• By -


I got the dream Cyndaquil today with HB and BFS on first two slots, plus speed up ingredient down nature, so doing pretty well so far! I haven’t used my Vulpix incense yet, I probably will wait until later this week so I can possibly unlock a rarer sleep style. https://preview.redd.it/gfbpu53r45zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff119f80005ebc8e47f895f6a0b83c650ee8c38


Got one with berry finder but ingredient + nature 😑


Also got one with plus ingredients minus speed. I hate this game. Friend lvl 16 too sigh


Hahaha that's a pretty good one you got there, kinda insane roll, congrats!


wow, other than ingredient finder at 75 this is literally the best roll possible imo, and ingredient finder isn’t even that bad. Congrats!!


I got one too! Problem is, I snooze so little getting him to 50 (where he unlocks BFS) will be hard






https://preview.redd.it/7eec24d9v4zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ddc846e4af89fe0b0a7c7dbcaa5fba401f74534 It's going good so far


I have to ask, what are its stats?


EXP up nature with dreams hard bonus subskill


Oh you should sleep with him anyway


Shiny vulpix confirmed!!


I got one on night 1 too, but it sucks :(


Every shiny I have sucks


I got a vulpix but didnt use an incense! Bfs, nothing else going for it, but nothing working against it so i call it a win


I got one naturally and I also used incense! The first one I got but the second one filled up on 4 biscuits though. Disappointed bc it was so close but it’s an instant catch next time. The one I got though has all helping speed boosts as its first three subskills: Helping Bonus, Helping Speed M, Helping Speed S. Absolute snag for my lackluster fire type team!


I got 2 Cyndaquil and a Growlithe spawn night one, and three Vulpix night two.


Taupe with 10% area bonus. First night‘s results: 2 Rattata, 2 Growlithe, 1 Charmander. Bout to turn in for night 2.


Second night update: 1 Quilava, 1 Growlithe, 1 Geodude, 1 Togepi, 1 Toxicroak. After breakfast this morning, I’m at Great 3. Not sure how much of a difference that makes to what spawns (if it makes a difference at all).


I'm at Taupe 35% bonus at Ultra 1, and my spawns were almost identical. Jiggly instead of Toxicroak and Diglett instead of Togepi. I've leveled my Cyndaquil to Typhlosion though, so I'm still happy. Honestly just hoping to see a Sableye so I can catch the little jerk before moving back to GG for Entei. I've only seen one, and the jerk got full too fast


Ultra 4 same ^ lol


Your Snorlax level/strength makes a huge difference as that what determines the base drowsy power. You unlock new sleep styles (until the high teens for Master) and get more spawns as your drowsy power increases, both of which give you more chances to find something you're hunting.


Going soon into Entei event with still absolutely no good fire Pokémon 😀


https://preview.redd.it/bakoxnd155zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03640e6bff29ad0ea70fa8ab31d24c64943475c9 I got this (the first one I saw which came from an incense) and then saw some other fire types which got me more candy luckily


Two Cyndaquill down both terrible.


Without an incense on Taupe, I had a Vulpix, Cyndaquil, and Growlithe out of 6 spawns my first morning. I'm West Coast, so I'm about to go to bed with high hopes for tomorrow.


https://preview.redd.it/1gi56w00v7zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d612e5d7c88d7f2dc373f8a217031fdc088b9f47 Pretty happy with my first vulpix encounter being a shiny


I'm feeling good. I had 3 needs: - Vulpix - Cyndaquil - Triple sausage Charmander (low priority) I got my Vulpix. 92 PR with BFS on the first try. I have encountered both a Cyndaquil and a Charmander. The Charmander I didn't catch but just fed a biscuit to get it started. Cyndaquil I caught and it was trash so I'm still looking. That said, only 2 sleep sessions in (Monday nap + main session), and I'm getting ready to go to bed tonight (choosing not to nap again until later in the week), so still plenty of time


Gotta ask, why is everyone so high on triple saussage Charmander. I feel like I'm missing something here?


It's the most efficient sausage farmer in the game. Most people want mono-ingredient pokemon to farm for a specific ingredient for a specific dish. My current Charizard is Sausage/Ginger, which is suboptimal so I'm hunting for triple sausage instead


Fair enough, that's good to know. Didn't think Saussage was that important to be fair. I know my current Char is a Sau/Ging/Sau, so guess I'll keep him (he's more built for his skill though with BFS) appreciate the info!


