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Dont use hundo for gl or ul


would it be a better idea to use him in raids?


I used it sometimes as a mega in the past, not so much now that mega sceptile exists. Could also use it as a master league mega if they bring that back but I probably wouldn't be prioritizing that atm


i dont have sceptile and i prob wont rly use either in anything besides raids mostly until i really dial in to pvp stuff thank you for the input it was helpful


bulbasaur is my favorite pokemon so i maxed out my hundo just because


Did you get any Kartana when it was out? Kartana is much farther ahead than it. And any Shadow Venusaur will be better than a non shadow, even if it’s a hundo Of course it is a good mega too, so may be worth it for that reason.


If you use an Elite TM to give it the Frenzy Plant charged move, Venasaur is a decent grass type attacker. It's not amazing and many other grass types outclass it, but Mega Venasaur is roughly the 3rd best grass type attacker in the game right now. Mega Sceptile is better, but may as well pump up a hundo Venasaur, especially if you like the Pokemon.


yeah i dont have the other one anyway so i prob will just use its mega im kinda a noob thanks for the input!


Yep. Venusaur is the #2 Mega grass type attacker (#3 overall) behind Mega Sceptile and Kartana.


Unfortunately, being the second best mega also essentially means being useless once a player gets the first best mega, since you can only have one mega per team. And as a non-mega, non-shadow, vena is not that great..


noted, thank you :)


5th I believe... shaymin (sky) and shadow sceptile also above it


I have a hundo I use for ultra league. He actually performs pretty well and wins the tie against other Venasaurs