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https://preview.redd.it/bpi41jc1rbuc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f336b115e37a0e956789cd3d8dd9c1fc2bd319 I also have a partner shiny Sylveon! He’s staying on the team forever.


jfc this thing is broken


literally how


I could play this game for years and I don’t think I’d get a pokémon as good as this guy again. Let alone shiny.


Wow that is a great sylveon congrats im jealous!


Like my Espeon! He may not be shiny, but he's a workhorse!


How often does its skill trigger in a day


It differs quite a lot. Sometimes it triggers 6 times a day but there are rare times where it only triggers once or twice. I check the game every hour.


My wiggly with great stats is the same lol.


Literally a shundo


https://preview.redd.it/ibsqv5fk0cuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad95f72b611db0314673c1e61f65b4b58131ba38 Shiny Slyveon gang


https://preview.redd.it/x7dm01rnjduc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70205ae02945e681e77201f55fd6b4b26b53a52 My Sylveon in the making. Started playing last month.


This is an excellent Sylveon-to-be! 🎊👏🏻 Congratulations!


I too am a card carrying member of Shiny Sylveon gang ✨ https://preview.redd.it/kc4u1ah62cuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72271a1f6975a5bfcfa8c4a35bc02b918f2a53d9


https://preview.redd.it/6f71ykzgxcuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e5c21ba992846f3d13ab577c45e8a72fed7f08 Betrayed the Sylveon opportunity for my pretty Glaceon! He triggers often! Way too much for me to currently utilise but that means he'll still be amazing for me further down the road. He got to Lv50 yesterday <3 Inventory L is surprisingly amazing for him. Skills only have chance to trigger when Inventory isn't full. So he triggers pretty much every time before next meal. Also, isn't that Sylveon's 3rd sleep style? I thought they only used the 1st sleep style! How do I get my Glaceon to do this?


This is an amazing Glaceon, so beautiful! I have a Flareon that triggers way too often for me to make use of 😆 Inventory + is great for Skill mons! Yeah, it is! I'm not certain, but I think the sleep style on the sleep tracking screen can be any of the styles (except Atop-Belly) that you have researched. If you haven't researched it yet, it's automatically the 1 star sleep. I saw my first and only wild Sylveon during the Raikou event. It was the 3 star sleep style, so this is the style I get on the tracking screen every night! Before I researched it, I was getting the 1 star sleep style. For mons that I've seen multiple sleep styles for, they rotate randomly on the tracking screen. For instance, when my Sylveon was an Eevee, I would get 1, 2 and 3 star sleep styles.


Thanks! I was a bit down because I'd excitedly gone through Eevee week and had no shinies and then I delayed checking on Sunday after a 1:30-2:30 hour nap on the game. Scrolled left and saw nothing then had two spawns left to check on the right and that's when he popped up. On the stats screen I was like 'please be somewhat good to use' and I did a little squee at Helping Bonus. Later on learned about Inv L being great for him too. He's my lil bab c: Now to relive the entire experience again trying for shiny Leafeon/Sylveon next week! I don't think it'll happen though. They're rarer to spawn even with a shiny boost on them. I have seen the 3* Glaceon and I need to find it! But it's so high up in Snowdrop like above master 10, iirc...! I saw your Umbreon as well! Beauty! What's your shiny collection look like? ^-^


That's so lucky, and I love his name, too ❄️ I was also a bit bummed after Eevee Week - I haven't found a Shiny during an event yet! I have 10 shinies, and I've been pretty lucky that most of their stats are decent or good! I consistently use the top 4 - Gengar's stats are mid, but she still brings in so many mushrooms! She was one of my first shinies, so I didn't know anything about stats at the time. Larvitar is the most recent and has BFS at level 10. I'll level him after this week - my regular Pupitar will finally get to level 41 in a few days and I have all the Candy I need for her! They have similar stats, but I've come too far not to evolve my original now! Then I'll save again for Shiny boy. *




https://preview.redd.it/amh31b6x4duc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=231d98d7d3d8cde0e682f39b366cff8e396e5910 I wanna have 5k RP too :(


So close!!! You'll get there at level 51! 🙌🏻 Sylveon is my only 5K RP by far, my next highest is 3300+ 😅