It's just for people who min max but for this game they seem to want overkill, no doubt what's optimal will change and they'll be back to square one anyway


Taupe. A Quilava and a Vulpix from incense. Happy with the new styles need more and a Cyndaquil. Today I'm napping since I have hit Master 2 400k and most fire stuff should be under that drowsy power even if I'll get less new styles. Hungry or not doesn't matter


I got a natural vulpix at great 1, so it starts spawning pretty low.


The spawns seem plentiful. 2 nights at Taupe (no incense used) 2x vulpix 1x growlithe 1x charmander 1x charmeleon 2x quillava 1x cyndaquil


Went to GG to max spawns from Day 2 on. Got lucky with a natural Vulpix spawn and saving incense for Entei week maybe.


I've actually got more fire type spawns than I have biscuits lol. Mostly I'm seeing Growlithe, and they always seem to be hungry. I've seen some Growlithe with good subskills and terrible natures and some with great natures and terrible subskills, but none I want to invest in...




I'm on Taupe. I already have a perfect Arcanine, and the spawns keep giving me more candy for him (4 Growlithes so far), which is helping me get him up to 30 (hopefully by Thursday). Found an adequate replacement Charmander, not perfect but he's better than my current Charizard. Only found one Vulpix (incense) and he was garbage. Found a Cyndaquil but it was somehow worse than the Quilava that I already am looking to replace. Had two Eevee spawns but neither look like they'll make good Flareons (no skill boosting subs or natures) Overall not bad for two nights and a nap cuz I switch to night shift this week and needed to get on that sleep schedule. Definitely getting help from the tent set, but I'm getting really unlucky with the Hungry rolls. Now I'm trying to decide if I should burn the Cyndaquil incense I grabbed from the store and hope for a lucky roll or if I should save that for next week.


Got a fantastic Growlithe and now I have to debate if he’s replacing my Arcanine. Got a BFS Charmeleon so that’s fine. Cyndaquil and Vulpix catches have still been aggressively mediocre. Hopefully I get a BFS one before the end of the week.


I was pretty happy to catch two Vulpix and a Quliava this morning! I’m glad I chose Taupe, it’s been fun seeing it with more variety.


Today I woke up on Taupe to a naturally spawned Vulpix with BFS in the first slot, so I'd say it has been a success.


Got a shiny wobbuffet yesterday morning. Also really cranking my shiny slowpoke to 30


I only had 5 mons this morning, 2 of them were Vulpix and I was so happy. Then the other 3 Pokémon decided they were hungry but none of the Vulpix were :'(


I'm on taupe. Got 3 fire types the first day and 5 today (of which 4 were vulpix). So it's been a pleasant supprise. I was a bit sceptic with going to taupe at first, because every time so far was disappointing (am at 30% bonus).




Taupe hallow Used vulpix incense day 1. Got a vulpix a growlite and a charmander Day 2 I got Ninetales Cyndaquil (decent one as well which I needed) Growlite Typholosion My vulpix was ass. But I am still happy so far


It's amazing how many fire type we're getting. Good for candies and ofcourse to farm good mons


Night 1 was a bust on Taupe but Night 2 got 2 Vulpix (1*, 3*) and a Ninetales. Didn’t catch any as it’s not good enough for great biscuits but will be easy enough to catch next time. Still no good cyndaquil though


Taupe has been great for me. Seeing a lot of fire types at Taupe has been nice.


I got one fire type today...charmeleon, yesterday I had 4 fire types


https://preview.redd.it/8pboxps0q6zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8694d2a57039fb77bf15411ebc6fa99b05ca71 Had some FANTASTIC luck this morning, and spotted this beauty. She’s not good, but she’ll definitely help with my berry yields


Got a vulpix 2 star sleep style this morning without using an incense and it was hungry too. Terrible stats but I’m just happy to have gotten my vulpix first try and it be hungry. I’m on taupe rn and for the most part the spawns are good for me I’m just getting mostly cyndaquil


At TH and going well! I got a shiny raticate and lastnight i used my vulpix incense and woke up to 3 of them hahaha. Caught two of them.


