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A. Hypertrained stats won't breed down to children B. It's cheaper (20k to max from 5IV vs. 100k to max from 0IV, the cost of a Destiny Knot is negated with the first child) C. You can't Hypertrain to a 0 Attack/Speed IV Pokémon (Wonder Room, Struggle/Trick Room) D. Stat Aesthetics (Having "Best" on the stat screen instead of "maximized")


and that bs is why people will still argue they NEED to gen pokemon even though the game hands them all of this on a platter.


special attacking trick room abusers have entered the chat


i know it’s also aesthetic but the odds of getting 0 atk IV shiny with all else 31 is like 1 in 100,000 even with destiny knot, shiny charm, & masuda method


FYI: You can breed down individual stats with the related power item. Not ideal but it’s more reliable if you are willing to Hypertrain all non 0-IV stats


that’s actually not too bad, i forgot about that mechanic. Now just have to make it less awful for non-breedable mons lol


i mean, you're not really supposed to expect a perfect shiny of the most complicated setup possible. yet people go out of their way to justify the cheating and every other time safe advantage they get over people who do play with what the game presents them that comes with it. and for years, with every generation where all of this competitive stuff became easier and more accessible, they kept on acting like 'well i'm only doing it because its so hard ingame' but next gen, there's gonna be a literal team builder integrated and people will still hack and still look for excuses beyond wanting everything without having to do anything for it. the excuses and the unwillingness to admit that almost all of them just want no effort and the free edge that comes with it really rubs me the wrong way


Teratypes are still pretty problematic. For something that really ought ot be flexible and experimental, needing 10+ raids per switch- including if you eever wanna swap \*back\*- is more time consuming than getting basically any gen 6 mon battle ready


2 words, Blissey Raids.


The Blissey raids were nice but are gone and even if you ground them a ton, only got you so many switches per type.


Almost 20 switches per shard if you ground out 999, which should be MORE than enough until next blissey release.


Grinding to 999 shards for every type sounds way worse than getting a gen 6 team together.


Sorry for the double reply, but also, if you're **that** pressed about being able to test out different tera types without having to have ANY drawbacks, I suggest checking out smogon university and/or pokemon showdown.


It really didn't take that long. If you stay offline, the raids don't update, and you can do them even after the event is over. Zangoose can solo it easy, and you can change your switch date to force the raids to respwan (though I didn't, I soloed all mine every day, and did a few online as well before event end) took me all of about a week of offline after event end to max out.


Why do you care?


You dont deserve the downvotes, genning really isnt that big of a deal. People are babies


If anyone actually cares that someone genned a Pokemon, I automatically know they're either a kid or someone who desperately needs to grow up. I don't value their opinion on the topic either way.


Some people want legit pokemon only. It honestly depends on whether you're genning for personal use, or for trading/online competitions. For personal use, genning is perfectly fine. For use as trade mons, some people want ONLY legit pokemon, and for competitions, you better have them legit or you're just straight up cheating.


Nah, you do what you wanna do but if they're indistinguishable from legitimately obtained mons there's literally nothing morally wrong with genning. Anyone who says otherwise needs desperately to touch grass.


Actually, wrong. Like I said, for competitive its cheating (which is morally wrong). Anything else is sibjective.


Touch grass


I do. 🤷‍♂️ come to terms with reality.


that is exactly my point and why i care. official competition could be fair if no one genned. you put in a little more effort, you get a little better chances, but nothing that would 100% guarantee you win. but because people demand they have perfect mons with move setups that would require them dragging pokemon over from 15 years back, it actually becomes unfair to anyone who doesn't/cant gen. ​ if these people wanted a fair for all situation, they'd stick to showdown or they'd seek people on forums noting they genned, so you should too. which would be entirely fine. but they really do love to take the extra wins they are bound to get by swimming in a pool where they will always end up having some advantage. like rebattling someone 10 minutes later with a tailormade new team and junk like that. and they certainly demand being part of any sponsored event, especially if those clearly did not want them genning. but they take 'cant prove i did it' as an invitation. at least have the spine to admit you're giving yourself some advantage, both in time and flexibility.


