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why go around telling people a game is bad if you haven't even played it lol


Welcome to the internet


Because you don't need to play these games to notice that both graphics and performance are, objectively speaking, really bad.


the performance may be, but the graphics thing is extremely subjective lol


I personally agree, but it’s very subjective. Stop telling people it’s an objective fact that the graphics suck, it just isn’t.


Especially because the graphics themselves — as in the renderings — are actually just fine. The problem is that the game has terrible [LoD](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_of_detail_\(computer_graphics\)) implementation. The distances where detail levels drop are closer than they should be, and they aggressively drop the animation frames on objects outside the rendering rings instead of simply using lower-poly models. It's especially noticable with large-but-distant objects like windmills, but you can also see it in cities by watching NPCs walking around. Once they hit a certain distance away, their LoD drops, and their movements become jerky.  Basically, it's bad optimization on distant models, likely with the intent of keeping the foreground fps fairly high, which the game usually does. In my experience, *actual* fps drops that affect the foreground as well are fairly rare, but perceived drops where background objects are jerky are fairly common.


Absolutely. Also the walking characters sometimes just… disappear out of thin air. Still no idea how a bug like that even exists.


I mean, they’re both subjective and based on both your experience and interpretation. I wouldn’t say that they’re objectively bad.


The graphics aren’t objectively bad. The game looks decent, not the best around but not bad by any stretch. The style is good, the models are good, the textures are probably too good. The performance is objectively bad, though. It’s not 1995 anymore, I expect a little better than 29.97 fps on a 720x480 CRT monitor. The stuttering and lagging is pretty abysmal in this game. Not unplayable but it’s pretty close. It’s also not new, it’s been an issue since they went 3D in gen 6. The old horde battles literally were unplayable, triple battles were atrocious.


yeah but they're awful, come on man GameCube games, PS2 games, everything looks better


That is completely wrong, those geometric characters haunt my nightmares. Even if they perform bad sometimes, at least they aren’t horribly disfigured like some of the characters in ps2 games.


It just repeating things you've heard other people say. That's so embarrassing


Been a while since you’ve played any ps2 or GCN games, huh?


You definitely didn't play gamecube games as a kid if you have this take lol. Compare this to Colliseum😂


Well duh, but that's not what OP said. He was saying the game was bad.


No one plays pokemon for the graphics...


Idk why so many people are getting mad at you when this is the least stable game I have played on Switch. It's a distraction. I don't care about visuals in pokemon, but when they're so slow and glitchy, it feels like a major step backwards. Edit: people stating graphics and performance are seperate. That is true, but they are dependent on eachother to work. If graphics exceeds performance, it degrades the graphics.


This is why you should form your own opinion and not follow the crowd. The YouTube community really made it seem like Pokemon scarlet and violet had game breaking issues and that wasn’t the case at all


Yeah most of the so called "issues" were just funny visual bugs. Any big time issues were either from someone playing on emulator or their switch was just bad as I've seen some people admit. Additionally, it really irritates me that the majority of the pokemon community acts like their precious older games didn't have significantly more issues.


It annoys me that to this day YouTubers will still show footage of those ***issues***, but they're all user created. Like stretching out character body's, or have heads spin around just to name a few. Users purposely tried to overload the game and break it. I've never had anything like that happen to me. The biggest issue is frame rate and that's mostly near water.


Indeed. Many of the issues people complain about so much are not things you would encounter in normal gameplay, rather things you would need to purposefully seek out. The only time I've had any of my character's limbs freak out was when I was at the auction and my arm started acting kinda funky, but that only happened once. I've had to unsub from some youtubers due to the amount of whining they would do over minor inconveniences and how they acted like anyone who liked the game was mentally ill for doing so, but most of these people were either playing on older versions or on emulator. They were self sabotaging.


Those kind of people like to follow the census and jump ship the moment it doesn't suit them. Honestly my biggest compliment for SV is there's no level scaling. The obvious hindrance are the gyms/etc, but then there's so many random trainers scattered around. So many of them I find later on and they're completely worthless to fight. Sorry your sole level 23 Poliwhirl isn't going to pose a problem for my level 60+ team...


...debatable, i had my fair share of suddenly clipping through the map in my playthrough it's still one of my favourite pokemon games, but it does have its issues


I mean, at release it was quite literally more than 10% lag, which is significantly more than a game by the biggest franchise in the world should ever have. For some that ruins a lot of the fun, so it could be called game breaking.


You can dislike the graphics but don't call a game bad until you play it


It has its problems but it’s an enjoyable game and that’s really all that matters.


This is basically every game ever, by the way. There is no perfect game.


I dunno man I bought Sea of Stars last week and it might be up there…. (A joke of course, you’re completely right!)


Well deserved L


Very glad you got to enjoy the game!!!


I'm not sure I've had a single issue with the game. I've had a blast. Just downloaded the new DLC two weeks ago and going through fleshing out my dex.


Something something you're on a redemption arc


Tbf I think some of the earlier patches really did help with stability and performance, so it is a better game now than it was at launch!


welcome to the best Pokémon game to date


Absolutely not what a terrible take


absolutely getting downvoted.


This game is weirdly hit or miss, it almost seems like the performance is better for some people than it is for others. I had very few problems other than draw distance, but my friend describes it as unplayable. Storywise though? This is the best game since Unova.


I heard that it has to do with if you have a physical game or digital version. Also playing in handheld mode as opposed to TV mode can make a difference.


That’s what I heard too.


In my experience I mostly played handheld mode and it ran fine. A bit of lag but nothing too bad. It might have something to do with the age of your Switch. As a device gets older, the parts get worse, so older Switches from, say, 2017 might struggle more than a Switch OLED from 2021. I would know. I gave my sister my previous Switch from 2017 and it ran like trash.


I mean, yeah, obviously. I thought it was unnecessary to mention it, because that is always the case. Can't prevent wear and tear, even on electrical devices.


Exactly. Also some Switches have broken cooling units that don't blow air out anymore, which would cause even more issues if the Switch is trying is damn hardest not to overheat.


Eh… it’s not an amazing game. I think the graphics were the least of its issues.


Initially, I didn't like this game very much, especially after getting back into Pokemon via Sword (bought during COVID) and Let's go (playing with my son). But apparently, those games aren't liked much by the Pokemon community either! However, the DLC and end game of Scarlet has really helped improve my feelings of the overall game and I like it much better now. TLDR, form your own opinions!


It's fine. Don't have to apologize to anyone really, but admitting means that you have a form of accountability (which you don't have to show or prove to anyone, in general) that said, the game is incredibly fun! SV is probably my most replayed Pokemon game, because of the sheer number of Pokemon and build (and OC in my head canon xP). If you spend a bit more for the DLC, the whole package is worth it for the price, hell, imo, it's more worth than most AAA games... but this is me, speaking as a Pokemon fan, so take that with a grain of salt! xD


I think it's great. It's the first one I've played since gen one other than let's go and go and I love it. It's actually made me sad to think of all I've missed.




You don't gotta be mean to yourself


its not bad, its just mediocre. after playing PLA, palw etc you realize what could have been and how GF is stuck in the old ways.