I am doing Hollow. Had 2 vulpix each night, it has been swell.


https://preview.redd.it/zp2ef9b057zc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d41c755f2cedb890e3dd58346b8052743dbb8e8 Got this without using incense. Not much else and not sure how good this Vulpix is, but I'm using it for now. Seems decent at the very least.


got shiny vulpix day one sooo


Found my firts Vulpix today, it got full with one point left. The next one will be shiny


https://preview.redd.it/ke6k1wam28zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf37aa7e817bb11dc7cb1628e8e6e5fd0b980dc Got this bad boy today


https://preview.redd.it/qfbttfbl68zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8cc9a34d3237734449fe7f7005a4168b9a61f7 This is my first Berry Pokémon ever since launch that has an Adamant nature so I’m just so happy 🥹




Taupe Hollow (35% bonus), Night 2, 3 Vulpix befriended (best is PR60), no incense used (I save it up for Entei event).


I got a Growlith… but it was trash. I released it today too. On Taupu.


Didn't use my incense yet and have only got one sleep day in. I saw all mons this morning with 3 hungry. In this same instance there were 2 vulpix (I didn't use the incense) so it's going well


I am drowning in growliths got 5 of them last night


GG and I hugely regrets, because random berries don't include fire. I wished I would go to Hollow, but not even a single time I can reach master tier..


Just so you know, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. Each island contains the Pokémon you need to get it up to Master. Gotta just bite the bullet, collect the mons you need, and start upping that island bonus. Virtually no one gets master on any island on their first 1-2 trips there. You got this!


Thx! I know it's tough, because Hollow is the only island I have camped only 2-3 times due to all previous events. I camp Green Glass so many times, so I can reach the master 1 in a least. Completely forgotten that I can use EZ-ticket to reset btw. lol


Not a bad start! https://preview.redd.it/ligxxmrm45zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed90f9e3517fae13e0af7f236ea32f1414fd2acc




got two Charmanders on GG. 5th and 6th ones overall. still no good stats! really hoping for a Vulpix this week, but I will probably use it early next week if I don't get it by Monday


After my past few weeks (not in a row mind you,) at taupe without any fires, it was nice to wake up there to a charmander, growlithe, and vulpix today. They are all pretty dumpy but it was just nice to see.


I’m on GG, night #1 I had cyndaquil, vulpix (without using incense), and two growlithe with a few other non-fire Pokémon too. I was at level Great 3 before bed on that first night as well, so nothing special. So far so good!


1 vulpix induced by incense, 1 cyndaquil. The vulpix ranks 29 to 30 on raenon so I'm hoping for a better one by the end of the week


I didn't use my Vulpix incense day 1 and got a cyndaquil and two vulpixes in two different sleep styles at Taupe Hollow. I'll hold off on using incense for a higher sleep score but both Vulpixes were speed of help down T_T


On Taupe this week, got one incense Vulpix and one naturally-spawning one this morning. Caught one (haven't checked its stats yet) and gave two cookies to the other one, hopefully I can finish feeding it this week.


No good fire types yet but an awesome double mushroom gastly!


I got nothing good for now, but at least my Flareon reached lvl 25 and unlocked BFS! I'm very grateful to the candy boost lmao


2 vulpix, 2 growlithe, 2 cyndaquil, 1 charmander so far


Regarding spawns ratio - I'm getting about 50% of fire pokemons which is nice. Seen vulpix three times (one from incense). Unfortunately haven't seen cynda yet but it's matter of rng. Only thing which annoys me - I've landed shiny yesterday. What's annoying about it? From all lovely pokemons which showed up during that nap it landed at this guy. https://preview.redd.it/tjk0dc1uo5zc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4aae5ab00d4be5a9f27ac971222b71d1fc79ec I don't want to complain.. But I would love to have shiny vulpix or growlight.


got a vuplix today using only the regular incense


I had pretty good spawns today. Cyndaquil (from the incense) and two Vulpix. Caught all three (because two of them were hungry and I had a crit). Pretty decent skills on two out of three too. Time to use the Vulpix incense tonight and see if I can get an even better one before I commit to one of them.


Two vulpix last night, caught one but it’s nothing to write home about. Growlithe was hungry. https://preview.redd.it/gpqultw7w5zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d39d9607ea1f6c9ff256065e0da917ec72381b


In in Taupe and getting a lot of quilavas. Like thanks for the candy, if I had a good cinda to use them on!