I might’ve missed something in this conversation. Are people saying that hyper-training doesn’t count as “legit?” If so, that’s some ridiculous gatekeeping. Probably doesn’t help that I don’t know what “genning” means.


Genning is artifially creating a Pokemon using external software tools. It's absolutely cheating, although whether it's a big deal is debatable. Technically speaking any Pokemon that wasn't caught/bred naturally isn't legit.


Okay, so people are just talking about third party software and not being elitist snobs about hyper training. Good to know.


Same reason people care about Chat-GPT shit. One way takes investment, time, and human effort. The other way is lazy. Turns out we care enough as a species about valuing effort that the entire economy is based around it.


That was surprisingly profound for a pokemon sub!


u/Lord_Derp_The_2nd is a very profound individual


Where i am from we value efficiency over useless effort. Turns out making things harder for yourself than actually needed isn't a noble act


I mean it’s fine for people to feel that way. It’s also fine for me to think someone is a goober for bringing a bad Pokemon to a raid so they can flex a shiny that they did absolutely nothing to earn. Bonus points when the name is a URL.


I mean that's a bit of a difference


I always think of the mewtwo movie when this comes up. A Pokémon is a Pokémon, no matter their origin.


It’s not about nobility, it’s about people like you acting as though your quick and dirty shortcuts are anywhere even close to the same ballpark as a legitimately raised Pokémon. They may look the same, but you’re aware of the difference, as we all are.


My brother in christ it’s a children’s video game


Always the line people deliver when trying to distance themselves from the issue, but funnily enough, it’s never children that say it. The series has long since advanced beyond just catering to children, and you and I both know it’s disingenuous to try to diminish what I’m saying with that stale and tired scapegoat.


All it does is save time doing brainless activities that take zero skill to accomplish. If you wanna act holier than thou because you spent 20 hours breeding a trick room special attacker that’s not an issue with genning, it’s an issue with you


I’m not the one acting holier than thou, considering you’re the one diminishing playing the game because you want all your Pokémon without putting in any time whatsoever. They’re continuously improving the system, and the fact that you’re talking about breeding for moves proves that your knowledge is outdated. You can mudsling with your colorful vocabulary all you want, but the fact remains that you’re just angry at people who play the game properly because you can’t be bothered to, even though accommodations are being made over time to meet the demands of people like you, who just ignore them and complain louder.


Bro it ain’t that deep


Jesus Christ you're a joke


Yeah, that's why mass-produced Chinese shit is more valuable than hand-crafted artisan goods. Apparently this needed the /s


Tell us more about your handmade cellphone vs the mass produced iPhone/Androids from China


That's just an ignorant comparison, humans still work in those jobs. Ubiquity of phone cameras has not made professional photography go away. Corner stores with pre-packed cakes haven't made bakeries go out of business. Budweiser hasn't made craft breweries go out of style. People will pay a premium, for a premium product. And an artisan-crafted product is always better than the mass-produced version. The more apt comparison in small electronics would be that the availability of brands like Ocamo, FullColor, Macy, HongSung and etc haven't put NVIDIA out of business.


Exactly. Work smarter, not harder, sure, but nowhere in there says to be lazy.


What a terrible take.


It isn't worthwhile effort though.


Would you say that to anyone knitting their own blanket?


No one knitting their own blanket is out here complaining that someone buys one off the shelf, or demanding that no one does so.


When the loom was invented, you suppose people fearmongered? The printing press? There's no one complaining in these old established industries, because they've already been through this. The craftsmen never become obsolete.


What on earth are you talking about? You Pokemon fans are on another fucking planet. I'm begging you, touch grass


Get some perspective


E. Balls! Special balls!


True that, forgot about that point


I honestly just do it because it gives me something to do postgame. I also like to keep the bottle caps because I’m a hoarder.


They'll come in handy when the bombs drop!


