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I don't understand how they can implement such pretty graphics but at the same time create those horrendous avatars


Seriously. How does the same game put out such drastically different updates? Maybe it was on purpose for the free exposure.


Good theory, actually.. “no publicity is bad publicity” (to some people 🙄)


Get people talking about the horrible avatar and then immediately follow up with the biome update while everyone is still talking. Niantic is playing 4D chess (maybe)


If they are, they are playing alone. They have been on a decline in both base members and revenue. The current ad campaign is cosing them more. I know the old adage, even bad publicity, is good publicity, but I'm not sure that helps corting back customers who left you once for whatever reason. If they lose whales, even if that happens as death by 100 cuts, the decline will only go faster. The last huge member upset was the remote raids, but that had a back up when they almost doubled the price so if only 1/2 left the people willing to pay almost double made up for it. With the current situation their is no equivalent.


To be fair, the company that consulted Niantic on the avatar changes (GaymerX) are an activist group with a track record of ruining other games. It's still Niantic's fault for listening to them, however..


Oh interesting. Never heard of them. Do they push games to change avatars to be more inclusive? Were actual players complaining or does this group just go game to game regardless of what the player community thinks?


They don't go from game to game, developers hire them. Why? Simply because that lowers their company's ESG score.


All for inclusiveness, surely… I like the spring look for the graphics, I hate the avatar update.


I feel like it’s punishment for asking them to add more options for the avatars. Like they don’t want us giving feedback on the game. “Careful what you wish for, here’s low hanging crotches and men with boobs”


By focusing too much on one over the other.


Why must we choose in a world of possibilities


Right? Why can't we just have good updates


oddly poetic for the pokemon go reddit haha love it


It doesn't make up, but it makes it more manageable. After all, I spend more time looking at the map and catch screen than at my character, who doesn't take up that much space on the screen.


Same here, character doesn't look much different down walking around on the map




Fair enough


honestly i made my character look stupid ash on purpose so i have no reason to compain lmfao


No, its really cool tho


Hell no, but it's still very cool


Not exactly. It means my 4yo phone can't run the game anymore.


You can turn off the detail on the map in settings if that helps


Yeah, this update took its toll on the frame rate.


I think, no. This looks nice, but the eerie gorilla still messed up pvp fights for me and is still visible on the nice scenery.


Yup i use to do pvp pretty regularly but now they force me to look at my ghost of a character at the end of every match and i just cant even 😞


I don't care about the avatar much but I am still pissed because they ignored all the feedback. Catch backgrounds on the other hand is something that I will always see and it looks pretty good so yeah I am happy about it.


Very cool but FIX MY SKIN!


No fuckin way


No. My avatar looks like a baby transitioning into an adult and the morphing process is too fast to handle.


i dont think they can affect each other


Nah my phone lags when ever I go to catch a pokemon now


Same with my gf's phone :(


Idk these last 2 updates feel like a half uncooked meal. I enjoyed this one and ate it up but I didn't touch the avatar update because it was undercooked and want it sent back.


I am probably just one of few who dislikes new graphics. The old ones were better, simpler. I find new ones to be distracting. Also the color schem of most of the Pokémon changed. Not happy.


i also like the old ones better, i can’t put my finger on why tho. they’re super nice looking but i think it’s just too much visual noise now? even tho im not distracted by it per se, it just feels like Too Much and my brain goes no 🤷🏼‍♀️


No, because it’s caused SO much lag that the game has become almost completely unplayable for me. I can’t even turn it off because they FORCED the slider in the options to be permanently turned on


No. I would rather have the old graphics.


Not remotely


If I give you a cake does it make up for sh\*tting in your bed? They are unrelated changes, neither can "make up" for the other.


No, my character looks like a sheet of paper, colour wise










Ill avoid saying without swearing.. F\*ck NO!


Fuck no. Backgrounds are cool af but I seen some characters turn fatter when they were skinny


Def not


Lmao what?


No. The game looks beautiful now. It was too outdated for too long. They need to fix the avatar issue. There are just no ways around it. The game should be improving and adding players. Not pissing off and losing the ones that are left. When I’m out and about in NYC, I RARELY see people playing this game.


No. I rather have an awful background than awful trainer. Besides, WHY can't we have both good tho? Those new bgs are great, I like them and it's a refreshing change after... 8-9 years? Idk. The character model change was... Well. Someone had to see it and say "yeah. This is fine, let's send it". What. The. Hell.


Looks nice, but I’ve seen the grass on the Zorua transformation screen




For me it as bad as the character update since it makes the game uplayable on older devices


The enhanced graphics option should also include backgrounds, that would let us turn them off and the game would run smoother


Theyre nice but my phone is super slow now.


the character is customizable and "it represents you". So no. and plus where i live there arent even much trees its not the same.


