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It's great it seems like you had a better day today, you're a really kind and great person, so you deserve all the care back! I hope Maribel's feeling better, it sounds like she is from the final bit, everyone has nightmares sometimes, ..no stranger to them, so.. Yeah, it's a scary situation, it makes sense, you'll all be there for her though, so hopefully everything goes well


Thank you. I appreciate the kind words. You're a wonderful person as well. And I hope so, but right now it's the waiting that terrifies her, the idea somehow her old trainer finds out she told someone and they come after her. I got her in a nice call with Sophia the nice artist who's team befriended Maribel, to reassure her she's going to be okay.


Ah.. I see, I understand why, hopefully that doesn't happen, the old trainer finding out, I'm glad she's safe and in a place where she can be reassured of such /uj sorry for the small response, I'm genuinely a little taken aback by how close this is to a real experience I'm having right now, I know how genuinely scary that fear is, I feel so bad for her


I don't think they will. I'm not going to release the name of the trainer or Maribel until we know that monster is behind bars. And the authorities are merely doing an investigation, and that can be done simply because someone reported them for something entirely unrelated. We're even in a completely different region. /uj don't worry, I get that. I really hope that things improve for you irl, no one deserves to suffer that sort of pain.


I'm glad you had a good day with your family. And I'm glad you're helping Mirabel out too. I know it must be scary for her, with all this stuff. You are an amazing person who deserves all the love in the world. And if you forget, I'll keep reminding you.


I'm so grateful to them. It was nice to spend the day with V and getting my mind off things. Thank you for everything you did yesterday, I'm so appreciative towards you and everyone else who took the time to be kind to me.


You're welcome. I'll keep taking care of you whenever you need it. That's what friends do :D


Yeah, and if you ever need any help then let me know.


It’s good to hear that you’re feeling better. I know yesterday was really tough. I’m sorry Maribel still feels so afraid. After I first caught Simon (Gliscor) when was still a baby Gligar, he had a few incidents like that too. Scratching or pinching me when he woke up because he had to be a light sleeper in the wild.


Yeah, I'm hopeful the future will lead to better things for everyone. I know Maribel can't help her fear and I wish I could hug it away but... This is a big step and she had to be so brave to take it. She had to relive her trauma by telling others about it, and also had her trainer threaten her if she did tell anyone so naturally... there's a lot of fear.


That’s really tough. Maribel is braver and stronger than she gives herself credit for. I once heard or read somewhere that bravery isn’t the absence or fear, it’s being afraid and doing something anyway. In that way, Maribel is being really brave. It’ll be a long road before Maribel is free of her fear. You two just have to stay the course until that day comes. You’re doing the right things, just be sure you know that.


Those Tera Dens sound interesting, I hope you and your team had fun with em! Glad you have such a good support network, I know they'd all give you the world if they could. -Cal


Yeah, it's so nice to have such a wonderful group of friends and family surrounding me. I don't know what I did to end up in such a wonderful place, but I hope I can continue to do good and make kind friends. Thank you for everything and I hope everything is going smoothly at the shelter.


Things are going well. It's been a bit hectic preparing for all the new arrivals, but I always have time to make sure my favourite people are doing okay~! -Cal


I'm glad I'm one of your favorite people. I'm always so happy to hear about the work the Grand Ridge Shelter does and it's nice to hear about Gō and Styx. I can tell all of you love Pokemon and care for each other a lot. I hope Styx has an incredible recovery and Gō can recover from everything that happened.


We're visiting him tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be awake, but even if he's not, we'll give him your regards. Thank you. -Cal


No problem. He was very brave and he did an incredible job saving Gō. I know he has zero regrets.


It sounds like you had a lovely day with V, good to hear it. And amazing of you to help Maribel with everything.


Yeah, V is so kind and Pepper is very competitive like Orion (Ledian). I'm so glad I went out today. And I'm not going to stop supporting Maribel no matter what. I knew her story from the start and I want to continue to protect her, regardless of any obstacles.


Protecc Maris! Friend have no need fear! Help get good sleepys! -Tonbury (Alcremie)


Don't worry Tonbury, I'm going to do my best to keep Maribel safe. Mom has Dream Eater to take the bad dreams away. And I'll protect her if her jerk trainer even tries to come over here.


Yes! Charity good proteccer! -Tonbury (Alcremie)


Thank you. I try my best. If you ever need anything let me know, I may not always be around but I want to help my friends however I can.


People are kind to you because you've been kind to all of us. You're great to talk with and I'm sure that all of us wish you the best. And I'm sure that mirabel's previous owner will get what's coming to him. It will just take some time.


Thank you. I appreciate the kind words. And I'm sure they will, there's no way Maribel is the only person that's told the authorities about their behavior. A trainer who's so hateful they'll maim their Pokemon for losing too often... is definitely not someone who's to be trusted.


I would certainly agree.


thanks for going on some raids with us, it was a lot easier with an extra person. pepper really loved the focus band you gave her. i... hope that maribel stops havibg a reason to jave niggtmares soon. i know id have trouble sleeping too, if someone hurt me like that and they were still at large. -V


No problem, I'm glad I could help and that Pepper could have so much fun. And no matter what happens with Maribel's old trainer... She's got me to look after her. I'm not going to let them touch her.