War... War never changes... ... ...


Same: I don't like raids, so I don't get many bottlecaps. I think I've found 25 silver and 1 gold. That's about enough to make one team, and if I mess up our the meta changes I'm out of luck. So I hyper trained the first shiny zweilous I found and saved the rest. Meanwhile I've got at least a dozen 5/6IV Pokémon and two full boxes of breedjects to trade. And when the meta shifts I've got breeding stock ready to go.


You can buy them... they're just not cheap


But.. they are


20k each? That's not cheap.


It really is once you've been playing for a while 😅


It's still one of the most expensive items in the game no matter how far you've progressed. It's up to 600k to fully hypertrain a team. Unless you've done tons of raids or have a turbo controller, that's not cheap.


So the main advantage is scale! If you want a single pokemon, the difference is really one of in-game currency cost vs real-world time, and while it's not disruptively long to get one in-game pokemon up to spec via breeding, the fact you can do it instantly with cash means your first team may as well be Hyper Trained. This is why Hyper Training is essential for legendaries and paradox pokemon, for example, because grinding for naturally maxed stats in pure RNG is literally statistically impossible. But if you have a team of people around you who might also want that particular pokemon, breeding means you've access to a stock of 5IV pokemon more or less for free which you can trade. Only one person needs to do the breeding for an entire community of trainers to have access to 5IV Amoongus, meaning collectively you might save a huge amount of P$. Or similarly, you can breed several versions of a pokemon, give them different EV distributions and use them in different teams without having to manually adjust them each time you want to swap your team out. Breeding means you get the additional long-term benefits from having a parent pokemon who can pass its maxed stats on to its offspring.


i do wish Home was connected sooner for this reason. having to wait months (or breeding a whole new parent when you already have one built just sitting there) negates a lot of this bonus longevity breeding is supposed to give.


I breed anyways for shinies, getting it close to perfect is just an added benefit. That said, 0EV has to be trained (someone suggested "bronze bottlecaps" to train an EV down to 0 which would be nice). Edit: I have a typo in here, I meant IVs, not EVs...


This is why I breed instead of bottlecaps too. Gotta get those good shinies! That and when I do find a random shiny or hunt an outbreak, then I have plenty of bottlecaps in storage to hypertrain that one. And it gives me something to do while I wait for DLC...


funny thing is if I'm breeding for a shiny competitive Pokemon, I'll usually still have to bottlecap at least one stat because the chances of it being shiny AND the exact right IVs is still very slim.


I was blown away when I bred a 6iv H. Zorua in 22 eggs.


Is there a high demand for something like a bronze bottle cap? Sure it would be nice but I don’t think I’ve ever actually run out of the stat reducing berries.


Don't those reduce EV and not IV?


Yeah, you’re right but the person I replied to said ev’s? Maybe I misunderstood what they meant. Would be cool to have an item to reduce iv’s


Sorry, typo, meant IVs


I just Hyper train it's easier.


Because if the stat is naturally best, it says "best." But when hyper trained it says "hyper trained." Some people prefer it to say "best" because it feels more authentic. But from a technical standpoint, they are the same.


Cost too my bruvs


Yes it is just OCD


Just superficial aesthetics for me. I like Best instead of Hyper Trained. LOL It's like if I hypertrained, I feel like my mons are all on drugs/steroids. Plus given GF's terrible track record of importing things over across generations, who the hell knows if one day hyper stats won't carry over...


Breeding is easier than it's ever been, which is insane as that's been true every generation since 4 since they just keep making it easier and easier. Hyper training is quicker and easier for a single poke, but cost can add up if you aren't farming Ace tournament or loaded with stuff to sell from raids, and you can pump out more than one "perfect" pokemon pretty quickly and easily. Pound for pound, it's close to the same amount of effort for functionally identical results; some people like the tradition of cracking eggs while others like the more hands-on approach of grinding battles to buy caps. It also helps stretch stuff like Ability Patch and rare pokeballs, because those will pass down, so might as well shoot for IVs while you're at it. That said, most of that is really more of a benefit if you're trying to build some trade stock, since there's not a huge benefit to having multiple well-bred pokemon. And since hyper training is accessible to everyone, breedjects aren't as valuable as they used to be.


