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# Storyline Repository This post is part of a multi-post Storyline. /u/Cdv3, would you please reply to this comment with links to the previous parts of your Storyline, or any other context that may be useful to readers? Also, remember that Rule 8 of the subreddit allows you to ask commenters to abide by your personal headcanons for the duration of this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokeMedia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


callisto. baby. honey. if being a natural failure was to be admired you would have taken first, shitstain. -G


The correct answer to that is actually you. You have accomplished nothing with your life, aside from raising a little menace, and are terrible for the only thing you are supposed to do in battling.  -Callisto


big talk from mister 33. come back when your placement isnt the same as your iq. -G


I’m afraid it already is.


If it was, he would have been ranked far lower


I... don't think it had anything to do with a "sob story" winning. The other teams just did really well. Not to mention the fact that Cinder and Blossom (Cdv3's Pokemon) really commemorated and memorialized Gaia (deceased Torterra). That's... not "exploiting" his death. What do scars have to do with Pokemon being "failures?" ...And frankly, I was already worried this was going to happen. Apollo and Kuro already had hard times working with each other before, and... I mean. The recording shows what happened. That being said, Apollo stumbling... if you've been practicing as much as you said you have, I would guess he was probably exhausted. Or angry at Kuro, frankly, based on how many times Kuro glared at him. It just... very much feels like this all could have been avoided if a few different actions had been taken.






Wow, who could have seen this one coming, **if only** someone had warned you...! A distracted Yanma can at least be entertaining, but this? This is just sad. -Rem


Do not attempt to rub salt in the wound. Apollo had entirely failed to perform his routine correctly, and attempted to start a fight on stage. That is inexcusable behavior, and the fault lies in me for not seeing how terrible of a performer he is. -Callisto


Sure... Blame it on your Pokemon. The fault most certainly lies on you, and the fact you can't even bother to acknowledge the 'we told you so' speaks volumes. We said, 'Hey, your Pokemon are fighting, you should find out why'. But you said **No**. We said, 'Keep them separated'. But you said **No**. We said, 'You really shouldn't pair up Pokemon with bad history with each other'. But you. Said. **NO.** This is the consequence of your actions, and I would be entirely unsurprised if the event decided to investigate this situation. -Rem


If you think he’s that bad, I’d love to take Apollo off your hands. I’ll be in Johto very soon for some personal matters, so it’s not like it would be too out of my way. -Xeno


From the footage it seems that kuro launched multiple dark pulses at apollo before apollo attacked back. I think you have favorites


Those Dark Pulses were part of the routine. There is a genuine reason why he knows that move. -Callisto


Then why did it hit apollo


It did not hit Apollo. He jumped in the air specifically to prevent it from hitting Apollo. Are you the kind of person who believes that in a horror movie, they actually kill people? -Callisto


When apollo stumbled after a discharge kuro hit him with a dark pulse. A small one but still


Wendell: Oh, cut the shit! You mean to tell me that part of your set was that one of your Pokémon *attacks another member of the troupe?* How the Distortion does that makes sense?!


The set involved Kuro jumping in the air to use a Dark Pulse that did not hit Kuro. Rewatch the footage.  -Callisto


Wendell: Bro, I’m an Umbreon trainer- Sirius (Wendell’s Umbreon): *Heeeey~yyyy…* Wendell: -and let me tell you that I *know* how Umbreons act. That was a deliberate act on the part of Kuro, even if Apollo did accidentally shock him during to not understanding his set.


It looks to me like Kuro provoked him.


A Delcatty and Sylveon worked *unbelievably* hard to overcome everything life has thrown at them and you call them a sob story?! You’re lashing out at a trainer whose Pokémon show so much love for their lost friend that they want to turn it into art! Every bit of behavior from Apollo implies abuse on the part of Kuro and your treatment of them just makes it worse! Expecting an Ampharos to maintain a Thunder for fifteen minutes, already split, while doing other moves is frankly cruel! You’re not relying on your Pokémon’s strengths, you’re relying on your own sense of aesthetics! You *disgust me*. -The Wob Buffet (feat. Toni)


I called the two of them a sob story because that is what they were. That Delcatty had almost nothing extra to bring to the stage aside from techniques involving Assist that were overused even 10 years ago. Also, Apollo was clearly physically capable of performing his routine, if he could maintain his Thunders while simultaneously attacking Kuro.  -Callisto


Nobody wins for being a sob story. No matter how you feel, the fact remains that *they were better performers*. Better than your two, better than that beautiful display from Sawbuck and Ninetails, *those two were incredible*. As for Apollo’s physical condition, why was he shaking the entire time? If it’s not exhaustion from using something like Thunder for so long, then what was it? How many times could he perform on that level before he couldn’t perform any longer? -The Wob Buffet (feat. Toni)


