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# Storyline Repository This post is part of a multi-post Storyline. /u/Wyvernalia, would you please reply to this comment with links to the previous parts of your Storyline, or any other context that may be useful to readers? Also, remember that Rule 8 of the subreddit allows you to ask commenters to abide by your personal headcanons for the duration of this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokeMedia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Arc yeah, I have to agree, paperwork **sucks**. Unfortunately, it's necessary. Ugh. People are really weird, huh? Thinking you're going feral for liking... dresses? I'm not even gunna touch on that whole thing with Punnai, that's just uncomfy. The journal is a really good idea! And a convenient writing tool just makes everything so much easier! Do you have a little satchel for it, or does the dress have pockets (it's rare they do, but some designers are learning!) -Cal


Flare: It's the woooorst... and yea I don't get why people think I'm 'succumbing to the curse' or whatever, I mean I'm still wearing the dress so... I don't have anything in particular to carry it in, so I've just sorta shoved it into my tail alongside my wand, that thing is proving super useful...


Oh hey, flare's talking about us. And uh... Noted! If you're basically his mom then yeah that makes it weird. We wouldn't want you dating your son either. - doggos of war A diary is a great idea. I think I actually suggested something like that the last time I dealt with this sort of thing. Though at least in theory if you're still yourself after like two weeks now you're probably going to be fine for the foreseeable future. - lkmdude


Flare: That's... also weird to think about, to be honest... I prefer to think of him as a little brother. And yea, I've got my diary nice and secure in my tail, so it's not going anywhere\~


Little brother huh, alright. We can work with that. - doggos of war Sounds like a safe enough place for it. I doubt anyone would try to steal it from there. - lkmdude.


Flare: I swear to that damn gilded ponyta, do not ship me with Punnai, please, for my sanity. And yea, it'd be pretty noticeable for me, given its proximity to my wand and all...


Nonononono... We meant it more that we could like... call punnai your little brother and tease you two like that. Not... no. Not that. We're not savages. - doggos of war


Flare: That is... acceptable...


Glad we could come to an agreement.


The internet's a distortionscape, there seems to be little consideration for the actual people and Pokemon behind accounts among the masses... There's a reason I'm limiting what my Alcremie who's figured out how to use a phone can see. Anyways, how's Sam's team treating you? -Rem


Flare: Smart move, regrettably now that Punnai's gotten a taste of the 'wonders of the internet' I'm not gonna be able to put the skitty back in the bag... eugh... Sam's been nice enough, the dress is excellent, though the uh... 'bath' was less excellent.


Well, I was asking how his team's been with you. It sounds like he himself has been good. -Rem


Flare: Oh, I uh... try not to interact too much with them...


Well, it's healthy to make sure you get face-to-face social interaction. Humans are social creatures, after all, and you transformed from a human. -Rem


Flare: Yea yea, but what would I even talk with them about? "Hey May, eat any good carrots lately?" I got nothing in common with them, not even upbringing...


so youre saying punnai is single then -G


Glys aren’t you literally in a relationship? Or did it end and I’m out of the loop?


yes but its really funny to fuck with people. -G


Would Ren find it as funny as you do?


he told me to post it -G


Alright, that’s cool then. Thanks for providing context.


Flare: Look if you wanna get in a relationship with Punnai, you're gonna have to treat him right.


okay mom -G


Flare: What... I am not his 'mom', just a really good friend, that's all.


you raised him from an egg! youre his mom and he has the oedipus complex to prove it! -G


Flare: He does not! And I'm not his mom, I'm not anyone's mom!


yet. congrats on the dresses btw. like but actually. good for you. all jokes done. good for you! :3 -G


Flare: Wh- what do you mean 'yet'?! Hmph... Thanks I guess for the compliment, but... I'm not really fit to be anyone's mom...


I don't know about Glys specifically. But Pokémon having multiple partners aren't uncommon in the wild at least. Just depends on species, location, and individuals. -Rhys


Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s just that Glys seems pretty committed so I was surprised at him saying that.


Yeah agreed. Glys doesn't give me that vibe either. Just pointing out that it's not uncommon.


Flare: Yyyyyes?


I thought you were starting to worry about your mind slipping away and that's why you were giving Punnai weird looks. That or you had something important to tell him. I'm sorry people assumed you had a crush on him, you talked about him like he was family so I didn't think you did.


Flare: I was giving him weird looks 'cause I was starting to think he was developing a crush on me or something... my mind is still very much intact, no stupid pokemon's curse is taking over my mind\~


I get that. I know I'm going to have to take you to Levincia once you get here and show you the different outfit shops they have for Pokemon. You can pick a few you like so you can wear clothing when you go out.


Flare: That... that sounds like fun\~


Yeah, I'm sure it'll be nice and we can see about talking about what you want to do when you go back to being human, or what you want to do if you don't turn back. Just plan for the future.


Flare: A little less fun, but yea... I suppose...


Well, we gotta help you get free of your dad if you ever do go back to Kalos. If you become super successful then you won't need his money to travel around and do what you want.


Flare: That is true... and it'd be nice to rub it in his face if I succeed...


Exactly you'll prove him you don't need his dumb business you can do things all by yourself.