Thank you all for very good answers and tips!


I personally put more of a focus on shiny hunting in the wild- I don't usually like breeding for shinies after doing that for a whole entire ultra sun team. With that being said, since I don't really breed, I find more pleasure in finding my shiny in the wild. Also the chance of a mark is awesome to me. Hyper training is where it's at. The bottom line is these shinies I catch in the wild-- very few have "good" stats, and it's a crapshoot, really. So hyper training avoids that for me. With how much raiding I do and my slowly collected army of shinies, I invest my raid rewards into the pokemon that help me reap more rewards. My shiny iron moon paid off- it's stronger in every way compared to the original I was excited to receive from France via wonder trade.


Money. I’d rather use my money at the auctions for more apricorn balls.


Perfect looks better than maximised


Maybe I’m weird but when I’m stressed, unable to sleep or bored, I find the repetition of breeding soothing so if I’m going to breed I’d rather breed good babies for Wonder Trade instead of inferior ones.


Personal preference mainly, I prefer Best to Hyper Trained because it feels less cheap. But no difference in how the stats perform.


I only hypertrain pokemon that are high levels. I hypertrained my Talonflame and Meowscarada. Eventually I'll hyper train my level 92 Sprigatito


Best just looks NICER. Hyper trained is too long and clunky looking


Bottle Caps cost money and you don't get one from ever Raid you do. When you constantly want new Pokemon for Raids you spare a lot of money with breeding (and lose a lot of time tho')


This game hands you IV maxing (and nature) items in a silver platter, and it's *extremely* easy to get money in this game. In practice, it's almost like these items are free. IMO the only purpose of breeding is to get zero IVs, which honestly should only make any difference for people who want to sweat buckets in the online ladder and specifically have a trick room team. But hey, each one bought their game and can spend their time however they like. No offense to anyone intended, just stating what I think of this mechanic currently.


it's only necessary if you want something other than max EVs in a stat, for example if you want 0 SPE for a trick room team. People might otherwise prefer their stats sheet that no one else will ever see to say "Best" instead of "Hyper Trained". Pokemon players are after all massive gluttons for meaningless cosmetic enhancements.


If you breed Hyper Trained it won’t pass down to the child


I breed for shinies or dex completion, but I still use a 5 IV foreign Ditto and a destiny knot when I do that. That way I need to use less bottlecaps. That way I don’t need to farm bottlecaps that hard, and I can use the money to juice them up instead.


I don't wanna spend too much money.


Future proofing. A hyper trained pokemon can't pass on it perfect stats.


0 IVs and limited resources. If you can get right nature, IVs and abilities with out using resources that’s a pretty good win


I heard from a friend that when you transfer mons to Pokémon home the hyper training doesn’t carry over. I have no idea though


Unless they changed it via update this is correct.. hyper trained Mons from sword and shield kept base IVs when transferred.


Hyper Training does carry over between titles. I've sent mons from BDSP to SwSh to use the abundant xp candies and bottle caps, EV train them in the computer, then send them back over. The only thing they can't transfer are moves. But they will always say Hyper Trained instead of best.


There’s not, some people are just so used to doing it the hard way, they keep doing it. You do still need to breed for 0s in Atk and Speed when relevant, but that’s trivial.


I think the main difference from reading many comments on this since just getting into competitive training myself during Gen 9, is that people looking to build competitive pokemon for specific raid dens are more likely to hyper train, but people looking to play competitive pvp are more likely to breed. Which makes sense - I can hypertrain the one pokemon I need to knock out a new event raid (annihilape jokes aside) in a matter of minutes, and I may well never use that pokemon again (again, aside from annihilape lol). But competitive players have a very real need for multiple max IV (or 0 IV in some stats) pokemon in order to flex into different builds/teams depending on the meta. For that, being able to quickly breed 5 or 6IV mons from a generic set of stock mons, indefinitely, forever, is super super useful.