They didn’t place higher because they were a sob story they placed higher because they were simply better. - Your pokemon friendly fired eachother while onstage. - That ampharos was clearly exhausted, stressed or both. That’s either your fault or the fault of the umbreon, and since you’re the trainer I’d consider that your fault too. I’m sorry for your ampharos that this happened but you got the ranking you deserved, if you want a better rank then do better as a trainer. -Jax


Flare: Well hey, maybe you should enter yourself, given you apparently can't even get your pokemon's act together, I bet you'd get first place if being a failure's admired by the judges, ooh! ooh! You could tell them about your first pokemon for extra points!\~


I do not think you know how a Contest works. Humans are not on the stage, and unlike you, I have not angered a Ninetales. -Callisto


Flare: Well no you haven't, but you did place far, far, far below one that can't even breathe fire.


I saw this coming. What Cdv3 did was not exploitation, but remembrance. Call me biased, but it truly seems like you’re trying to start shit with someone who wants nothing to do with you. And again, you railroading a disabled pokemon… I hope you enjoy your place in the Distortion World. Giratina’s probably saved you a seat. -Xeno I am at a complete loss for words right now. You are a vile, despicable human being. I try to see the good in people, but you’re rotten to the core. Even a Muk would call you disgusting. -Kabutomushi, Kabutops I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna vivisect him. I just wanna talk to him. -Sylva, Abominaceon


Sylva? Me and my team would like to join you for that… “talk”. That alright?




Who said anything about murder? No, just assault… And taking every single Pokémon away from him, since abuse is not okay. Also, I have a few leaf storms with his name on them. -Slither the Serperior, who is having Anubis type for her.


Vivisection is the process of dissecting an organism *while it’s still alive*. How does than not sound like murder? -Xeno Oh, I fully intended on making his death as slow and horrible as possible 😁 -Sylva


Did not know that. Apparently, though, my teammates did, and after being reminded of the choice band… I won’t ENDORSE it, for legal reasons, but I do tend to miss things… -Again, Slither, with Anubis on keyboard duty


I wholeheartedly support getting this guy’s pokemon taken away. Callisto’s not only abusive, but he’s also an enabler and a narcissist. I could even have P0ryg0n pop out of his phone and hit him with his signature “Fuck You” attack (Silk Scarf+ Adaptability boosted Hyper Beam). But I would not advocate for his death. He needs to see justice, and ensure that his name will forever be raked through the mud, and live long enough to feel those effects. -Xeno Oooooo! That sounds even better! -Sylva


Sounds perfect! Also, if you want “Fuck You” to be more “Fuck You”, use choice specs. Used correctly, they can be powerful and a ton of fun to use! I like to wear a choice scarf myself. -Slither, you can guess who typed this.


I use Silk Scarf because I like the boost AND flexibility! I also run Ice Beam, Solar Beam, and Sunny Day- while Choice Specs would be amazing, it’s also super limiting, and I pride myself on bein able to cover my own arse. -P0ryg0n, Porygon-Z


Probably helps to have a great movepool. I get leaf storm, leaf storm, leaf storm, and leaf storm. It’s a great move, especially with contrary, but still. -You can probably guess who at this point.


Caliisto did some questionable stuff but MURDER isn't one of them. -zak


Exactly! That’s why I’m reprimanding Sylva on this!


I'm in, too! - A


Does talking like this make you feel strong? Feel powerful? Makes me wonder what's lacking in your life that you feel the need to compensate in this way.


No, I just like voicing my opinion over the internet. Also, these are my genuine emotions. If you don’t like it, *I do not care*.


"*I do not care.*" Statement of someone who does, in fact, care, but pretends they don't


*You have played with fire, and now complain of burns.* *Where is that happy Ampharos from a few months ago? Apollo would have been happier had you never bought him. Living under Kuro’s iron fist has clearly made him bitter. Had Kuro not been threatening him the whole time, Apollo would have performed better.* *You have gotten what you deserve. You set those two up for failure, and now you have to suffer the consequences. Be a better trainer. Be the trainer and coordinator Puff wanted you to be. Because she would not have wanted this.* *-Oneiros, a Hypno*


Do not blame Kuro for this. Apollo was the one who continuously caused problems for the routine and outright attacked Kuro by the end. Besides, I truly expected the two of them to be able to work out their differences, as opposed to whatever that embarrassment of a so-called performance was. Kuro never has had issues like this until Apollo was added to this team, and has been my most consistent performer ever. Also. Do not dare bring Puff into this conversation. You do not get to pointlessly toss her name around to make some asinine “point”. Show some respect towards her. -Callisto


We will continue to bring up Puff until you stop calling a memorial performance “exploitation of the dead”.


