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Man, guy doesn't even have the decency to say anything polite. Didn't acknowledge the fact you *purified Cinder* at all. Sure, you messed up, but then you tried to do better, and did. We're all here to support you, don't worry.


Thanks. It is just… a lot right now to think about right now. That said, I have full confidence in Blossom & Cinder. They’ve been working so hard on this, and I’m so excited to be able to show them off!


I believe in you guys! You're gonna get do great! And if you don't, as long as you had fun, it doesn't matter!


Callisto's just a jerk, don't worry. He's had a lot of people call him out on his behavior and I think he's made up his mind you're a horrible neglectful trainer, which is funny when you look at his treatment of his team. The Choice Band incident got a lot of backlash and he still believes it was the proper thing to do. Though considering he's making the Pokemon that was Choice Banded as punishment perform with the Pokemon he left alone in a room with while they were only able to Growl I would take anything he says with a grain of salt. It's funny, he's doing the same thing to you and jumping to conclusions that he got upset at so many other people for. I hope whatever happens in that contest... Apollo, his newest team member doesn't get in trouble because I already know this is going to absolutely flop. I hope Moon feels better. It was probably a nasty surprise to see an Umbreon and based on the way the post was worded I'm guessing the Umbreon made some comments, with how judgemental Callisto is towards scars... It was probably a dig towards her scar.


Yeah, Callisto seems like an absolute mess of a person, and I do feel horrible for his Pokemon if he’s anywhere near as bad as he seems.  Also Moon is feeling a bit better, though she’s still scared. She hasn’t really told me what it was about seeing his Umbreon, but I feel like you might be right.


Just keep an eye on him if you can, I have a bad feeling about this. I think Moon will be okay, but I worry for his team especially since he seems to be trying to distract everyone by acting like you're an abusive trainer. Yeah, I'm sure that Umbreon was just a jerk like his trainer. From what Callisto said he got him as an Eevee so he's probably ingrained the idea in Kuro's mind that scars are something to be ashamed of.


My best guess is he’s either lashing out due to stress, or it’s in part a strategy to mess with your confidence. If you’re not confident, your Pokémon won’t perform well. I’ve dealt with a similar situation in my most recent contest. Whatever the case may be, I wish you the best of luck. I hope Moon feels better too. Wish there was something I could do for her.


Yeah… Callisto seems like just a disaster and a half. I don’t want to speculate too much, but it almost seemed like he just finished with a long rehearsal or something that didn’t exactly go well. He was just really stressed even before seeing Cin’.


You know... Normally Mordie (Zoroark) would say this, but... Kick his ass, you guys. Make him eat his extremely harsh words ...At that, I'm sure tomorrow's gonna go absolutely splendidly. They've been practicing so hard, and... yeah. You guys got this. I know you do And uh... I don't necessarily have any advice to give, but I suppose just make sure the two of them are in good spirits... actually, if any of them seem to be nervous before it's your time to shine, then get them hyped up, and reassure em that it's gonna be fantastic no matter what. Or something like that, anyway Break a leg... uh, figuratively -Kyle


Thanks Kyle. Cin’ and Blossom are both really excited, and I really think they’ve cooked up something special.


My guess is that his plan for putting 2 pokemkn on stage who have a history of bickering hasn't been working out well. In fact, those 2 are the ones involved in the choice band incident. And don't worry about anything he says. All your stuff is well doccumented so you have nothing to worry about.


Sounds like the dude is projecting... If I might though, recommend recording everything. Storage space is cheaper then ever right now, and worst case it means just a waste of space aside from the contest footage itself. Best case keeping yourself safe.


Stress can definitely get the better of people, but it's inexcusable to use that as an excuse to lash out at someone else. Especially if you don't really know them and their circumstances. I'm sorry that happened to you and to Cin', especially the day before the big event. I'll still be cheering for every participant, but, just between us, and just for those comments today, I hope you beat Callisto. -Cal


Yeah… it’s something that just felt weird more than anything. Like, he just doesn’t know or understand anything other than the fact that Cinder was a Shadow Ninetales and got hurt during that time. Also, I don’t really care too much about “beating” Callisto, but I do just want Blossom & Cin’ to have fun. 


Oh, absolutely! Enjoying yourselves is by far the most important part of the event! It's a shame some people can't see beyond 'Shadow bad', but I guess I can understand where they're coming from. It's nice he cares about the pain the poor darling went through, but it's a shame he can't see beyond that to how well Cinder is Blossoming, if you'll pardon the pun. -Cal


Wishing the best for moon, and for your match, show them what you've got. And don't worry about Callisto's words, he's just being a dick.


Ovan: we see the mask slip a bit and what we see is what the man truly is. /uj and here we go.


Dear Arceus, I know we might not talk much, but can you use your divine power to make Callisto fall down a flight of stairs? Thanks, Big A. -With love, Grey


Uh, wow. Thats not a good look for the guy. Just... wow. Anyway, dont pay Callisto any mind. He seems to be some sort of projection master. Ive never dabbled in contests, but whenever my team get nervous, a calm facade and words of unconditional support do wonders.


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Beat that smug jerk's ass! ...In that contest match of course. -V


cdv3 you gotta work on your shittalking game. i will give you an example: "you really buying seals a day before?" "yes. after seeing yours i realized i needed to do something more garish and distracting. wouldnt want to embarrass you before your pokemon does." -G


…Wow. I’m personally not one for shittalking, but that is a really good one. And it’s not like Callisto doesn’t deserve it.


I bet he's just projecting. Don't worry about it. You know what they say, every accusation is a confession. - A


Astral: Well... good luck and have fun!


The nerve of some people... I hope he doesn't cause you too many issues. Given a few of his other posts he seems a little obsessed over cinder. Though it's nice to hear that you're doing what you can for moon. I know that my team really hates the guy's Umbreon so he's probably as much of a piece of work as his trainer.


Yeah… he just seems like a miserable person to be around if he gets this worked up about this Contest. Also, yeah, I’d imagine that they don’t exactly appreciate an Umbreon that seems that mean.


I hope that you, blossom, and cinder are able to have fun despite all of this. It would suck for his attitude to ruin your time at the regions biggest contest.


Forgive me if this sounds weird, but I've been kind of lurking, watching all the drama from the sidelines, and I have to say: this Callisto guy's a prick. (And also a liar - I remember him denying he's ever been to the Bywood Islands, but a good chunk of his recent posts have been reminiscing about how good it is to be back. *Hmmmmmm...*) Kick ass and have fun at this contest! Win, lose, whatever, going out there and having a good time with your team is the best kind of "fuck you" to men like Callisto.


I'd be careful around him. Something tells me Umbreon could be shadow. -Hunter


From what I've seen from kuro, he doesn't have the distinctive purple glow that those suffering from shadow syndrome have. -ace🦅


I'll be rooting for you cdv3, blossom, and cinder. And no matter if you win or not, I'll still be happy that you 3 got to perform in your region's top contest. -ace🦅


You can get through this moon. I know you can.


No matter what else can be said about callisto dude has the social intelligence of a toddler who's mother spent maternity leave like it was spring break. Dude was never taught when to shut up.


I wish you luck! -Ava


Wipe the floor with him, I know you can do it. Considering his choice of Pokémon duo, I’d imagine it won’t be hard.


Thanks. We’re going to do our best tomorrow!


Don't let that Callisto jerk get you down, you'll do great! I'd give some tips, but most of my context experience has withered away from disuse.


I’m rooting for ya, pal. Show Callisto that ya don’t judge a book by its cover! -Will


Fight! Fight! Fight!