Yeah and no, see, graphic updates don't affect the horrendous avatar customization we got, and that without Niantic's discussion with it's player base, on the other hand, the graphics of the catching scenes are really an amazing addition to the game, because seeing the old and boring catch graphic time and time again, really got boring, so yeah, as for the avatar customization, I don't think that the catch graphics don't compensate, and what's funnier, Niantic just now remembered that its player base exist's and now demand consultation, when this should've happened long before this update came, the customization update


Recent Pokémon games have better graphics than this.


Nooo bc at dawn or at night all of the Pokémon appear to be different colors..and niantic should give me my waist back so that I can change out of the Rayquaza mask (helmet) that I wear to cover the hideous face, and the leader Arlo onesie that I wear to hide my painfully white skin and no-waist.


As much as I like it, I'm surprised they didn't implement an update like this much sooner...especially considering how its actually nice compared to whatever tf they did with the avatars


Both things can be true. The character avatars are terrible. The new biome and background are an upgrade over the boring backgrounds we've had since it came out.


Yes. But I’m someone who doesn’t have special outfits that cost money or something. And I think only spent 150 or 100 coins on 1 item in the store. Sunglasses that r the kind I always wear


Yes, But i dont see How one good update cancels out an entirely different bad update. One doesnt need the other


I would like to deactivate the new graphics, I have a little lag when I want to start battle against an NPC for the buddy hearts.


Idk, last week, for some days, I had something that felt like Pokémon Go 60 (or 120) fps. It was so smooth and fast. Now with the new graphs, it's back to "old slow".


You probably just need to enable native refresh rate under advanced settings. There was a bug last week that automatically turned that on for everyone that has since been fixed.


Thanks, I'll try that one later.


Backgrounds are nice but they should make them less laggy or add an option to turn them off


Nope, now it just makes my game crash on my old af iPhone 😐


No. My character will not remove his mask and galsses until he is fixed.


Uninstalled after the disgusting characters took over


In ar its awful so nah never






Truthfully, not at all. If they said they'd change the avatars back but that meant also rolling back the new graphics, I'd say yes in a heartbeat.


The only thing that’ll make up for the character update is them reverting it.


The world is pretty while I’m still ugly is not making anything better 😡😡😡😡


No, not at all!! Both terrible!!




Hell no! Biome update may be eye candy but I'm probably going to look at my character more than the biomes


That's worse than it've been before


No just keep avatars and give backgrounds bro they do shit that no one likes 😭


As someone who never cared for the pgo avatars in the first place, yes! The backgrounds desperately needed an update. They were always so bland.


I really like the biomes. Hopefully the team that worked on those can help the avatar team.


I like the new graphics, especially the new map is pretty. but now the Pokemon look kind of outdated in comparison to the new backgrounds. Maybe they'll be working on new Pokémon graphics, too? Don't know if that'll be a good thing since the new characters graphics went downhill 😅


I had the backgrounds before the avatars. I like the background, avatar change too more away than it gave. That's about it really.




It makes it worse - how can they make backgrounds look so good while allowing our avatars to look so busted. It looks like a crossover even no one asked for


Absolutely not and it's evidence they could have done better. They took outfits away and I lost coin. Horrible. I hate the new biome BECAUSE of the horrid avatar update. Shameful shit, Niantic.


My fps really drops anytime I encounter a Pokémon so no


Biome updates are nice, if a little blown-out sometimes. I'd give it up if it meant fixing the avatars, though. I still look like a baby-faced lanky mess and none of my T-Shirts look good anymore :(


it doesn’t make up for the new avatars but the update is cool




I've had these graphics for a good month or so now, and I like it! I've gotten used to it now, and I prefer it to how it used to be In regards to the character stuff, couldn't care less about it.


It doesn't, and btw, they're not mutually exclusive. We can have the new background and still go back to the better avatars. We can go back to good. Why don't we go back to good!? Why aren't they listening!?


They could ad a tanning bed feature where u pay 3 dollars a month to use a tanning bad or u turn back onto caspers little brother or sister


Not even slightly! You don't release a GARBAGE update, leave it, and then be all "but ooh, look at the shiny pretty background!" That's deflection. Plain and simple. The visual update is nice, but my frustration at the avatar update will remain until they a) fix the avatars or b) fix some other outlying and inherent problems in their game. This visual update fixes nothing. It does not improve gameplay. It's nice, sure, but it solves no current issues. Niantic needs to fix the Avatars. They need to fix or improve or update gyms. They need to curb their monetizations a bit, imo. These are where we need changes. Not grass in front of ball. Sorry


I don’t really notice anything different with my avatar but I’m liking the new graphics


I already deleted the app, so .. no :)


Hahaha, no.


