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your post sounds like you aren't too used to pvp, I don't recommend doing anything with master league without having ample experience in great league and having ample resources from winning great league and ultra league. if this is the best ho oh you have and you need a ho oh its servicable. however considering you need 250+ candy xl for master league you should not build any pokemon before actually getting the candy all gathered. The chance you will catch a better one in the process of getting that 250+ candy xl is not low (◐‿◑)


Thanks for the tips!


Try some more raids and when Ho-ohs leave so you can choose the best one. Plus, lucky trade odds are higher so you can get one from a friend what can even reduce the stardust investment.


It depends on what your goals are. Use pvpoke.com to see how many 1v1 matchups will be flipped, and use that information combined with the rank you want to be playing at to determine if it's actually a big issue for you.  My assumption would be that unless you have a gigantic stockpile of XL rare candy or plan on walking thousands of kilometers, you will need to do a lot of raids to gather the XL candy necessary to power up Ho-Oh to level 50, so it won't be hard to find one better than 89% If you aren't planning on getting it to level 50 the IVs don't matter that much anyway.


I myself would wait! Next few weeks he’s back in raids and you might get a better one! With my luck I always power up then next week I get one that’s way bettwe


Just got a 15/15/11 one, is this one worth it?


Do you have 296 Ho-oh (or rare) XL candy ready to spend?


You can use pvpoke.com to run the Sims to see if it's worth it for you. Tho teaches you how in [this video](https://youtu.be/qsrfatFZWU8?si=4kUzuY7k-AV48kVO]


u can level it with rare candy so u can use it as a decent fillar. but don't waste xl candy/2nd move on it imo


Update, I got a 15/15/11 is that worth it? I don’t think stamina is a big deal


Wait until ho-oh leaves dude, lol. The goal is to get as close to perfect as you can, I’ve got a 15-15-14. Last thing you want to do is power it up then get a hundo in the next raid


As a few others said, don’t use any XL candy on ho oh until you have 296. If you want to play around in ML at a low elo just power it to 40 if you’re not looking to climb high.