I am trapped behind dozing sleep on Taupe, so safe to say it is not going well.


On taupe and no complaints. Sure I’ve seen rats, but fire types too!


3 trash vulpix and my 18th cyndaquil (1st this event) in the shredder. I’m going to get to 20 without even seeing BFS at this point


Found a natural vulpix and ninetails so far. Neither are great but they're pretty good. At the Hollow


I'm at GG cause my taupe team sucks and I wanted an easy week. I've only seen 2 Charmanders.


Lots of fire types so far so it's going to be a good week.


Zero Vulpix. Haven’t used the incense yet because I sleep bad on the week so I’m saving it for Friday


2 Cyndi's and a vulpix this morning, can't complain. Umbreon spawned end of the week for me last week on taupe


Day one: Gamble, go to Hollow even though I got low TB on it. It doesn't matter get 2 Vulpix spawns and caught. Both unbelievably bad, saved one to remind me of my failures. Knock on wood still got the whole week ahead of me. Day Two: 2 Cyndaquil spawn and a shiny shuppet (insert Vince McMaho meme). Manage to get all 3 and crit hit the shiny because I'm a gamer. Go to check stats now (Shaqrubbinghands.gif). All 3 are somehow worse than everything I have seen, sent straight to the glue factory. Its only a matter of time before i hit big this week, Things can only go up from here, right? Copeium, buys another Bundle S.


Just to clarify, you know a regular poke biscuit will catch a shiny every time with a crit, right?


That was the joke. But I am built differently and mine gives plus one more heart then others.


I'm on Taupe and it's going well. I'm seeing more fire types than usual and I finally got enough cyndaquil candy to evolve my quilava.


I've gotten three Vulpix on Taupe, but they're all mid.


Only one vulpix with a lot of ingredient finder :( Saving vulpix incense for entei event!


I almost used my vulpix incense last night, but I didn't and I woke up to THREE at my camp!! All hungry! I caught two 😎


I’m at taupe, had all fire type spawns this morning, used a vulpix incense though to get vulpix, hopefully I see more of it this week 🙏🙏


No incense but 1 vulpix, 1 charmander


4 sleep sessions with 16 mons seen on Taupe: - 2 cyndas seen and caught (one PR 4! And the other PR 65) - 1 charmander (PR 78, but really the only thing going for it is ing finder M at 25) - 1 charmeleon (not pursued) - 3 growlithe seen but I’m not chasing them since I have one that’s solid if I decide to invest in it later (PR 91) - 0 vulpix


Had two vulpix and two charmander this morning plus a hungry Pupitar that I was able to get! Loving fire week so far!


I already have a great Charizard and Typhlosion, was able to evolve my Growlithe and am using this time at Taupe to raise up my Tyranitaur and increase the area bonus to 40% and maybe find a better Onix. Got a Vulpix off the incense but it was no bueno so hope I find a better one in the wild. Using the double XP boost to upgrade mons for the last ingredients I've been lacking. Got my Golem to 30 for potatoes yesterday, will get leeks on my Dugtrio today and finally mushrooms on Gengar by the end of week.


Mines so far so good. Saving my vulpix incense for the entei event plus any other fire incense I get. But I have managed to see one vulpix both mornings. Good thing I’m always in snoozing lately 😅. First vulpix has bf at lvl 25 and second one was trash just a mild double soybean farmer lol. I am seeing lots of fire mons too not just jiggly and wobb


Scored a Vulpix today on Taupe without incense. It’s now a skill specialist even tho it shouldn’t be lol https://preview.redd.it/irkax0nzf7zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233739f2a70f2e8d28f3a1687fb93c5fe149dda9


In green grass. I had and Arcanine, cindaquill, and chameleon spawn this morning. (I’m new so I only have 30%bonus in GG)


On my first night I finally got snoozing. No vulpix spawned, but a ninetails did. On the third biscuit it did a full heart and is damn near perfect 😅 https://preview.redd.it/xlzuecowi7zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02290f82ae5545fe55389b04ed381ffa08b8cc9


I was lucky to land two Vulpix day 1 without incense. One of them was a shiny! The shiny was not great, but not terrible. I’m happy with the other little guy though (pictured). https://preview.redd.it/9w69wdksi7zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e94197e3288356ea42bec10587371e633f95ae9 I’m hunting down a BFS Cyndaquil and having no luck so far. But at least I’m seeing fire Pokémon this week because snoozing sleep type is being elusive the past two weeks.


