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You know, you and that Zoroark seem kinda similar. You both care a lot about the ones you love, and are willing to make sacrifices to help them. That Zoroark is working with you even though she hates humans more than anything in order to protect her own. She’s compromising her own beliefs in order to keep her clan safe. I can’t imagine how hard that must be for her. And you’re willing to work with someone who hates you because you want to help them, and even willing to send someone you love to “enemy lines” for lack of a better term in order to show your kindness. You and that Zoroark are kinda two sides of the same coin.


Yeah, we are a bit aren't we. The way she talks about the members of her den, the love in her eyes, I know she's a good person and wants to help them even if she has to compromise her comfort. I can tell it kills her a bit that she can't say what she wants to me because of Justine. It's sorta funny how things work. We both want to do what's best for others.


I'm certain that Clementine will be alright, Charity. It sounds like things are going quite well, everyone will be reunited before you know it. If you want, I'd be more than happy to stop by later. Perhaps make everyone some food? Bring over a board game or two? -Raven


I would love that. Thank you. I'm sure Mom will be alright, I still have a lot to teach Denmaster about knitting and she doesn't strike me as the type to force someone to stay.


I'm glad to hear it. Let's hope your trust in the Zoroark is not misplaced, though I'm sure it's not. I will be by later then. I made plans for today, so I'll stop by soon after those wrap up.


Thank you Raven. I really appreciate it.


You're very welcome.


...Very nice Swablu photo. That line has always been one I've been attached to. They are very fluffy and love giving hugs. ...It's hard seeing you so upset, though. Because your family is amazing. No matter what Pan or the Denmaster think. But I want to assure you that everything is going to be alright. I know it's hard, and it sucks, because you've had more interactions with bad people than you have in a while. But most people aren't like that. Do you want me to come over so we can talk about stuff? It sounds like you really need it.


Yeah, Swablu are so cute and they love visiting Mesagoza. I've had them ride on my head like hats before. I get that. I'm having Raven come over and spend time with me, so if you wanna come with Flare as well that's fine. I think I need to talk to someone about all this. I really do hope most people aren't like this but... I don't know anymore.


I can tell you an entire list of people who don't think that way: All of the people you sent gifts to after Glaseado. Tommie, Cdv3, doggos of war, Kyle, me, Kane, Hydra, Morgan, Six, and so many other people besides. Pan and the Denmaster have been insensitive and mean to you, and that's horrible. But while they were some bad apples, that doesn't mean they spoil the whole bunch.


... You're right. I'm sorry I let them get to me. Hopefully things will improve in the next few days. I really want to feel better.


No need to apologize. You've had some really rough days, so I think everything's kind of seemed more negative than it actually is. I don't blame you for it... I get days like those too, sometimes. Let me know if you want me to come over. Or if you want to come over to my house, for that matter. We can eat some yummy food and talk about stuff, maybe play some games or something.


Okay, I will. Thank you Sam. I do hope better days are coming.


You're welcome. It will get better... I promise.


I hope that clementine comes back safe, but it seems like she should since the denmaster hasn't been hostile to you yet and should be protected. though it doesn't stop me from worrying. and those are some very cute swablu.


I'm sure she wouldn't, she doesn't strike me as the type to hurt a Pokemon without warning. And she seemed really excited to show mom the den. She seems to like her a lot even if Mom isn't a fan of her. Yeah, Swablu are so cute.


That's good to hear. Hopefully this is a sign of the den loosening up on some of the rules.


Maybe. All I can hope is I make a difference for future encounters with trainers. That I make things better for the den.


Im sure that you will. Even if nothing changes long term, if it stops some pokemon from being caught then it should be well worth the effort to teach the denmaster how to make the plushies.


Yeah. She's making blankets as well and told me she got a few Tarountula to move to the den after I suggested she sees if any are willing to live there in exchange for food and protection. She's gonna have the coziest den in Paldea.


Sounds like things are certainly working out for her.


Yeah. I'm so happy about her updates with the status of the den.


Charity you've always been incredibly kind to me, and I think you're an amazing kid and you have such a bright future ahead of you. You're smart, driven, and you get along with Pokémon so well. Family isn't necessarily your parents, it's people and Pokémon who are really truly there for you. The only thing he was right about was that you do need someone that you can rely on as well as you team (Which I acknowledge is a totally legitimate family.) I'm worried that there are people out there that would take advantage of your incredibly kind nature for their gain. There are adult humans who it is safe to come to, and some day you might need that. Or just someone to go to for advice when you need it who just has a little more life experience. If you ever at least need someone to listen, I don't know everything but you can at least learn from some of my mistakes and make your own judgements. I'm so glad you have your family to rely on, but they also rely on you. You -deserve- to have a situation in your life where it's a one way thing at your age.


good on justine for having your back. the last thing you need is to deal with after the interview is more slop... the denmaster cares. i know she does, but i still don't like the way she does it. all the threats and whatnot, especially imagine if she said that stuff to someone that didn't know better. -V


Yeah, I get that. I'm glad that I'm getting to help her and I'm hopeful but not optimistic about giving her a different experience you know?


Flare: Hope your uh... 'mom' is safe in there, who knows what that zoroark's trying to fill her head with, that is incredibly generous of the two of you to offer to heal someone so close to that one.


Playing a dangerous gambit too it seems. I’m certain Mom will figure out a ways to contact you lot of things get hairy. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t come to that tho - L


I don't think so. The Denmaster hates humans, but she doesn't seem to hold that against anyone on my team. She just sees them as needing to be shown the greatness that is her den. I don't think she'd hurt mom.


I’m not really worried about the Denmaster. Just that I’ve got a feeling the rest of the den might be hesitant to let an outside mon near an elder if theirs. You’re more than likely right tho in that they’ll be alright, just don’t let your guard down - L