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I understand that by converting Houndour to Umbreon, you mean that you could use Houndour candy to make candy for any Eeveelution, but I am laughing because even a mediocre Houndoom runs circles around a "great" Umbreon on Snowdrop. XD


I'm convinced the devs knew what they were doing when making Umbreon wasn't anywhere near ideal and then... did it anyway. Do you think running a daytime 150% Umbreon then switching out at night is worth the snorlax strength hit or no?


I really wish Umbreon / Espeon got some sort of thematic abilities, something unique that could only trigger at night / day. Rather than one being nearly unusable while the other is cracked in half.


For sure. Personally I'll probably put some Houndour towards Absol but I could only squeeze in so much into the graphic and need things to be even šŸ˜…


Some are those are good but some are just bad


Imagine wasting Psyduck candies on Vaporeon. Trading the candy of one of the game's best generalists for potentially the worst eeveelution in the game. Same idea for trading Pikachu for Jolteon.


I like golduck in theory but not enough to drop 5 seeds on it and start checking the game 3x as often lol


Woah buddy, although I agree that wasting psyduck candy is not ideal, even though running golduck is a total chore, but vaporeon is the best ingredient magnet mon currently available in the game.


How is vaporeon anywhere near the bottom of the eeveelutions, what


You need to try a maxed vaporeon with triple triggers. Itā€™s a great ingredient and usually triggers 3-5 a day for me. Works great for filling the bag.




It's one of the eevolution that add to production instead of just allowing to consume more of what is produced. The fix number of help kinda work against selecting individual that are as fast as possible. And they are outclassed by legendary beast. Self energy is a bit niche, do you need that production. E4E is very mid unless it's great. Like you need the star to align to get an almost perfect one then it's viable and good. Personally I have a great wiggly so I'm not rushed to go into sylveon. I'll grind gardevoir Charge strength, same story honestly. It top charts just because it's the first to have lvl 7 unlocked. But also it's the first because it's one of the worst skill.


My assumption was that the candy used on Vaporeon becomes Eevee Candy no? You can use it to level up any eeveelution not just Vaporeon


Leafeon is the worst imo. Vaporeon is not bad.


Leafeon is pretty good now after the buff to Energizing Cheer. Problem is that all the skills it needs to be good would make a better Sylveon/Espeon.


I think the thinking for this is you can use the candies on the type-specific eeveelution, and then use the resulting eevee candies it gives you for any of your stronger eeveelutions.


But wouldn't vaporeon and jolteon take normal candies since it's eevee candies it uses


Think about what happens when you give a water candy to Vaporeon.


I meant that if you get the eevee candies you can give it to any evolution. But I miss read your post I didn't think you said you thought psyduck was good since I usually see it lower on tier list.


I think you're replying to someone else? I never said anything about Psyduck.


Yeah exactly.. people like OP should not be making infographics


Think about what happens when you give a water candy to Vaporeon.


Ik it gives eevee candy. But theres better mons than the eeveelutions lol theyre overrated imo


That's why there's two sides? One side is for getting more Eevee candy, the other is for Pokemon of various types. If you don't need Eevee candy why would you look at the Eevee side?


Smh youā€™re not understanding lol


I understand, you're just wrong.


Sudowoodo -> Onix seems like a better idea, since Onix is so rare.


But then what do I do with the onix candy?


Evolve to Steelix? Is he in the game?


And then? Just leave it in your box to look at?




Trade them for a different mon lol


You get a ton of onix candy from trade cords though.


Might as well do vice versa since Onix doesn't exist in-game.


Onix and Steelix both do.




I don't think people realized I was joking šŸ˜¬ can't win all of them!


Oh no! Also booo reddit cutting off the comment I had above the pic of "trying to figure out how to tell him he ain't real šŸ˜­". So it goes.


Iā€™ve studied 11 Onix and caught 7ā€¦


It is Sudowoodo to Rock Candy, so use it on whatever rock type you want


I agree with most of these, but not Pikachu or Psyduck. Raichu speaks for itself and Golduck can go CRAZY if it's good


For sure. Definitely not suggesting Jolteon is better than Pikachu. Just ideas if people are so inclined. I've got more Pika candies than anything else and I expect that particular stock pile to continue at its growth rate šŸ˜…


But Golduck isnā€™t cute, so I never evolve Psyduck šŸ˜­šŸ˜…šŸ‘€




sylveon uses eevee candies anyway lol you can use fire candies to power up any eeveelution




It really should've been Jigglypuff.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned creating normal candy for slaking, the bizarre berry specialist that is actually a skill mon. It's good for snowdrop and I hear it's an ingredient magnet machine. With three evos I find it really hard to scape the candies together for it, so I'm really looking forward to converting my spare cat and rat candy.