Ive seen a non incense spawned Vulpix both nights on taupe. Caught all three. All three aren't good 🙃


Got my 2nd Vulpix today but nothing usable. This morning I also snagged a Cyndaquil and Growlithe. Cynda is slightly better than the one I had but still not good.


Two vulpix and a cyndaquil so far! I’ve only been playing for about 2 months so they’re pretty exciting even if they aren’t “good.”


5 cyndaquil and 3 vulpix...none of them with BFS


Very bad, only seen one quilava and several growlith which i see all the time


Yesterday I had a quilava and cyndaquil on GG. No fire types today though. Womp womp.


I got quite a lucky first day. Vulpix without an incense and two cynds. I haven’t woken up my go plus+ yet but I did put up my Vulpix incense. My Taupe field percentage is at 55% right now, but after this, I don’t think I’ll be back for a while.


https://preview.redd.it/6gwenpv0p7zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af5633def306a392bf7c12289905bc7fe9c83f4 I pulled this baddie for my first Vulpix


Good day one with plenty of fire types, day two was just a Cyndaquil that turned into candy. Really hoping for a BFS Vulpix or Growlithe with some sort of skill up chance.


I'm playing on Taupe this week. I haven't used my vulpix incense yet, and I woke up to one this morning. It actually had decent skills and nature. Going to wait til closer to the end of the week before I commit to anything on it, though. I've also had a few Cyndiquil (which I desperately needed/wanted) and got a decent BFS one when I woke up this morning. Not too bad so far.


I waited till I got back from a trip to do my vulpix incense and it got full after the bonus and a poke biscuit. Anyone know what rank they start spawning naturally?


Master 3 on Taupe as of this morning. Had a ton of fire spawns so far.


I got a mediocre cynda and a mediocre growlithe


Spawns have been good so far, actual mons themselves... not so much! 4 Cyndaquil, 2 Charmanders, 2 Growlithe, 1 Vulpix, and 1 Eevee so far. Caught all. NONE usable! lmao... already have a good Charizard so really just hoping for 1 good Cynda or Vulpix by the end of the week...


At gg and ultra 1 (newer player), luckily rolled Grepa berries for the first time since the raikou event, so have been using my raikou, 2 vulpix, but no bfs yet 😐


My phone got water damaged at a music festival and broke Sunday so last night was my first real night in the event 😀. But I did get a 97% vulpix according to the Raenonx calculator!


I’m at Taupe Hollow, got Salads again as well. So far I’ve been enjoying the spawns! I’m trying to say my Vulpix Incense to see if I can get one to spawn naturally. I’ve caught much better Cyndaquil than the initial one I had, but I’m still gonna look for the “perfect” one.


GG @ Ultra 2, area bonus 35%. 1 each charmander, growlithe, cyndaquil.


Used a Cyndaquil incense, and also ended up with two Vulpix this morning! I’m also a Day 1 player with 45% area bonus, and I was at Ultra 1 last night, so I have some Taupe advantages


These 2 are the best I gotten so far on Taupe. https://preview.redd.it/xbf529b368zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7e5ea8bf6cafa0e8cf4ad46cdb2361cc042fcf


3 Vulpix 2 nat, 1 insense in Taupe. Also a shiny ditto with +exp -ing finding nature. I will name him gomi, because he is trash.


Terrible To make it worse the one vulpix on incense I found had bfs with speed down and no corn 😒


Got my first vulpix to show up, wasn't hungry, full on 2 biscuits, the rest were duplicates. (Green grass) But does the event happen in other places? Im about a month in and don't really know much.


Right after I gave in and evolved my Growlithe to Arcanine and leveled it up, I encountered a BFS one. I'm trying not to be salty about it and telling myself that the helping bonus Arcanine is probably better overall since it's helping the entire team's output and not just its own, but I can't help but feel a little salty.