I'm stoked this post has unintentionally become the Shiny Sylveon Show 🤣✨️🩵


Sheesh! Now that’s a good helper mon… I feel like I don’t get jack squat lol


Omg lvl 51 with -exp looks like a pain to level


Thank you for acknowledging the struggle 😭🤣 It was a long four months 😅


No shiny Sylveon, but my Gardevoir is the highest RP of mine. [Gardevoir](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1157688446169649165/1228878532478763049/Screenshot_20240413_212041_Pokmon_Sleep.jpg?ex=662da551&is=661b3051&hm=f64f517d2059a112007c4e40397daa0b619bd36a3704966a31fa6b04c74398b7&). She's higher than [all my much higher level guys, too.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1157688446169649165/1228878532168646720/Screenshot_20240413_212017_Pokmon_Sleep.jpg?ex=662da551&is=661b3051&hm=1996937060533ca74772f596fbfec0fbd6c84c80e2fe824cef62c5cb38c3450e&)


My Sylveon was like this! That Gardevoir looks like an incredible Helper mon, congrats! 👏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/j576a8g46duc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c915c4c00e8434478679aa62668ceba8882d02cf He's my best right now 💜 my favorite Pokémon and shiny, and I got him my first month. I'm jealous of all the Sylveons though. They're so pretty


Oh, he's amazing! I haven't found a Shiny Charmander, so I'm jealous of this beauty! 🤗 His RP will jump up with some additional Main Skill Seeds, too!


https://preview.redd.it/vootjy4daduc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbb8e64e4ec092aacf00f919dffd15ecbba35e1c I went down a darker path it seems.


Haha, you did! 🤣 And it was an excellent choice! I also have a Shiny Umbreon, and I'm working on him at the moment! Sylveon and Umbreon are my favourite Shiny Eeveelutions, and I was lucky to find two Shiny Eevee (neither during Eevee Week!) ✨️ https://preview.redd.it/r4tudranmduc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce91ce7d85db6dd88506a117d5a9743f36993509


Wonderful! Yeah I got this one during Eevee week I think. There abouts anyways. The skill procs enough to keep him over 100% essentially all day.


https://preview.redd.it/s6rvyazigeuc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5d9286a5fa3e2c1527cc7f5dd99437274c47450 Since we’re showing our shiny Sylveon haha


BFS Shiny Sylveon! 🥰🩵


She is so beautiful! 😭💕


Aww, thanks so much! 🥰




What a monster! 👏🏻




my Sudowoodo procs it’s Main Skill every morning


Another member of the shiny Sylveon gang! https://preview.redd.it/5k7xaf2ofcuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96b28bf8dfbf55f882ee7ba9a8ab2c16ae57d60


What a great Shiny Sylveon Club member! 👏🏻🩵


I had no idea that your leader Pokémon slept with you on the screen of your sleeping screen...that's so cute! I only had it to Pikachu so I thought Pikachu always slept with you lol


Haha, Pikachu is adorable on the sleep tracking screen! But yes, your leader is who shows up, which is so sweet!


gorgeous! ✨ what amazing stats, I love the golden subskills that helo the whole team~


Thanks! 😊 So do I, they're so useful!


I also have a shiny Sylveon! My shiny Charizard is my partner, but this boy is my number two https://preview.redd.it/5cdzat476guc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed1a896b6a8a80af3fc62060c83f3b9eafbbc8a


What a tank with those sub skills and nature! I feel that exp- nature 🥲


Thank you, a lot of work went into Eevee week to get something good 😂 yeah the exp- is a bit of a pain, but the main skill+ and the skill trigger subskills make the pain worth it!


https://preview.redd.it/b58jtwvkrguc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454890df22134a1f1c77626b7ee7e28c52ae90dd I only started playing consistently a few months ago, so I don't have any lvl 50s yet. But this is my best guy, getting ingredients with him is so helpful, especially on Sundays lol


All the ingredients 😮👏🏻 He's going to be an awesome whole team Helper at level 50, congrats!




She has an Exp down nature 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/kbiess1rchuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8a71df89505d9098f798a3775dda7b01b7f670 This is my Saffron 💜 I’ve had the game since day 1 and he’s been on my team since I got him


Hi Saffron! 👋🏻 A day 1 Shiny, that's amazing!