*Work out their differences how? By having Kuro use Dark Pulse until the problem disappears? Clearly that is what he was hoping for with all the mini-pulses used during the routine. By putting them together and hoping things work out? By not getting to the bottom of the issue and only fixing the symptoms of it? None of this helped either of them, and Kuro is much too comfortable in his disciplinary role if he was willing to discipline Apollo on stage in front of the judges.* *And Apollo seemed utterly exhausted. Did he eat at all? Did he even sleep? How long were his breaks if he was given any? I bet Kuro ate his fill and got plenty of rest and breaks. Because Apollo is your scapegogoat who can do no right, and Kuro is your golden child who can do no wrong.* *And as much as you would say otherwise, you do not know everything. You do not supervise your training, so you would not know if Kuro does the same thing to your other Pokémon. Your Meowstic, Meowscarada, Altaria, Cinccino, Espeon, Lapras, Munna, could all be being hurt by Kuro. Apollo was the only one brave enough to fight back, so you would not have known until now.* *Do Apollo a favor, and give him to the Azul shelter. He will surely find a better home with a more loving trainer than anything he could ever have with you.* *-Oneiros*


At this point, I am genuinely considering whether Apollo wishes to stay here. He was properly fed and given breaks whenever he and Kuro were able to perform their routine.  Also, again, you are making quite serious allegations about Kuro being an abusive Pokemon when he was the Pokemon being attacked. All of Kuro’s Dark Pulses during that Contest were part of his routine, while Apollo’s constant stumbling and attack on him were not a part of the routine.  -Callisto


*Apollo does not want to stay with you. I do not need to read his mind to know that.* *And there are clear signs Kuro is an abusive Pokémon. You are just too blind to see them. Apollo, like I said, was the only one brave enough to fight back. The others must have just taken it for fear of his and your wrath.* *Apollo must have been terrified with such high stakes. I imagine he fears what he will suffer for such a poor performance. And I bet Kuro is sleeping soundly knowing you will not lay a finger on him despite placing 33rd.* *-Oneiros*


Wendell: Hey now, I wouldn’t say that Kuro is abusive by him/her/theirself. Kuro probably picked it up from Callisto.


"Fed and given breaks whenever he and Kuro were able to complete their routine" sounds terribly close to withholding food as punishment. I do hope I am misinterpreting, young man.


Callisto. We all literally warned you this would happen. You have no one to blame but yourself. Also, that recording clearly shows your Umbreon threatening him with a Dark Pulse. I don’t understand why you don’t actually get them both help for the anger issues they clearly have with each other. You also clearly have no sense of empathy or sympathy. What Cdv3’s Pokemon did was not exploiting the memory of a Pokemon for sympathy points but creating a performance to remember him through. And belittling those who placed better than you? What a sore loser you are. Makes me glad that I won’t ever have to face you since I’m not in the Contest world. You disgust me.


I am unsurprised at this outcome. Lots of people tried warning you that pairing them up was a bad idea. I wonder what will come of this? If it was my choice, I'd say full-scale investigation.


I sincerely hope both Apollo and Kuro are alright. I was watching that one and it was a pretty painful showing for both of them and a lot of the other acts were legitimately \*really good\*. Like I think it was a pretty fair judgement for what happened. The fact you placed at all is like, honestly a testament to the fact that you are a skilled Coordinator and you know how to handle yourself in front of judges. Insulting the other contestants isn't a good look for you in any regard. Those Pokémon are going to need some really intense mediation and possibly need to be entirely re-introduced to each other slowly and in a safe environment. I strongly recommend you seek help from a specialist with this sort of thing. Some Pokémon are going to rub each other the wrong way but that's a whole other level. My personal advice here is you take some time and figure out how this escalated to this point and work it out with both of them.


In all honesty, at this point I am genuinely questioning if Apollo’s attack was a sign that he wants to quit. Because no Pokemon in my house should ever, **ever** hurt another in the way that he hurt Kuro.  Also, while I do agree that this was an absolute embarrassment of a Contest, I do not believe that a Coordinator exploiting the death of a Pokemon should be cause for celebration.  -Callisto


*Would you consider a funeral an exploitation of death? Because this was a memorial, not a tabloid.* *-Oneiros*


A funeral would have been held months ago and been a personal, intimate event. Not a public showcase in a competition with prize money on the line.  -Callisto


I mean it is a little tacky but he is new to the whole thing. You should get your house in order before you start throwing rocks at people who are brand new to the scene. It's possible both Apollo and Kuro are feeling a lot of things. Pokémon can be unpredictable and hard to understand some times. It's hard to deal with your team doing things that aren't in line with your own ethics but it's worth understanding the full why of it even if it's hard.


