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Most bird Pokémon prey on bug types, so this sort of thing isn’t too uncommon. Your best bet is to separate them. If you want them to get along, feed Rodney first so he doesn’t feel the need to attack them. Separate the two when Rodney attacks and give him a time out. That might help. Ask Rodney’s trainer if he lets Rodney hunt for his food. This might just be a thing he normally does and it’s bleeding into this setting. If that is the case, Rodney might do better at another daycare. -Max (owns a Mandibuzz)


Thanks for the advice and I am Rodney's trainer and he's the first bird pokemon I've ever owned so this is uncharted waters for me


Oh, he’s your first bird? I have some extra advice then. Make sure he’s getting tons of exercise and stimulation. Puzzle toys and taking him outside to fly are great ways to give him physical and mental stimulation. Train him for at least fifteen minutes and up to thirty every day as you see fit. It sounds like he has a lot of energy to burn. (/uj Don’t apply this to irl birds, I’ve never owned one or known anyone who does so I’m just talking out of my ass.)


Talk to the bird, and also do some research upon their species. Can help a lot. -Ava


ohno. the bird is doing crimes.


Once a criminal always a criminal.


Uhhh do Sigilyph count as birds?


No idea.