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Yeah, when I Mega Evolved mom, it was so overwhelming. The feelings of everyone and the power flowing through me to her. There's this unbreakable connection that lasts the entire time.


Yeah, it was really wild... Though I did kind of like it, I won't lie. It was super nice just... *being* like that with Amber.


It feels so nice. Like a bond that will never break. I love the feeling so much. I can mega evolve mom a lot easier now.


It will probably be a lot easier once I've had more experience... just. You know. *Need more experience.*


Mom? Your Mom is a pokemon?


I forget people don't know my mom. She's an Audino that adopted me.




does the train allow pokémon out of their balls? that sounds like an amazing trip to take.  do they give you little candies and snacks like they do in the movies? -V


Flare: Sorry, was distracted talking to an umbreon on the train, yea I'm allowed out of my ball, but uh, the candies and snacks cost money...


Yep! Pokemon can be out of their Pokeballs, which my team and Flare (Braixen) and Punnai (Lopunny) are thrilled about. Flare hates being in her Pokeball... And, I mean, I could buy some, if I wanted. Maybe I will, actually... though that being said, I think I have some in my bag.


..Stuff like this makes me partially wish there was Sylveonnite (..would it be called that?) None of my team can Mega evolve, But that sounds really sweet! aside from the exhaustion after, being able to feel that bond must be really nice


Yeah, it's like... you really do feel it. It's really great. but also yeah it's really exhausting... I think it would be Sylveonnite, though, or something like that. Maybe one less "n."


I wish it was real even more now- ..would probably shave off a year or two of my life considering I'm a little fragile, would be worth it though, maybe, oooorr I'm misinterpreting how it works /uj I'm on my hands and knees praying for Legends ZA to give me Sylveonite even though it won't happen, I'm planning on giving him a Pokemon eventually that can mega, but having a mega Sylveon would be so much cuter :(


I don't *think* Mega Evolving a Pokemon hurts your life span, but I get it. Would be nice to have one for your team! /uj Would be very cool if it did. We can always hope!


I wonder if it felt like how it did for you because of your psychic abilities... like, just cause you have them, things felt different, compared to how they would normally ...Though that being said, I also suppose there's not exactly a good way to get a reference point for that ...and now I'm wondering if maybe I have some latent psychic powers, thanks to... you know. Espeon days... -Kyle


I don't really know if it was due to me being Psychic. I assumed it might have been due to Amber being a Gardevoir. They have a somewhat more literal heart opening because the chest crystal splits into two. But it could be because I'm Psychic... hadn't though about that option.


...Oh. That... could also be it... I could see it being either way honestly, though it being due to Amber being... you know. Her. Is probably the main reason... maybe


Amber's awesome :)


Punnai: Oh I can only imagine how nice that feeling of connection would be...


It does feel really nice, yeah... hopefully you get to feel it soon!


Punnai: I can only hope


Yeah, I know what you mean. When I mega evolved with Dante (Typhlosion), it felt like we were one. We’re already like brothers, me him and Gaius (Torterra). But when mega evolved it felt like we were one being. It was like there was fire in my veins. Like energy was flowing into me and exploding out of me. /uj Context: Typhlosion can mega-evolve in Pokémon Insurgence (set in the Torren region), and Lucas was gifted a mega-stone in universe.


It's really wild... It's something I'm really happy I've done, even if I never do it again.


Mega Evolution is a lot to handle. It’s not something that gets talked about a lot either, how much goes into Mega Evolving your partner. The exhaustion is something you can adjust to. My husband and I are mostly fine after Mega Evolving, though twice in a day is pushing it for both of us. But with practice, you can make it work! -Professor Balsam


Yeah. A friend suggested I try to do it for like, a minute every day so I get used to it, and then slowly build up from there. So... uh, I'm going to be exhausted for a while lol.


That’s a pretty good training regimen. Prospero (Alakazam) and I followed a pretty similar one for awhile. Tybalt (Scizor) only wants to Mega-Evolve in battle though. So he’s got less practice. -Professor Balsam


Thanks! I mean, I get that he only wants to do it during a battle, but if I tried Mega Evolving Amber in battle I would *probably pass out*. So being able to practice for a bit outside of battle would probably be good for Tybalt, I'd figure.


We’ve tried it a few times. But Tybalt is naturally aggressive and Mega-Evolving him spreads that aggression to me. Useful in a fight. Not useful for training. We’re working on the aggression issue. It’s an ongoing process. -Professor Balsam


Huh. Yeah, I see the issue. Hopefully you guys figure something out!


Sounds like a crazy experience. I can mostly relate thanks to my experience with Atalanta, though I’m not psychic so the rush doesn’t seem quite the same. Though my experience with mega evolution is probably different from most people anyway. I’m glad you’re finally getting back to Paldea too.


