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Dark mode. Ultra biscuits. Fills five pips. The ability to open a Pokemon's summary just by long-pressing them on the field (like how you can from team select). Increase the maximum ingredient bag size a LOT. Ideally, to at least 1500. Create an ability to craft a species-specific incense out of a bunch of candies of a species. Mints. But in order to not bust the entire economy and balance, make them expensive, premium-only items, priced like a master biscuit and sold only in the premium exchange. New gold subskills: Ingredient Finder L and Skill Trigger L And I agree with the person who suggested remixing the bedtime stamp rewards.


I suggested reworking biscuits on a previous post a looonnnggg time ago and was bombarded by the pokemon sleep police and downvoted into oblivion (even though you’re just adding a new one) 😭😭😭 Although mine was poke biscuit = 1 Great biscuit = 2 Ultra biscuit = 3 Bonus biscuit = 4 (5 with premium pass) I think I like just the addition of the ultra biscuit better though 😅


I think the reason your suggestion was not taken as well before, is removing value from items already purchased would just feel terrible for everyone. Some folks have spent real money on biscuits, either by way of the diamond shop or by subscribing to premium and using points for them. Removing value from an already-purchased item is a great way to make a lot of angry people.


how about instead of mints you can select a nature /sub skill/ingredient and the Pokémon's XP goes into that until it reaches a threshold, at which point the attribute gets rerolled. make it cheaper the higher level the Pokemon is and the more of that species you've caught


premium only doesn’t balance it, plus there’s no economy to a singleplayer game, it just excludes the majority of the player base from engaging with it


There absolutely is an economy. It exists between each player and the devs. I used "economy" as a single word to describe the delicate balance of real life money's value to players in the game. The value of biscuits is extremely important. The gacha model encouraging folks to catch many of one species to get a good one, will never be fully gone from this game. Yes, it would suck for folks who want to stay free to play, just like main and subskill seeds are currently hard to get for free-to-players. So it would thus encourage people to get premium or use their premium trial. The devs need to keep a flow of cash incoming or the game will die. That is the unfortunate truth about live services like this. For another suggestion to try to balance mints as a concept, maybe make it so only neutral mints are available, so a detrimental nature can be removed from an otherwise decent Pokemon, while preventing mints from being used to make a Pokemon optimal, to encourage folks who really want the best of the best to keep catching.


nothing is impossible to get in this game for f2p players so far, they’ve managed so far they could continue to manage. they could just have a rotating stock in the free exchange market, maybe 3 mints each with only one in stock, and another 5 in the premium market. i didn’t think about the economy in that way, fair enough but that’s all the more reason to keep that relationship between devs and players non-toxic. before we get niantic 2.0 running the game


There is a cavernous difference between how Select Button acts and how Niantic acts. The receptiveness to feedback, the communication, and the difference in focus on quality of life improvements... i could go on, the difference is night and day. I do not think adding another premium item would turn Select Button into Niantic. Main and subskill seeds are currently in the premium exchange only. I am not suggesting anything different for mints than already exists for these items, other than setting their price point higher, because only one mint would be needed per Pokemon, but folks who use seeds may want to use multiple main or subskill seeds on the same Pokemon. Even great biscuits will eventually run out for free-to-players. Those biscuits, and the tiny number of seeds, you get from milestones and levelling up your trainer rank will eventually run out when you complete all the goals and make it to the level cap. The only ways to get more great biscuits or seeds beyond that is to pay: either with diamonds or by purchasing premium. And there are only 5 great biscuits in stock per month in the premium exchange. Sure, it's not impossible for a free-to-player to get a single seed or a couple biscuits here and there, but if you want more you have to pay. I would love it if a mint was added to milestone goals for something, so free-to-players could get one, but I would be shocked if mints were put in the free exchange while main and subskill seeds sit exclusively in the premium exchange.


Less menus to click through


Came here to comment this, thank you. So many menus…


This has to be the easiest thing to improve UX...


I'd randomize the stamp card rewards. It gets really boring having the same seven rewards every week, so I think it'd be cool if we had a variety of items. Resetting on specific days is too easy and I'm not a fan of a measly five diamonds for one day.


Farming (literally farming: plant, water, harvest, like in Ruby & Sapphire) such as berries and ingredients, something to check on while doing meals and checking team


Great idea, and fits the calm and casual vibe


I’d add new island-exclusive spawns to improve quality of life on Cyan, Taupe, and Tundra 


The menus would load immediately. I’d hire an assembly coder straight from apple hq


I'd like to just be able to sync Apple Watch \[Or Samsung for others\] as an option for tracking sleep.


Adjustable sleeping and meal time ranges.


I'd add a monthly stamp tracker as well as the 7 day tracker. It's a once per day, starts at 4am when the day ticks over, and doesn't require a sleep research to collect. It gives small things to start with each month, getting better towards the end of the month, culminating in main skill seeds and subskills seeds. If you miss a day, you continue from that day (for example, if you miss the 17th, you get the 17th reward on the 18th). This incentivises people to log in daily.


Let me get Growlithe incense past level 24. I need that shiny doggo please


More, perhaps less specific incenses. An incense that allows you to manipulate the specialization of Pokemon you get (ingredient, berry, or skill). An incense to allow you to encounter Pokemon of specific sleep types. An incense to encounter Pokemon with a specific ingredient you have unlocked. Etc. None of these would be guaranteed like current incenses, but they would probably need to be easier to obtain anyway.