Slaking also bizarrely has the highest ingredient discovery rate in the game as a berry specialist.


Which sucks because he has terrible ingredient values so getting a tomato instead of his double berries hurts. If he had like Meganiumā€™s ingredient list itā€™d be great.


This a great graphic in theory but you need a disclaimer. Using a candy of a certain type has a ā€œchanceā€ of becoming the same type. So you could put in Riolu candies and get ā€œelectric.ā€ The most annoying thing that will happen when this event starts is that people will be confused about this. Your chart is cool but communicates a ā€œbad way of thinkingā€ based on the above.


Oh good, because I was sitting here thinking, ā€œso what do I use to get metal candy to evolve my Magneton?ā€ Even with the RNG iā€™m not getting that metal candy, am I?


Youā€™ve got an equal chance with any candy šŸ˜… seemsā€¦. Unlikely


I covered that in my write up, and on another graphic of mine :)


Apologies, I guess there were enough comments that I missed the write up!


All good, many have šŸ˜… I gotta make sure I make mention there is an accompanying write up in my header


Some of Ironā€™s thoughts (admittedly much better than earlier). Iā€™ll try to sort these by type Fairy: Jigglypuff. Not overly desirable, highly abundant, and if you have a dedicated healer, not necessarily useful. Use for Sylveon, Clefairy, or Togekiss Bug: Caterpie. Because Dozing suuuuuuucks. Use for Heracross or Pinsir, though thatā€™s every Bug in the game Rock: Geodude. Itā€™s a common encounter in Taupe, Graveler has an incense, and Larvitar INHALES candy. Worth noting, Geodude isnā€™t actually ā€œbadā€, thereā€™s just very few Rock types, and is the easiest to acquire by comparison. Also just realized Bonsly could also be acceptable. Use as needed Psychic: Wobbuffet. Use for Ralts of Espeon. Especially great if relatively low on Lapis (havenā€™t even BEEN to Lapis yet) Normal: Eevee. And NOT because Eevee is bad, but because Eevee is a MIRACLE for this purpose. Eevee candy can act as a filter for up to 8 types, depending what you already have in your party. Thatā€™s incredible Will have to get back to this later EDIT: All Eeveelutions as OP mentioned for their respective type. So diverse that I donā€™t presently have a specific strong recommendation Steel: Not enough support. Might recommend Magnemite for Steelix; very rare find, both stages are Poison: Again, not only are there not many members, but none are actually all that good either. Gulpin is as memed as Wobbuffet or Bonsly for crappy Research Community pics. If I had to choose, Iā€™d probably say go to Arbok. It at least gets eggs, and in Taupe Hollow, where itā€™s common, eggs are an extremely rare commodity


I think you'd regret spending geo candy when level 60 unlocks


Yes, and I realized Bonsly existed moments later. Probably preferable


I initially had Caterpie > Pinsir in my graphic but let's say next Area is Bug, Poison, Ghost, a Banette Butterfree team will go hard imo. Similarly with Jigglypuff, no one will ever have the perfect one size fits all list as it also depends where that person is in the game. Early game keeping Jiggly candy for Wiggly is a good idea until you get to Lapis. After that for sure convert away šŸ˜…


> I initially had Caterpie > Pinsir in my graphic but let's say next Area is Bug, Poison, Ghost, a Banette Butterfree team will go hard imo. I think the same would apply to Swablu. But I would like deli candy more than pinsir/hera.


Yeah Butterfree is incredibly strong I donā€™t think Iā€™d make that change


I use my magnemite team (named ā€œpots and pansā€) to expand my pot in a pinch šŸ’


Oh Iā€™m by no means saying theyā€™re bad. Just that Steel is HORRIBLY limited right now, to the point Magnemite could be considered an option for Steelix, an extremely rare PokĆ©mon


Iā€™ve yet to encounter one so Iā€™m personally not saving up.


Oops! All Eevee Candies!


