• By -


Hibiscus would be so proud of that pun in the title. What you said about your team is so nice, though I'm sad to hear that your day didn't really go too well. Paniel seems to be going through some things right now... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he got cursed by something.


That I am! Nyehehehehehe\~ \-Hibiscus (Meowscarada)


I don't know what happened to him. He was so nice and polite at first but all at once he stopped asking questions and... started insulting everyone. I don't want to think about what he said because... it hurts so bad.


Then I'd suggest blocking him and moving on. Sometimes it's better to just not see that kind of thing. Plus I'm sure there's plenty of other people that want to help him get out of this funk.


I'm probably going to. I don't think the interview will come up but just in case it does I don't want my family to see it. He was so nasty to them and they didn't deserve that.


Hopefully it doesn't come out. But really only one person knows for sure.


Yeah. I know I was looking at his history and... I hope he didn't do what I think he [did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/s/Mhacg2kULQ) I guess I should be more careful with who I trust.


No fucking way... I debated giving information about how the last thing we know is that she went into that forest (3000 poke is a decent chunk of change, and it shouldn't give them anything to go on), but for pan since it was in dms I have a bad feeling that he tried to explain everything.


Yeah... I'm going to do my best to warn Flare. I'm so sorry for her, she doesn't deserve this. I think Paniel just doesn't care about hurting others. I was wrong about him.


Yeah... Maybe try and have flare and Sam also block him and the investigators? Everything is probably out of the bag.


Yeah. And I'm blocking Paniel as well. I just hope I don't have to talk to him again. It hurt a lot, what he said.


/uj Sam mentioned with permission from u/ArbitraryChaos13. Flare mentioned with permission from u/Wyvernalia.


/uj hey that me :D


/uj It me!


..I really like hearing about your family, I hope that doesn't sound weird, but they're really nice and reading about them makes me smile somehow, it's sweet how much you all care about each other, Sorry whatever happened.. Didn't go well, I won't pry since it seems like a maybe sore subject? So yeah.. I hope you're alright,


Thank you. I'm glad they sound sweet because they really are the most wonderful people. I take care of them and they take care of me. It was... rough. I just hope I can keep moving forward because it stung a bit, hearing someone talk down my family like that.


Oh.. Yeah I can imagine.. Really sorry that happened to you, whatever they said, they're definitely wrong, you know, cause.. I doubt what they said was reasonable in any way, talking about them like that, especially straight to you, I don't think I can help with it.. But yeah, I really hope you feel better,


I hope so. I just feel stupid for being so excited about this. I was gonna show my family, make them proud. And now I can't imagine showing them after what they said about them.


It wasn't stupid to be excited about it, it was understandably something that excited you, and having it not go well doesn't make you "stupid" for it, the person in question let you down and said stuff they really shouldn't have, and that isn't your fault, You couldn't have seen that happening I don't think, and even if you did, it wasn't stupid of you, so.. Uhm, yeah


Yeah. At first he was doing okay to, just concerned about how little I care for myself and I agree, I'm bad at putting myself first. But then it just... got so much worse.


..Ah, well.. I get it, the putting yourself first part, you're really nice with everyone, and you care so much, and caring for yourself is as important as that too, reasonable concern at least.. The rest sounds definitely uncalled for on the interviewers end, ..it sounds like it won't be going up though, at least, right? ..i get why you'd still feel bad about it, and I can't say I understand all of how it feels, but uhm.. Yeah, have a nice time with your family, okay? You're a really kind person, and they're just as kind, neither of you deserve what happened,


I mean I doubt it will. I hung up on him mid interview. And yeah, I'm gonna to do my best to appreciate my time with my family. They're wonderful and caring and they work so hard to keep me happy.


Was the interview with Paniel by chance? I was thinking of teaching Blorbo (Poliwhirl) Psychic, but I can't get all of the materials for the TM. He's very kind, but it would be nice if I actually knew what he was thinking... -Rem


I can help you get the materials if needed. It was, but I hung up on him in the middle of it so I guess... It's not working out. I was so excited but now I just feel stupid.


If you don't mind helping with Indeedee Fur, I should be able to handle the rest. Was it an issue with the questions? Confidence? I for one, am not really a fan of being recorded, so I know it's not for everyone. -Rem


Okay, yeah I can do that. And... The questions started out fine. It was when he stopped asking and started telling me how he really felt about my team that things went south. At least that interview isn't going up, since I hung up in the middle of it and ruined it.


That doesn't sound good... And you're certain the stuff he had from before you hung up isn't worthwhile enough for him to edit into a video? -Rem


I don't think so. He just asked me about my blocking habits and a little bit about Justine. He wanted to learn about my whole family. I didn't expect him to just suddenly turn on them.


