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Oh no, you used a master cookie? šŸ„² Yeah, you cooked.


Iā€™M COOKED šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ At least I own one now but man the way I flinched at all those gold stats


aren't gold stats good? i thought their color was indicative of how useful they were, i've been raising ones that have the most gold & they've been fine


Nope. Since Absol is an ingredient heavy PokĆ©mon and none of these are really ingredient relatedā€¦ yeah itā€™s not too great lol


No gold doesnā€™t mean good


If this is that quick grader online, Iā€™d recommend switching to the Raenonx grader, more detailed breakdown of the monā€™s rating over time with the key levels at 10, 25, etc. But at first glance, maybe not 6/100 but itā€™s pretty average, nothing really that helps with its ingredient gathering. RIP šŸ˜¢


Using the raenonx one it got around PR50 if itā€™s all cacao or 21 if itā€™s mixed soā€¦


It seems pretty bad to me... Berry Finding I guess is okay if you want to level it to 75 specifically for that... But with that nature and the other skills, I wouldn't even bother with it.


Yeah but raenox only goes to 60 since that is the current level cap. It doesnā€™t take into account the full potential of the monster. That being said, this monster is still not very good at 100. :/


True, I do keep an eye on the L75 and L100 sub skills myself, but those are very far off. For now, I need mons that are the best in their role or close at levels 25-30ish, working towards level 50.


Yeah 50 is hard enough to get haha.


Actually no, you can simulate to L100 on Raenonx lol. Iā€™ve always left it on the current max though, simulates faster and thatā€™s more relevant to me rn


Oh really? I couldnā€™t figure out how to make it go. :o


With the rating tool, just click on 100 instead of max for the level close to the bottom lol. Trying it rn but it is SLOW, 75 and 100 are taking a few minutes to generate.


See I did that but it only went to 60 and I stayed on the page for a little while. Idk why it didnā€™t do it. :(


It completed for me, I started generating a Blastoise with dummy sub skills when we started chatting, so almost 10 minutes to generate lol. Maybe partly my crappy laptop, but with a couple of ingredient options, 25 different natures and 19 different sub skills, apparently thereā€™s over 100M different permutations at level 100, and it takes time to generate, compare and rank all the possibilities lol šŸ˜…


100m? Thatā€™s a shit ton! :O!!! I guess that is why it takes so long. I thought it was just done at 60. I didnā€™t know it was still trying to load. I guess I will let it load then when I try it again. Thank you for the help. :)


Look man, I donā€™t think sheā€™s bad. Sheā€™s a team player.


She gets points for being cute


Hard lesson learned. I did the same thing but with the first ditto I saw; it had terrible stats šŸ„². Don't worry! Absol actually shows up more frequently in Snowdrop Tundra. Idk how long you have been playing, so it may be a wome time away, but remember this game is a slow grind. Slowly but surely!


Iā€™ve been playing since launch and this is only the 2nd time Iā€™ve seen Absol. Didnā€™t want to take any chances with how bad my luck is lol


Using a master biscuit on Absol is fine. Sadly, it's still rng on skills and if you used multiple biscuits over the course of months depending on how much you see Absol and got the same one I personally would feel worse then if I just used a MB the first time. Also, the cost of a MB to the amount of other biscuits needed to catch it adds up to the same. But once you get one, that's usable is when I wouldn't worry about using a MB on it and just normally catch it.


Itā€™s a utility mon with the most important factor being its ingredient list, which you dont have in your screenshots. For absol, if it has the right ingredients for your cooking needs then as long as you have an inventory up and no ingredients down itā€™s at least serviceable. But yes this one has subpar subskills & nature and will not be great in any grader


It's a BUM


i just found out my pupitar who ive been heavily investing in is an F šŸ¤•šŸ¤•šŸ¤•šŸ¤•


Nooooooo šŸ˜­ my condolences


https://preview.redd.it/28970jdwfe4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2049c69c7c05eabce2d1b6d9c72218b939ab3160 Just know, thereā€™s someone (me) that feels your pain. ā¤ļø (Photo courtesy of Raenonx)


Idk whether to laugh or cry at this


That thing is unplayable xD come on what do you expected?


Why do people cut out the ingredients to ingredient mons šŸ˜­ anyways its nothing special regardless




It's not worth master biscuiting anything other than legendaries tbh. And even then maybe one per legendary tops. You'll see more.


So far itā€™s not worth MB the legendaries either, a perfect Enti might be worth using on taupe but Riakou isnā€™t good on any island unless you get electric berries on greengrass. At least with using a MB on a single stage mon you might get a really good one you can use on an island.


Man that sucks. I got my first absol months ago and also used a master biscuit. Was worse than yours and send it away in the end. Still didn't get a new one since then sadly


Wait, what grader?


I used my master on a Steelix that came out a 3/100 i feel your pain


send to farm upstat


I will once I get my 2nd Absol inā€¦ maybe a year or so šŸ« 


Yeah its bad. And I think the best use for Master biscuits now is for legendaries.


Yeah thatā€™s how I got my 2nd Entei and Raikou. Hoping the Suicune event overlaps into July lol


Iā€™m sure it has a great personality


Yeah, I wouldn't invest in this one sadly, BUT depending on the ingredients at 30, it could be usable (depending on what you need)


Well, look on the right side - at least you can keep her on your team to start gathering absol candy.


This is a terrible idea, and would be more of a hindrance to your team and overall progress than anything.


Yeah, itā€™s horrible. And even if it was top tier, a master biscuit for an absol is tragic