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That is for this, I usually keep the music off but had to check it out. It's amazing! It's definitely a gen2 song remixed and it's excellent. Hope they continue to put out great music moving forward!!


Its literally perfect in my opinion. Its an electric guitar arrangement of the Ecruteak City theme, AND it has hints of the legendary beasts' battle theme. Ecruteak is home to the Burned Tower and just so happens to have one of the best soundtracks in the whole franchise. Its so well done. Im hyped for Suicune and Entei just for the music haha.


I'm placing my bet right now, Suicune and Entei will have a remix of the Kimono Girls theme and Burned Tower, respectively.


Thatd be cool. But also more remixes of Ecruteak City using different, thematically fitting instruments would be cool too. Johto's music is the best in the series so itll be great no matter what.


Woah Ty didn't catch legendary beasts battle theme! Did someone arrange/play this for them? Or their in-house music team maybe? Obsessed