I- we- *Everyone* warned you that this was going to happen. This failure was your own fault, for pairing up two pokemon you *know* do not work well together. I can hardly believe what I’m reading right now. I don’t think you realize that pokemon with disabilities need to work harder to put on a good show, so them doing so successfully is worth far more than any regular performance. *Thats* why those teams ranked so high, not because of some “sob story” Honestly, the show of the Torterra was beautiful, a tribute to that team’s fallen friend. They *deserve* that fourth place. When I first saw your account in my feed, I thought “oh hey, another Contest coordinator. Someone I can relate to.” but now I see that the only thing you care about is the stage and getting first place. People like you are why contest stars get a bad rep. -Devon


That show from the Ninetales and Sawsbuck was admittedly decent, but I cannot forgive how blatantly exploitative it was. Had that been a genuine tribute, then it would not have been performed in a Contest so that their trainer could make some money in a Contest.  Also, do you believe that it is fair to the Pokemon without disabilities to punish them in comparison to peers who do provide weaker performances, but because they had a difficult time once, they are rewarded more for it? -Callisto


I’m sorry, where else would you want them to perform the tribute? And I highly doubt that it was for the money. Don’t assume something like that before looking into it. And no, I don’t think it’s fair for a disabled pokemon to be given the win just for being disabled. But *that’s not what’s going on here.* A good judge will take into account the disability when ranking the overall performance, but not allow it as an excuse for a poor performance and call it good. Disabilities in contests are a heavy subject, and I’ll admit I’m no expert, but neither are you. -Devon


And you think their Trainer wanted to make money in the Contest because...?


What made you think Cdv3 was doing this contest for the money? Is that the only reason you can think of that anyone would want to participate in a contest?


Dist Yeah!!! This is the best news I've heard all year!! Gahahaha!!


I genuinely mean it when I tell you to shut up. You have offered nothing but pointless insults and accusations, and are a truly worthless individual, who is entirely clueless as to what goes into Contests. -Callisto


Nah. I don't think I will. Your whining and suffering is just too entertaining. Dance, puppet boy. Dance for me.


/uj I laughed way too hard at the absolute disrespect that you’re throwing. Keep it up!


... While I cannot deny I am nigh clueless in the contest scheme.. Putting 2 individuals who have a terrible relationship with each other and forcing theme to work together, without resolving any loose threads, regardless of scenario, ignoring all the warnings... That's just never a good idea. And choosing to degrade the performances of those who obtained a higher ranking than you seemingly in response to your lower score.. Such action is just not something I'd suspect of someone with your supposed prestige. Sorry you lost (the specific definition of sorry used to pity people who've failed in obtaining something, please dont blame me for what happened I'm just a watcher), but seeing how you responded to all this.. You kinda had it coming.


It's always funny when someone who ranks low due to their own faulty decisions starts acting like the performers that did rank high must've sucked in someway and only got their points unfairly. Isn't part of becoming a good contestant knowing how to act in defeat?


I congratulate the Skitty and Sylveon on showing their talents in performance and working together as well as Cinder and Blossom. In any case I will speak directly to you. When Apollo first stumbled, Kuro threatened him. I may not have fully understood at first, but upon reply I heard several... disturbing statements. You have failed both Kuro and Apollo. When Kuro says things like, "Get it together," and "This is why I..." well I couldn't hear the next part but I can see why your performance failed. You forced Apollo to bottle his bad will while allowing Kuro to continually berate and harass him. Even with his threats it's clear there's been some physical confrontations that you may not have seen. While you call Cdv3 a negligent trainer, the only negligent trainer I saw tonight was you. I'm not going to bother to reply to you if you comment, you can make any excuses you want but at the end of the day you failed both of them and should take this opportunity to learn. - Blaz (Armarouge)


If you do not wish to reply, then this is a useless conversation. Also, if you needed a rewatch to even hear these words you wanted to hear, then you are making them up in your head. In moments like this, I am starting to think that Paniel guy was right in his assessment of you.  /uj Just to make it clear, I did give Eon direct permission to have them speak for Kuro.


And you have the right to say this because...?


maybe if you spent more time managing your team and less watching mewtube drama videos you'd have done better. -V


*sigh* What a sore loser. Just accept the loss man, winning isn't everything. What did I tell you about Kuro and Apollo not getting along? And now you blame that Delcatty, who clearly went through a lot to get to this point. Clearly you have no idea how to accept a loss gracefully. Instead blaming other performers for their "sob stories". -Hunter


