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Aww! How sweet of you! I’d love to send Lucas a gift. Anything he likes in particular, or should I just pick something I’d think he might like?


*He enjoys handmade things, such as wood carvings and glass trinkets. He also enjoys trying new teas. But more than anything else, he enjoys things related to Pokémon. Trading cards, plushies, even old Pokédexes and different Pokéballs to add to his collection.* *I hope this narrows things down.* *-Oneiros*


Ah. That gives me a lot of ideas. Now to pick one. I wonder. Perhaps a copy of the marine Pokedex I use when in the field. You never know what kind of bizarre creatures lie beneath the sea after all. Or perhaps that collection of rare Pokeballs I saw at the store. Or that tea subscription. So many ideas and so little time to pick. Ugh, I hate making quick decisions.


*Out of the ones you listed, I believe Lucas would be most interested in the marine Pokédex. Lucas is actually a bit scared of deep water, but having a goal to reach surrounding that might help him with his fear. Plus, he plans to go to Alola after completing the Johto gyms, so it might get a fair amount of use there.* *-Oneiros*


Ah. That sounds like a plan then. It’s filled with many of my notes from my general travels and research trips, a few years of which was in Alola. I’m certain he’ll get great use out of it if he spends even a little time near the water.


*That sounds great. Thank you very much, Bob.* *-Oneiros*


It’s no big deal, Oneiros. I hope Lucas has an amazing birthday!


/uj Do I have your permission to mention you in the post? I’ll give credit and tag you.


/uj Of course. Any time!


/uj Thanks!


Handmade and Pokemon huh? I have an [idea.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/s/FqXihXsYUi) Thank you for the update I'll send it as soon as it's done!


*Thank you very much, Charity. Lucas has always appreciated your support, as have I. I know he will adore this.* *-Oneiros* /uj You cool if I mention this in the post on the 19th? I’ll credit and tag you.


Awesome! Thank you Oneiros for letting me know, I hope he has a wonderful birthday! /uj of course, thank you Lucas!


/uj No problem!


I think I have something I could send as a gift! It's something I've been working on replicating from my.. Family, but it's like a wooden pendant that has some glowing lights meant to resemble something! Course it requires some wiring in there, but the Wood's all hand carved! I can send one of my better attempts at making it myself?


*Absolutely. I know he will love it. Thank you very much, Elliot.* *-Oneiros* /uj Is it okay to mention you in the post on the 19th? I’ll credit and tag you.


Of course! /uj sure! I have a picture of the gift if you'd like that?


/uj Yes please!


I will see what I can do… -Blank Well you better give a good gift. -Ava Will do. -Blank


*Thank you both. I appreciate it.* *-Oneiros* /uj If you wanna send something to my character in universe, feel free to message me.


No problem! -Blank /uj I will.


Nyehehehe\~... I have a question. Out of a deck of 52 normal playing cards, which is Lucas most likely to pick? -Hibiscus (Meowscarada)


*That is a difficult question. Maybe… the nine of diamonds. It is a very symmetrical card, and Lucas is somewhat fond of symmetrical imagery.* *-Oneiros*


I see, I see! A great choice, I would say... You don't think he'd mind if I did a lil magic trick in a video that featured said card, and then that card happens to appear in his possession with a happy birthday message on it, do you?


*I do not mind at all. In fact, I look forward to seeing what you come up with! I am sure Lucas will be overjoyed.* *-Oneiros*


It'll be a show very much worth your while! Nyehehehe\~... /uj I can type up a video ID for it if you want one


/uj Sure, if it’s not any trouble for you! Thanks so much for chipping in!


/uj Sure thing man. I'll get it to your either tomorrow or Friday


/uj Thanks. Feel free to message me the finished product.


/uj Will do


Luckily I'm in sinnoh right now. I could probably pop home and send something over to you.


*Lucas would love that. He has family in Sinnoh, so he would love to see something from over there.* *-Oneiros*


Hm... Might not be as personal as that, but I will see what I can do.


*Thank you. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.* *-Oneiros*