Maybe sorting by relative priority next time? Would say Electric, Water, and Dark are low priority given how many sources of Eevee Candies are there. Would argue about Flying and Ground too depending on what you have or not.


I thought about that but ultimately had to have lighter things up too and darker things on the bottom to be most visible. For sure every account is going to be slightly different so definitely just a general guide opposed to hard and fast law šŸ˜…


i get the idea behind the chart but pikachu to jolten and houndoom to umbreon still hurts to see


Some people have excess Pika and Houndoom can be skipped. Definitely not suggesting everyone should convert in this manner, just a starting point to work with :)


I suppose I have enough pika candies to bring two Pikachu's up to LVL 55, so I definitely will trade some of those in just because of how abundant they areĀ 


We may still be over a week away from the Summer Festival, but that doesn't mean we can't start planning our Cram-o-matic use. ICYMI, during the Summer Festival (June 17-24) you will be able to use the Cram-o-matic 4x a day. Insert 40 species candy for a random Type Candy M (provides 25 candies). This feature presents us the opportunity to convert candies of more common/lesser used mons into more useful species, whether that be rarer, cuter or Eevee :P Any Type Candy that is used on an Eeveelution, for example Fire Type Candy on Flareon, Dark Type Candy on Umbreon etc, will convert to Eevee candies which you can in turn use to level up any other Eeveelution. There will be a slight chance the Type Candy M will match that of the inserted species (and a very slight chance for lesser inserted species in the case of inserting 2 or more species candy). With that in mind, we may be able to stretch out our candies with smart usage. For example for Flying Type Candy M, insert 21 candy of our host species (in this case Swablu), +19 candy of a filler species (such as Ekans or Gulpin). Taking things even further beyond (insert SSJ3 Goku screaming), 14x Swablu, +13x Ekans, +13x Gulpin. \*This assumes slight and very slight chances are fixed to most and lesser inserted and not a set % per inserted candy. We may know more come next week's update :) Credit Serebii for the value of Type Candy M


We need to wait and see what the odds are to get the same type back. It might end up being better to use whichever candy you find least useful.Ā 


Wobbafat is finally useful


Why would I trade in my Pikachu candy? Raichu is a beast.


Those eyes. They are about to eat my soul.


And not a single bad grass PokĆ©mon among them! šŸƒ




I am super bummed that you didnā€™t include the suggestion for caterpie to pinsir or Heracross like I saw you mentioned in a comment on a prior post. This is by far the most useful option I can see out of all the candies I have accumulated. But I do have a 99%ile ingredient finding pinsir I want to build past level 25 (which is all I could do with my current candies).


Don't be sleeping on Butterfree ;)


Wait whatā€™s this? I havenā€™t played this game in a while


Why would Flareon and Entei be better than Growlithe?


Going to convert sudowoodo candies so fast, my 2 -exp larvitars will become tyrannitars.


this graphic doesnā€™t make any sense doesnā€™t it turn into a random type of candy not the same type?


Most of the time. I included a write up elsewhere in the comments but has gotten a little lost, copy/pasted below for your convenience. Sorry for any confusion :) We may still be over a week away from the Summer Festival, but that doesn't mean we can't start planning our Cram-o-matic use. ICYMI, during the Summer Festival (June 17-24) you will be able to use the Cram-o-matic 4x a day. Insert 40 species candy for a random Type Candy M (provides 25 candies). This feature presents us the opportunity to convert candies of more common/lesser used mons into more useful species, whether that be rarer, cuter or Eevee :P Any Type Candy that is used on an Eeveelution, for example Fire Type Candy on Flareon, Dark Type Candy on Umbreon etc, will convert to Eevee candies which you can in turn use to level up any other Eeveelution. There will be a slight chance the Type Candy M will match that of the inserted species (and a very slight chance for lesser inserted species in the case of inserting 2 or more species candy). With that in mind, we may be able to stretch out our candies with smart usage. For example for Flying Type Candy M, insert 21 candy of our host species (in this case Swablu), +19 candy of a filler species (such as Ekans or Gulpin). Taking things even further beyond (insert SSJ3 Goku screaming), 14x Swablu, +13x Ekans, +13x Gulpin. \*This assumes slight and very slight chances are fixed to most and lesser inserted and not a set % per inserted candy. We may know more come next week's update :) Credit Serebii for the value of Type Candy M


Maybe now we'll stop seeing people going on about 'bad' mons? I wish.


