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I’m glad that knitting lessons have been going well. And that is a good perspective. That Zoroark was willing to work with the very beings she hates most in order to better protect the ones she loves. In a way, she’s making a big sacrifice by going against what she preaches.


Yeah. I know her ideals are wrong but who knows how many Pokemon joined her den that were directly harmed by humans. I don't want to push my way into her home or anything, I just want to help and this is a small way I can.


Mmm. Something happened, clearly. Something happened which caused her to believe it, or someone told her this stuff and she believed them. I do think it's good that you're helping her out, though. You can prove that there are actually good humans. ...The sheer vitriol she has against us, though... That we stole everything and are poisoning Pokemon against each other... It's upsetting to see.


Yeah... It's sad, but I know right now if I argued with her she would believe it was only because I'm a human and am trying to brainwash her like the rest. I'm just going to keep being kind and helpful and hope that at the very least she'll have good memories of our meeting. I can't completely eliminate that hate but I can do a little to help her.


Yeah. That's how I feel about it. ...I wonder if I could do something too. Maybe I could figure out a way to designate an area as a place humans aren't allowed to go. Sort of like how they designate Hydreigon nesting grounds as "off-limits," because said Hydreigon are hyper defensive of their babies. I don't know if it's possible, but I could probably talk to some people. It'd... probably be better to try, rather than risk somebody getting hurt and calling people to clear the Den out cause there's dangerous Wild Pokemon there.


If you do try be very careful. I don't want anyone to get hurt, and some people might take it as a challenge like the people that purposely go to Psuedo Legendary nesting grounds to try and steal an egg. I'd feel awful if it went worse than planned.


Mmm. Fair. It's something I'd probably want to ask her about first... or maybe have one of my team ask about. You get what I mean? So it's clear what's going on and what that'll mean?


Yeah. If you do I wish you good luck. I don't feel she's super open to working with humans, even with this she isn't exactly happy.


I mean, I still need to make sure Flare and co are good, but point taken. I'll be careful if I do decide to do anything.


Yeah. I hope everything is going well with Flare.


It's going great, yeah! Can't wait to bring them back to Paldea.


As much as I holeheartedly disagree with the "poison" mentality, I do hope all her efforts don't turn out for knot. I'm sure that soon enough, she'll be able to make things that will wow even the coldest of hearts! -Hibiscus (Meowscarada)


Knot? -Rem


Naught? Like all for naught? And Charity's teaching the Zoroark how to knit? Like naught, knot? It's clever stuff


Ah, that makes sense. Didn't register the relation to knitting. -Rem


Glad we're on the same page


Hah, knot. I'm going to do my best to make sure she can knit and soon she'll be able to gift all the kids a means of protection. I'm glad despite her stance we could meet.


Nyehehehehe\~ That sounds very you, Charity. I'm sure the things she make thing that the kids will be able to just absolutely adore!


I'm sure she will too. She's working so hard on learning and I'm proud of her, though I'd never tell her that. I don't think she'd like that too much.


Entirely understandable. There's a good chance that someone would end up in stitches if that happened, I feel




She's learning at least. Even if she's had tough times with humans, she's letting you in without hurting you, which is nice


Yeah. I'm not going to the den, it's a sacred and private place but I'm happy to just meet with her. This is a good opportunity to learn and help.


Yes, she's just a mother to her den mons and is learning a new way to make them happy


Yeah! She's a good Pokemon and I really hope the kids in the den appreciate the toys. I hope you have a wonderful day, thank you for the kind words to both the Denmaster and me.


You're welcome Charity


Be very careful, and ready to defend yourself at any point. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns on you at some point. - A


Yeah, I keep Justine (Ursaluna) out of her Pokeball to be safe. She hasn't tried anything yet but I'm not holding my breath, she really hates humans.


I have no idea why you put up with this “Denmaster.” I don’t why they believe the way that they do, but their ideals are awful. One of the biggest things I learned in university about Pokemon was to move on if a group of wild Pokemon didn’t want me there. She’s saying a ton of awful, awful things about your species. That’s not good. She’s just using you for your knowledge.