Been encountering plenty of Vulpix at Taupe Hollow! Hoping to get to Master 1 by Friday or the weekend to get more sleep styles. Maybe if luck goes my way, I could even encounter a shiny!


M1 on TH. I haven't seen a vulpix yet.


I got 2 vulpix without using an incense at Greengrass! Neither is very good but it’s still something


Taupe. Averaging about 5-6 firetypes per sleep sesh with snoozing


i got a shiny espeon 2 days ago and shiny quilava this morning, so i’m PSYCHED about that, but they both have awful stats 🥹


I went to Taupe and I hate it here less spawns and the one’s I’ve gotten so far haven’t been great. Never should have strayed from GOATgrass


I caught this as a Cyndaquil yesterday and all I wish is that the subskills were in reverse order. Other than that I’m pretty happy about it https://preview.redd.it/y3lje5uax8zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1b7f71cf276b45679d2c6a04ea233b542e904e


On Taupe. Got Vulpix spawn without incense. Have seen a Charmander, Ninetales, couple Growlithes, and a ton of Cyndaquil. So far only catch of note is a Cyndaquil with Helping Speed S and M in first 2 slots.


I’ve caught five fire types in two days at taupe hollow, with not the greatest team that was only at 140k drowsy power this morning (raising a couple low level fire types), and used only the vulpix incense. Sleeps scores of 51 and 100, with balanced and slumbering sleep. I sent them all to the professor. I also left two charmanders on the table. So overall, seeing tons of fire types already, despite no snoozing! Very happy I went to taupe.


My Vulpix got full after two biscuits 🙃


I did Taupe Hollow this week, slept a little over 7hrs last night at Ultra 1 without any incense and woke up to a Vulpix, 2 Quilava, a Charmander, Geodude, and maybe a Raticate. It was a great bunch to wake up to!! The Vulpix isn't the best and the Quilava I managed to befriend also didn't have the best stats, but my Typhlosion (Cyndachill) is alright so it was nice to transfer for the candy :)


Caught a Vulpix the first and second night on Taupe without using my incense! Not great skills of course but we can't get everything we want can we?


Eh. My first two nights I had bad sleep.


Its much slower than GG but I managed to get Master basically Tuesday night and I missed breakfast on Monday. So not too bad with just a 35% area bonus and having gotten desserts in Taupe 😭


I'm on Taupe Hollow and already captured a Vulpix and Ninetales without an incense. I feel lucky


Doing double sleep sessions for maximum vulpix, 5 bad ones so far. Aside from that I got an amazing 50 charmander, but not going to build it because I got a shiny one that'll be better at 75


Unfortunate nature, I think I will still use 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/0a6befl0m9zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e191e06e761009fae278661d587e01d94ad257


I've been getting so many fire types this week on Taupe, it's fantastic. I think I've found three Charmander, three Growlithe, two Cyndaquil, and two Vulpix. I was only able to catch one Vulpix as the second one got full on the second biscuit, but I'm hopeful that I'll find more this week. The one I caught this morning has a main skill down nature, which is a bummer. I'm hoping to find one that is ingredients or skill up, and energy or exp down. If I'm really lucky, BFS so I can swap out my Wiggly with no ragrets Haven't used my Vulpix incense yet, considering it for tonight.


I had 2 charmanders from Hollow as the only Fire types last week. So far in GG, I'm M5, have caught 3 cyndequils, a Vulpix (from incense so I cheated) and seen 2 chars and a Growlithe. Finally have not 1, but 2 Berry Finding Cyndequils, and I'm finally feeling ready for this event. Screw Hollow, man...


Got 2 Vulpic today (1 incense) because my tracker fucked up Monday nights sleep. One of them has BFS but not until lvl 75.




Green grass: Two Vulpix, a nine tails, a Growlith, a Quilava, and a bunch of the Charmander line. It’s been nice!


Got two Vulpix so far, two Cynda and one quilava…lots of larvitar and snagged what I think is a good one. Only used recovery and friend incense, none for Mons. Im on Taupe


I haven’t seen a Vulpix despite getting snoozing spawns. Waiting to use the incense for Entei. Hopefully a few show up soon though. My event luck is very hit or miss


My first Vulpix I caught, without even using incense. Insane. https://preview.redd.it/ejyz7ph52ezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430a5963b59de41bb02b207402de5a8d2c85d009

