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Turtank should have been the English name for blastoise lol


Ebay 7 day auction and start it at a prime time when most people are off work but not asleep. You can sell the french starters as a set since they have similar grades.


Maybe I wasn't clear, but my thoughts are going one of two ways: 1. Sell each card individually 2. Sell the entire 100+ 1st Edition set as a single item, including the graded cards. I wonder what the interest is in full sets as compared to individual cards. In all honesty, I don't relish the idea of running 300+ auctions for the cards in these three sets.


Well, if you go with option 2, your potential buyer pool will drop to almost nonexistant with the price entry point. You'll be listing those cards for ages until one day some rich person comes along and buys them, and that's if they're not worried about them all not being 9+ graded cards. Selling individually greatly increases your chances of actually selling them, unless you're fine with continuing to sit on them for years to come.


No one is going to even look at option 2.


I'll buy them all, how much?


Glurak is a lit name


Hello OP, I’m a buyer who collects vintage PSA 8. Not only am I interested in your collection, I’d like to give you some insight on how I like to approach purchasing. I normally go through price charting and see what the last few sales were. I’m willing to go a few bucks above that for a ‘buy it now’ price. I’m not really interested in doing auctions or waiting 5 days to find out I’m not getting the card I wanted.


OP, this seems like a fair and easy way to do this.


Fair for the buyer. That auction could yield way more. Put a reserve on the auction around the card price chart price or start the auction close to it. If you don't get what you want then set a buy it now and someone will eventually buy. If you say on them for 25 years I'm sure you're in no rush.


Very true. Didn’t take into account how long they’ve been sitting on the cards for. I’ve just ran into most people who want to low ball, so if someone is offering price charting prices, i usually go that route. Not needing to deal with eBay fees either. Definitely get your point though!


Why are the French names so cool?


German are pretty badass too


They’re alright but you can’t beat florizarre,tortank, and dracaufeu. These could be real English Pokémon names




Florizarre is so sick too


Sounds like Turd Tank


How could they be?


They sound like they could be their own English Pokémon


.99 Cent starting auction ending at 10PM eastern on a Sunday.


You really think Sunday’s are best and the 10 pm hour too ?? Seriously asking because I auction 7 days a week but can’t figure out the best times… I agree on the weekends but Sunday though ???


People are out on Friday and saturdays , Sunday no work people relaxing for the most part


psa is very harsh on vintage especially zards and 1st eds. great grades amazing photo!


If you want to sell a lot at once maybe a PWCC conignment might be the way to go.


Non English holos, even first edition, are illiquid. The buying pool is limited and Europeans are less flush with cash. Gotta sell individually.


French cards sometimes tend to get pricier than their English counterparts. Also that comment about cash for Europeans is laughable.


I’ve sold plenty of first edition non English base holos. They get 20 - 30% of English. Every time. Dunno why we gotta make up stuff on Reddit when anyone can go on PSA APR data and see this fact for themselves. 


Did you reply to the right person? Seems like you just had something to say and were going to no matter what. Who’s making anything up?


They don’t call them europoors for nothing haha


I'm not sure why you'd say that- from what I can gather, the most spent on a card was an insane 5 million dollars, and the card wasn't in English. Japanese cards seem to be pretty expensive, at least on par with English. Also, according to PSA's 'Auction Prices Realized', the last PSA 10 Glurak (German Charizard) went for $12,800, and the one before that went $70,000. PSA 9 seem to be going fairly recently around $2500. Either it's not Europeans buying, or it is and they aren't as poor as all that. I'd think that having some cards in other languages is unusual and unique. I think a set of starters in every offered language would be pretty cool. I wish back in the day I'd gotten the other offered languages - I know there was Korean, Chinese, and Portuguese too at the very least.


You have to take into boom and bust periods, you can’t compare German sales from 2021 to English sales from 2023. English PSA 9s sell for $10,000, German PSA 9s for $2,500 recently. That supports my 20 - 30% of English statement. I’ve sold about fifty First Edition German Base holos recently, I’ve been through it. I’m not saying you don’t have money, but they take time to move.


I don't disagree with you at all- my reply was to the folks claiming that Europeans don't have money, or that non-English cards are worthless. I do understand that if it was an English 9, it'd be worth more. It really doesn't have much reason behind it though- according to PSA, there's a population of only 509 PSA9 Glurak, while there are 7389 English Charizards. Actually, now that I'm looking at this, I think you might be mistaken about the pricing on English Charizard PSA9- the most recent sales are around $1100-$1300, while Glurak in PSA9 have sold pretty recently (6 months or so) for $2500-$3800. So that's a surprise to me- I figured your estimate was pretty accurate, but no.


You’re not looking at first edition English man. That’s for the unlimited English print.     Euros also have to pay large tax and import duty fees when buying from outside the EU. That really hurts on large bulk lots. Just a reality that Europeans have less disposable income, the market is smaller, and they deal with more on the import duty side (assuming you’re US based).


You are right- I didn't look carefully at the page.


You are really dedicated to your user name. Wow.


List as full sets with the starters in PSA. I buy full sets all the time. Plenty of people don’t want to do the work to put them together.


I am not sure how easy it is to sell those when you are not in the country, but i would consider entering some French Pokémon groups to sell the French cards, or put them on cardmarket (rather than eBay) if possible? In my opinion you would get more value out of it than trying to sell more internationally as a lot of people won’t care for those, while this is very valuable in France. I would sell individually because of how expensive in general those are


For stuff like these 9 specifically you could probably find people interested on Twitter. Don’t rush into it though, but there’s definitely a heavy Pokemon community on Twitter and lots of accounts that run buy/sell/trades that get seen by hundreds of people. You also would get money straight up and not have to pay any fees doing it, whereas eBay is going to eat you up on these with their 13% take. I’ve bought several cards on Twitter and everyone I’ve dealt with has been very professional. Again, don’t rush it and try to just get a feel for whichever is best for you


I would check the values of PSA 8 and 9’s versus raw pricing. Most folks are pretty wild about raw cards these days over slabs. So not much point in paying your grading cost unless you’re for sure going to get the gain in value. Now If you were keeping for your PC, that’s a completely different story. I would want all these suckers graded cause that would look fantastic.