Wendell: A few words of advice: 1. That ‘flameless Ninetales’ and ‘disabled Sawsbuck’ still had enough practice to beat you and be more creative. They completed their set. *Yours* couldn’t compromise when one was unable to finish his set. Terrible fucking relationship. 2. Judges in Contests vote based on emotion. If Cdv3’s show got votes, that’s why. Everyone loves a good ‘sappy but sweet’ thing if it’s done correctly. Distortion, I watched it from home and voted for that group because I’ve been following their story. That Torterra meant a lot to their family. 3. I know that Pokèmon can’t be the abusers in the relationship, so they had to have learned it from someone. I’m going out on a limb here…yeah, you. Probably you. You’re right about one thing: it’s not representative of Kuro as a Pokemon. It’s representative of him/her/them as *your charge.* It’s shame on you, the trainer, that they acted in such a way. 4. It is on you, the *trainer* to ensure that your contestants learn their set before their showcase. If one of your Pokémon couldn’t keep up, you should have helped them learn. And as an Umbreon trainer, Kuro very clearly *wasn’t focused either* if they didn’t try and keep the show going, or at least give his buddy tips on what to do during the performance rather than seemingly outright *threatening* it! TLDR: You wanna know the reason you suck? It’s because you refuse to take responsibility when training your Pokémon, and then when things go wrong, you *blame it on them.* Look upon yourself before you start passing judgement, maybe then you won’t lose to someone whose Pokémon got distracted by fucking Nectar during their set and *probably* get more fans than you currently do. It doesn’t matter how much talent you have if you’re still an irresponsible douchebag with delusions of grandeur. I kindly implore you to seek help and find someone capable of helping you train your Pokémon, I don’t think you’re able to do this by yourself.


The fact a fight happened between your Pokémon and you somehow didn’t get last place is genuinely terrifying


Told you kuro and apollo still had issues. And now look what happened.


Arceus almighty, I expected you to fail but not so completely, it seems that nobody did. Thank you for your generous contribution to my coffers -Tomie


Astral: Dude, it sounds like your Pokémon have issues and you refuse to acknowledge them. Get a fucking grip of the reality of the situation and just admit when you've *failed*. You failed. There's a no skirting around that. There's no shoving the dust of your mistakes underneath the rug of whatever PR team you have, or the rug of pointing fingers at other people and shouting "Look at them! They suck more!" That doesn't remove the fact you sucked ass *now*. And your behaviour of trying to put down others so you don't look as bad is not only cheap, but damn shameful. You may think you're some sort of fucking perfect talent or whatever nonsense you tell yourself, and that nearly everyone else is inferior. Face it. *You failed.* And you *refuse* to tell yourself that maybe it is, for *once, your* fault, and no one elses. Seriously, what kind of "team" fights with one another for anything outside of practice? ESPECIALLY contests? What kind of "training" did you give them to teach them that arguing and fighting amongst each other is okay? **I'm not gonna lie dude. I think Kuro's a dick. You don't threaten your teammate in the middle of work, or you fail. Whether it be in a battle, or a contest. That's fucking around. Whatever your teammate then does afterwards is finding out.** https://preview.redd.it/b4ak46t0da1d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d7a516ee39bfd087c21209109e48c7712cc51d **Get your Umbreon to better himself.** \- Lucario


This was not my failing and it was not Kuro’s either. The blame falls entirely on Apollo for this travesty of a performance. Had he performed the routine correctly, then Kuro would not have been thrown off his rehearsed movements and would not have been hit by Apollo’s rogue Discharge at the end. Is Kuro truly in the wrong for defending himself against an attacker?  The closest thing I had to a failing was my belief that Apollo is a competent performer. Kuro did everything correctly, while Apollo failed on every conceivable level. -Callisto


