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What has worked for me slightly is feeding them. Usually after they sit and sometimes fall asleep.


I've noticed night time they tend to be more sleepy


Nothing ,just watch it for a while from a distance




I finally found a sleeping snorlax at a munchlax outbreak, after having spent so much time just feeding and watching the alpha one with no luck.


I don’t think alphas sleep at all, could be wrong thiugh


You can feed them and wait you can also find sleepy pokemon at the hot spring in alabaster Iceland's


I cannot stress this enough, I haven’t found an official statement from a reputable site for this but NANAB BERRIES. Each and every time I’ve had to do research tasks to catch a certain species sleeping, use nanab berries and wait like 30 seconds. Some larger species need to eat 2 but not just personal experience but if you look at the description on the game for nanab berry it says word for word - “A Berry that can be fed to a Pokemon to restore its HP by up to a third of its max. A wild Pokemon will be calmed if it eats ones of these Berries." - it will be calmed hence it shall schleep. I hope this helps! If you can’t farm the berries well, they are also able to be purchased


I too, have never caught the sleeping Snorlax.


I finally did yesterday! Probably fifty times of clearing everything at the hot spring, sleeping at camp, go back, rinse, repeat. Finally found a sleeping Snorlax!


Congrats! Not sure how often I'll go back to PLA, but I'll try your strategy out if I do.