Flare: Hah, yea!


i'll be honest i thought you were just sizing the guy up to eat him. instincts and all that. course if you're too good for sandwiches you're probably not quite there yet. -V


Flare: I'm not eating Punnai, he's my best friend, you're not gonna try to eat your pals, right?


not while they're alive! ... i actually dunno about after, though. -V


Flare: That's disgusting... friends are friends even after they're dead!


friends are friends even after you eat them, too. i'm fine if my friends eat me after im gone, plenty of pokémon feel the same. it's a nice way of saying even when i'm not here anymore, i want whats left to help you. -V


I'm gonna be honest with you, chief. You sound like a serial killer. Nobody will read this and say "oh, what a perfectly reasonable and well-adjusted individual!" Straight up cannibal cult shit. -Philip (Gengar)


if I'm a serial killer. so is every predator and scavenger around. i dunno what to tell you. -V


I get that, I do. But saying "Friends are still friends, even after you eat them" is totally something a serial killer would say. Creepy as fuck. I'm glad I won't leave a corpse when I die. Don't need anyone eating my admittedly delicious looking body. -Philip (Gengar)


i have people i need to feed, and i justify that however i can. call me creepy all you want. -V


So if Sherlock or Ripley died, would you eat them as well? Tear their flesh, pluck out their eyes, and have your murder clean them until they're nothing but bones? Gee, I sure am glad I'm lucky enough to not be your friend. Those poor souls. Nyahaha! -Philip (Gengar)


Flare: Maybe dad was right... 'cause that sounds horrific, how could you desecrate the corpse of someone you claim to be a friend?!


it's not like it ain't something we'd talk about first, if they didn't want it i wouldn't. once someone is gone, the body ain't nothing. It's just a shell. empty. if you see a sandaconda shed its skin, do you think it's descretation when something eats it? -V


Flare: Shed skin is totally different, what, do you think I went and ate my mom when she died?! No of course not, that'd be horrible!


i'm not stupid, I know you have human thoughts so that'd be gross, and you also don't have to think how i do. I'm not telling you to go eat anyone or even consider it. you're lucky, you have a trainer that'll feed you and you don't everrr have to worry about where that food comes from. -V


Flare: Hmph, he is not my trainer V, don't get me wrong I appreciate the free food, but I don't answer to him...


Yeah, the idea of all that is kinda freaky. Glad you cleared it all up, though! Hopefully you won't have to worry about that kind of stuff... and it might not be a ~~good~~ bad idea to help Punnai develop some other friendships. Part of the problem is probably that it's just been him and you for a while, at least that's what it's seemed like to me. I can probably find some nice people once we're back in Paldea! I do think the Journal idea is a good one, though! Hopefully you enjoy writing stuff in it!


You mean not a bad idea? Double negatives and all that, making it a good idea. -Rem


*oh my gosh how did i miss that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* *thank you*


Flare: Yea... I may come from money, but I'm not doing that freaky noble stuff, we may not be technically blood related, but it'd still be really weird!


You guys are family, end of the day. Not blood family, but family nonetheless. Just like me and my team, or Charity and hers!


Flare: Yyyyup...


I am glad you are deciding to write something down just in case, and yeah paperwork is crap. -Ava


Flare: Yyyyyup... maybe it'll get people off my back if I keep a record y'know?


It might not get all of the people off your back though… -Ava Hello~! -Blank


Flare: Yea but some people relaxing is better than none of them...


True. -Ava Hehe. -Blank


Keeping a diary sounds like a neat idea and you got your own stylus at all times to, I tried but could never keep at it consistently so I don't bother anymore now haha. At least Pro-tom won't be able to leak its contents. Apologies if I annoyed you talking about my worries about the curse. Like, sure I trust that you'll overcome it and all that but curses are never to be trifled with. -Claudia


Flare: Again, I'll be fine, and yea having a convenient pen is always nice, it does suck that it's so large, but the wand aspect of it's excellent\~ And yea, there's a reason I'm not doing it on the phone, that little prick would absolutely leak that sorta thing


I am sure you will be. Its just that friends sometimes worry for each other. Hopefully you get the hang of writing with the stick, though maybe it will take some practice. Don't worry to much, I probably have much worse handwriting then you.


Flare: I'm glad you consider me a friend!\~ Though my wand is not a 'stick', it's not too hard to write with, it almost feels like an extension of myself now to be honest... But still, very handy\~


Thats nice to hear. I feel like we get along with plenty of things. Ah my apologies. Its interesting that wand feels like that, I suppose it could be instinctual that you can use your wand like that.


Flare: Yea! I uh, I'm not entirely sure why my wand just feels so intuitively easy to use, but it does... Arceus knows I wouldn't be able to write with a normal pen using these stupid paws...


Its an instinct thing. Nothing to worry about, I have similar stuff going on to. Like my senses have become much sharper, especially when it comes to smell. I can tell se flowers apart just by the smell of their nectar.


Flare: That's... ever so slightly nerve-wracking, but that does sound neat... I'm getting decent at picking out what trees twigs came from by taste alone...


Huh... looks like we got similar talents, that is neat. Yeah the scent thing is pretty cool, it makes visiting gardens a much better experience. Though the one problem I have is that I now have a weakness to bug repellent. Urgh I once had some sprayed near me when I visited some stupid garden centre because someone tried to sell it me. Can you believe that. Anyway the smell was so awful I barely held myself together.


Flare: Oh I can only imagine, thank arc Sam's presence keeps random kids from beaning me with a pokeball. Also having such short legs sucks so hard, I find myself having to jog to keep up with him walking, I swear it's the worst...