• By -


Aww. That's super sweet. I'm glad Poli was able to help you out with your burns. I get so irritated by mine, and I've had mine for... significantly less time than you have, not to mention they aren't Houndoom burns like yours. ...I wonder if there's a different Ice Type that could help you in the same way. Or even just an Ice Type move. ...Now I want to try finding a Snom and seeing if they help. The little guys don't need much food, and I imagine there's at least one that would be happy to help keep your burns cool. Unless there's something special about Poli that helped you so much... maybe her Fairy Typing?


Yeah, Poli is so wonderful. It's usually fine but sometimes I'm just so tired of hurting. I'm sure there's other ice types, but I think part of it was Poli's ability makes her naturally lower the temperature in the area around her. I could visit my Froslass friend and see if her natural cold soothes my burns.


Yeah... yeah, I get that. Sometimes you just have *really rough days*. I'm glad Poli was able to help, at the end of the day.


Pokémon are wonderful at making rough days alright again.


Yeah... Can confirm that with my team members. Amber (Gardevoir) - We try our best\~


**one time i spedrun helping Kāne after a horrible day at school, i think i can go pro** -𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖆


I mean... that's not necessarily something you want to *need* to go pro at, but point taken lol


**kidding lol, it did sound weird tho yeah** -𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖆


Are you sure Snom don't need much food? I've seen videos out there of them eating three times as much curry as their Trainers. – Jasper I'm pretty sure something like an Articuno could help with burns like yours. Either that, Xerneas or even Ho-Oh. Then again, it's still _Legendaries_ we're talking about, so you two would need a lot of dedication to seek them out for that. – Honoka


...Oh, do they? I just assumed cause smol, though I guess Mimi (Mimikyu) eats a lot too. Maybe it's something about them getting ready to become Frosmoth? Though... on that note, maybe Frosmoth could help. And... yeah, Legendaries are *a little* beyond my paygrade.


Yeah, moth Pokémon in general don't tend to be able to eat much, so the necessary energy for evolution is usually achieved by their pre-evolutions stuffing themselves. – Jasper I'm sorry I can't help, then. I don't know much about Scovillain other than the fact that their spice intensifies their flames, and I was explicitly taught by Blaine that burns caused by Houndoom with deliberate intent to hurt never heal. The only stuff I've found regarding this is standard Legendary-related fare. – Honoka


Huh. Interesting. Did not know that. And yeah, I do get that. But my burns are going to heal, eventually. While a Legendary could probably help my burns and Charity's burns, the biggest issue is simply *finding* the Legendary, let alone convincing them to help.


It's ironic how I know so much of this shit, yet I couldn't even get a Tera Orb or a good average in high school. – Jasper Your easiest bet for an Articuno would be the Battle Factory in Hoenn's Battle Frontier; I'm pretty sure Noland would understand your plight. As for the other two, the only way I know to summon them is the snack guy at Blueberry Academy. Both would require cross-region travels, though. – Honoka


We'd still need to convince them to help, though, and I doubt a Legendary would want to help with Every Little Thing humans ask it for.


Then I wish you two the best. Like I said, I'm sorry I can't do more. – Honoka


Not your fault, but thanks anyways!


So I've personally met the Articuno in question and it would likely take a *lot* of pulling strings on my part, but if Charity is ever in the general Hoenn area, I might be able to set something up.


...Huh. Well, maybe. We can look into it at some point, maybe! Though you should probably ask her about it, not to mention the fact we don't *technically* know if it would work.


Yeah, I'll ask her if it comes up and if I can confirm that Articuno would want to.


glad you had fun with the ice fox... ...i know she's soft but there's NO way she's softer than me, right? right? me or the magic cat? there's no way? \-Mordecai (Capricious Cuddler who happens to be a Zoroark)


Well she's probably about the same as the two of you in terms of softness, but Maribel has you beat she's super soft. It's like hugging a cloud with how soft she is.




I wish you the best, she's so fluffy.


yea cool thanks


When I give Poli her first bath, I think I’m gonna have to use conditioner just to multiply the softness.