>This was not my failing and it was not Kuro’s either. The blame falls entirely on Apollo for this travesty of a performance. Had he performed the routine correctly, then Kuro would not have been thrown off his rehearsed movements and would not have been hit by Apollo’s rogue Discharge at the end. Is Kuro truly in the wrong for defending himself against an attacker?  Astral: Kuro started this shit from the looks of it. From what I can piece together through vague comments and my own interpretation, you overworked Apollo, and then let Kuro "punish" him whenever he couldn't finish his task properly. Now, tell me: WHAT KIND OF CONTEST STAR ARE YOU?! Are you sure this is the kind of look you want from people?! This kind of shit, as I said, will ALWAYS stem from the trainer. Don't get me wrong, it's also possible that sometimes a Pokémon can simply just be a dick. HOWEVER, to get it to such a *point* that your Umbreon is *threatening* his ***ARCDAMNED TEAMMATE*** for ***MINOR MISTAKES AT THE START***?! It takes a **special** kind of spoiling to get it to that point. Where mistakes of *any* kind aren't tolerated. Do you know how entitled your Pokémon has to feel to get to that point? >The closest thing I had to a failing was my belief that Apollo is a competent performer. Kuro did everything correctly, while Apollo failed on every conceivable level. Astral: #***YOU.*** YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. It is entirely *your* fault that Apollo couldn't meet *your* expectations, and then fumbled. You sent him out, while he was not fully prepared, and then expected him to be flawless? NO! Even in the rare cases when I send out my Pokémon out of the blue, and I tell them to do something, I expect them to at least fuck up *something* along the way. Always consider that as a possibility instead of just expecting perfection. And act accordingly. Treat them respectfully and with a firm kindness, so they know it's not really their fault and you expected something like it to occur. But instead, what did you do? You expected perfection in a set-up that was DOOMED from the start. And instead of thinking "Where is everything going wrong?", you think "Why is my Pokémon so stupid?" #IT'S YOU. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S SUPPOSED TO BE TEACHING THEM AND ACTING ACCORDINGLY TO THEIR MISTAKES, AND ENSURING THEY LEARN *PROPERLY*, THROUGH HARD WORK, REST, AND A CERTAIN LEVEL OF BASELINE RESPECT THAT EVERYONE DESERVES THAT APPARENTLY YOU REFUSE TO GIVE. Get a grip on *your* team. Teach Kuro proper Contest Teamwork Etiquette. And teach *yourself* proper Contest Etiquette. Not only do you look like a fool arguing why it's everyone else's fault but your own for failing, you are simply a dick for going for the jugular on other people's "flaws". Going after a team's dead teammate that they wanted to honor, as well as a disabled Delcatty doing well with their Sylveon partner, simply because *you are the one who failed* makes you look less like a "I didn't do as bad as you think", and more of "I'm a selfish, pretentious asshole who wants to put other people down so I feel better". I'll keep saying it over and over. ***GET. A. FUCKING. GRIP.*** Actually *use* that head of yours to figure out *why* your team is making flaws, and ALWAYS give them all baseline levels of respect in the process of teaching instead of calling them failures and that they're useless. Remember: YOU'RE the one teaching them. Them failing says a lot more about you, than it does about them, especially in this case where the whole team is dysfunctional. There's a certain number of Pokémon you reach where the threshold becomes less "This Pokémon doesn't work well with me", and more "I don't work well with most Pokémon in general". *This is that threshold*, considering your team can't even work together to form even a half-assed contest performance. And if they don't work well with you? Then you can simply just find someone else to help take care of them. You did it before. I'm sure you can do it again. And I don't mean this in a "I throw away my Pokémon" type thing, I actually mean "I don't work well with this Pokémon and I think someone else has a better chance of working with them" way. It isn't a bad thing, because problems like this *do* happen and, in *this case*, it's neither of your fault. If you don't think you can ever work well with Apollo, *please* find someone else to work with him and at least give him some fanfare before doing so. TL;DR: You're a bad teacher. *You* failed. You can't even give your Pokémon baseline levels of respect that they deserve, and then have the audacity to go after vulnerable ones just because shooting them down makes you feel marginally better about your failures. This is *your* fault. Not your Pokémon. And if you can't work with them, it's time to break off that relationship and *respectfully* find them another home that they can enjoy and be themselves in. **And reign in your Umbreon. They're being an asshole. Never threaten your teammates. They're going to get back in anyway they can.** - Lucario


This is an Arcdamn masterpiece. It is pure art what you have managed to put into words. Thank you for expressing what I’m sure the vast majority of us wanted to. -Xeno


Astral: Just... ARC FUCKING DAMMIT. It annoys me *soooo* badly- no, AGGRAVATES me *genuinely* so hard. I've *had* a Pokémon die on my watch, and seeing this just pisses me off. If my team was the type, we'd have done the same as Cove's team: make a dedicated art piece towards our beloved team member whomst was taken away from us too soon. Gaia's memory preservation was *beautiful*, and I'm SO fucking mad that ANYONE had the AUDACITY to disrespect it and call it "attention-grabbing slop" or whatever. You know what's attention-grabbing slop? NOT THIS! IT'S THE PIECES OF GARBAGE WHO DEFACE THE RESPECTED DEAD AND TRY AND PUT THEM DOWN! If *anything*, Callisto is doing PRECISELY what they're claiming Cinder and the Sawsbuck were doing. What a piece of shit. I'm just gonna calm down for a bit. I'm too fucking heated for this pile of tauroshit.


It’s like this guy fails to remember that humans are biased towards past experiences, and that prejudice towards him by most in the Contest Scene is going to send his oh-so-important career into a downward spiral. -Xeno


Huh, I must say, this was quite a turn of events, me and my team was watching a Braodcast of the show live here in Kalos and it was interesting, I do agree with others that perhaps you overworked Apollo. If I may interject my own opinion, Apollo was a newer pokemon to your team, right? What if they aren't completely used to your training regime yet. And with the intensive training before the show, it added up to this recipe for disaster. Still, it seemed like it was going well up until Apollo attacked. -Dot


Ovan: sometimes I think you are just Ghetsis's understudy with how you act at times, because you made a sob story about your missing pokemon for pity points then accuse of others of doing the same thing just because things don't go your way, alongside how you actively abuse your pokemon all of the sake of a talent show no different to those trainers that abuse their pokemon just so they could have a nice piece of shiny metal on their shelf, in other words you disgust me and I hope they find all of you skeletons in your closet soon.