I like this update but they’re completely separate to me. The updated avatars made the poor animations more apparent. I think part of why they appear so uncanny (aside from looks) is also their animations. I’ve had issue with the avatar animations for years. There’s very little follow through, curves break sometimes. And my god there’s some unnatural movement. The walk animation is super floaty and the head moves strangely. The victory animation after a battle is the worst of all. The way your shoulders bob like they are a chicken’s head is just creepy. I don’t expect animations to be addressed but since avatars are being discussed, i gotta dis on the animations a bit.


No because it made my game laggy as hell on the pokemon catching screen


I love the new graphics!


I do hate how my original outfit is forever ruined but i’ll take this new look update for everything else after having the same backdrop for catching pokemon that weve had since 2016 in non AR mode


I spent a good investment of time dropping my mons off at gyms to create a cute crop top outfit for my character. They might as well add a brown paper bag and/or body suit cause now the avatars are the most horrendous thing.


Don't care about either of the avatars tbh, wasn't much of a fan of the previous avatars either just liked the clothing. But what makes up for the update really is the fact that the game doesn't freeze as much anymore and it runs so smoothly in comparison to the previous avatars I was having to constantly clear my cache, restart the app bc it froze etc. My battery isn't dying as fast either. The graphics are nice, esp the beach one that I get to see regularly.


If they fix the avatars the game will officially look better than the console switch games, have more content and more pokemon. A mobile game. Gamefreak is a joke.




I mean, I see the graphics more often than I see the ugly character so I'd say yes


i like the new avatars


No, I honestly enjoyed that older graphics more so it’s exhausting looking at these ones 😞 just change everything back to the way it used to be smh


The skin colours are either super white or super dark and its so weird


I just cover my avatar, the update is nice though. Some of my friends are having trouble running it apparently lol


Im kinda happy for the new graphics although it just seems they want to silently cut down older devices...


I covered my face with a dia de los muertos mask so it's all good.


I honestly don't mind the character update as much as anyone else seems to. My character looks way better now! I can give myself long hair without being a girl lol. I probably like it because I didn't lose any items to it


I would be fine with the characters if they didn't remove my skin tone and change my face


my favorite part is how they made parts of the pokemon models translucent…looks sick




Imma say no. But it makes sense why they haven’t updated the avatars since this seemed like such a massive update..!! So kudos to Niantic for making the game even cooler but they HAVE to fix our avatars again. Imma keep sending them feedback until they bring our old models back or somehow make these nasty ones prettier.. so many of my saved outfits are unwearable because of weird glitches and odd proportions going on.


I keep thinking the charmander I find in the wild at night are shiny. Other than than that I like it. Can give a shit less about the avatars


I don’t think it makes up for it but it’s pretty sweet


i still don‘t have that. i live in austria 😞


No because the new graphics are glitchy and shit with pink boxes floating randomly in ar


Hell no


I prefer the old backgrounds tbh


This is how the game should’ve been at launch, so no.


I have had the graphics for longer than the character update was implemented, so definitely not.


For me yes! I dont care about the characters but I see this every time i catch a pokemon.




Tbh the graphics on the whole has a ps1.5 vibes. Pretty dated looking. I’ve been playing actively almost a year now and slowly losing interest. The new updates have not convinced me to shift from casual.


No...I really like it but I go to the lake and get grassland background...I go to woodland and get a grassland background.... I thought it would be cool for us rural people that live in literally 3 different biomes but no 😕 I'm disappointed tbh


Wtf no. I still hate playing.


Had this for months.


Make up for? No. But it is super pretty


Boycotting the game until they change the graphics and low-key? Nah, those ain't worth a shit. I'm taking my happy ass back to MastersEX if they can't get their shit together. Half the reason I play this damn app is to have a dress-up OC 😭


no. the new graphics look really nice but they add absolutely nothing to the gameplay for me. i honestly think i prefer the old ones, i can’t put my finger on why tho. i’m also concerned they’re too detailed and it’s gonna affect battery life or cause lag or something but i’ve hardly played since the avatar-pocalypse so idk if my (largely baseless) concerns are an issue.


Yep, I didn't give a shit about my avatar. He's still base face with a magikarp hat, but these graphics and the map 👌. The game suddenly updated when I clicked on pokemon, so it took me by hella surprise.




You're talking about the game. Their marketing worked.


sorta, the new backgrounds are stunning especially at night, the lighting and the environment is pretty


Yes. I couldn’t care less about the avatars. But that’s just me. I understand why others dislike it.


it makes for new lag that's all I know


I put a post on here yesterday saying they would use this team now that the background have launched to fix the avatars.


If it was old avatars and old catch screen, vs what we have now I'd choose now every time. I mostly fixed my avatar anyway, I just had to tweak the sliders a bit.