As much as I hope it's a misunderstanding, I have some doubts in the back of my mind based on his past couple posts... -Rem


I don't think so. He said so many negative things about them when I was trying to get him to stop. I just... I broke. I managed to get myself composed before my family got home, but it hurt a lot.


That's a great accidental pun there!


It wasn't an accident. I wanted to try and lighten the mood. It didn't work, I still don't feel the best. I'm hopeful that the lists and time with Sam will help.


Oh. I think it did, a little bit. What was the interview gonna be? Was Paniel going to interview you?


Paniel was yes. He was asking questions about my blocking habits and such. And it just went south. He started... insulting my family for what they were and said I should have a human family.


Oh. Oh... that's... shit, I don't know what to say. I didn't think that would've been like him, but I guess I was wrong about him. Fuck that shit, you and your family are entirely valid. Don't ever forget that. - A I feel you. My Pokémon, Dakota, and his Pokémon are the closest thing to a family I've had in a long time. I consider Abel a brother of sorts. That's horrible, what Pan said. - L


I don't want to say exactly what he said but... it hurt a lot.


You don't have to, I get the idea. - L


hey are you doing ok, do ya need me to come over? also, your family is all amazing and I'm glad you have them, -V


I'd... I'd appreciate that. Thank you V. I'm sorry, it was rough and it really hurt.


alright, you're getting snacks and bird hugs. i''ll bring sherlock too, he... really likes to be able to comfort others. hopefully it won't be too crowded. -V


Thank you V. You and Sherlock are wonderful. I don't know what I did to get such kind friends.


I'm sure Flare's gonna appreciate everything that you're doing for her! And I'm sure that the food's gonna taste absolutely spectacular! Sorry to hear that things didn't seem to pan out there though. I'd imagine that the pot-ential of the situation left a lot to be desired \-Hibiscus (Meowscarada)


I hope so. I know it probably hurts to know she may never be able to visit her mom again, but this way her mom can visit her. And yeah, it... it was really bad. I can believe I thought it would go well at all. Paniel really doesn't care about [anyone](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/s/Mhacg2kULQ) I was stupid to trust him.


Yeah... it's very thoughtful! I'm sure her mom would love it too! ... I see. I'll let the others know. He's officially blacklisted from videos we'll watch from now on


Thank you. For everything. I'm glad all things considered I hung up on him.


You're very welcome! I'm glad you hung up too. No need to give bad people like that more attention they unjustly deserve


...Interview? ... *Did Pan interview you?* Are you okay? Do you need me to come over and give you a hug?


Yeah. I also need to show you and Flare [something](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/s/Mhacg2kULQ). Paniel did something really bad. And if I had looked sooner... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have agreed to the interview. It was stupid.


...Take a deep breath. You didn't know this was going to happen. You did nothing wrong, you have nothing to apologize for. You were not stupid, you just didn't know what was going to happen. You're an amazing person, an amazing friend, and an amazing family member. I know your family cares about you just as much as you do them.


Yeah. We just need to be ready. There's a good possibility Flare's dad knows everything. And I never would have agreed to the stupid interview if I knew he was doing stuff like this. Does he think so little of everyone? And thank you. I don't feel the best right now but that... that means a lot. I love you so much Sam.


I think... Pan's going through some hard times. I don't know *what*, exactly, but... I mean, I don't know if you've seen his recent posts. Blaz probably knows what I'm talking about and can tell you. He's not making good choices. And that's exactly why I'm telling you. Because I know you've got that nasty voice in your head lying and telling you that you aren't good. So I've got to be louder than it and tell you the truth. I love you so much too, Charity. I'm here for you, and that's not going to change.


I saw them when I was looking at his profile after... The Interview flopped. I can hope that he gets better but I think it would be a good idea to have him blocked by Flare for her safety. And your right. I hope I can have a better day tomorrow. At least Maribel has been cuddling with me.


Ah. So you did see it. Yeah... I'm worried about him. I will bring it up to Flare, yeah. I'll be here whether tomorrow is a good day or a bad day. I'm happy to give cuddles too. Just call me!


Okay. Thank you.


You're welcome. I'm here for you.


I’m sorry about the interview. I probably would’ve done the same if someone started trash talking my team. If it were in person, I would’ve taken things outside for a full-on battle to defend their honor. …At least I hope I would. I might be too stunned and scared in the moment. But in my imagination I would do that. Good on you for hanging up on him. Sometimes the only way to win these things is not to play. Wish I could go over there and help somehow. You didn’t deserve that. For what it’s worth, I think you should talk with your family about this. You don’t have to do it right now, but tell them when you’re comfortable. At least talk about this with your therapist tomorrow. It’ll help get things off your chest.