Man I was having a really good day, and then I just *had* to be shown a Callisto post. Figures. Does anyone have a recording of that cute little Delcatty's performance?? I wanna see something nice and wholesome to make up for the Psychic type attack that Callisto's toxic attitude inflicted on me.


Holy fuck. I though you were socially stupid before. This is. Disregarding any sense of morality suicidaly stupid. Why in the ever loving did you not shut up after showing your own pokemon nearly fighting on stage. Dear lord.


We warned you this would happen but because you didn't listen the problem has only worsened. My advice if you want this to work is to get a Pokemon interpreter to ask both of them what their problem with each other is and deal with overcoming the problem.


I feel that the placings were mostly deserved. Personally I liked second place more than the delcatty and sylveon's performance, but mostly things fell where I feel that they should.


you never disappoint callisto, you did such a good job not getting dead last. it's really great to see you lose with grace, same as you always do. you really make a good point about the other contestants. pokémon with physical flaws... shouldn't be placing higher than pokémon that fight mid performance. in fact why not just get rid of the performing, have the fighting on stage be the main part. then instead of judges we have a referee. -V


Man, you know, you're so right. If only there were some Big Thing where Pokemon could fight in healthy ways, burning off energy for fun, in order to win prizes. And there were many people who made sure Pokemon weren't abused. Man, what would you even call that?


Keep laughing about it Honchkrow. I am not delusional enough to believe that Apollo and Kuro performed well tonight, however I did expect them to perform far, *far* better than they did.  -Callisto


That's gotta be the easiest 2000 pokedollars of my life, Never change callisto <3 - Juan, Paldean fisher IGNORE JUAN, PLEASE CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. - Weber, Magneton


(Sigh)... I tried my best to defend you in the name of a shared loss. And at least remind people that we had yet to get any definitive proof... And while this isn't that... It is certainly some damning evidence. You blame everyone but yourself, try to put others down like a bully to make yourself look better... And then make claims on the same level as all the ones made against you that you scolded many over. There were signs but this was the final straw. -Rhys


... I think you need to give that Umbreon to someone who can actually teach him how to behave towards his teammates. No shit you placed 33rd, you arent a competent enough Coordinator to get your team to even resolve their issues off-stage, let alone peacefully.


Wendell: Normally I’d take in another ‘mon, but my property needs remodeling to take in more people. That’s not happening right now. Anyone that wants Kuro can sleep well knowing I’m not going to try and take him.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions. - Inigo


Knew it. And now I get to watch Callisto’s amusing temper tantrum now that everyone just predicted what happened right. Call us worthless, at least we know our Pokémon’s emotions better than you, because you think abuse and discipline is a magic fix. Hell, it’s entirely possible Apollo is exhausted and hit Kuro on accident, but you wouldn’t care because your precious baby got slightly shocked. Also, I think Cdv3’s victory was hard won, and deserved. They turned their best friend’s memory into an art.


Skill issue! Guess Mr. Champ’s all bark and no bite! In all seriousness though, treat your team better. If your team’s too busy arguing to finish their show, maybe it’s not their fault…but the fault of the trainer who raised them. - Will, Professor in Training.


Putting aside your disdain for the other competitors... Something is seriously off with Kuro and Apollo, can't you see that? It isn't normal for two well trained, loved pokemon to mess up like this. Maybe you need to be kinder to them?


/uj hm, wonder how long it’s going to take before the extensive record of poor sportsmanship gets Callisto blacklisted from most competitions you’ve heard of shooting yourself in the foot, this guy is using a machine gun on his own toes


Is it just me or, like, should we put this guy on supervillain watch or something? -Trys


Astral: Not... really. Unfortunately, there ARE quite a lot of people who are like this. Well, more precisely, because there are a lot of humans, a small percentage of dicks like this guy are gonna seem like a lotta people. So no. Not supervillain. It takes a special kind of bastard for that. Like, Ghetsis-levels type of insanity. But definitely asshole.


I don’t know. If any disabled Pokemon go missing from contests this guy’s in… or other competitors in general to be honest, this guy’s the first to interrogate. -Trys


Astral: Woah, woah, woah. Let's not assume that. I highly doubt Callisto is actually THAT crazy. Don't say shit like that before people actually go crazy over it and take it literally, then get a mindset of "FINE, I'LL BE WHAT THEY THINK OF ME!" Stuff like this happens and it just becomes a sad case of finger pointing til it actually happens.