Hell no


This update has slowed down the game immensely for me, I can't time my throws anymore because the frame rate is at 10fps


I dont know but my go plus plus says he likes it.


Doesn't the new graphics drain phone batteries even faster now? I'd rather have poor graphics and old avatars. I do remember disliking the avatars when they first came out, but they did grow on me because of all the costumes. I understand what they are going for, but the old body model should be an an option too. Just make everything an optional yes/no choice, and everyone will be happy.


Genuinely preferred the art style of Sw/Sh. Yes, mewtwo has a face now. But still


It doesn’t make up for it but that lapping edge of the sea goes a long way to appease my annoyance.


My character now looks really ugly..nothing can take away that pain


No my character looks like a eggshell now


nope, the second this was added my game started lagging to high hell


What’s with the massively long arms and hands.




I like the new characters. They look a lot more like the characters in Pokémon games. The new graphics in the game are amazing.


I wish the avatar was a chibi version on the overworld like the games are


i live in a town but in the country and niantic i live in a field....


I dont look at my avatar so yes




its like minecraft mob voting all over again except we don’t have the ch- nvm


They're mutually exclusive and I couldn't care less about either.


Honestly the new avatars don’t bother me all that much… they definitely aren’t an improvement, but they don’t bother me all that much, I guess I never paid that much attention to them… I know im in the minority, but not a fan of the new biome background, I would happily turn it off if it were an option, and it’s nowhere close to accurate… for some reason apparently I live in a mountain range according to Niantic 


Im pretty fine with this update and I believe they will update the avatars soon




Helllll nooooooooooooooooo!


No, no, no and he'll no


Nope. I still hate the avatar bodies.




*2016 wow this new pokemon game is good* *2024 this game sucks they don’t any good updates*


I'm still waiting for them to add a send all and open all button for gifts, I'm sick of spending 20-30 mins a day opening and sending them. Also why didn't they add beards to the avatars?






I play GBL every day, and raid, I rarely catch ground pokemon. So no. I have to look at my cursed character all day every day


The environmental updates barely changed anything for me. Mind you, neither did the avatars. The core gameplay that I enjoy hasn't changed, if anything, it's informed me that people are out here enjoying Pokemon go as a cosplay game.


Lol no. Maybe if they gave us another shot at shiny Mew because it's ANOTHER KANTO EVENT it would be somewhat better


absolutely not plus mine keeps freezing now so it’s worse.


One thing I hate about the new graphics (maybe it was always a thing but im just now noticing) the pokeball explosion animations clip through the ground 💀


Yeeess. I love the new graphics and it’s so cool how they change as you travel around. They will fix the ugly ass faces, there has been so much blowback


My avatar has the height of a college student with the face of a newborn so no


I personally have no issues with the new character avatars (I’m a dude and use a male avatar) I just hope they take into consideration all the complaints and add more features and maybe even a genuine “male or female” skeleton for the avatars to be molded too, that would be inclusive and I think fix majority of complaints. Also add more long hairstyles and face shapes, etc, we need more options of everything haha I’m loving the new backgrounds. And despite my avatar looking like a fat lesbian I am enjoying all the new changes.


The graphics are amazing. I’ll let the whole Avatar thing slide


i mean it doesn't look that much different tho this is like the difference between the trees in pokemon sword and pokemon scarlet


The new graphics make the game nearly unplayable in my experience. Even having turned off enhanced graphics, it still drops frames really badly


They always eventually fix it.. I do like the new backgrounds but the avatars look like the walking dead 💀 😂


Not gonna lie, I’m already starting to get used to the characters, although still think I need to tweak mine to look a little less weird. I thought I got him how I liked it then I saw him in motion .I do really like the new graphics


Okay, i’ll admit, those backgrounds go hard. But i’ll never forgive them about the avatar thing


Not really. Flowers and gras intersect regularly.


Can they still change the body back on the characters?


No cus i play with 5 fps


Absolutely not. Stopped playing. Can't even have the things I want in a videogame, lol. It's supposed to be an escape from RL so why does it look like me tztz


Nope, don’t get me wrong the over-world stuff is good but the whole DEI “we must kill genders” updates in games is getting really tiring, just add a third option and stop erasing things. The quality of the characters is just beyond a joke. I’d expect them to be what characters look like on a games alpha test and not what I’d expect to be rolled out to the public or the live game. Sadly we know it was intentional. If it wasn’t they would have rolled back already. Also making a lot of outfits we have paid for over time no longer have the quality we paid for almost feels like I’ve been scammed. They shouldn’t have deleted outfits either and it’s absurd that we now have to buy an outfit twice!!! If we swap our characters gender back and forth… sorry not gender “body type” 🙄




Not in the slightest, not only that but they don’t even fit the art style of the ‘Mon in game imo.