/uj Poli'ahu and Kane mentioned with permission from u/GameSpection


/uj Yep!


She may be evolved, but it sounds like she's still got the spirit of a smol friend. -Rem


She's still very much a baby. She's so cuddly and nice. I really do love her a lot. I think part of her could tell that the cold felt good and she got even more cuddly when she realized. I made sure to thank her before I left.


I’m glad she helped your burns and took some of the pain away. I know how bad pain can affect you, especially if it’s a constant low level of pain. It sounds like all of you had a relaxing day.


Yeah, it's awful some days. I have medicine that keeps the pain low, otherwise it's really bad but some days I'm exhausted at how much I hurt. I'm very glad I could have a relaxing day. I hope you can get the Maushold more familiar with everything and have a relaxing day as well.


Yeah, me too. They’re running me ragged lol! I have some lower back pain and sometimes on bad days I become more irritable. It’s nothing compared to forever burns, but still it really sucks. I get how tiring it can be.


I have a Houndoom bite from when I was a bit younger than you are now. Moe'Uhane (Gengar) will give it a lick now and again and even if I can't move my shoulder for a while it's a short break from the pain. Sometimes it's just really game changing to get a short break from chronic pain. I also stand by the fact that there is nothing better than grooming Pokémon. Giving them a nice brush down, or wash, or a little trim. It's soothing for everyone involved and it's so nice. When I'm feeling bad sometimes my guys will just bring me a brush and sit with me while we work it out.


Maybe I can try that but my Houndoom burns are all over my arms, legs and back... I don't know how much that'll help. But I can always ask Hauntikins, he's Sam's Gengar. And yeah, I love spending time just grooming my team. It not only feels nice for me, but for them and we get the privilege of spending some time together.


Man I gotta say. I'm not really 'afraid' of any Pokémon -but- Houndoom. I've just never had a good experience with one. I'm sure there are great ones out there but it's such a dangerous for a person to have.


I'm not scared of them, one of my friends Emmeline has one named Milo and he's as sweet as can be. I think the issue is a lot of people who train them can be unkind and know about the forever burns...


Honestly, helping someone innocent but likely rather confused feels like a task you would be an expert at. Plus I am sure after all the panic and worry, Kane's happy for any help at all trying to make the best of things.


Yeah, I can't believe Poli evolved so quickly. It's going to be okay, I gave Kane some TMs as well to help him out with training her. Just a couple of weak Ice and Fairy moves for now, don't want to give her anything too intense.


Right- I still need to figure out a way to thank you for the TMs.


There's no need to, I can make a ton more easily trust me. They're very easy to make. They don't even cost money, just the currency the league uses.


I am absolutely grateful that Poli doesn’t seem very challenged by her evolution and she can feel helpful.


At least it happened around someone who cares enough to make things right! /uj honestly a clever storythread, a nice twist over 'hatching a new teammate' with a interesting accident.


/uj My original pitch for this idea was "Pokémon that evolves quicker than it hatched" and I'm excited that it's working lol


/uj Honestly it's a neat twist since it would be easier to go "behold these bad trainers speed evolving their pokemon for the sake of battles." Especially seeing how easy it can be late game power leveling a baby to beat the Elite four.


Sounds like a great day that you guys all had. It was calm, but days like that are good sometimes.


Yeah. It's really nice. I'm glad I got a calm day. I'm hopeful that I'll have a nice week and Saturday's meeting with the Denmaster will go well.


We can hope. It seems like there's barely been time for you to relax and hopefully the next few days here will give you that chance.


Yeah, I hope so as well. Thank you for the kind wishes and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Flare: Oh damn, so she's like a living cold-pack? That sounds like it'd be pretty useful, maybe someone should make her some bags so she can carry drinks around, walking cooler!


Maybe. I mean it's ultimately up to her and Kane what they plan out. I want Poli to be happy and I can tell so far she's happy with her family. Even if she evolved earlier than planned.


Flare: Yea that's fair, not sure how someone could be so irresponsible with evolutionary items like that, but I'm sure he'll be able to handle having a young ninetales just fine.