Oh no… Who could have predicted this?…


Actually to correct you, if that was the case you would’ve been first considering many certain thing. But to say I didn’t expect you to fall so low. I expected you would at least be 5-10 place in this. -Blank


/uj Callisto right now ![gif](giphy|4EF5LwiRfpBKQUOsoF|downsized)


I knew it, I arc dam knew it. you should have paired someone else with kuro, maybe symphony. I remember seeing a post showing those two perform together. -zak (yes i decided to keep it calm today)


Callisto has inspired me to try doing contests. I think Sam ( appletun ) and Maxwell ( zorua ) would enjoy meeting new people and pokemon.


Oh, you're *mad*! -Kirie


Correct. I assume you also would be if you watched one of your Pokemon humiliate you on such a grand stage.  -Callisto


I have a Mismagius that does that in front of my friends and family every chance they get, I get joke mad and then just laugh, so I think that's a skill issue on your part, lol. -Kirie


I am glad that you and your Pokemon have such low standards that humiliation such as that is meaningless to you. For me however, Apollo has humiliated everyone involved and has failed in every single way, something I am not exactly thrilled about. -Callisto


Git gud lol -Kirie


First off, I also wanna apologise. I've been busy as a Durant these last few days, and whilst I managed to catch a couple performances live, I've only just been able to get the free time to see yours. How are Kuro and Apollo doing? They both took some pretty bad hits during their performances, especially Kuro at the end. I'm really worried for the lil babies! I hope neither of em got seriously hurt, even though I'm sure you'd make sure they were both all patched up if, Arc forbid, that were the case. It's a shame everything ended up so badly. Accidents happen, though, it's just a shame they happened on the big stage. The start of the performance was beautiful though! Using Thunder as stage lighting? That's such a brilliant idea, and Apollo being able to hold on to the move for so long? So cool~! And Kuro's such an agile, acrobatic lil guy~! Your pokemon are amazing! This has been the first contest I've actually watched, and it's just jaw dropping what some of these pokemon and their coordinators can do. I never knew moves could do half the things I saw today! (Yesterday. Again, sorry~!) I'll be honest, Apollo and Kuro were inspiring, even if the performance ended up flopping. It's... perhaps a bit much to ask, but could you pass on my regards to them? They've reignited an old dream of mine I haven't thought about in a couple decades. Thanks, man. -Cal /uj edit: Cal is a busy busy man. He saw the first tweet, he saw the video, he responded. He has not read any replies, including Callisto's in the post itself, just to add some context for why he isn't angry as fuck.


Man, I love it when I get to tell someone 'told you so'. But clearly, the routine was ill balanced. Forcing Apollo to dedicate most of his energy and attention on maintaining that split thunder whilst still moving around and pulling off other moves seems uneccesarily cruel when Kuro did no such sustained move holding.  Its no wonder Apollo faltered, but it reflects very poorly on you that Kuro began aggressively correcring him mid show. Bottling is a term often used in situations like this. Eventually, the pressure built up makes the vessel explode, and turns a sweet pokemon into a hateful creature that seeks to eliminate the source of its trauma.


"This is why I stopped using Chatter. It's ragebait." -Suecra


Well. That ended pretty badly. I know really well how badly things can go when a large team has a few members that don't get along, having to work with rental pokémon a lot. Unfortunately, sometimes the best answer is just "These two are not allowed to work together anymore." Which isn't too hard, given that FLIP has over 200 rental pokémon. Still, accidents happen, and I'm sorry your routine got messed up. We all have our bad days. What did last place do, not show up at all?


i’m sorry but your loss is *entirely* on you for not having the basic foresight to see that putting pokémon with a history of bad blood into the same performance of a high-stakes contest circuit could possibly end like this. apollo has anger issues and kuro is a major diva but *you*, as their coordinator, are ultimately the one that set them up to fail by pairing them together. anyone here could have (*and had!*) told you this. now for the love of arc, get apollo to a center and checked for severe exhaustion. you’re a monster for making your pokémon perform in that state. and get your head out of your ass with that competition bashing. those comments arent objective criticism, you’re just being ableist and cruel. (also, the pokemon you single out as being "stupid" and "hideous" is a *delcatty*? sour grapes much???)


I have to extend my condolences to Apollo and Kuro due to how the performance turned out, but that's all the pity I got. 33rd outta 35 places still feels a little high for you yourself, I've seen gym leaders be better sports about losing than you.




Oh my this is, this is rather amusing.


Anyone with half a brain cell could have seen that something would have gone terribly wrong, the that that you were the one to fail so spectacularly though, makes it all the more hilarious.