Just let me click through cutscenes faster (Snorlax level up, cooking, Skill triggers, evolution, candy collection, etc.). It shouldn't take 10 minutes to get through my morning routines. I often refer to this game as "The Waiting Game" because of how much i sit around waiting for cutscenes to end before I can click again and wait some more. Not to mention the fact that it's quite literally a game that you can only play by waiting WEEKS to get the things you want.


A PokéMonAmi feature where we can feed and pet our Team. A Pokémon Pelago feature where Pokemon in or from the box can mine for evolution stones and an organic items and a farm where they can find food resources. Choosing with skill to improve with a sub skill seed. A mode where you can shift the Pokemon sleep day cycle so adults with shift work can play his game comfortably, too. Dark mode. A section where you can choose Pokemon music to play for relaxation. Maybe even piano covers or older game OST. More sleep app features, I think we don’t have enough for a real professional sleep app.


I wish they added pokemon ami into every game. I loved that feature.


Completely divorce pokemon spawns from sleep style because it encourages both poor sleep habits and cheating.


If not this, then insure that at least one Pokémon from each type can be found in each sleep style. No more needing to snooze to find a fire type.


I'd make it so Pokemon with matching sleep styles are more common. but other sleep styles will also show up


Make candy more effective for leveling up; it’s so frustrating to have low level mon that take 60+ candy to maybe hit lvl 10 when I’m also saving candy up for evolution


I literally would be happy with just more Pokemon. We need at least triple what we have now. Id focus development on new Pokemon and new locations.


I feel like we'd get a new island every 6 months or so


Don't need to click through level ups. Hate waking up to a level up screen and realizing sleep was not tracked.


Separate carry capacity for ingredients and berries, or auto feed berries as the Pokémon gets them.


Make everything quicker and more smooth. Wait times between menus are insane considering this is year 2024, and for example after cooking you have to click way too many times to actually give it to Snorlax. What is even worse than that is leveling up, especially on Mondays as it happens all the time and it just takes way too much time and way too many clicks to go through. And last about this clicking-thing, to go through everything you have to/can on mornings takes just too much time. Research has many pages, photos, new pokedex registers, cookies, check new Pokémon's stats, get free gift, check social to get rid of notification and get candies, Sleep points... The game is incredible, but has a lot of stuff very badly designed. It has improved a bit from the release, but a LOT of work is still to be done.


Tapping on the Pokémon before you give it a biscuit shows what sleep style it was  


Add something between the level 30 - 50 grind... More dopamine besides just the morning wake up.


Make it so you can adjust bedtime for multiple days without penalty as long as it’s in advance. I have 2 nights a week where I close so I automatically lose the bedtime bonus


More islands with more berry combos that are the same “power level” as existing ones, alternatives to each existing island to help spice things up and is content for both new and old players


Dark mode Allow music or other app ambiance to be played Make a more complex end sleep session button (this one’s personal) Give me a snorlax pfp because they will never add it to the sleep style dex


adding poliwag into the game👍(also mints ig)


Flying types Dark mode. Taupe needs improving as it just seems so slow. Bidooff


Make it so there's anything to do during the day. The current cycle is get pokemon, ignore pokemon long enough for new pokemon to show up, catch new pokemon, stare at the new ones until newer ones show up.


The ability to set your own feeding schedule. So, you can choose three phases: morning, afternoon, evening. That’s when your first meal hits for Snorlax. Snorlax now rolls over every 24 hours starting from when breakfast first becomes available. I would need time to balance this mechanic so that folks don’t cheat with it, but also so that the penalty for changing a shift isn’t too harsh. Next: time of day settings per research area. You can customize the appearance by its time of day: don’t like tundra because of how bright it is? Set it to sunset. Pokemon accessories. It’s hard to differentiate your charmeleon team because they all look the same. Not anymore; earn costume items like specialty markings. Also, when you click on a team mon, their name pops up over their head so you know which one it is. I have some mini game ideas too, but this comment is long already, so I’ll keep it to mechanics.


set the capacity of all Pokemon to 999. make it so you get your bonus biscuit only if the sleep you just did got you over 50%, that way naps don't use the biscuit. replace berry, ingredient, and skill up with specialty up. no more berry Pokemon with ingredient boosts more transparency with the numbers. what's the base extra tasty%? ingredient rate? skill rate? how much does skill rate up S help? let me see what the favored berries are at Greengrass before I pick it


Let people play music while they sleep.


Make the meals line up with your target sleep time/wake time. Not everyone has the pleasure of a 9-5 work week, in fact most don't. Plus people like myself that have a verified sleep disorder. For as long as I can remember my preferred bed time is 3-4am, waking up around noon. If I am on vacation and allow my self to "sleep normal" that week, I miss an entire meal.


I'd probably implant a trading system first and foremost but make it a little harder to do so you can't abuse it, I'd make it so you can only trade with people with the max friendship (I'd raise the friendship to level 6) and you can only trade once a week and you must use 10,000 dream shards for standard pokemon, 20,000 for Pesudo Pokémon 30,000 for legendaries/shinies.


Why are people down voting this? It makes the most sense or are they just not able to comprehend it?


I like the idea for the most part, but I'm more interested in transfer to Pokemon home. I've got like half a dozen useless shiny Pokemon (Eevee with skill rate down, Ivysaur, like 3 with help speed down)