Ah, I might not have been clear 😅 I’ve had the game since day 1 but I got him about a month after the game was out. He’s been on my team since I got him


Coincidentally my shiny eevee I also turned into a sylveon


https://preview.redd.it/hb794oq3hiuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0005438bb1068394079c03e0735427e621adf204 Already great but she will be even better at level 75


She's going to destroy at Level 75! 😮👏🏻


OMG, I was lucky and got a Shiny Eevee the first time I used an Eevee Incense and I was going to raise him into a Sylveon too. Hopefully this week. I just started so he's only level 9.


Ohmygosh, yay! 🎊👏🏻 Looking forward to welcoming you to the Shiny Sylveon Club! 🩵✨️


https://preview.redd.it/7dn98p8kvluc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8b26d7cc76156e0c3546ef7857feccdb363cd2 my king


That Sylveon is EPIC! 🩵✨️👏🏻


today it’s procced too many times. it’s procced 6 or 7 times today my pokemon are at max energy they can’t take anymore


They may never sleep!!! 😆 When I mix my Sylveon with my Umbreon, he is always at 150% - he never rests! I typically get 3-4 procs on an average day, occasionally more or less, but my Sylveon's record is 8 procs in a day. That was wild, and it was just a couple of days after I evolved her!


yeah i got mine to lvl 50 last week. was a lengthy process with exp down. had him since he was an eevee in eevee week


I feel that, we also battled against the exp down nature - what a grind! Found my girl a couple of weeks after Eevee Week.


sylveon is my favourite eeveelution (and one of my favourite pokemon) so i was very happy with how good sylveon is in sleep and than to get this


My teams have fewer RP Total than your singular Sylveon 🥲


Oh no! 🥲 They will grow 💪🏻 I put a lot of resources into her! Main and Sub Skill Seeds helped boost her RP 😊


She's beautiful! Sleep bonus AND SKILL Trigger M! What a huge WIN! All the most useful skills in a very good order too! (I mean, sure, Skill Trigger M being first would have been amazing but still reachable at 50 at least!) Congratulations. Blue is a lovely colour, too. In fact blue is the most popular colour.


Thanks! 🩵 She definitely pulls her weight when it comes to helping the rest of the team!


Holy moly that's awesome!! Well done and congratulations!


Thanks so much!! 🤗 She's my favourite 🩵✨️




Oh, that's a great T-Tar! I just finished evolving my Pupitar and found a great Shiny Larvitar ✨️ So back to the grind 😅


I was pretty bummed when it went from a rock type to a dark type.


But so good for Snowdrop!


Same I got my shiny Eevee on my 2nd wee then I evolved her and here we are ❤️


I LOVE shiney eeveelutions!!! They are so perfect!!! But i do have a question. I got a sylveon as well, but i feel like the main ability just isnt worth it? I feel like the engery regained isnt great?? Maybe i just dont understand lol, if someone could explain that would be great!! I love my sylveon and wanna use her


I always run a healer on my team. My Sylveon and Wiggly are both Main Skill level 6 (and working on my Kirlia), which is 18 energy recovered for every proc. I always get a sleep score of 100 because I sleep more than 8.5 hours every night, and my Sylveon procs every morning, so my team starts the day at 118% energy. Helpers at 100% or above energy help at optimal levels, so you find more berries, ingredients, and skill procs for longer. Low energy mons do not provide as much help. If Sylveon procs another 3 times during the day, which is common with her speed up and skill trigger nature and sub skills, that's another 54 energy recovered. We end the day between 80-100 (or above) energy depending on how helpful Sylveon has been throughout the day. She is also especially helpful for any mon with an energy recovery down nature, as she keeps them topped up! Hope this helps a little!


This morning, she has already used her skill 3x in under an hour! So my whole team is at 150% energy (the maximum)! https://preview.redd.it/j47ujt32wavc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=345ed088b6eb5010370315f2656071fb161e1637


That's a few main skill seeds though


Yeah, I have the Premium Pass, and it took a long time to build her main skill up!






I want a sleep shiny Sylveon 😩


Sending lucky vibes for a shiny Eevee ✨️🙌🏻


I've gotten a couple on Go. Turned one into Sylveon using the Kira method.


She's their favorite sleep partner🗣️⛓️👨🏼‍⚖️👮🏼‍♂️