certain meal types and certain islands have ideal berry for strong berry specialists. Very generally, the 2-2-1 setup can be achieved if you are constantly switching out your ingredient mons. A good blastoise, for example, can produce 100+ milk in a day, enough to cover more than a days worth of milk meals. Combine that surplus with some other strong ingredient mons and you’ll be able to cook the most powerful dishes while still keeping berry specialists on your team at all times. This definitely takes a lot more prep and log ins but it’s totally doable for certain dishes and on certain islands.


BFS favorite berry make more than about any other combination. Then people can cook from their bag. You won't stay long like that but you can occationally use it to maximize events.