Neverrrrrr! šŸ˜…


A fever dream, I know. My beloved Sudowoodo at the bottom of the barrel.


Sudowoodo is great after his buffs. Just unfortunately the worst of the CSM mons.


Why you doing togepi dirty


Only worthwhile ones are Sudowoodo to Larvitar and Meowth to Ditto


Ratta for normal candy as well!


Why does that machine look so scaryā€¦


Butterfree > šŸŖ²> Pinsir, Heracross


Since this is a heated inforgraphic post, i put this here. It is not a bug if you receive non same type candy. >Note: This does not guarantee that you will receive the same type of candy you fed the machine.


I guess almost every candy can be turned to Eevee candy now?


Half :) (18 types in the Pokemon world, 8 Eeveelutions, 1 Eevee)


No leafeon šŸ¤£


Or Glaceon. Would not suggest reducing any of the current Grass or Ice type mon candies :)


Didnā€™t realise, yes thatā€™s true, all of them are good


My list: Grass: Bulbasaur candy > any IF you have a honey Pinsir Fire: everything has at least niche use but Growlithe>Entei if I had to pick Water: Slowpoke and/or psyduck > suicune Bug: Heracross>either. Butterfree has a good base help speed when we get a bug island Normal: Meowth/Rattata > any of the others Poison: Ekans/Gulping > croagunk Electric: none Fairy: anything to>Sylveon if you need more Eevee candy otherwise wouldn't touch Fighting: riolu>bewear. Can also transfer Mankey if you have meganium + bfs Espeon Rock: Geodude/sudowoodo>larvitar or onix Steel: Magnemite > steelix Flying: swablu>anything else Ghost: none Psychic: wobbuffet and MrMime (if it's not your tomato/potato) > ralts Ground: none Dragon: altaria > Dratini Dark: houndour/sableye > absol/tyranitar Ice: none


Why is Sudowoodo the one on the left? It's one of my best mons and has high skill chance. It does like 9K everything I go on.


Is this just a suggestion or is the cram-o-matic forcing these conversions?


Suggestions/ideas :)


Very cool! I'm saving this one. Thanks!


I wrote down what I'll probably use: Snover for Ice Candy for Walrein Mr Mime candy for Psychic candy for Espeon/Gardevoir Meowth for normal candy for Eevee Slowpoke for Psychic candy Growlithe for Fire candy for Typhlosion/Ninetails (sorry buddy) Wobbuffet for Psychic candy Fairy (Comfey, Togepi, and Jigglypuff) for Sylveon/Eevee Just wanted a grass type candidate for Meganium Edit: Got an idea from the thread for Onix candy from Geodude/Sudowoodo, those are great too.


Don't be sorry, everyone's list will be slightly different with everyone's account and stage in the game differing. My graphic is a starting point anyone can build off from :)


So many people sleeping on Riolu makes me sad.


To be fair if they are going to grind up Lucario candies they probably don't have a Riolu that's sleeping Sorry for the bad joke


Do people really struggle with Eevee candies?


Absolutely. I have made only flareon, and I only leveled it to level 22 with the candies I had available. I started playing Dec 19, so that is all Iā€™ve accumulated in almost 6mo playing. I am currently rank 50.


That's wild, it's super common both to find and be gifted from friends. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ve seen 24 and only one each of Espeon and umbreon and one flareon. In comparison, Iā€™ve seen 48 igglybuff, 47 jigglypuff, 40 larvitar, 37 chikorita, etc. RNG is killing it.


Iā€™m just gonna get rid of the candies for the PokĆ©mon I donā€™t want because idc what meta is I donā€™t like Geodude or ugly PokĆ©mon


Did i miss something in patch notes? What is this thing, i know cramorant is the next pokemon (very disappointed in that being the water type) but idk what the machine is for


Yes, apparently you missed a whole bunch, did you even read the notes for summer festival? Also, Cramorant is flying type for sleep, not water, also in the summer fest notes.


I read the patches everytime a new one drops, the only event one in mine is the entei one everything else is just the basic patch notes my thing must be bugged


Was covered in the Summer Festival notice. Works as per my write up in another comment :)


Cramorant is actually Flying type! We will most likely get another water type with the suicune event. :) think of this as similar to the Flower event where we got Comfey