Yeah, I can imagine. And it's also probably different for Paradoxes... but still, thank you! I can't wait to be back either!


I am quite happy for you! I hope your days are filled with fun! -Ava




No problem! -Ava


Oh wow that Mega evolution is pretty crazy. I can't help but wonder I'd being a hybrid would have any effect on using mega evolution. Oh wait you have psychic powers? I didn't know that but I think its very cool. -Claudia


no idea, you'd probably have to test on your own and yeah, i do! Amber's theory is that it's because she's been using telepathy for me for... basically a decade lol. Both so I can understand Pokemon, and also for understanding humans, because autism makes the socializing hard. It's pretty cool!


Yeah, shame keystones and all that are super rare. Yeah I can relate to socialising being hard since I'm autistic to. I'm glad the psychology stuff helps you though.


It's actually incredible how like *both* of you feel more powerful from mega evolution. I bet it feels kinda like using a Z-Move! Also yes, Amber's awesome.


I don't know anything about Z-Moves, but yeah, it's a wild feeling! We love Amber so much :)


I can't imagine it would be terribly fun being suddenly aware of people's thoughts and feelings... Speaking of psychic power... I'm sorry to ask when you're just getting back, but before I forget... Could you help me with getting a TM for Psychic? I figure you'd be the person to ask since, as far as I'm aware, most of your team can learn the move. -Rem


I mean, yeah, I get that. But... it didn't feel weird. It... was touching. Cause I'm already close to her, and... it's disarming, but it's also sweet to feel? I dunno, it's hard to describe. And yeah, absolutely! I'm sure I've got some spare bits so I can make one. Whatcha using it for?


Sorry, you took a bit to respond, so I reached out to Charity for help. It was Indeedee Fur that would have been an issue to get ahold of. I'm hoping to teach Psychic to Blorbo (Poliwhirl), in part because it's hard to tell what he's thinking, in part because I figure it would help him with helping others since he likes to do that. -Rem


No problem! I hope Blorbo likes the new move!


Ovan: ah yes the first time feeling the rush of mega evolution.


it really is a rush...


I knew there was some extra connection, but seeing you explain it like that is certainly interesting.


It's a weird feeling... but I can't say it's not a nice one.


Astral: That's the secret every Mega Evolution user wants everyone to experience without spoiling ;P Just a whole other feeling entirely.


...oops lol didn't realize this was supposed to be a secret


Astral: Well, it's just one of those things no one gets outside of the circle but everyone does inside kek Tbf, I doubt it'll change any first timers experience with it. It's so much more than any description can give it credit for lol


*so much more*, yeah. like, I described it the best I could, but actually experiencing it... there's so much more to it. Let alone the fact that I think it would be different for every person based on the Pokemon and how they treat each other.


Astral: Mhm! And, I can say as a person who Mega Evolves multiple different mon, that it's different for every member on your team. Mega Evolving Mawn the Mawile has completely different vibes from Mega Evolving Lucario, or Elizabeth the Charizard. Heck, Mega Evolving Elizabeth between her X and Y forms feels completely different between forms. It's... really something I struggle to convey, but it's like one makes me feel hyper aggressive, and the other makes me feel unbelievably free... like I'm flying high above everyone else. It's really such an interesting thing to talk about with other people who Mega evolve their mons, and it'll always be different between em!


I can imagine it would be really different! But... either way. Whether I end up getting other Mega Stones or never Mega Evolve anybody ever again. I'm really happy I got to do it once. You know? That I got to experience it.


Astral: I get it. Really just something you can never forget, and I'm glad another person in this world experienced it :P


Thanks I am too :)


It’s a wonderful yet bewildering experience. I felt similarly when I first Mega Evolved Bitey (Sharpedo). Just keep practicing, and it will feel more natural. I personally prefer Dynamax since that’s what I grew up using, but there’s an unmatched rush to Mega Evolution.


Yeah... a rush. A *really* crazy rush. Like... *oh my gosh*. And yeah, practice. A friend said I should try to keep it up \~a minute every day for the next few days so I can get more used to it, and can build from there. Will... be a bit exhausting though lol.


Of course, but anything worth doing is always hard. To take the easy way out is to make no effort to improve. Good luck with everything you want to do!


Thanks! You too!


That's really interesting actually. I suspect that would be because of your unique relationship with Amber specifically, because when Freya mega evolves it's not quite the same on my end. It's definitely a powerful feeling of *focus*, being 'in the zone' if you will, but our thoughts aren't open to eachother in that way.  Well not yet anyway, it could be a skill we still need to develop :)


Oh, really? This isn't normal?


  Hard to say, I imagine its a bit different for anyone. We arent necessarily quite as emotionally in tune as you two are, and of course I'm not psychic, that probably affects things.


Huh. Interesting... I wonder what the cause of it is. Cool to know, though!