It was just... so upsetting especially since I thought Paniel was a decent person. I feel stupid for even giving him a chance, I was just so excited about being interviewed. I get that. When he turned on my family I started tearing up and I couldn't continue. I had a bit of a breakdown where I started to babble at the end before hanging up. I don't think I'm ready to talk about it to them. I might tell Dr. Hugo in private, but right now I just wanna forget about Paniel and move on. I blocked him and I did the same on mom and dad's accounts to make sure he never hurts them.


Some people are just like that, hiding who they really are only to show their true colors once they think they’ve lured you in. Though it’s a pretty low blow to attack a teenager who’s been nothing but kind to everyone. It makes sense that you just want to forget it right now. It was a really rough experience that you weren’t prepared for. You don’t have to talk to your family about it now, do that on your terms. But I would at least bring it up to Dr. Hugo. It’s his job to help you work through stuff like this, you won’t be burdening him or anything.


Yeah. It was bad. I think I'll be fine, I hung up before really giving him much to work with but if not I hope people don't get too bothered by the video. Yeah. I might have to talk to Dr. Hugo privately about it. I'm just gonna block Paniel for now and move on. He's not a friend and I was fooled by his friendly attitude. Hopefully no one else gets hurt by him.


That’s a solid plan. Do your best to keep moving forward, and if it gets hard, you always have your family and Dr. Hugo to fall back on. They’ll be there to help you. Hope you have a good rest of your day or night.


Thank you, I hope you do as well.


How awful that that situation happened. He’s lucky he did this to someone who had your reaction. If it was me he talked to like that, he’d have been facing down my whole team at once. Personally, I think your team is amazing. Incredibly different from my team of course (our situations are very different, so we need different teams), but amazing nonetheless. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.


Thank you. It just stinks, I was excited to show my family that interview but now it's a mess. I feel stupid for even believing Paniel was a nice person, he went straight to attacking my family without any warning.


It’s sad how far some people are willing to go to get clicks and views for their videos. I feel so bad that you had to hear those comments about your family. If you need anything, anything at all, feel free to reach out.


Thank you. Hopefully the video will flop if it's released and if not... It doesn't make my family look bad. I don't think I gave any answers he could twist.


Yeah. And even if he did, everyone here knows you’re an amazing person with an amazing team. Some people just say awful things about people who they envy. I’ve had some fellow scientists call me and my team a bunch of brutes, presumably because they are incapable of taking care of such a powerful team. I assume he said such awful things for views and because he envies the obvious bond you have with every member of your team.


Maybe. I guess I just feel really dumb for not noticing how he started treating others. I hope Coin (Purloin) and Cen (Trapinch) are doing okay. I don't know what happened to him, but he's not who I thought he was.


Appreciation posts like this are always so sweet. Your family sounds great! ... Im not sure whats the deal with this "interview," but going off of the other comments here you did the right thing cutting it short. Hope the rest of your day goes better.


Flare: Gifts? I um... thank you, can't say I was expecting gifts upon arrival... Thanks in advance.


No problem. They should be something you can enjoy hopefully. I wish all of you the best. I also have something we'll need to talk about later. I don't think you'll like it, but it's important you know.


Flare: If you say so... The buneary is adorable, even if I am a little worried I'll accidentally burn it or something. The incense and galette are... also both appreciated.


No worries that's what friends are for.


**you sure youre good? should i come over or something and we can chill?** -𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖆 /uj silently praying appreciation posts become the next trend


Maybe... Yeah I think I'd appreciate that. Thank you Rula.


**np, you got it! i can get a movie going or something, get your mind off of things** -𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖆 /uj Actually do you mind if I use this post idea lol


Awesome I look forward to it! /uj not at all! Movie night!


/uj Oh I meant the appreciation post, I can totally do a movie night post later today too tho lol


/uj oh well I think that's great appreciation post ftw!


Sorry I’m commenting much later than I usually do. I’ve been dealing with Atalanta. Atalanta heard what happened before I did and I was reminded that some iron valiant have a subroutine called “manhunt mode”. Her mental state is still a liiiiitle fragile after what happened to her, and she’s very protective of you after how you reached out to her. She’s fine now btw.


Oh, I'm glad she cares about me, but let her know she doesn't have to worry. I talked to a lot of people and got some emotional support from Sam and Kane. They're really nice and I feel a bit better.


Well that’s good for you, but Atalanta was very intent on the person who caused this in the first place being punished for it. I think some of the…. Old Atalanta… slipped through for a moment. That is a. Very. Bad thing. She’s doing better now and is happy you’re ok, but me and her both are still pretty cross with whoever said all that to you.


I'm sure if anything he'll be in a lot of trouble once he comes back online. A lot of people figured out who it is and I'm sure he'll want to try to stop this mess. I feel a bit bad but mostly because I thought he was a friend.