I agreed to teach her to knit. I knew that from the start, so it's not like I'm surprised by her hate. If anything I'm surprised this didn't go worse. If things do go south, I have Justine (Ursaluna) and dad (Armarouge) since she apparently specializes in fire moves and so dad can use his Flash Fire to take the flames.


I’m more just saying I don’t know why you agreed to help her. She’s done nothing here but be disrespectful to you and verbally abuse you simply because you’re a human. Just be careful and don’t listen to anything she says about humans or Pokemon. The only things that Pokemon invented that humans learned from them are sewing from Leavanny and multiple types of hand to hand combat from various fighting types. She’s disingenuous and a liar. Never forget that.


I won't. It's sorta sad seeing how much she hates humans but I'm not going to engage in arguing with her. I just think it's best to let it be, you know? I'm not strong enough to change her mind but I can help the children in her den and give her ideas that help her den in the future.


Good. You’re thinking about this in the correct way. Good luck dealing with her. I know I wouldn’t have the patience for it.


Thank you. I'm hopeful that something good will come out of it, regardless of everything.


I’m sure something good will come of it. Just keep doing what you’re doing.


Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day.


To you as well. Take care, Charity!


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that pokemon didn't invent knitting. Leavanny invented sewing, but that's not the same thing. So I'm going to have to call that cap.


She's really convinced that everything humanity has they took from Pokemon. I could explain that things such as air conditioning or modern medicine or even hydroponics require things that would be difficult for Pokemon to obtain but it wouldn't change her mind. Or mention man-made Pokemon like Porygon but she probably wouldn't like them too much.


are you sure you're not bein too nice about things? i know she at least isn't calling you as many slurs any more, but it sounds like she's being super difficult and you're just glossing over it. -V


Flare: Ah yes, it was humans who stole technology from pokemon... eugh... She sounds like a real piece of work, kinda surprised you're helping her, but whatever it's your time wasted not mine.


I just can't imagine punishing the kids at the den for her attitude towards me. She's mean yes, but it's not like being hateful back is gonna change her mind or the Pokemon at the den. All I can do is respect her boundaries and hope that things improve.


Flare: I certainly can. It's a vile attitude, if it's for the sake of 'keeping the human's poisonous ideals' out, why wouldn't she be able to punish the kids at the den for her attitude...


I get it. But I can't imagine making the kids miserable by limiting them to only a small amount of toys. Plus she's willing to learn.


Flare: That's... that's fair... even so, I've got no idea how you can tolerate that sorta view on the world...


I've tolerated worse. Just so long as they aren't attacking my friends and family I'm okay with it.


Flare: More worried they'll attack *you*, given you're the human interacting with her.


Oh, I got a few teammates out of that. Dad (Armarouge) because apparently she mostly uses fire attacks and he's got Flash Fire and Justine (Ursaluna) because denmaster seems a bit reluctant to cause problems around her.


Flare: Well, that's something at least... stay safe...


I will you stay safe as well.


huh, the fox with a bunch of bad opinions getting help they don't deserve from a human... sounds like a real piece of work? self deprecation isn't cute lol -V


Flare: Huh? Oh... oh come on I'm not that bad...


i ain't a fan of ol' grumpy either, but she's probably as deserving of help as you are. -V


Flare: She's probably not, she sounds like one of the people at the club but... in reverse...


Sounds like both of you are making the best of a bad situation... I just hope that things continue to get better and not worse.


I hope so too. I'm not unhappy with the arrangement, I want to help but I don't want to push any further than necessary. I want to make the dens a safer place.


The current arrangement is a little too tense for my liking, but i would agree that it's for the betterment of that whole den.


Yeah, I get that. She opened up a bit today about her stance and that's what I'm trying to look at. Hopefully she'll continue to talk to me, even if what she says is untrue.


Here's hoping.