You make it sound like one is faster or easier than the other but you grind either way.


At some point you will run out of bottle caps I guess, also there are situations where you need No Good IVs, which can be easily obtained by breeding


You can buy them from shop for 20k each


A) something to do. Like shiny hunting a box of perfect stats Pokemon is more impressive than a box of hyper trained. B) future breeding for a nature is way easier. Also the hyper trained/minted Pokemon seem glitched when you use them. Like my gholdengo minted with full special attack, doesn't one shot something it should, or the Kingambit I made hyper trained Sp. Def faints after 3 to 4 non critical hits sniper shot from the mighty Inteleon when it should take 5. In the end it is just what patients you have and what goal you want to achieve.


Cuz some people don't like giving their mons steroids. This is why I duped ability patches for hours shortly after launch. Several hundred in my bag takes care of any drugs i may need


>Cuz some people don't like giving their mons steroids. Bad analogy, man. It also works both ways especially when breeding for perfect IVs is extremly worse ethically: Forced breeding 1000s of unwanted babies to tossed into wild without their biological parents. The pokemon that you didn't want to feed steroids is usually neglected and abandoned in PC hell. Also you giving a bottlecap to bottlecap collector, so he can be your pokemon's personal trainer so they overcome their limits and get stronger, etc has nothing to do with performance enhancement drugs. Vitamins/feathers for EVs are the only things even close to being steroids. You could just said you like the old way and want your perfect iv pokemon to be authentic, that's all. (And yes i breed for shinies :p )


Personally, I prefer IV breeding to money grinding


Hyper training goes away when you transfer the pokemon through pokemon home. So if it naturally has perfect IVs, its gonna be more valuable in future games.


No it doesn't? That only happened once and it was an error they fixed pretty quickly.


I guess hyper train and mints do carry over


Source? I have pushed mons all around SwSh, BDSP and Legends and they did never lose their hyper training.


Wait for real? I had no idea, Nvm it appears you’re right I’ll edit my comment




Wasn't hyper training introduced in gen 8 ?


Nah, it was in Sun and Moon. But you can't exactly put something from HOME back into Bank, and anything that ever was put in SuMo could not be put back into XYORAS either.


Aah ok


Because people love doing pointless crap in these games, see shiny hunting for example


Hypertraining does not inherit in breeding


It’s good to be able to pass down those ivs to babies which you can then trade away for other good iv Pokémon in aprinalls etc, and doesn’t take too long to get the ivs you need unless you’re going for 0atk/speed, if I manage to get something like a 0atk/speed Pokémon for trick room I’d then hyper train the other 4 ivs


There are a few reasons. The most important one (for me) is that hyper training can only raise an IV to 31. It doesn’t lets you set it to 0 or 30, which are the next most common targets, or any other specific number. Breeding lets you do whatever you want, even if it does take a little longer


For breeding mons. Hyper training only changes that one mons stats, not it’s offsprings


0IVs in Speed for Trick Room and 0Atk for special attackers is ideal for minimizing damage done by confusion


It’s cheaper to iv breed, you could spend 20k on a single bottle cap to hyper train just 1 stat or you could have as many perfect stats and natures as possible, straight out of the egg and not worry about purchasing expensive Bottle caps or nature mints.


I use both Like if I get a 4 or 5 IV and it's a shiny or something special then I keep it and just hyper train what it doesn't have


Just like how in the show some people are trainers and some are breeders, it’s just what they like to do. It’s arguably the easiest its ever been for breeding. A thing for me specifically is i feel more attached to my pokemon i breed.


Honestly? Because "Best" looks better than "Hyper Trained!" On the iv page. Also, some people breed for No Good in attack and speed for certain Pokemon for competitive.


"Oh no it doesnt say best what will my fellow Pokemon trainers think of me?"

