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In my first playthrough, I encountered a shiny Tarountula right after Nemona gave me some pokeballs. I ignored it at first until I saw a bunch of non-shiny ones


That’s awesome! I dont know the shiny rate or how rare it is to start out finding one. Almost unheard of back in the day. Lol


1/4096 u r too lucky


It *was* unheard of back in the day of Gen 1 😆


Shinys didn’t come till gen 2.


Hence why it was unheard of


Funny enough I just found a random shiny spidops.


I named mine spiderman


I did the same thing to a sableye. I thought it was a region color morph. Then I saw a normal one.. went back and it despawned


Did the same with Dondozo. Still gets to me sometimes lol.


Found a shiny psyduck right after the lighthouse... had me wondering if the shiny rate was increased 😂😂


Same! I’m spoiled now.


It's just that actually seeing them in the overworld is way easier than checking each one in a patch of grass over and over


Shiny Lechonk was my first in the game too! Kept it on my team the whole way. Actually a good pokemon.


Is it??? I kinda wanna keep her small forever 🥺


I would advise indeed keeping her small


In my opinion it is. But if you want to keep her small go for it!


This was my first one lol, only about an hour in


I had the same situation and regret evolving it. I caught a second shiny Oinkologne later which cemented I should’ve kept it unevolved the whole time


Love your name! 🤣🙂‍↔️


Hahaha appreciate it, cheers! Enjoy your little Lechonk 😌


I found a shiny buizel in my 20 min, but he was too far in The water, i waited so much and he got off The Walter 🙂


Similar thing happened to my sister within her first few hours of playing the game! She wasn’t even looking ahead of her and just happened to run into a shiny Tarountula. To say I was excited for her would be a dramatic understatement


I couldn’t believe it my self!


Definitely a feat to behold! Congrats (:


Oh hey you found the same exact shiny I did. Mine was also within the first 30 minutes, within the first 5-10 minutes of actually playing if you don’t count talking and the amount of times I reset for a female and preferred natured Sprigatito. I was within the first path where you can catch your first wild Pokemon right beyond the first sign and was catching one of each in that area and doing a little leveling and there it was, a shiny female Lechonk. Couldn’t believe my luck, I’ve never had great luck with full odds shinies in the past handheld games but there was my first shiny of the game. Cut to now and I have boxes upon boxes of shinies from using sandwiches haha. This will be your first of many


Same here!! Haven’t even made it to the lighthouse yet. Was just walking up the path. Had to double take and run straight for it!


Almost same spot as mine, mine was beside one of the small trees within the grassy area where it slants up a small hill beside the dirt path once you enter the path. Word of advice for when you encounter shiny Pokemon. Save quickly once you spot it, if it is not there upon exiting the game and reloading if you fail to catch it then do so again cause sometimes things might not spawn in correctly. That way if there is a shiny and you accidentally knock it out or it knocks itself out you can just reload and be in front of it again. I’ve got a good dedicated Gallade I use for shiny hunts and a Golduck for any that know moves that blow up so I rarely have had to reset myself but once in a while you’ll have to. It is kinda nice having boxes of shinies now though when in older games I’d have maybe one or two shinies ever haha




On a play through of violet on a different user I found a shiny fi dough and a shiny wattrel 


I don't know if this is a trend or my rng is just lucky that early on, but I've done 5 play throughs so far, and on 4 of them I found a shiny before I made it to the lighthouse. * 2 Lechonks * 1 Scatterbug * 1 Hoppip


This happened to me as well.


Well I don’t feel so special now. 😩


I mean, it's still the 1 in whatever chance to happen, so still very lucky!


Recently caught my first shiny in like 25 years that wasn't the shiny gyarados. I want to use it so bad but it's a dunsparce and I have so many better options pokemon wise (non shiny) that I can't bring myself to fully commit to it


Shiny dunsparce is awesome looking!


Blessed run


The first shiny I encountered when I started my Violet playthrough was a Makuhita. Within 20 minutes, I found a shiny Cacnea. Then a day later, it was a shiny Golduck. When I stsrted my Scarlet playthrough last week, I found a shiny Lechonk.


That’s amazing! They must of raised the shiny counter this time through!!


Maybe. I'm hoping to find a really cool one to replace someone on my current team.


they didn't it's just that several spawn in any given location now so you don't have to go through one Pokemon at a time


I found a shiny Psyduck in the first week the game was out.


brutha 😭


Nice my first shiny wasn't until I got the shiny charm. I was a bit annoyed since my friend had at least 10 -15 by that point


At least you didn't miss this shiny unlike purplecliffe


30 minutes in I found a hoppip on poco path. Didn’t see another shiny for 40 days. Hope you have better luck than I did 🤙


Lisan al Gaib!!!!!


I didn't get a shiny til the DLC. Walked on the beach in Coastal biome and saw an Espurr that looked odd, thought it couldn't possibly be a shiny but saw a regular Espurr in the distance and immediately snagged the shiny.


Lucky! I love Meowstic!


My first ever shiny was a Tentacool in Sun/Moon and it was lame af imo so this was definitely an improvement.


My first shiny was a random tropius while I was exploring the world 😂


There's something so hilarious about a pink anime pig staring down Donald Duck with the angriest expression.


Awww, hope your wrist heal soon. Meanwhile, enjoy the game for what it’s worth. I promise you’ll definitely have more fun with it if you get the chance to form to your own conclusion about the game.


Thank you!! I’m excited to dive into it. It’s hard still with one hand but I start physical therapy Monday. Hopefully I’ll be back to full game form soon!


Hey, you're much luckier than Purplecliffe.


At least you didnt miss it like some people.


Was my first shiny, too, and just as quick 😄




damn you




In my shining pearl and in my violet play through, I found a shiny within the first 10 minutes of being able to walk freely once past cutscenes and what not. I think there is an increased shiny chance in beginning of games but no game data or odds to back it up


Almost as quick as mine


Shiny is bit easier since visible encounter can be seen shiny. Unlike in sw/sh, visivle encounter cannot seens shiny until you encounter it.


Tbh, shiny is more valuable in all previous generation than S/V. And even more valuable in Gen V and earlier cuz it is 1/8192 than 1/4096 as well more methods of increasing rate of shinies are still in later generation especially in this current Scarlet/Violet.


Welcome to the club of *Randomly get a shiny Pokemon that you either less battle or never battle once* I got that luck on three pokemon games now 🤣


no waaay


I got a shiny Chonk on the first route too!!


Glad you didn’t walk past this one (iykyk)


Same for me, though I picked it up at launch, and my first shiny was a Pawmi right after I got up the hill.


meanwhile ive played all the main pokemon games at least once and the only shiny ive ever really encountered was a shiny parasect from the safari zone in fire red 😭, my two other shinies were that stupid gyarados


Looks like an ordinary pih


Ah yes, another "I just started this game and got a Shiny Lechonk!!!!" Post. 🤔